Louisiana Directory of Radio served: 914,700 Law Firm: Cohn & Marks. Format: News/talk. News: talk. News: 2 hm wkly. Target aud: 30 plus. Fred P. Westenberger, Educational Media Foundation. (acq 11 -1 -2006; grpsl). Natl. Network: 30 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 plus; affluent, educated, professional. pres; Eric Westenberger, gen mgr. K-Love. Format: Contemp Christian. *Richard Jenkins, pres. Daniel Frazier, gen mgr. WWL(AM)- Mar 31, 1922: 870 khz; 50 kw-U, DA -1. TL: N29 50 14 WKBU(FM)- February 1953: 95.7 mhz; 100 kw. 984 ft TL: N29 5511 W90 07 55. Firs open: 24 1450 Poydras, Suite 500, 70112. Phone: North Fort Polk W90 01 29. Stereo. Hm opn: 1450 Poydras, Suite 500, 70112. Phone: (504) 593-6376. Fax: (504) 593 -1850. Web Site: www.wwl.com. (504) 593 -6376. Fax: (504) 593 -1850. E -mail: [email protected] Licensee: Entercom New Orleans License LLC. Group owner: Entercom KUMX(FM)- May 10, 1995: 106.7 mhz; 6 kw. 328 It TL: N31 03 46 Web Site: bayou957.com. Licensee: Entercom New Orleans License Communications Corp. (acq 12- 13 -99; grpsl). Population served: W93 16 11. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24 168 KWP Dr., Leesville, 71446. LLC. Group owner: Entercom Communications Corp. (acq 12-13-99; 1,022,800 Natl. Network: CBS. Natl. Rep: D & R Radio. Format: Phone: (337) 537 -9000. Fax: (337) 537-4152. Web Site: rash. Law Firm: Latham & Watkins. Format: Classic Rods. Target News/talk, sports. Ken Beck, gen mgr & opns mgr; Malcolm Pelham, www.kumx1067.com. Licensee: West Central Broadcasting Co. Inc. aud: 25 -54. Patrick Galloway, gen sls mgr; Mike Kaplan, progmg dir; sls dir & prom dir; Diane Newman, progmg dir & progmg mgr; Mark (acq 3 -8-02; $208,000). Population served: 50,000 Natl. Network: Dave Cohen, news dir; Joe Polka!, chief of engrg. Broudreaux, gen sis mgr & news dir; Joe Pollet, chief of engrg. ABC. Format: Christian. Target aud: 22-42. Roscoe Burwell, gen mgr. WLMG(FM)- Listing follows WWL(AM). WLMG(FM) -Co -owned with WWL(AM). Mar 15, 1970: 101.9 mhz; 100 kw. 984 ft TL: N29 55 11 W90 01 29. Stereo. 24 Web Site: www.magic1019.com.1,022,800 Format: Adult contemn. *Patrick Oak Grove WLNO(AM)- 1925: 1060 khz; 50 kw -D, 5 kw -N, DA -2. TL: N29 52 46 Galloway, gen sls mgr; Andy Holt, progmg dir & mus dir. W89 59 51. Stereo. Hm opn: 24 401 Whitney Ave., 4160, Gretna, KWCL -FM- Jan 30, 1973: 96.7 mhz; 23 kw. 341 ft TL: N32 51 70056. Phone: (504)36Q-9800. Fax (504) 362-5541. E{rad: who @i-55.com Mt 32 W91 21 22. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24 Box 260, 71263. Secondary Web Site: www.wino.com. Licensee: Conrnunicom Co. of Louisiana 'WWNO(FM)- Feb 20, 1972: 89.9 mhz; 85 kw vert. Ant 748 ft TL: address: 230 E. Main St. 71263. Phone: (318) 428 -9670. Fax: (318) L.P. 1- (acq 25 -95; $700,000; FIR: 3- 20 -95). Population served: N29 55 11 W90 01 29. