THE············ ', TRUE HISTORY OF THE·····~-.~~· THEOSOPHICAL •· · · · · •·SOCIETY 0LC01'T OLD DIARY LEAVES THE FOUNDERS OF THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. OLD DIARY LEAVES THE ONLY AUTHENTIC HISTORY OF THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY THIRD SERIES, 1883-1887 BY HENRY STEEL OLCOTT PRESIDBNT.. ti'OUNDER OF THE SOCIBTY " It takes two to speak truth-one to opeak and another to hear."-THOREAU. LONDON THE THEOSOPHICAL PUBLISHH{G SOCIETY MADRAS: THEOSOPHIST OF'FICE 1904 INTRODUCTION THE first volume of these historical sketches covered the period from the meeting of Madame Blavatsky and myself. in 1874, to our departure from New York for Bombay in December 1878; the &econd tells of our adventures in India aod Ceylon. the formation of Branches, the giving of lectures, healings of the sick by hundreds. occult phenomena produced by H. P. B.. etc., and brings us down tQ the autumn of 1883: at this time ~e take up the thread of narrative, and go forward to the month of May 1887 •. I think the ·reader will agree with me that the &ubject-matter of this volume possesses absorbing interest, quite equal to that in its two preceding volumes, if not even greater. Accounts are give~ among other things of my meeting& with several of the " Masters" in the course of my travels, and of !ha results of the same. o£ our removal of the Society's Headquarters from Bombay to Madras, of H. P. B.'ii last departure from her beloved Indian home into the exile of an European residence. The troublous times of the Coulomb conspiracy are dealt with in this volume, and the true story of the S. P. R. Report is placed on record, so that each member of our world-wide v • Vl Introduction organization may be in a position to refute the slanders which, even at this date, echo in some quarters round the name of Mme. Blavatsky. The building and formal installation of the Adyar Library, with ceremonies of an unprecedented character conducted by Indian pandits, Buddhist monks, Parsi mobeds, and a Muslim maulvi, are described, and numberless details of the growth of the theosophical movement, and of our Society in particular, are given. The story takes us to Europe as well as through Eastern lands, the intelligent reader being afforded the chance of watching the gradual outworking of the plan of the unseen Founders, whom their visible agents know to be at work through this channel in spreading throughout the world a knowledge of the principles which were taught by the Ancient Sages, and the general under­ standing and adoption of which would cure most of the evils which now afflict mankind. For men suffer because of ignorance of themselves and their environment, and the false ideals of happiness which they ~;truggle for are begotten by their ignorance-by nothing else. The war of individual men, of classes, and of nations can never­ will never-cease until the ideal of the Perfect Man, the omnipotence of His perfected Will, and the irresistible force of the law of Karma are grasped by the public mind, and the pre5ent popular ignorance is dispelled. CONTENTS CHAPTER I'AGE INTRODUCTION V I. OFFICIAL RECOGNITION I II. ADEPT SEEN AT PONDICHERY 14 III. THE MASTER K. H. AT LAHORE 26 IV. RECEPTION BY MAHARAJAH OF KAsHMIR • 39 V. MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE OF DAMODAR 51 VI. "CoMING EvENTS CAST THEIR SHADows BEFORE" 66 VII. PHENOMENA AND HEALING AT NICE • 79 VIII. A STRUGGLE IN THE LONDON LODGE T. s. 90 IX. H. P. B. AND THE s. P. R. REPORT 99 X. SUCCESSFUL ISSUE OF BUDDHIST MISSION • 112 XI. REALITY OF THOUGHT TRANSFERENCK XII. THE PAINTING OF ADEPT PORTRAITS XIII. GERMAN EXPERIENCES .