FE Y ALEGRIA Memoirs International Federation of Fe y Alegría 2014 Annual report 1 Memoirs International Federation of Fe y Alegría 2014 3 InternationalMemoirs Federation of Fe y Alegría Editorial Committee:: P. Enrique Oizumi S.J. Lucía Rodríguez Donate Feney Patricia Gómez Editing: Claudia Patricia Ríos C. Communications Coordinator Translation: Holly Sumner Design and Layout: María Fernanda Vinueza Distributed by: Federación Internacional Fe y Alegría Calle 35 N° 21-19, Barrio La Soledad Bogotá, Colombia Telephone number: (+57)(1)3383790 Website: www.feyalegria.org E-mail: [email protected] Printed in Bogotá, Colombia. March 2014 Photography Archives: International Federation of Fe y Alegría. Thanks to the national branches of Fe y Alegría for sharing their photograph ar- chives. Statistical Information: All of the data, figures and statistics that appear in this report were taken from the Federation’s statistics, which are based on information provided by countries and programs. We thank the communication liaisons in each country for their support in compiling the country-specific experiences presented in this report. In this edition we want to thank all of the men, women and institutions that make Fe y Alegría pos- sible and for their support of this publication. 07 06 04 10 02 09 05 01 03 26 Memoria 2014 Federación Internacional de Fe y Alegría 08 6 Memoirs 2014 International Federation of Fe y Alegría Contents 01 08 10 Our Work Fe and Alegría’s 60th Remembering Father Vélaz Page 9 Anniversary Page 53 Page 23 02 11 Mission and Vision 09 Federation Statistics Page 11 In Their Own Words: Experiences of Fe y Alegría Project Centers 03 Page 54 Strategic Objectives Democratic Republic Student–Teacher Page 12 of the Congo Ratio Page 24 Page 56 04 Madagascar Other Educational Ap- Projects and Funders Page 27 proaches Page 14 Bolivia Page 58 Page 29 05 Ecuador 12 Federation Projects Page 32 Innovation Symposium Implemented per Country Argentina Page 60 Page 16 Page 35 Nicaragua 13 06 Page 38 Audit Report 2014 Sources of External Spain Page 63 Funding Page 41 Page 18 Panama 14 Page 44 Fe y Alegría Directory 07 Colombia Page 64 Challenges Facing the Page 47 Federation Brazil Page 20 Page 50 11 10 14 13 12 7 8 Memoirs 2014 International Federation of Fe y Alegría Fe y Alegría is an organization founded in the con- grams and approaches, which definitely testifies to the text and educational reality of Latin America which diverse, multicultural nature of Fe y Alegría’s work. has been able to move forward thanks to the work, We want to highlight two elements of this third persistence and effort of thousands of men and edition. First, we want to remind our readers that women, who, ignited by the spark of Father José Ma- the information registered in the present publication ria Vélaz, Abraham Reyes, and his wife Patricia, have is based on data, numbers and testimonies from 2013 contributed to this collective effort known today as and 2014. However, we did not want to leave out a popular education and social promotion movement. an event from 2015 that was very significant for the To all of these people and those who will join the ef- movement. We are referring to the 60th anniversary fort we dedicate the presentation of this Institutional of the movement in Venezuela, which is why we are Memory published by the Inter- including a article published in the national Federation. Diario El Nacional de Caracas, In this edition, our readers will which gives a glimpse of what our find important information both institution has meant for Venezu- from the national Fe y Alegría of- elan society. fices that form the International The second element that we Federation. It pleases us to be think should be highlighted is the able to show numbers and sta- presentation of testimonies and tistics surrounding our funders, information of two countries programs and projects in the that have initiated their first Fe countries coordinated by the fed- y Alegría projects and have made eration, and also some numbers us proud of both the speed and relative to the actions undertak- focus with which they work. This, en by countries themselves. of course, is referring to Mada- We have chosen to take this opportunity to pres- gascar and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, ent the significant, motivating experiences of several both countries that have recently begun their work countries, because it excites us to be able to share Fe with Fe y Alegría in their educational contexts. With y Alegría’s educational work from the testimonies and this information we want to encourage other coun- perceptions Similarly, of those who participate in the tries that already have had contact with Fe y Alegría projects. In the same way, we are happy to see that to undertake their own