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24 Univ. of New Orleans, 428-2476. E -mail: kwcl @bellsoulh.net Licensee: KWCL -FM Broadcasting 1,100,000 Format: Christian, Religious. Target aud: General. *Carl 2000 Lakeshore Dr., 70148. Phone: (504) 280 -7000. Fax: (504) Co. Inc. (acq 12- 10 -90). Population served: 2,500 Natl. Network: ABC, DiMaria, CEO, gen mgr & opns dir. 280-6061. E -mail: info ®wwno.org Web Site: www.wwno.org. Licensee: Jones Radio Networks. Law Firm: Miller & Miller. Format: Good time Louisiana State University. Population served: 1,300,000 Nati. Network: oldies. News staff: one; News: 17 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. PRI, NPR. Wire Svc: AP Format: Class, news jazz. News: 39 hrs wkly. WNOE -FM- Sept 15, 1968: 101.1 mhz; 100 kw. 1,004 ft TL: N29 58 Irene Robinson, pres & gen mgr; Kelley Lovell, progmg dir & disc Target aud: 35 plus; well -educated professionals, mgrs, artists & art 57 W89 57 09. Stereo. Hm apn: 24 929 Howard Ave., 70113. Phone: jockey. patrons. Chuck Miller, gen mgr; Ron C. Curtis, opns dir; Karen (504) 679 -7300. Fax: (504) 679 -7345. Web Site: www.wnoe.com. Anklam, dev dir & prom mgr; Fred Kasten, progmg dir. Licensee: Clear Channel Communications Inc. (group owner: Clear Channel Communiaction Inc. acq 1996; grpsq. Natl. Network: ABC, Oakdale Westwood One. Natl. Rep: Clear Law Firm: Vemer, Liipfert, Channel. WWOZ(FM)- Dec 6, 1980: 90.7 mhz; 19 w. 279 ft TL: N29 57 01 Bernhard, McPherson & Hand. Format: Country. News staff: one. W90 09 16. (CP: 4 kw, ant 508 ft. TL: N29 57 24 W90 04 31). Stereo. KKST(FM)- 1972: 98.7 mhz; 48 kw. Ant 1,053 ft TL: N31 01 59 W92 Target aud: 25-54. *Dick Lewis, gen mgr; Michael Scott, gen sls mgr; Hm opn: 24 Box 51840, 70151. Secondary address: 1008 N. Peters Ron Brooks, 30 08. Stereo. Hm opn: 24 1515 Texas Ave., Alexandria, 71301. progmg dir; Tom Courtney, chief of engrg. 70116. Phone: (504) 568 -1239. Phone: (504) 568 -1238. Fax: (504) Phone: (318) 445 -1234. Fax: (318) 445 -7231. E -mail: 558 -9332. E -mail: wwozOawoz.org Web Site: www.wwoz.org. Licensee: chad ®cenlabroadcasting.com Web Site: www.cenlabroadcasting.com. Friends of WWOZ Inc. (acq 10- 14 -86). Law Firm: Garvey, Schubert & WODT(AM)- July 23, 1923: 1280 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -1. TL: N29 53 43 Licensee: Cenla Broadcasting Licensing Co. LLC. Group owner: Clear Barer. Format: Jazz, rhythm and blues. News: 5 hrs wkly. Target aud: W90 00 16. Stereo. Hm opn: 24 929 Howard Ave., 70113. Phone: Channel Communications Inc. (acq 11-13-2006; grpsh. Population 35 -55; upscale & educated males. David Freedman, gen mgr; (504) 679 -7300. Fax: (504) 679-7345. Web Site: sportsradio1280.com. served: 150,000 Format: Urban hip hop. News staff: one; News: 20 hrs Dwayne Breashears, progmg dir. Licensee: Clear Channel Radio Licenses Inc. Group owner: Clear wkly. Target aud: 18 -49; women. Taylor Thompson, gen mgr. Channel Communications Inc. (acq 7- 24 -92). Population served: 1,000,000 Natl. Network: ESPN Radio. Law Firm: Riley & Fielding. WWWL(AM)- Apr 21, 1925: 1350 khz; 5 kw -U, DA-2. TL: N29 55 27 Format: Sports. News: one hr wkly. Target aud: 35 general. plus; W90 02 04. Hm open: 24 1450 Poydras, Suite 500, 70112. Phone: Opelousas *Dick Lewis, gen mgr, Michael Scott, sls dir; Bruce Buchen, progmg (504) 593 -6376. Fax: (504) 593 -1850. Licensee: Entercom New dir; Richard Atwood, of engrg. chief Orleans License LLC. Group owner: Entercom Communications Corp. KFXZ -FM- Aug 3, 1989: 105.9 mhz; 3.4 kw. Ant 433 ft TL: N30 27 (acq 12-13-99; grpsl). Population served: 593,471 Format: Talk, 53 W92 04 31. Hrs open: 3225 Ambassador Caffery Pkwy., Lafayette, sports. Ken Beck, gen mgr; Malcolm Pelham, gen mgr & sls dir; WOUE -FM-Co -owned with WODT(AM). Jan 1, 1949: 93.3 mhz; 93 70506. Phone: (337) 993 -5500. Fax: (337) 993 -5510. E -mail: Mark Broudreaux, gen sls mgr; Diane Newman, progmg dir; Joe kw. 459 ft TL: N29 57 24 W90 04 31. (CP: 100 kw, ant 984 ft. TL: N29 kfxzthpittmanbroadcastng.com Web Site: www.myspace.com/1059thefox. Pullet, chief of engrg. 55 11 W90 01 29). Stereo. 24 Web Site: www.g93.com.2,000,000 Licensee: Pittman Broadcasting Services LLC (group owner; (acq Bell, gen Format: Urban contemp. Nate sls mgr & progmg dir. 1 -28 -2004; grpsl). Format: Country legends. Charles Sagona, gen WYLD(AM)- 1949: 940 khz; 10 kw -D, 500 w -N, DA -2. TL: N29 54 00 mgr. W90 00 17. Hm open: 24 929 Howard Ave., 70113. Phone: (504) WRBH(FM)- 1980: 88.3 mhz; 54 kw. 600 It TL: N29 57 01 W89 57 679 -7300. Fax: (504) 679 -7343. Web Site: www.am940.com. Licensee: 29. Hrs open: 24 3606 Magazine St., 70115. Phone: (504) 899.1144. KOGM(FM)-Listing follows KSLO(AM). Clear Channel Radio Licenses Inc. Group owner: Clear Channel Fax: (504) 8991165. E -mail: wrbh8830gmad.com Web Site: www.wrbh.og. Communications Inc. (acq 3- 25 -93; FTR: 3- 20 -95). Population served: Licensee: Radio for the Blind and Print Handicapped Inc. Format: 593,471 Natl. Network: ABC, Westwood One. Natl. Rep: Clear KSLO(AM)- September 1947: 1230 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N30 W92 Radio reading svc, news. News: 28 hrs wkly. Target aud: Blind & print 3131 Channel, Law Firm: Wiley, Rein & Fielding. Format: Gospel. Target handicapped. Natalia Gonzales, gen mgr, Jackie Bullock, progmg 06 17. Hrs open: 5 AM -11 PM Box 1150, 70571 -1150. Secondary aud: 25 -54. Dick Lewis, gen mgr. dir; Ernie Kain, chief of engrg. address: 216 N. Court St. 70570. Phone: (337) 942 -2633. Fax: (337) 942 -2635. Licensee: KSLO Broadcasting Co. Inc. Population served: 516,000 Format: Country. Penny Smith, pres; Chris Lemke, gen mgr WYLD -FM- 1971: 98.5 mhz; 100 kw. 984 ft TL: N29 55 11 W90 01 WRNO -FM- Oct 17, 1967: 99.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,004 ft TL: N29 & progmg dir; Walley LeBlanc, chief of engrg; Jay Miller, traf mgr. 29. (CP: Ant 902 ft.). Stereo. 24 Web Site: www.wyldtrn.com.1,000,000 58 57 W69 57 09. Stereo. Hm opn: 929 Howard Ave., 70113. Phone: Format: Urban adult contemp. News staff: 2; News: 5 hm wkly. (504) 679 -7300. Fax: (504) 679-7345. Web Site: www.thenew995fm.com. KOGM(FM) -owned with KSLO(AM). 18, 1965: 107.1 Licensee: Clear Channel Broadcasting Licenses Inc. Group owner: -Co June mhz; 3 kw.
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