• XIV. THE CoULOMB MISSIONARY CoNSPIRACY XV. FIRST VISIT TO BURMA XVI. H. P. B. LEAVES FOR EUROPE • XVII. CONCERNING SIBYLS • XVIII. FINAL DEPARTURE OF DAMODAR XIX. IN NoRTHERN INDIA AGAIN XX. PROGRESS OF THEOSOPHY IN INDIA XXI. PHENOMENAL MEMORIES OF PANDITS. XXII. H. P. B, IN ExiLE • 'rii viii Contents CHAPTER PAGE XXIII. TENDER OF RE!SIGNATlON 321 . ¥IV. CREMATION CEREMONY IN CEYLON 335 XXV. ESTABLISHING A BUDDHIST FLAG 350 XXVI. FouNDING THE AoYAR. LIBRARY 372 XXVII. THE OPENING CEREMON~ 382 XXVIII. MoRE ToURING IN CEYLON AND WESTERN INDIA. 399 XXIX. THUGS-THE PRINCE OF WALES IN DANGER 413 XXX. H; P. B. FOUNDS "LuciFER". 426 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS THE FOUNDERS OF THE T. S, . Fronti'spi'ece PAGE GROUP OF DELEGATES TO CONVENTION OF 1884 , 193 THE FIRST CONVENTION HELD ~IN HEADQUAR.TE:kS, AnYAR, MADRAS, 1882 • INDEX A B ADEPT at Pondichery, 17. BANGALORE1 373• Adepts, Portraits of, 155 et seq. ;, Dewan or, 374· Adoui, 304. Bankipore, 437· Adyar and H. P. B., 378. Banon, Captain A., 290. ,. Building, Description or, 7S· Bareilly visited, 29, 434- ,. Building Schemes, 324- Baroda visited, 6o, 416. " Library, Inception of, 246. ,. Gaikwar of, 61. Aligarh and the phenomenal mis· Behram, Dr. Edal, 418. sive, 30. Bellary, ~04· Allahabad visited, 25. Benares ID 1887, 427• ., and the Coulomb affair, Berhampur, 438. 291 • Bhaunagar, 407. ., in 1887, 427. Bllima Grantham, the genuine, 244. American Difficulties, 364. ., ,. Questions raised An Ancient Shrine, 401. by, 245~· Anantapur, 305. Bimlipatam visited, 67. Animal Fights, 49· Bishop Bigandet, 209. ,. Hospital, 420. Bishop's Blessing, A, J84- "Apport" of Letter, 31. Biind Badrinath Banerji (Case of), Arnold, Sir Edwin, 159- 437· " ,. Reception in Blindness cured, 18. · Ceylon, 341. Bombay, 21, 295, 407, 418. Artistic Inspiration, 158. Bricks and Mortar, 337· Astrology, 241, Brown, Mr. W. T., zo, 36, 326. Atmaram Swami, 59· Buddhist Defence Committee, 72, Aura in Disease, 142. 358. ., under treatment, 142. Mission, Correspondence "Auric" Spheres, zll. .. on, 120N rq. 439 440 Index Buddhist Mission, History of, i:Il!. Coulombs, Fate of the, ig~ e1 seq. , , Progress of, IJ2. , The, '14· , Catechism translated, 21 i. Cremation v. Burial, 348. , Flag, 351. Crookes, Mr. (Sir William), 145. ,, Public Worship, 356, ei Cuddapah, 385. .<eq. Curious accident to picture, 321 • Bulandshahr, 429. Customs of Kashmir Court, 48. Burma, Visit to, 200 et seq. D c DAMODAR, Astral Visit, 33• , Disappears, 51, 266 et CAHAGNET, Alphonse, and his seq. work, 247· , Progress of, 26. Caithness, Countess of, 79· , Returns, 54· Captain Courmes, 78. Damodar's Diary, 260 et seq. Carnival at Nice, 83-4. Dangerous Drive, A, 400. Caste and the T. S., 69. Darjiling, 254- Caves andJungles, effect in Russia, Dedication, A, 40l:. 