EXT TYPE CATEGORY APPLICATION OR DESCRIPTION .$$$ ???? Special Temporary file .••_ ???? Special Windows installation, often compressed (• = any character) .1st TEXT Word processing Text Readme .3df 3DMF 3D Image Classic Mac OS QuickDraw 3D metafile .3dmf 3DMF 3D Image Classic Mac OS QuickDraw 3D metafile .3ds ???? 3D Image 3D Studio .3g2 ???? Special 3G Phone Protocol 2 (3GPP2) for audio, video and text to phones .3gp ???? Special 3G Phone Protocol (3GPP) for audio, video and text to phones .509 cert Security Digital certificate .669 6669 Music Composer 669/Unis Composer MOD file .8bf 8BFM Graphic Photoshop plug-in .8med STrk Music Amiga OctaMed .8sv 8SVX Sound Amiga Interchange File Format (IFF) 8-bit mono sound .8svc 8SVX Sound Amiga Interchange File Format (IFF) 8-bit mono sound .8svx 8SVX Sound Amiga Interchange File Format (IFF) 8-bit mono sound .a TEXT Programming Assembly source .a3d AMAS 3D Image Amapi 3D .aa ???? Sound Audible Audio (AA) .aam ???? Special Authorware .aas ???? Special Authorware .abc TEXT Music Virtual Composer .abs TEXT Word processing Abstract from text document .ac3 ???? Sound AC-3 audio, used on DVD-Video .acd ???? Sound Sonic Foundry ACID sound sample .acgi APPL Internet AppleScript Common Gateway Interface (CGI) file .adpcm APCM Sound Intel Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM) .aex eFKT Special Adobe After Effects plug-in .afm TEXT Font PostScript Adobe Font Metrics (AFM) .ai EPSF Graphic or DTP Adobe Illustrator simplified form of EPSF .ai EPSF Movie Adobe Illustrator animated sequence, simplified EPSF .aif AIFF Sound Audio Interchange File Format (AIFF) .aifc AIFC Sound Compressed AIFF (AIFF-C) .aifc AIFF Sound Compressed AIFF (AIFF-C) .aiff AIFF Sound Audio Interchange File Format (AIFF) .aip ARPI Graphic Adobe Illustrator Plug-in .al ALAW Sound A-law .als ???? Sound Ableton Live .amc ???? 3D Image Acclaim motion capture .amf ???? Music DMP Advanced MOD file .ani ANli Movie Atari Animated NeoChrome .anim ANli Movie Atari Animated NeoChrome .apd TEXT Desktop publishing Aldus printer description .app Folder Mac OS folder used as Application Program Package (APP) .app APPL Special Mac OS application .arc mArc Archive ARC compressed file, usually produced on a PC .arj BINA Archive ARJ compressed .arr ARR Graphic Amber ARR .art ART Graphic First Publisher .as ApSi Internet AppleSingle binary file containing one Classic Mac OS file .asc TEXT Word processing ASCII text .ascii TEXT Word processing ASCII text .asf ASF_ Movie Windows Media Active Streaming Format (ASF) .asm TEXT Programming Assembly source .asp TEXT Internet Active Server Pages (ASP) file for server-side code .asf TEXT Movie Microsoft Active Streaming Format (ASF) .asf ???? 3D Image Acclaim skeleton file .asx ASX_ Movie Windows Media format .au ULAW Sound µ-law format (Sun Audio) .au.gsm GSM Sound Coded speech for GSM mobile phone or Internet .avi VfW Movie Video for Windows (VfW) Audio Video Interleave (AVI) .avr ???? Sound Audio Visual Research (AVR) file .bak ???? Word processing Backup file, WordStar and others .bar BARF Archive Unix binary archive (BAR), obsolete .bas TEXT Programming BASIC source code .bat TEXT Special MS-DOS batch command (BAT) for PC .bdf TEXT Font Unix bitmap font .bga BMPf Graphic PC OS/2 bitmap .bib TEXT Word processing BibTex bibliography .bin MACB Internet MacBinary/BinHex 5, containing Classic Mac OS file .binary BINA Special Untyped binary data .bld BLD Graphic BLD format .bmap FFIL Font Classic Mac OS suitcase: bitmap screen font for PostScript font .bmp BMP Graphic Windows bitmap (BMP) .bmp BMPf Graphic Windows bitmap (BMP) .bmp BMPp Graphic Windows bitmap (BMP) .boo TEXT Word processing BOO encoded text .bsc ???? Programming Microsoft Source Browser database .bst TEXT Word processing BibTex style (BST) .bub BUB 3D Image IpixViewer Bubble (BUB) .bup ???? Special BUP backup for IFO file, used on DVD-Video .bum .bMp Graphic BUM bitmap format .bvh ???? 3D Image Bio Vision Hierarchy .bw .SGI Graphic Silicon Graphics SGI .bz Bzp2 Archive BZip2 .bz2 Bzp2 Archive BZip2 .c TEXT Graphic C source image dump .c TEXT Programming C source .ca cert Security Digital certificate .cab ???? Archive Microsoft Windows Cabinet (Windows installations) .cdr CD40 Graphic CorelDraw graphic .cel CEL Graphic KISS .cer cert Security Digital certificate .cfm TEXT Internet Cold Fusion Markup Language (CFML) file .cfml TEXT Internet Cold Fusion Markup Language (CFML) file .chm ???? Special LZW Compressed HTML (help file or eBook) .cgi APPL Internet Common Gateway Interface (CGI) file .cgm CGMm Graphic Harvard Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) .cicn cicn Graphic Mac OS cicn Resource .cin ???? 