FIRE ESCAPE'S St. Louis BBS Directory: MAY 1993 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ All PREVIOUS "Directories" are now outdated, please delete them! The Legends and Directory Information are at the End! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEM NAME L# P PHONE # STATS SYSOP NAME HOURS MODEM SOFT ============================ == = ======== === ============== ===== ===== ==== 1st and Goal BBS -- S 272-8853 --- D.V. Ous 24 2.4-N TLGD 4 Play ADULT BBS -- - 481-4821 C Nite Writer 24 2.4-N MISC 4 Star BBS L1 - 225-8821 --- Mike 24 2.4-N PCBD 4 Star BBS L2 - 225-4197 --- Mike 24 9.6-N PCBD A Momentary Lapse Of Reason -- - 739-4344 --- Dave Gilmour 24 2.4-N WWIV Absolute Value 04 - 731-7935 N Art Hebbeler 24 2.4-N MISC Absolute Value -- - 731-7934 --- Art Hebbeler 24 2.4-N MISC Absolute Value -- - 895-2616 P Art Hebbeler 24 32b-B MISC Abyss, The [C:\BBS> DIR] -- - 434-2620 --- Crimson Wizard 24 32b-B CELE ACME Acres BBS -- - 351-5227 N Buster Bunny 24 32b-M WWIV Access Denied: MAC BBS -- - 846-5565 --- Skip 24 32b-B HERM Access Imaging -- - 664-8220 * ? 24 32b-B MISC Adventurer's Guild, The -- - 892-6467 --- William 24 2.4-N TLGD Aerovista -- - 638-5204 --- Apollo/Crystal 24 9.6-B WWIV Affinity ADULT BBS 11 - 771-6800 $ Aqualung 24 2.4-B DLX Affinity ADULT BBS 02 - 771-2127 $ Aqualung 24 DSH-L DLX Affinity ADULT BBS 01 - 771-1860 $ Aqualung 24 DSH-B DLX Affinity ADULT BBS -- - 771-4828 $ Aqualung 24 9.6-B DLX Affinity ADULT BBS -- - 771-4937 $ Aqualung 24 9.6-B DLX After Hours -- - 899-1400 * Lori 24 2.4-N GLTC After Thought -- - 423-6312 --- Shade Tree 24 9.6-B WWIV Alien's (New #) -- - 349-5179 --- Alien 24 2.4-N C-64 Amazon, The -- - 846-8758 --- Audiophile 24 DSH-B WWIV American Liberator, The -- - 343-4759 --- ? 24 2.4-N WWIV Amiga Only -- - 428-4737 --- Mike Kraml 24 DSH-B OPUS An XTC L1 - 773-3143 --- Dean Ingley 24 32b-B SPIT An XTC L2 - 773-3248 N Dean Ingley 24 2.4-N SPIT Andromeda -- - 428-3017 * Max 24 9.6-B TLGD Applejacks -- - 781-0143 --- Majicman 24 2.4-N MISC Arena, The L1 - 845-6849 --- Jake Blues 24 32b-B VBBS Arena, The L2 - 845-6859 --- Jake Blues 24 32b-B VBBS Armageddon -- - 391-9161 ?C Doc 24 32b-B WWIV Asgardian Realm, The -- - 291-6762 --- Lancer 24 DSH-B WWIV Asylum, The -- - 846-8412 ? Blade 24 32b-B VBBS Auto-Reverse -- - 921-0937 ? Dr Tone 24 2.4-N WWIV Aviary, The -- - 544-2569 --- Birdman 24 2.4-N WWIV Banana Republic [C:\>DIR] -- - 282-3337 C Dr. Spine 24 9.6-B WWIV Barb's Lookout Window -- - 894-0919 --- Barb C. 24 2.4-M TAG Bard's Keep (Phone# +,,2222) -- - 845-7840 --- Bard 24 32b-B VBBS Big Mac Attack II -- - 776-6711 --- R. Chiu 24 2.4-N HERM Bingo Hall, The -- - 846-4031 --- Bob #1 24 32b-B WWIV Black Triangle, The -- - 453-0662 *? Tracker ?? 