HUTCHIES’ HUTCHINSON BUILDERS 1912 2012 100 YEARS A BI-MONTHLY NEWSLETTER FOR HUTCHINSON BUILDERS OCTOBER 2012 Iconic Ikon on track for Melbourne HUTCHIES has started work on a 10-storey landmark residential complex, to be known as the Ikon apartments, On site for the sod turning ceremony in June were (from left) Tania Orr, general manager adjacent to the Glen Waverley railway station in east property VicTrak; Peter Helfer, Hutchies’ business development/design manager; Councillor Melbourne. Greg Male; Bob McDonald, CEO VicTrak; Terry Mulder, State Transport Minister; Michael VicTrak is working with Hutchies and Consolidated Stojkovic, Hutchies’ Victorian manager; and David Sinclair, Consolidated Properties. Properties on the project which comprises 116 apart- ments, nine strata-titled office suites and 1,000 square metres of retail space. State Minister for Transport, Terry Mulder, attended the sod turning ceremony in June, with the $35 million project due for comple- tion late next year. Hutchies value-added to the project by working with the development team in the design phase to reduce building costs. This aspect of the project included engi- neering of the substructure to accommodate future railway tunnelling. Construction challenges include constrained access to the site, with footpaths, roads, train station and bus interchange creating high levels of pedestrian traffic. There is also an adjacent live rail corridor. The project team is led by Izad Samsudin, senior project manager, and includes Sam Gallagher, contract administrator, Kate Slat- tery, junior contracts administrator, Cameron Artist’s impression of Ikon apartments, being built by Hutchies adjacent to the Glen Waverley Madden, site manager, and Harry Kotsinadelis, railway station in east Melbourne. structures foreman. Grins all round GRINSPOON met Prime Minister Julia Gillard, who was keen for a chat and a photo, when they met backstage at the gig for Hutchies’ Centenary Celebrations at the RNA Showgrounds in Brisbane. The band has finished mixing a new album, Black Rabbits, and it was rumoured Ms Gillard might guest-rap a verse on the new release. Another rumour has Phil Jamieson following rock star Peter Garrett into the House of Reps, which could attract a new audi- ence for question time on the ABC. Once again, we have to wait and see! Meanwhile, appearances by Grinspoon and Julia Gillard at Hutchies’ Centenary Celebrations can be seen immediately at ... Grinspoon met with Prime Minister Julia Gillard at Hutchies’ Centenary Party http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gL_QV7p8qJ0. in Brisbane. (PHOTO: Amy Hopes) HUTCHIES’ From the Managing IT would be an understatement to say Director the resource sector has softened. All that you are seeing and reading in the media is absolutely true – the market has just slumped overnight. to rely on the capacity of the builder Nevertheless, Hutchies has a reason- to withstand the usual impacts of ably balanced book of work spread events that are synonymous with dete- evenly between traditional construc- riorating markets, reduced turnover, The Port Curtis Co-operative Dairy Association was a major tion in all states and territories and the tight margins and cash flow pressures. client for Hutchies in 1939. resource sector spread across gas, coal Hutchies’ $200M strong balance sheet and iron ore in the Surat Basin, Bowen provides a high degree of comfort Spreading the word on Basin and Pilbara. during these times. For the 2012/13 year, we have Another dynamic in the current a $1.2B order book which we are world revolves around industrial rela- Queensland’s butter focused on delivering. However, tions. There is not much doubt the HUTCHIES played a major beyond 2012/13, in anticipation of a building trades group of unions has role in exporting Australian HHISTORYISTORY ‘less than booming’ economic climate ‘upped the ante’ in the marketplace butter to the world in 1939. as the impacts of the deteriorating making things a little more demanding The popularity of Queens- The new building went resource sector take affect, we have than usual. land butter with overseas into operation in 1935 but reset our plans to maintain revenue Hutchies’ industrial relations philos- consumers resulted in a was unable to keep up with and profits. ophy is to be open and fair in our major contract for Hutchies the growing world demand Fortunately, Hutchies has a good dealings and to nurture and look after near Gladstone. for Australian export butter. geographical footprint across Australia, our 1250 strong workforce as best we The Port Curtis Dairy On March 16, 1939 the operates in all segments of the market possibly can. Co-operative Association Association decided to and is able to quickly redirect focus to We believe working from this plat- issued a £12,434 contract proceed with the erection suit conditions of the day. form provides all of the stakeholders to Hutchies on March of further buildings to hold Of course, this requires