3D Image Cineon .class TEXT Programming Java class .clip clpp Graphic Mac OS clipping .clp CLPp Special Windows clipboard .clt rawp Special Colour lookup table .cmd TEXT Special PC OS/2 batch file .cmu TEXT Graphic Unix CMU Window Manager dump .com PCFA Special MS-DOS executable binary file .cp TEXT Programming C++ source .cpp TEXT Programming C++ source .cpt CPT8 Graphic Corel PhotoPaint .cpt PACT Archive Compact Pro .crt cert Security Digital certificate .css TEXT Internet HTML Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) .csv TEXT Spreadsheet/database Comma Separated Values (CSV) .ct ..CT Graphic Scitex Continuous Tone (CT) .cur CUR Graphic Windows Cursor .cut Halo Graphic Dr Halo .cvs drw2 Graphic Canvas .cwd CWDB Database AppleWorks or ClarisWorks .cwg CWGR Graphic AppleWorks or ClarisWorks .cwk CWWP Word processing AppleWorks or ClarisWorks .cwp CWWP Word processing AppleWorks or ClarisWorks .cwpb ???? Word processing CopyWrite project .cws CWSS Spreadsheet AppleWorks or ClarisWorks .dat ???? Special Data (various formats) .db TEXT Database Microsoft Word .dbf F+DB Database DBase II or IIT .dcm ???? Movie Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) .dcr FGDM Movie Director Shockwave .dcx DCXx Graphic PCX (ZSoft or PC Paintbrush) .dd DD01 Archive DiskDoubler compressed file .dewf DEWF Sound Sound Session Instrument file .dfont Font Mac OS X data-fork font .dic ???? Special Dictionary file .dif dvc! Movie Digital Video (DV) file .dif TEXT Word processing Document Interchange File (DIF): unformatted text .dir FGDM Movie Director Shockwave .diz TEXT Word processing BBS description .djvu ???? Image DjVu image or multi-page document .dl DL Movie DL animation .dll PCFL Special Windows Dynamically Linked Library (DLL) .dll shlb Special Mac OS Dynamically Linked Library (DLL) .dmg devi Archive Mac OS X device (disk) image .dmg devr Archive Mac OS X device (disk) image with raw data .doc TEXT Word processing ASCII text .doc WDBN Word processing Microsoft Word .doc W6BN Word processing Microsoft Word 6 .doc W8BN Word processing Microsoft Word 8 .doo ???? Graphic Atari DR Doodle .dos TEXT Word processing ASCII text .dot sDBN Word processing Microsoft Word template/stationery .dox ???? Word processing Multimate 4 .drv TEXT Special Device driver file .dsm ???? Music Dynamic Studio MOD file .dtd TEXT Internet Type definition file .dts ???? Sound Digital Theater System (DTS) audio, as used on DVD-Video .dv dvc! Movie Digital Video (DV) file .dvi ODVI DTP TeX DeVice Independent (DVI) file .dwg ???? 3D Image AutoCAD Drawing .dwt ???? Internet Dreamweaver Template .dxf ???? 3D Image AutoCAD Drawing Exchange File .dxr FGDM Movie Director Shockwave .epp ???? 3D Image Extended Pixel (EPix) Panorama file .eps EPSF Graphic or DTP Encapsulated PostScript File (EPSF) .eps EPSF Movie EPSF containing animated sequence .epsf EPSF Graphic or DTP Encapsulated PostScript File (EPSF) .epsf EPSF Movie EPSF containing animated sequence .epx ???? 3D Image Extended Pixel (EPix) file .etd ???? Special Adobe eBook Electronic Transfer Document (ETD) .etx TEXT Word processing SEText or Easy View text chapter .evy ENVD Special Envoy Viewer .exe PCFA Special MS-DOS Executable binary file (EXE) for Soft PC .fam FFIL Font Mac OS font suitcase (font family) .far ???? Music Farandole Composer MOD file .faq TEXT Word processing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) .fax TIFF Graphic Tagged Image Format File (TIFF) for fax .fcache ???? Font Mac OS X file collection cache .fcp ???? Graphic Atari Flash Colour Picture (FCP) compressed with RLE .fdb DBSE Special Portfolio .fdf FDF Word processing Acrobat Forms Data Format (FDF) .fdp ???? Special Portfolio .fft TEXT Word processing Document Content Architecture - Final Form Text (DCA-FFT) .fh11 ???? Graphic Freehand MX .fh4 ???? Graphic Freehand 4 .fh5 ???? Graphic Freehand 5 .fh8 ???? Graphic Freehand 8 .fh9 ???? Graphic Freehand 9 .fhc ???? Graphic Freehand .fit FITS Graphic Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) .fla BINA Movie Flash .flc FLI Movie FLIC animation, also known as Autodesk Animator File .fli FLI Movie FLIC animation, also known as Autodesk Animator File .flm ???? Movie Atari Animatic film format .flv ???? Movie Flash video format .fm FASL DTP FrameMaker .fm FMPR Database FileMaker Pro .fm1 ???? Database Lotus 1-2-3 version 2 .fm3 ???? Database Lotus 1-2-3 version 3 .fmp FMP3 Database FileMaker Pro .fmx iDLL Database FileMaker plug-in .fon ???? Font Windows FONT .for TEXT Programming FORTRAN source .fp3 FMP3 Database FileMaker Pro 3 or 4 .fp5 FMP5 Database FileMaker Pro 5 .fpix FPix Graphic FlashPix open standard for fast digital images .fpix FPX Graphic FlashPix open standard for fast digital images .fpx FPix Graphic FlashPix open standard for fast digital images .fpx FPX Graphic FlashPix open standard for fast digital images .fsv TEXT Graphic Unix Usenet FaceSaver .fts FITS Graphic Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) .fxp FFXP Database FoxPro Format File .gcf
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