32b-B WWIV Blue BBS -- - 434-7661 NC Emerson 24 32b-B WWIV Blue Lagoon, The -- - 441-1119 --- Giddemyer 24 2.4-N WWIV Bobber Board, The -- - 441-0842 C*? Bobber 24 32b-B TLGD BS Box -- - 434-3470 --- PC Guru 24 HST-N WWIV Buckskin -- - 776-2482 --- Dennis 24 32b-B TLGD Cafe Chaos -- - 773-3106 --- Captain Chaos 24 32b-B WWIV Callahan's Crosstime Saloon -- - 939-4113 --- Prince Kheldar 24 9.6-B WWIV Castle Roogna, The -- - 427-0669 --- Dor 24 32b-B WWIV Cat Box, The -- - 965-0477 --- Jerry K. 24 32b-B WWIV CD-Source BBS, The -- - 869-4421 --- C. Timmerberg 24 32b-B MISC Celestial Springs BBS -- - 928-5250 N*? Twisted Soul 24 9.6-E RENG ChatLink ADULT BBS 04 T 452-3182 ? Grizzley 24 2.4-N DLX Cheswick's International BBS L1 - 965-1385 $ Chelsea C. 24 32b-B WCAT Cheswick's International BBS L2 - 965-5296 $ Chelsea C. 24 DSH-B WCAT Cindex Support BBS -- - 837-5422 --- Furniss 24 32b-B REMT Classified Board BBS, The -- - 849-9068 --- Jim Hill 24 2.4-N REMT Cliff of Insanity (New #) -- - 949-2581 --- Nobody/Katar 24 2.4-N WWIV Coffee Shop, The -- - 861-1867 --- Bob Coffey 24 DSH-B PCBD CompuCom Systems -- - 578-9900 C Thunder 24 9.6-N LSD CompUSA BBS -- - 579-3072 --- David Bach 24 DSH-B WCAT Compu$erve (7E1) ? - 241-3102 $ ? 24 1.2-N MISC Compu$erve (7E1) ? - 421-5651 $ ? 24 9.6-B MISC Computer Addict BBS -- S 285-5935 --- Ron 24 32b-B WCAT Computer Assistance Network L1 - 298-8564 --- Martin Walker 24 32b-B PCBD Computer Assistance Network L2 - 298-8363 --- Martin Walker 24 DSH-B PCBD Computer Assistance Network L3 - 298-0937 --- Martin Walker 24 32b-B PCBD Computer Drafting/Design -- - 644-9098 --- Rich Grace 24 2.4-N WCAT Computer Information Access -- - 878-2910 --- Deep Thought 24 2.4-N WWIV Computers Plus 01 - 942-3726 --- Chris Johnson 24 DSH-B WCAT Computers Plus 01 - 942-5932 --- Chris Johnson 24 DSH-B WCAT Concrete Jungle, The -- - 469-0426 C Tartus 24 2.4-N WWIV Corrosion of Conformity -- - 394-1952 R ? 24 32b-B WWIV Crypt, The -- - 973-9612 --- Tom Cat 24 32b-B VBBS Crystal Mountain Adult BBS -- - 426-4360 C Skyler 24 2.4-N WWIV CSB Electro Mall Adult BBS 05 - 429-1799 $ Mike Duncan 24 2.4-N GLTC CSB Electro Mall Adult BBS -- - 429-7580 $ Mike Duncan 24 2.4-N GLTC CSB Electro Mall Adult BBS 01 - 429-4771 $ Mike Duncan 24 2.4-N GLTC CUGSL -- - 837-5757 $ Bruce Darrough 24 2.4-N WWIV CyberSpace BBS -- - 391-4017 N Matrix 24 2.4-N WWIV Dangerous Kitchen, The -- - 727-3511 ?