.. --;;;,~i~~:~¥t~G~~l\ ... BE;f;t . ,6, __ 195D . -.A:ii.tql'l e~euoo I lot. Fair! ' ~t the Uriiver­ Salutations. ·.ft . 1 . ,.:. Go Forward six freshmen ..:' 1 ~~'. ' ' • •' . ~ . - ' hazing upper New Tassels ·nu··. With that the men l"''"- . 1ba Phi-took Members ~ Reyno Ida >er classman, ' t r upper. class­ ut of the city <Jt. e~ l!ik ~~ M~"'· * ing beside the billfolds, A ' * 4056 * Wake Forest, N. Monday, November 13, 1950 Telephone 'Volumne XXXVI, Number 8 c., * (e fined three --------------------~-------------------------------------- 0 each for dis- ) New Tasselsi. Members !lnd Students Trustees Ask Convention Wake Forest's .Deacons Top To l liege: 3ene Scheer L J!rateful ap­ {ind expres- For Authority ToG~ Forward Duke's Blue Devils 13-7; With Building At Rey~olda Miller, Scarton Spark Win .Board Wants To Start Deacons Score Early In G.ame; ·watch Blue Devils IE! -Building When Deem· Move Out Front 7-6 And Then Call On Davis FREEMAN TO SPEAK ed Wise To Pass To Lewis For Winning Margin Dr. Douglas Southall Free­ A request for authorization to man, distinguished author and By WILEY WARREN go ahead'·with the building of the lecturer, will speak in the Col­ Wake Forest's De·mon Deacons battled Duke's Blue Devils home to .Reynolda campus as soon as it is lege Cha!lel on. Tueaday even­ and a slow drizzling rain for sixty wet minutes Saturday after­ deerried wise will be made by the ing, Nov. 21, at 8 o'clock. noon and when the final gun had sounded, 30,000 shivering . Wake Forest College Board of Dr. Freeman is a nationally spectators watched coach Wall ace Wade march to the middle m. 'Trustees to the State Baptist Con- known figure because. of his· of the field to congratulate coach Peahead \Yalker on a well­ vention Wednesday, ' books, particularly those on Robert E. Lee. earned 13-7 triumph. It marked the third successive year that The Convention is meeting at football's "Mr. Color" has scored the First Baptist Church in Dur­ It is hoped that students and any others who may care to at­ STATISTICS a victory' over the gridiron's "Old ham tomorrow through Thursday. Master." Dr. Orion F: Mixon, president of tend, will hear Dr. Freeman WF DUKE I 7 :k or money ±he Convention will preside over when he visits the campus. First downs 14 The winning score came with the expected 2,000 or 3,000 dele­ Yds. Gained Rush 221 84 only two minutes remaining in gates. Dr. J. Winston Pearce is Yds. Lost Rush 20 26 the opening half. Quarterback Net Yds. Rush 201 58 Dickie Davis, who makes a habit l'his amount the host pastor. Passes Attempted 17 16 of throwing touchdown passes, The Convention will be marked 6 hy three addresses by Wake For­ College_ Sends Passes completed 9 faded to his right and found end .est President Harold W. Tribble, Yds. Gained Pass 131 89 Jack Lewis in the open on the 1 20, hitting the Deac flankman year. including his speech on Christian Passes intercepted 2 .Education which will be the big Fumbles by 1 2 with a game-winning toss which Fumbles covered 0 1 -covered 43 yards. meeting's main address. ~ay Delegates · Line Play Great Olive To Request Once again it was a sparkling The request by the Board of Wake Forest Representa­ team win for the Walkermen. 'Trustees that the Convention au­ tives Attend Coll,ege There ,:.vere many Deacon stars on Pictured above are the four coeds who were tapped into 'l'assels, honorar; leader~hip 'society for wo­ Bland Na.med the field Saturday. The big Bap­ thorize them to begin construction men at Wake Forest. last Monday. They are left to right, Jewell Livingstone, Betty Hawks, Jo Hunter, .of buildings on the new campus as Days Over State tist line, which refused to allow and Ruth Anne Weathers. All girls are seniors. Mis!<i· Lh·ingstone is outstanding in publications, Miss the Blue Devil ball-carriers a con­ .son as they consider it wise to do Wake Forest College is taking Hawks in music and government, Miss Hunter in coe_d athletics and Miss \V&athers in scholarship and .so will be made by Judge Hubert siderable amount of yardage, turn­ Olive, president of the Board of an active part in the college days I religion. Frosh Prexy ed in one of its most impressive Trustees, on Wednesday morning performances to date. at 11:30 o'clock in his report to the ~~~~E.Ef!i~~;:~~ -1-"--ll--s--s--e-l.;._s__ S __ e_l_e __ c_,..t_s __ ·_4_. --C--o--e--d---L--e--a--"d--e--r--s-- Blackburn, Boyce Win Ends Ed McClure and Jack Convention on Wake Forest Col­ Posts In Run-Off Lewis, Tackles Jim Staton and Ed lege. Unless unexpected lengthy Listopad, guards Bob Auffarth and der to participate! ' · · " -discussion