Mabel R. Gillis, Librarian California Stelte Library Sacramento 9, California Ptsisidiwyt Awards:Cammisaions #2 1 a Dal Jose fate College Volume XXXVII San Jae, ta, ornia, Monday, June 20, 1949 Number 158 Remember State Consider September Football Council Will Dates, Says Stewart Department Budgets "Mark down .:Sapt. 10, 17, and Departmental budgets totaling $91,000 will occupy the attention 24 in your date, book," says Glen Stewart, rally rAlommittee chair- of the Student Council in its final meeting of Spring quarter tonight man. in the Student Union at 4:30. According to ASB President Don "There will be three big games," Schaeffer the budgets have gone through the Board of Control and he explained fraiday, "and all can are scheduled for temporary approval tonight by the council. Various torward to a 'big show' at the look department budget breakdowns game in the Spartan stadium first will be examined and compared Whica will haves Mexican theme. with last year's requests, but they On September It rivalry with the will not be set definitely until next Indiatts will be contin- Stanford year, Schaeffer said. ued in their stadium. Song girls Frosh, Get Numbers Freshman award winners may will- be preset along with the Will Consider Golf Request time exchange their unmatched num- bancl and majorettes. At this The Spartan golf team's request "Head" will erals for matched ones in the the new Spartan for funds amounting to $1400 to appearance." Men's gym this week. make its cover expenses involved in a trip Students ase asked to wear to the NCAA matches to be .held in Ames, Iowa, June 27-July 2, will a. a as white shirts and rooter's caps, and be considered. The golf team will &MC President T. W. MacQuar- the recent commissioning exer- sit in the center section. Nineteen Miss Ruth Baldwin be good be defending champions at the rie Is shown awarding Robert cises, 38 senior ROTC Ca- forty-eight ASH cards will games. Iowa tournament. Bermettler the rank of lieuten- dets received their lieutenan- for both of throw To Leave Faculty ant, U.S. Amy, reserve, During cies. Last but n(4 least will be the Miss Ruth Baldwin, instructor An informal report of a tour game with Santa Clara here on In librarianship and assistant in through the local Doctors hospital the 24th which will be the first in the library's reference room, left undertaken by Schaeffer, Mr. E. over 10 yea4 Card stunts are San Jose State oollege today for W. Clements, council faculty ad- planned for t game, and Stew- Los Angeles, according to Miss %liter, and members of the council Place asks for thusiastic support, Joyce Backus, head librarian. Miss will be made at tonight's meeting. Spartans art needed to this game a suc- Baldwin, who does not plan to re- turn to SJSC, will teach librarian- Purpose of the trip, made last cess. The r section will be Friday, was to examine facilities on the 50 yar line. "Let's all turn ship at the University of Southern California this summer, Miss- Ba- of the hospital that are included In NCAA Finals out in full fairee for these early in the proposed new health pro- germs!" Steward says. ckus said. By CARL UNDERWOOD gram now being considered for LOS ANGELES COLISEUMUniversity of Southern California In 1939,--Miss Baldwin received the student-bodya- her B.A. at Muskingum college, regained its long -lost NCAA track and field championship here Sat- Petitions Granted New Concord, Ohio; she received A 'requesh from the San Jose urday by amassing 55 2-5 points to easily outscore all foes. Some her B.S. (in library science) And -39 club to.award the Winner of 30,000 fans w5+ched the proceedings. To Record Number A.M. degrees from the University their scholarship a' free student body card from San Jose State San Jose State's four entrants, Bob Crowe, Woody Linn, Mel Mar.l tumber of 147 peti- of Illinois in 1940 and 1945 re- A record discussed by the Itin and George Nlattos, all placed spectively. college will be tions to c e examination sche- council. among the first six men in thelr dules ha sean this Miss Balchvin who came here Bill respeatia9 *sesta picked up Will Nominate Representative Will.Aid aod week,- -Dia ,easa,i1hree yeaes.ago,_ stated that she SACRAMENTO, June 17 (UM: 5 2-5 markers for the Spartans. Nomination of a student repre- mittee chairman, said yesterday. had no de fin ite plans after Ole A $100 million fluid to aidveter- finished teaching at USC this sum- sentative to the San Jose Junior homes and It was practically an all-Cali- ans in the purchase of Forty were granted to allow stu- mer. Chamber of Commerce will be by a bill fornia meet as UCLA with 