* Hizrone 24 32b-E WWIV Dark Realm, The -- T 447-8071 ? Darkshadow 24 2.4-N WWIV Darkside, The -- T 272-8617 ? Hardbody 24 2.4-E WWIV Data Bytes User's Grp (DBUG) -- - 821-0638 --- ? 24 2.4-N TBBS Datastorm Tech. Support BBS L1 T 875-0503 ? Chambers 24 2.4-M TBBS Datastorm Tech. Support BBS L2 T 875-0520 ? Chambers 24 2.4-M TBBS Datastorm Tech. Support BBS L3 T 875-0523 ? Chambers 24 9.6-B TBBS Datastorm Tech. Support BBS L4 T 875-0476 ? Chambers 24 9.6-B TBBS Datastorm Tech. Support BBS L5 T 875-0532 ? Chambers 24 9.6-B TBBS Datastorm Tech. Support BBS L6 T 875-0249 ? Chambers 24 9.6-B TBBS Dawna's Zoo -- - 921-1820 --- Dawna 24 2.4-N MTAB Death's Lair (24 Hr Wkends) -- - 432-8031 A?* Iranian Mobstr 16-07 2.4-N WWIV Death Star -- - 878-7909 A Lord Vader 22-18 32b-B ROBO Deep Space Nine -- - 481-0256 --- Cipher 24 9.6-B WWIV Defcon Five BBS -- T 278-3603 N? Fishbone? 24 9.6-B WWIV Deja Vu -- - 894-9271 --- ParaPsykotic 24 2.4-N C-64 Department Store (New #) -- - 427-3514 --- Janitor, The 24 2.4-N TAG Design 2 Art -- - 926-3367 N$ Design Team 24 32b-B WCAT Desktop III -- F 228-3832 --- ? 24 2.4-N TBBS Destructo's Domain -- - 965-5258 NA Vindicator 07-17 2.4-N ROBO Dew Drop Inn, The -- - 282-2322 --- Music Man 24 2.4-N TLGD Digital's Electronic Store -- F 234-1998 $ ? 06-23 9.6-N MISC Digital Future, The 01 - 532-5997 --- Digital Person 24 2.4-N VBBS Digital Future, The 01 - 532-9711 R Digital Person 24 32b-B VBBS Director's Chair, The -- - 638-5314 --- The Director 24 2.4-N WWIV Dog Pound Too, The -- - 878-8816 --- Sly Old Dog 24 32b-B WWIV Don's Domain -- - 530-0553 A Don 22-06 32b-B WWIV Donut Hole, The -- - 947-6326 --- The Droid 24 32b-B MISC Dragon's Flight BBS -- - 631-0770 --- Shadowhand 24 32b-B WWIV Dragon's Nest, The -- - 423-3949 --- Andy Edwards 24 9.6-L TRI Dragon's Pit, The -- - 773-6859 --- Dragon 24 2.4-N WWIV Eagle's Nest -- - 544-3226 --- Bald Eagle 24 2.4-N WWIV Edge of Reality -- - 647-4084 --- BThing/Magelln 24 32b-B WWIV Edge of the Universe, The -- - 537-0884 --- Tikon/Magellan 24 32b-B WWIV Electric Lamp, The -- - 928-7029 --- Electrician 24 2.4-N WWIV EMC/80 -- - 843-0001 --- Jim Harre 24 9.6-E OPUS End of the Rainbow -- - 921-8940 --- Nite Rider 24 32b-B WWIV Entropy -- - 926-0889 --- Reanimator 24 2.4-N WWIV Epson News Line 01 - 961-2242 $ Jerry Queen 24 32b-B PCBD Epson News Line -- - 961-4594 $ Jerry Queen 24 32b-B PCBD Escape From Reality -- - 776-4458 N Data Master 