Stallmigs'campi - 3 3 NewI housing affordabability ' oaign ads ito get toLugh on Hiansen— ) ina*.; 1977177-100 . _ ^y5u.cimmjess i p e p J E A r e a hlo m e s s ^ i r : - i••• — ....... “ in t \wo I ahc - m o u t o f IreM /iV ^ r■ i j l ' ' K-A Li/A -l C 3 1 2 Z S : ’ 78 TB -BO -fll M ____________ r L » v£ -,- > ^ c : t y ' U T _____ f f f ! Te:< 4p«filni;. 4 i 79th year, No. 225 TwlnFallsMs, Idaho Sundinday. August 12.1984 Illecgal ml i g r a nitsjfoirm shladovW W O Ir k f o r[ i c e Z EDITOR'S NOTE:rE:Mitoday'spaper,Tho — ' T h eyiy are spuUiem Idaho’s shadovdow work Occaslonaliim lly. Uie illegals w ill find eco n o m ic d e v elo p m e rn t, t ^ U nlled S ta le s c o n ------- Tlmes-News lookssat at Magic Valley's migrant fo rc e., DC uring Uie month of August.’St. w h en th e • c o m fo rta b lete housingti in old hom esteads oro r e x p e c t a c o n tin u edJ nnoi o rth e m m ig ra tio n , populaUon. In Augusgust, this group peaked in A n a iy sSIS i .. f a r m lalabor season hits ils peak, U.SJ.S . w ell-k e p t bjarracks. a n Bul more oflen, theyy w\ in d a lU iough re fo rm off Im m ig ratio n la w s m lglit ' . sizelnconjancllonwn with area farming needs. ■ Im m iggration r officials say an esllmm ta te d 10.000 ^up liv in g InidllaDldatodsiiacks. dll discardedMi ___h e lp to s to n c h Uie flov.flow . _____________^___________ Reporter Hal ^mvton to. Interviewed , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ “ T lle g a1 l a lie n s flrfd w ork on abo u t l1,800 , « f a rm s g ra in b in s,, oro r otJierslapdash housing. In so u U ie m Id ah10. o , mn o si of ih e Ille g als w ork Im m l^ a tlo n offlclali:lals for the following s c a tt c;red n from Bliss east to the WycW yoming •‘W e fin d1 ththem i living in tjar a g e s , p ig hoilOuses, large corporaterate or family-managed ^P^nllfnmntmv/trvy fl -------------------aqjiIysIsoHhelUesw ---------- MigraHtsMi’-living------------------- b o rd eX-------------------------------------------- r. - ‘ ‘ ' s h e e p binsTchTchickcnpcnswlnTmythlngcIi series by correspona ral labor-lnlenslvef^rlnl ^ e n t Sarah Murphy begins ! ille g a ls so m e tim es m e n a g[clofind e li - Uial theoreticjllcaliy comes under the genera irlnkler-piiwifTigatldn ’ ; on P a g cB l a nd (ocas>casesonlhe living ' conditions prob5b e d - B l Thcii ys ■ r a lh e r lh a n g r a v ity fic d ecent-il-paying Jobs such as milkingngcows classificationIon of a building.” Stenger says y flow flood system s, . ............... conditions an d langu. r a i_____ Slensorsays,_________ iguageproblems faced by I II. 11. ■■■. feed inIg g cattle or drivint’ Iractora^; E^crslncetc e th e \%i de m ise .Q fih & fe d cra m igrant farm w rketrkers. ■“^iracero"’ ppr ro g ra m . w hlch allo w ed U.S, Smaller, stngle-famfam ily fa rm s m a k e m uch tlH Tlm m an carg o or a n in teematlonal rn frei^t _ But jrm o re o ften th a n not. Uicy e n d u p _______ f a r m c r e > i' m im port.M exlcan la b o r., the.EQDorticr less use of illegal laboiBtwr. a n d w hen Ih e v tto.__ _ ------------- ^ByHAIfBERNTON- ............. ....... ..... ' I - ■ se rv ic e ;--------------- ;----------------- m ovinghgirrlgatfon pipeor pcrformitTiirig o th e r P a tr o l h a s fouglitfou a losing batU e to c u rb the'th owners^firRreaTDieth e w o o e r s b e lle r, S t e n g e r ' • - :........ Tim es-N eivs writer-er.-------------------------- ------------------- -------M ost co m e fro m W e x lc o5. sisig n in g avi^ay-ujHo—la b o riolous i farm-ldskMtsub-rainlmim u m -w ag es------ flow-oMllogaligalslnUUhe-UnltcdSlales--------________s a y s.