REPUBLIQUE DU CAMEROUN REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON Paix - Travail- Patrie Peace - Work - Fatherland MINISTERE DE L'EDUCATION DE BASE MINISTRY OF BASte EDUCATION . SECR~~~~~~~-;-~~ERAL ~ ~ SECRETARIAT GENERAL DIRECTION DU S~I-~~-~~-~'ENSEIGNEMEN1jd -, DIRECTORATE OF MANAGEMENT OF PRIVE DE BASE r l BASIC PRIVATE EDUCATION SOUS - DIRECTIO~ D;~-~;;~;;ES ADMINISTRATIV~ SUB DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE AND ET PEDAGOGIQUES PEDAGOGICAl AFfAJRS OROER No3'~ ~:4 -O/MINEDUB/SG/DSEPB/SDAAP of 1 a JUlL 2018 Forbidding the f C oning of certain private schools under the Ministry of Basic Education or he 2018-2019 academic year. THE MINISTEB OF BASI(; EDU(;ATION!j M/NDFUL of the constitution; M/NDFUL of Law n098/004 of 14 April 1998 to lay down guidelines for education in Cameraon; M/NDFUL of Law n02004/022 of 22 July 2004 to lay down the rules governing Private Educational and Training Institutions in Cameraon; MINDFUL of decree n02008/3043 of 15 of December 2008 to lay down the modalities of the organization and Functioning of Private Education in Cameroon; MINDFUL of decree n02011/408 of 09 December 2011 to organise the Government; MINDFUL of decr"ee n02011/41O of 09 December 2011 to appoint members of the Government; MINDFUL of decree n02012/268 of 11 June 2012 to organise the Ministry of Basic Education; MINDFUL of decree n02018/191 of 02nd March 2018 organising the Government; · HEBEB}' OBDEBS AS FO:L:LOWS• Article 1er: ln conformity with the stipulations of articles 5 (1); 7 (2) and 10 (1 et 3) of decree n02008/3043 of 15 ofDecernber 2008 mentioned above, the following lay private schools are forbidden with effect from the 2018- 2019 academic year. 1. CENTRE REGION A. UPPER- SANAGA DIVISION N° NOM DE L'ETABLISSEMENT LO<;ATION REASONS OBSERVATIONS Default of de cree of 1. GROUPE SCOLAIRE BILINGUE NKOTENG creation and opening « LA DIGNITE» -- "----- Dejault of decree of 2. COMPLEXE SCOLAIRE «HENRI NKOTENG creation and opening MICHEL » B. MEFOU AND AFAMBA DIVISION NKOLAFAMBA SUB DIVISION N° NOM DE L'ETABLISSEMENT LOCATION REASONS OBSERVATIONS - 1. GROUPE SCOLAIRE BILINGUE Default of decree of « lES AGNEAUX» NKOABANG creation and opening ---_.---- -_._----"-----_ .._._----_._---- --- - .(3~OUPE SCO-lA~RE NKO-lOl 2. BILINGUE « SACRE COEUR DE NKOABANG Dejault of decree of JESUS» creation and opening ._. ------ C. MEFOU ET AKONO DIVISION 1V1BANKOMO SUBDIVISION N° NOM DE L'ETABLISSEMENT LOCATION REASONS OBSERVATIONS Default of decree of 1. GROUPE SCOLAIRE BILINGUE creation and opening « AMAZING GRACE» ELOUMDEN 1 D. MFOUNDI DIVISION YAOUNDE 1er SUB DIVISION N° NOM DE L'ETABLISSEMENT LOCATION REASONS OBSERVATIONS ..,. COMPLEXE SCOLAIRE Default of decree of 1. BILINGUE « LES PETITS MANGUIER creation and opening ANGES» - ECOLE MATERNELLE ET Default of decree of 2. PRIMAIRE BILINGUE MANGIER creation and opening «lEMA» YAOUNDE IV SUS DIVISION N° NOM DE L'ETABLISSEMENT LOCATION REASONS OBSERVATIONS Default of de cree of 1. ECOLE PRIVEE LAIQUE MVOG-MBI creation and opening « MVOGO MELINGUI» Default of decree of 2. GROUPE SCOLAIRE « lES MEYO (ABOME) creation and opening PETITS DOUBlES» -- «BlESSING ANGLO-SAXON 1 Dejautt of decree of 3. NURSERY AND PRIMARY j MIMBOMAN creation and openmg SCHOOl» 2 N° NOM DE L'ETABLISSEMENT LOCATION REASONS' OBSERVAtiONS ASPEC (Association For The NGOUSSO(SAVANA (à 1. Default of decree of Support Of Education) l'intérieur du college creation and opening Ayunga) ---------_ .._--- -- Default of decree of 2. GROUPE SCOLAIRE NGOUSSO/ ELEVEUR creation and opening « fONDJO» Default of decree of 3. GROUPE SCOLAIRE ESSOS creation and opening « CATIBA» TITI GARAGE .. •... .. .