24 2.4-N WWIV Eternal Darkness -- - 894-7539 --- Shadow Lord 24 2.4-N TLGD Exidous -- - 343-4573 --- Nemicis 24 32b-B CELE Experimental BBS, The -- T 287-4926 A? Nameless Bard 22-06 2.4-N WWIV Fail Safe -- - 861-1797 --- Alex Stangl 24 32b-B WWIV Farside, The -- - 921-4269 --- Lefty 24 1.2-N C-64 FBI -- T 278-8411 ? Nitro 24 32b-B MISC Fellowship, The -- - 644-5777 --- Tolkien/LadySF 24 32b-B WWIV Fight Palace, The -- - 388-1454 --- Mister 24 2.4-N VBBS File Cabinet II, The -- - 653-6671 ? King TJ 24 32b-B VBBS Fire Escape's BBS Direct. HQ -- - 741-9505 --- Fire Escape 24 9.6-B TRI Flash -- - 275-2040 --- Dick Pederson 24 DSH-B FORM Flash, The L1 - 878-6599 --- Camera Bug 24 9.6-L SLGT Flash, The L2 - 878-8337 N Camera Bug 24 9.6-N SLGT Flight Control -- - 521-8290 --- Dave Hart 24 HST-E OPUS Forbidden Tower, The -- - 522-3127 --- Rook 24 2.4-N WWIV Freedom Station -- - 677-8284 --- Bob Kleist 24 2.4-N TAG Fritz' Place -- - 822-5493 --- Fritz 24 2.4-N WWIV Frosty's BBS -- T 281-8457 ? Hot Rod 24 2.4-N UNKW Funny Farm, The -- - 353-3944 --- Sir Sparhawk 24 2.4-N WWIV Future, The -- - 921-6867 --- Rick Eben 24 2.4-N C-64 GateKeeper, The -- - 770-0596 N Blade #1 24 9.6-B WWIV Gateway/2 OS/2 L1 - 554-9313 --- Ron Gines 24 32b-B MAXI Gateway/2 OS/2 L2 - 554-9373 --- Ron Gines 24 9.6-B MAXI GateWay Amiga BBS L1 - 423-8246 --- Keneth Brill 24 2.4-N EXCL GateWay Amiga BBS L2 - 423-5733 --- Keneth Brill 24 DSH-B EXCL Gateway City -- - 647-3290 --- Shoe 24 2.4-N FORM Gateway News Network II -- - 231-5175 --- Scott/Spencer 24 2.4-N MISC Gateway Quick Connect -- - 861-2105 --- B Dickherber 24 32b-B WWIV Gathering, The -- - 839-2978 --- Chris Byrd 24 32b-L RENG Ghostwheel, The -- - 427-4119 --- Jenneman 24 9.6-B FIDO Giggle's Tickle Trap BBS -- - 544-7301 N? Giggles :) 24 2.4-N WWIV Glass Menagerie, The -- - 423-5787 --- Topgun 24 1.2-N C-64 GrapeVINE BBS, The -- - 481-7600 R ? 24 2.4-M WCAT Great Void, The -- - 878-8824 --- The Empath 24 2.4-N WWIV Ground Zero -- - 938-9143 --- The Master Grp 24 2.4-N WWIV Harris Stowe College -- - 340-3540 --- Les 24 2.4-N TBBS Hartz Foundation, The -- T 281-4362 ? Nick Hartz 24 32b-B UNKW Hawk's Nest BBS -- S 789-4014 --- Hawk 24 32b-B ROBO Hellfire Club, The -- - 241-2931 --- Sebastian Shaw 24 2.4-N WWIV Hellhole, The -- - 821-2732 --- Nero 24 32b-B HERM Hide Away, The (also TLGD) -- S 625-3640 A Raven 19-08 2.4-N ROBO Ho's House -- - 892-5486 --- Ho 24 32b-B TLGD Home Alone BBS, The -- - 638-5132 --- Scheron G.
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