our people in the industrial process with a 23, 1939 to build a butter another 40,000 boxes of to be flexible and prepared to travel proportionately equitable opportunity storage facility. butter. to locations not previously on their to contribute to the Company’s and The need to store butter Tenders were called and radar screen. This is, however, a sign its workers’ well-being. We consider for export taxed the Associ- a contract was awarded to of the times. this approach to doing business also ation’s facilities in 1934 and Hutchies a week later on Interestingly, despite the economic provides a high degree of certainty for the Board obtained share- March 23. environment, Hutchies continues our clients. holders’ consent to spend The Port Curtis Dairy to receive plenty of opportunities in All in all, Hutchies is situated pretty £7000 for provision of Co-operative Association the private sector. We suspect our well, but the next couple of years look additional storage on land buildings are now heritage- strong financial position is attractive like being pretty tough. leased from the Railway listed and are currently to developers and their financiers in – Greg Quinn, Department adjacent to the undergoing refurbishment times when it is so vital to be able Managing Director Gladstone factory. and restoration. Speedy takeaway span well done before lunch ROME wasn’t built in a day Vanessa King, quality ... but it could have been, if manager and capital Hutchies had been around works project manager for with its speedy bridge redevelopment at the Royal building techniques. Hobart Hospital, said to Hutchies’ Tasmanian crew have a plan and carry it out recently started work on a is simple in theory, but often new 30-metre air bridge in difficult in practice. Hobart at 6am and had it “It’s also so satisfying when finished well before lunch. achieved – as Hutchinson The bridge spans busy Builders and crew did,” she Argyle Street and links the said. Royal Hobart Hospital with “From a client perspective, new $12 million outpatient I thought the teamwork clinics in the Wellington displayed was a highlight. Centre. Hutchies worked very well The 30-tonne walkway was in place by 11am after together and worked well the 20-strong construction A morning shift had the new 30-metre pedestrian bridge over with the subcontractors. team closed off the street Argyle Street, Hobart, in place before lunchtime. “The big things went as earlier that morning. planned and little things that Hutchies’ construction prefabricated in Launceston concern, but it all went to minimum disruption to the arose were communicated, manager, Michael White, and shipped to Hobart’s plan and it is not often you public,” he said. addressed and solved. said prefabrication was the Macquarie Wharf before see a bridge built in the city The public will be able to “It was great to see people secret to the bridge’s speedy being lifted into place over in a day. use the bridge at the end of perform so well and for them success. Argyle Street,” said Michael. “It was built off site, not the year when the new clinics to be justly proud of what “The air bridge was “Wind was our main only for speed, but also for are open for business. they achieved.” 2 HUTCHIES’ CCornerstoneornerstone LLivingiving sstartstarts takingtaking sshapehape HUTCHIES has started construc- construc taking the first steps towards delivdeliv- tion on the $400 million Corner- ering what will become a show- stone Living project in southside case project for Brisbane in terms Brisbane’s Coopers Plains. of private enterprise, local govern- The master-planned affordable ment and the community working Artist’s impression of stage one of the Cornerstone Living project – the housing community for Consoli- together to rejuvenate an estab- construction of a community centre to be known as The Corner. dated Properties will be the first lished suburb within proximity of “We are also communicating as the first building so the commu- in Australia to be built around the city heart.” directly with residents who are nity feels like they have some existing privately owned homes. Mr O’Rorke said Cornerstone currently living within the redevel- ownership,” he said. Consolidated Properties intends Living would prove to be trans- opment footprint and have been On completion, Cornerstone to pay up to $60 million over formative for the Coopers Plains working alongside the Department Living will include about 1000 the next 10 years to the Queens- community. of Housing to ensure these people apartments and terrace houses land Government to buy vacant “It will introduce contempo- receive information about the with a mix of one, two and three- state-owned land and about 50 rary, high quality housing; it will tenant relocation program which bedrooms. public housing properties within inject more affordable product will take place over the next 10 As part of the agreement with the the 10-hectare site.
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