•. •....... ---.---- .._--_.,.'--_ _-" _._ _-_.__ _- -. _ ..- .._--- 4. GROUPE SCOLAIRE BILINGUE NKOLMESSENG 1 LArE « LA GRACE» (TAM-TAM) PROPRIETOR VAOUNDE Vii SUI3 DiVISION N° NOM DE L'fTABLISSEMENT LOCATION REASONS OBSERVATIONS Default of decree of 1. ETETAK (AU COLLEGE creation and opening ACADEMY SILINGUAL « CHIA» MEYONG-MEYEME } -, Oefault of decree of 2. GROUPE SCOLAIRE BILINGUE i NKOLBISSON 1 creation and opening « LESVAINQUEURS» - ------------------ Default of decree of 3. ECOLEPRIVEE LAIQUE « TECLA » OYOM-ABANG creation and opening -' Default of decree of 4. GROUPE SCOLAIRE BILINGUE « LA NDAMVOUTH creation and opening GRACE PLUS» Il. LITTORAL REGION A. MOUNGO DIVISION Qi .;, DE fI.l''I'"-r,1 11=1 r;.~h_h_ - Bj-',hC~!i _S!< U n:J r"._/"1/I\,SION'. N° NOM DE L'ETABLISSEMENT LOCATION REASONS OBSERVATIONS Groupe Scolaire Default of decree of 1. xorro UP « COUNTRY SCHOOL » creation and opening -- Groupe ScoLaire Default of decree of 2. KOMPINA « NEW VISION» creation and opening 3 FiKO-BONALEA SUB DIVISION N° NOM DE L'ETABLISSEMENT LOCATiON REASONS OBSERVATIONS « STANDARD» BILINGUAL Default of decree of 1. NURSERYAND PRIMARY SOUZA Only nursery creation and opening SCHOOL -_.------ - .._._-~---_ .._- ECOLEBILlNGUf Default of decree of 2. NJOMBE "DE L'AMITIE" creation and opening ECOtE B-1UNGUE Oefault of decree of 3. « MAKOUNGOUM » NKONGSAMBA Recalcitrant opening QUARTIER V ECOLEBILINGUE Default of decree of 4. NKONGSAMBA Recalcitrant «.MAO TSE TSOUNG » opening B. SANAGA MARITIME DIVISION N° NOM DE L'ETABLISSEMENT LOCATION REASONS OBSERVATIONS BILINGUE « TSOYI BIBI MICHEL Default of decree of 1. MISSOLE PK 30 Recalcitrant "» creation and opening Default of decree of 2. ECOLE« SOLIDARITE » EDEA Recalcitrant creation and opening ECOLE BILINGUE Dejault of decree of 3. KOKOU Recalcitrant « DE KOKOU-\» _creation and opening -- Default of decree of 4. EM « LA ROCHE » DIZANGUE Recalcitrant creation and opening EP « DE Default of decree of 5. EDEA Recalcitrant SIKOUM» creation and opening C. DU WOURI DIVISION DOUALA 12i SUB DIVISION N° NOM DE L'ETABLISSEMENT LOCATION REASONS OBSERVATIO,NS ECOLEBILINGUE Default of de cree of 1. NEW DEIDO « ZINA INERNATIONAL » creation and opening ------" ECOLE BILINGUE Default of decree of 2. GRAND MOULIN « KEPEMOS » creation and opening ECOLE BILINGUE Default of decree of 3. GRAND MOULIN « ORGANZA » creation and opening DOUALA Ii SUS D!VISION N° NOM DE L'ETABLISSEMENT LOCATION REASONS OBSERVATtONS « FAVOUR KIDS » BILINGUAL Default of decree of 1. NEW TOWN SCH creation and opening Default of decree of 2. « UTILE BIRD » BIL. sCH BOIS DE SINGE creation and opening --- ---- 4 - -- ---------------~------- Default af decree of 3. « PROGRESSIF» BILINGUAl SCH. BOIS DE SINGE creation and opening ECOLE BILINGUE Default of decree of 4. BOIS DE SINGE « SAINTE HElENE » creation and opening DOUALA III SUB DIVISION N° NOM DE L'ETABLISSEMENT LOCATION REASONS OBSERVATIONS Default of de cree of 1. «SAMARITAINS» Bil SCH. CITE BERGE creation and opening « SANTA HElENA » Default of decree of 2. CITE BERGE BllSCH. creation and opening Default of decree of 3. « SHALOM KERENA » BllSCH BOKO creation and opening ECOLE BILINGUE Default of de cree of 4. NDOGPASSI « LOTUS D'ANAN DA MARGA» creation and opening ----------- 1------------------------ - ._-- ECOLE BILINGUE Default of decree of 5. NDOGPASSI « STAKIS LA CITOYENNE» creation and opening ECOLE BILINGUE ûefault of decree of 6. NEW TOWN « LES TOUTIERElLES » creation and opening -- 1---------- ECOLE BILINGUE Default of decree of 7. NON GLACE « LA NOBLESSE» creation and opening ECOLE BILINGUE Default of decree of 8. PARISO « LES ROSSIGNOLS» creation and opening ECOLE BIIHNGUE Default of decree of 9. BILONGUE Recalcitrant « ETINCELLE» creation and opening ECOLE BILINGUE BllONGUE Default of de cree of 10. «lE BERCEAU» (DlA III) creation and opening --- ------------------ --------_.-_ ...-..__._--_ .._- ._-- --- ECOLE BILINGUE BILONGUE Defoult of de cree of 11. « tES MAJORETIES » FACE ITBA creation and opening ECOLE BILINGUE Default of decree of 12. BILONGUE « POPULAIRE BILINGUE» creation and opening - ECOLE BILINGUE Default of decree of 13. BOKO « FOYER BANDJOUN » creation and opening --- -- ECOLE BILINGUE Default of de cree of 14. BOKO « LA CHARITE» creation and opening ECOLE BILINGUE Default of decree of 15. BOKO « lES FUTURISTES» creation and opening ECOLE BILINGUE Default of decree of 16. BOKO Reca Icitra nt « MAMA CHAUD CHAUD» creation and opening --------- ------------ -- ECOLE BILINGUE Default of decree of 17. BOKO « NIDS DES CHAMPIONS» creation and opening ECOLE BILINGUE Default of decree of 18. BONENDAlE « CRECHE LAFANGE » creation and opening ECOLE BILINGUE Default of decree of 19. CITE BERGE {( DES ENFANTS JOYEUX» creation and opening 5 ECOLE BILINGUE Dejault of de cree of 20. CITE BERGE « LA SAMARITAINE 1 » creation and op'ening _. - ECOLE BILINGUE Default of decree of 21. CITE BERGE « LA SAMARITAINE Il » creation and opening ECOLE BILINGUE Default of decree of 22. CITE BERGE « LES ANGES» creation and opening ECOLE BILINGUE Defoult of de cree of 23. CITE BERGE « FOYER BADRREFAM » creation and opening ---_._ .._--~_.._---- - ----_ ....•._-_._-_ ..- ..._-_ .. .- -_. ECOLE BILINGUE Default of decree .of 24. CITE BERGE « ARCHANGES» creation and opening ECOLE BILINGUE Default of decree of 25. CITE BERGE « PETITS PRINCES» creation and opening ECOLE BILINGUE ûejault of decree of 26. CITE BERGE « RIBABINS » creation and opening 1---- ECOLE BILINGUE Default of decree of 27. CITE BERGE « DELICE» creation and opening ECOLE BILINGUE Default of decree of 28. CITE BERGE « FOYER BAMEKA » creation and opening ECOLE BILINGUE Defoult of de cree of 29. CITE BERGE « FOYER BAMENDJOU creation and opening ---- ._ ...._- -------_.-------_._- EC0LE BILINGUE Default of decree of 30. CITE BERGE « LA VALEE » creation and opening _ ... -.--- ._--------_ .._--_ .._- - ECOLE BILINGUE Default of decree of 31. CITE BERGE « LE NID DES BAMBINS» creation and opening ECOLE BILlNGUE Default of decree of 32. CITE BERGE « LE REFUGE DES GAMINS» creation and opening ECOLE BILINGUE Default of decree of 33. CITE BERGE « LES CAUBRIS » creation and opening ECOLE BILINGUE Default of decree of 34. CITE BERGE « LES PAPILLONS» creation and opening ECOLE BILINGUE Oefault of decree of 35. CITE BILLES « GARDERIE LA VALLEE» creation and opening ECOLE BILINGUE Default of decree of 36. CITE BILLES « LA COTE» creation and opening ----_.- .._. .__. ..- 1-"------_._--_.--+ ---- ECOLE BILINGUE Default of decree of 37. CITE ILLES « LA REFERENCE» creation and opening ECOLE BILINGUE Default of decree of 38.
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