___________ ■ ^ SGQOinfuturewagesforUieple privilege of the ' rangintin g fro m $2 lo $3 p e r hour, s aly y s J a m e s ____ _ Today, therh e re aro an e stim a te d U iree to}slx s Stcngercltes'UieBelI Beil R a p id s Irrig a tio n --------• • T W IN F A I.L S —-They Ti arrive Jn southem===^ ■ — crampedrideriorthfAfewm:rm akethe longtrek— StengerBrragcnW n^hargc aruicTwiv /in — ^------------ miiiioinilcgaifial-Mextcan-ft’orkers inlheTJnlW ied~project nearHagerma•manrtheWendeii-Goodlng— ~ Id a h o fa rm field s pac pa ck e d a w a y In th e b a c k o f ___— lo Id ah o fro m C e n tra l and.evjI ev e n South________ F a l|s-b»Jwscd ImmigcalionandJ^aluiiluralizallon ___ States. As Me;Mexlco^cxploding population-n---------- arca^-southeastem GoiC a ssia C ou n ly a n d -------------------- iJiiuravmiiTvi ServTceL’tio h ic e . growth cohliniitinues to o u lstrip flie n a tio n 'sr \, T S e e H R(JlUWSoaPageA2 n C ~ i s l v s J W ^Batt t i e — r t e r i e s — - ^ s t r r l n r t h e fces^r W c l al i i m e d Red Seyea mystery; continues T h e A sso c iated P re■ess ss T h o u sasands i of Moslem pilgrims an --------------r - Ira v eiling lin In llie Red Sea al this timi E by I r a q 'ff'P S llsh c a rg o sh.ipshi] struck a mine of yeana r to th e holy citie s o f M e c c a am TheAssociatc(a te d P r e s s • near the southern en(end of the Red Sea Medinanain Saudi Arabia. on: Saturday and nd the _ explosion The-; United- Stales,' France am V ^ h I 'MANAMA,'!lA'liiiraln ^ Ira ^ a ^ stopped the ship deaddea In-thc^lor, Britainin have agreed lo Egyptian1 re-re shot down threethn of Iran's U.S.-made — the official PolishI nenews agency PAP questss Jo _ assist in mine-clearlnj fi - P-141etfishteihters and sunk five Iranian -------------- r e p o r t e d r I f s a l dI UUic ■ siro n g b l a i > t ~ o ^ a ljiio i c iis In th e se a a h d lKe 150-150 !& w a r s h ip s SatUiIatu rd a y in a m a jo r a ir and, extensively damagcijged engine room mlie-loniong Suez Gulf, at the northenic m ■ b a ttlele wwlUi Iran at ihenorthem • pipes, bul caused noilTOinlurles,- - end off 11Uie sea. The gulf flows intoI thth( e g reoches'oftheth e P e rs ia n G ulf, Shipping sources2s In1 Jid d a , S au d i lOO-mllc ille-long Suez Ganal, which link!in k s > r T I ^ A mllltai7ary spokesman said on A rabia, rcached by t< ly telephone by T h e th e Re<le<l S e a a n d th e M e d ite rra n e a n , K . V XBagROZnritzrdlCsdio U iat Uic I ra n ia n F-14s A sso c ia te d P r e s s In Bahrain, con- Two0 Fronch1 minesweepers and^ | § p lu n g e d in to Uth e ^ f In fla m e s a n d Uie f i r m e d th c e x p lo sioon n ia b o ard lh e Jozef- s u p p o r t ) rt sliip le ft l]ie port, of T o u lo n or ” . F_. five naval targetstarj were “burning and - WyblckI and satd nit tpokt place aboul. Frim y ly for the Red Sea. and fouifour ^ ^ “ sinking in gulfgui waters” In the battle ISO m ile s n o r th o f t )f the 17-mile-wide - Britishih minesweepersi Wca* expectctcted thnt bei^an1 at dawn In-Khor Mousa ---------------- Bab^KMamtelMlrall: m raltsrwlHdHlnk-Ute—ttnrrriv -----------Creek, whlcyric^Tleads to me Iranian port • - - :.-IndlanOceanandUie Uie Red Sear: — ^ncsday.- 4 ^ ......... ofBandarKhoiOiomelnl. ........ ... __________ It was the latest esl In a series of- The; I.United States is sending thth( c iraqsaldlht} Uie battle Insteri fnr moiy Iicjoiis- lilVolvlng- N avyV's ampnibious transport doc>lo c ir : ^ ----------f — 1. V U ia n fo u r lwo u u rs r . c o m m c rc ia l ship: hips ■ In lhe Shrevep'eport, which Is expected to ar y ^ Thc dally/ frar communique carried 1.450-fnile-long Red S td S ea, a v ita l ship- r lv c Inn thet Red Sea in midw eek will-v ilh - by Iran's lsiIslamic Republic News-— ^ ping route connecllniItlng Europe to the four r mine-hunlhig Sea Slalllor A g e n c y m aid d e ino m e n tio n o f U ie 'b attle - P e r s ia n G u lf a n d S j Soutli and East helicoptijplers aboard.....................
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