71. Defence of Hinduism, 272 et seq. Cawnpore, Lecture at, 290. Degenerate Buddhists, 353· , Again, 42~. Degraded Priesthood, 4ji. , Events at, :25-7· Delhi visited, 33, Ceylon visited, 341. Difficultie~ at Adyar, 2i7 et seq. , · Again visited in i887, 399· Dinner at Junior Athenaoum, 95· , Cremation Ceremony, 342 Discomfited Orientalist, A, 287. et seq. Du Prel, Baron Carl, I:fi, 172. , Religious differences in, 342 Durbhanga, Strange Conduct of et seq. Prince of, 437· Chakravarti, Mt. G. N., 288. Dwaita Catecllism, :HS. Change in Tluosopkist, JU. Cha~cot, Professor, I Sj. Clairvoyance and Police, 83. Coimbatore Branch organised, H. Collapse ofT. S. in U.S.A., 385. Colombo, Work in, 72. EARTHQUAKE Experience, 277, Colour prejudice in India, 279. Eastern Customs, 49. Committee ofT. S. and Coulomb Economical Touring, 418 et seq, case, i92. Education, Lecture oii, 297• Convention in Colombo, 352. Epileptic Attack cured, 294. , of 1883, 6j. Evans, Colonel and Mrs., So. Conversaziohi, value of1 ij9-i46. " Evil Eye," the Explanation of, Cooper-Oakley, Mr., 31i:. 146 et seq. Coues, Dr. Elliott, 364, 385. Ewen, Mr., Clairvoyance of, i4i. Coulomb Antecedents, 187 et seq, Executive Committee suggested, 11 Conspiracy, i79 et seq. 226. , Scandal, effects of, 196 tr Expulsion of official at Jaipur, 6o, · seiJ. Ezekiel, Mr., Kabbalist, 295· Index 441 F H. P. B., Character sketch, 313- 316. FEVEB. and Native Remedies, 353· Culinary ignorance, 11. Fire at Madras, ]]I. " Difficult to work with, Flammarion, Camille, So. " :ZZI, Floating Fire Festival at Mylapore, in exile, 310 et seq. 340, .. in society, 2. France, Theosophy in, 324 et seq. .. and Keely, 386. Friendly Weather Elementals, :z8g. Leaves for Europe, 2Z] • Fyzabad and its "live-stock," 434· .. Letter on Secret Doctrine, .. ]66. Phenomena by, 10. G " Russian spy myth, 2:zo. .. Serious illness, :zo6 et seq. GALLE, 404- " Slanders by Coulombs, Ganges, Bathing in the, 431, .. 246. Gebhard, Frau, 164. 317. .. --s. P. R. Report, 102. Germany, Theosophy in, 166. ,. Speech at Madras, 186. Ghazipore visited, :zs. , . Sphere of work described, Gimar Rock Inscription, 409· II. Gooty visited, 304. ,. Story of childhood, 9· Gopinath, Pandit, 57• , Successors appointed, 379· Government Service, effect in T. S., Hilbbe-Schleiden, Dr., 172. 4:Z6. Hydembad, 18 et seq., :Z99· Guyot, Yves, 151. Hypnotic Cures, 88. Hypnotism, Schools of, 153 et seq. H I HACKETT, Rev. Mr., 292. Haemmerle, Madame, So. IDOLS, how to make, 251. Handwriting Experts, value of, 235 Indian Art and European Taste I et seq. 410. Hartmann, Dr. F., appears, 62. Indian Papers on the Conspimcy, " ,. takes Buddhist 184 et seq. precepts, 6 5· Infallibility in the T. S., 228 et seq. Hard war, Convention at, 430. Ingratitude ofthe Healed, 12, Haridas, the Hatha Yogi, 432. ., ofT. S. Members, :Zig. Harisinhji, Prince, 383. Inspiration, Sources and Method of, Hatha Yoga, Instance of, z(. 367 et seq. Healing a Paralytic, 12. Invitation from King Thebaw, 23. Healings suspended by order, a:z. Islam, Lecture on, :zS 5· Hermetic T. S. founded, 94- Hodgson, Dr., 103. Hofrmann, Herr von, 168. Hoshangabad, 4Z:Z. J H. P. B., Attitude towards, IIG-111. , at Ostende, 331. ~AM:ALPUB. visited, 437· ,. at Torre del Greco, 308 ammu visited, 44- el seq, 1 ewish Joke, A, zg6. 442 Index Joke by the P. T. S., 339· Magnetism of Audiences, .290- Jubbulpore School for Princes, 23 Maharajah of Durbhanga, 281.
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