initiatives, which we hope countries are having experiences with different pro- can happen this year. 9 International Federation of Fe y Alegría our commitment and our dreams 10 Memoirs 2014 International Federation of Fe y AlegríaAlegría Mission Fe y Alegría is an international popular educa- tion and social promotion movement grounded in justice, freedom, participation, brotherhood, respect of diversity, and solidarity, working to benefit impoverished and excluded people and International Federation of Fe y Alegría helping them transform their societies. our commitment and our dreams Fe y Alegría is a movement that brings people together Vision to grow, analyze themselves, and look for answers to the challenges posed by human need. It is an educational We envision a world where everyone has movement because it promotes the formation of people the opportunity to become educated, meet who are aware of their potential and their realities, free their potential and live with dignity, thereby and united, open to transcendence and protagonists of constructing societies whose institutions can their own development. It is popular because it views edu- serve people and transform situations that cation as an ethical, political and pedagogical proposal of have led to inequity, poverty and exclusion. transformation made by and for communities. It is holistic because it understands that education engages people in multidimensional ways. And it deals with social assistance because it is committed to improvement and to building a just, inclusive, kind, united, democratic and participatory society in situations of injustice and specific needs. 11 Strategic objectives 12 Memoirs 2014 International Federation of Fe y Alegría To provide an inclusive, QUALITY EDUCATION To strengthen the PARTICIPATORY MANAGE- that is sensitive to diversity, contributes to the ho- MENT model of the organization in order to guar- listic development of people and social promotion antee the movement’s transparency, sustainability in communities, and fosters attitudes, knowledge, and economic and social strength, in this way push- abilities and critical values in participants so that they ing for the empowerment and active participation might transform their realities of exclusion, poverty, of diverse actors involved in Fe y Alegría’s educa- and marginalization.1 tional model. To fortify new frontiers so that Fe y Alegría’s To assure the movement’s capacity educational model becomes a way to com- to ADVOCATE IN PUBLIC POLICY and bat new forms of social, cultural2 and geo- programs that promote quality education graphic exclusion present in modern so- for all, teacher training, rising out of poverty, ciety. Fe y Alegría is especially interested and social inclusion. in expanding its programs in Africa, 3 which will be a great challenge. 4 13 Projects and Funders AECID - ENTRECULTURAS AGREEMENT 1. Quality education agreement TELEFÓNICA FOUNDATION 1 2. Quality education in Telefónica Foundation schools ACCENTURE 3. Job Placement and ICT in Latin America PRIVATE DONOR 2 4. Central American job placement network AECID - ENTRECULTURAS AGREEMENT 5. Quality education agreement PRIVATE DONOR 3 6. Special Education and ICT AECID - ENTRECULTURAS AGREEMENT 7. Quality education agreement PRIVATE DONOR Federation Projects 4 8. Preventing teacher burnout in Fe y Alegría and Approaches ALBOAN 9. Organized youth protagonists The objective of the International Federation INDITEX - ENTRECULTURAS of Fe y Alegría is to strengthen and unite the 5 10. Preventing violence among youth efforts of national Fe y Alegría offices in order to efficiently realize the movement’s mission and vision. Towards this end, the International PRIVATE DONOR Federation, through its role in governance and 11. Strengthening Today for A Better Tomorrow technical support, encourages and goes along- PRIVATE DONOR side national Fe y Alegriá offices in the develop- 6 12. Human Talent/Resources Management ment of projects in eight key areas and a net- work of counterparts. CASTILLA PROVINCE - ENTRECULTURAS 7 13. Strengthening Fe y Alegría’s pastoral staff INDITEX - ENTRECULTURAS 14. “Technical education changes lives” campaign AECID - ENTRECULTURAS AGREEMENT 8 15. Quality education agreement PRIVATE DONOR 16. Education for adults and youth 9 deprived of liberty PRIVATE DONOR 17. Support for Fe y Alegría’s efforts in Africa PRIVATE DONOR 1014 18. Indigenous Fe y Alegría Memoirs 2014 International Federation of Fe y AlegríaAlegría Education 1 3 Quality Vocational 2 Education 4 Training 1 2 5 7 6 8 Education Teacher through Technology Training 3 4 11 Non-formal Management Education and and Institutional Social Promotion Strengthening 9 5 6 12 10 13 14 15 Values-based Public Education
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