arises, the vote on thl' · Elections Bud Pickard were several Deacons vice-president of the W. R A., request will probably take place Grady S. Patterson, Registtrar, Livingston,·Hawks, Hun­ Are Honored For Scho· who came in for their share of treasurer of the Physical Educa­ James "Smokey" Bland, a fresh­ that morning. was the first representative of the the praise. I ter, Weathers Named tion Club for two years, cheer­ larship, Leadership And man football player from Raleigh, Along with Davis, backfield In his report, Judge Olive will college to be sent to such an event leader, May dance chairman, and ests _point out that since the present this fall. During the last of Oc­ To Honor Society Extracurric Activities was elected to the presidency of standouts included the Deacons 'Wake Forest College site has al­ editor of women's sports for the the Freshman Class by a large "Mr. Outside"-halfuack Guido tober he werit to Winston-Salem. By PAULA BALLEW Old Gold and Black. ready been sold to the Southern High Point and Durham. This she has been active in the Philo­ majority of votes on Thursday. He 'Scarton and fullback Bill Miller, :Baptist Convention, and since month, Dr.. John W. Nowell went Betty Hawks, Jo Hunter, Jewell She is a member of the Square mathesian Literary Society, Y.W. defeated Joe Durham, Kannapolis, "Mr. Inside," and halfback Nub .cash, commitments and other to Greensboro, Dr. H. S. Stroupe Livingstone and Rut h Anne Dance Club. At Coker she was ·a A., the Canterbury Club (serving the other candidate in the presi­ Smith. Miller carried the ball 28 dency run-off election, 161 to 80. _pledges for building at Reynolda to Salisbury, Dr. and Mrs. Perci­ Weathers were tapped for mem- member of the crew team, Captain as secretary last year), the Little times and gained 114 yards, while .already total $7,500,000, and since val Perry to Concord and Char­ bership in Tassels, honorary lead- of the swimming t~am, a member Theater, W.R.A., and the Social Craig Blackburn, Reidsville, an­ running mate Scarton, who seem­ the Trustees believe that the cam-· fotte and'beaii D. B. Bfyan ·to ership society for women, during- ·of the tennis' tii'i.llil. a· msmber of Standards Committee of the Wom­ other fresh football standout, de-: ingly was determined never to hit -paign for further donations will be Fayetteville. the Chapel program Monday the Physical Education Club, an's Government. feated his two opponents in the the ground, picked up 89 yards. morning. served. on the athletic council. greatly enhanced by the early be­ Talking Opportunity Religious Activities second freshman election by a Smith, a splendid sophomore sen-. Betty Hawks, a senior from was freshman commlSSlOner, a wide margin. He received 122 sation last year, at times looked _ginning of construction, the Trus­ During college day, the seniors Ruth Anne Weathers, a senior tees recommend, that the Conven­ Louisville, Ky., has been active in member of I.RC., a member of votes, which was more than the like the Nub of old and netted a and juniors have an opportunity to from Stanley, has been outstand­ tion authorize therp to begin con­ a number of campus activities, in- the Modern Club, one of the combined total of the opposition. total of 44 yards in eight trips. talk to the representatives of the eluding the Opera Work Shop, Queen Bess Players, and sports ing in the field of religious i~etivi­ Bill Hedrick, Raleigh, with 66, and Score Early .struction on the new site as soon various state colleges and some ties. At present she is president :as they deem it wise. taking leading roles in "Only editor of Periscope, campus news­ Eleanor Geer, Boone, with 51, ac­ Wake Forest scored early in the out-of-the-state ones. Anywhere Girl," "Sorcerer," and "The Bar- pa_!ler. She also took part in the of Y.W.A. She has been vice­ counted for the other ballots in game on a 70-yard march which Tribble Addresses Pastors from 20 to 40 colleges may be rep- tered Bride." She has served as May Day dances, and was a mem­ president, group captain and sec­ the vice-presidency election. was climaxed when Scarton went Although the Convention proper resented. The conferences are social chairman for Beta Beta Beta, ber of the Biology Club. retary in B.T.U. She has been off left tackle for five :yards and active in the Sunday School for In the closely contested race for <does not begin until tomorrow, usually held in the library where representative to the Student Publications Head secretary-treasurer, Gene Boyce, a touchdown.
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