31 and I farms would be created- dents to attend Summer Sessions made at the council meeting. Dick state- senate today. Stanford with 30 points followed passed by the at -oth- were ' nano and_Mi e 'k_homas have by-SeliaTar the'--Trojarnr in -team - TIT-6 measure, granted in order that some could been tentatively selected foi-Ecif1=--- It, Napa, provides Name Hage an F. Coombs, Bo6 Crowe led the Spartan find certain jobs, 27 for transpor- Is Your sideration, according to Schaeffer. for the issuance and sale of state quintet with a 5th good for two tation reasons, 16 for incomplete . to finance the program. The Will the following people please Social affairs by-laws and the bonds points in the 100-yard dash. Crowe makeups, 15 for those going to bill now goes to the assembly for see Glenn Stewart in the large book exchange contract are slated was pullitig up on the leaders as ROTC camps, 5 for students hav- inner room of the Student Union approval. to be dbelllised during tonight's he crossed the finish line. He was ing foar tests ,Fin one day, 6 for after 10 a.m. Wednesday, June 22: conferenor. eliminated Friday in a 220-yard miscellaneous reasons, and 2 for Connie Carbon, Taylor Cham- trial heat. Pell-Mel Patton won people making special marriage Another report from the Spardi Grads Foil Finals; the century by edging Seton Hall's plans. bers, Barbara Clark, Dave Costa, David Down, Connie Henderson, Gras investigation committee will Andy Stanfield to the tape in 9.7, be given concerning more string- Frolic at Ranch Dr. Heath said that only three Nancy Hershe, Margie Higdorn, bucking a 4 1-2 mile an hour wind. _ent _ regulations governing any such the r_est_ciftlia college- ions wiere sapprov ether future progranis. The subject of Mel Martha got off a beautiful Kelly, Lorraine Leanetti, Gerrie settjed down to taking finals to- members of the examination com- council members' jackets rounds Jump on his third attempt at 6' 4" Lopes, John McSweeny, Ruth day, several hundred unfettered mittee are Dr. Raymond Barry, out the agenda for the evening. seniors trekked to Pleasanton to wiikelt deadlocked him with six op- Mahr, Agnes Mello. Dr. William Poytress, Dr. Ray- enjoy Senior Day at Old Hearst ponents for third place. A heel Paul Merrit, Shirley Meyer, Jo- ranch. bruise hindered his jumping, but mond Mosher, Mr. Joe West, Mr. anne Parker, Marjorie Nattrass, While there they will enjoy he still came close on one 6' 6" Elmo Robinson, Miss Viola Palm- June Pereira, Pat Sumner, Shirley Grads To Rehearse If). Brown's Dick Phillips leaped saimlning, riding, golf, and a va- er, and Dr. Irene Palmer. Thompson, Eleanor Watson,. Bar- There will be a graduation re- for first place. riety of indoor sports. Tonight a 6' 7" bara Watts, Nancy DeLude, Lou hearsal tomorrow morning at chicken dinner will be served on In the discus, Woody Linn's Anne DeLude, Charleen Little, 8:30 at Spartan stadium for all the Valle); View Terrrace to be 158' 7 1-2" heave in Friday's trials Barbara Meeker and Len Wallach. participating seniors. followed by outdoor dancing to the earned him sixth spot. He failed Welk,* Leader music of the ranch's orchestra. to improve this mark in the finals. Bob Sampson took charge of Clint Frank of Yale copped the the arrangements for the class. event with a 168' 9 1-2" toss. Additional Purchases Although he pole vaulted some- One More Daily hat below his best, Sophomore Needed for Expansion Final edition of the Spartan George Mattes picked up 1 2-5 Daily this quarter will make its points by clearing 13' 8". He ended By PEGGY MAJOR and students living in them will be appearance on campus Wednesday, up in a Me-way tie for fourth HELEN DAVIS forced to find new living quarters according to an announcement by place. Bobby Smith, San Diego when the expansion starts. Leonard Krejci!, editor. The Daily State sophomore, pulled the meet's 0 Before San Jose State college Total assessed value of the un- will not he published on Tuesday greatest upset when he soared can begin to build on the block owned land is 854,210, according and Thursday of this week, Kreidt 14' 3", his all.time top mark, to bordered by San Carlos, Eighth, to information received from the declared. capture the vaulting champion- San Antonio, and Seventh streets, Santa Clara county assessor's of- ship. the state of California will have fice. However, when the state to purchase 12 more parcels of overtures to the Jim Fuchs of Yale set a new makes buying land. on the block. It will NCAA shot-put record with a toss householders SEDONA, Ariz.
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