12 THE MOTtNTNG OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, XOVETirBEIt 28, 1914. line. Captain Nixon and Hughie Mc-Ken- na pound each put across a touchdown in backfield on their light line, the Langford from boxing In this city next AGGIES WILL PLAY the last frame. visitors by a series of long forward Friday night as proposed. HOCKEY passes open four-roun- The big star of the was MEN TRAIN and fast plays scored a SHERIFF EYES BOUTS The committee believes that any d match touchdown in tha third period and In which Langford 'ouikes, of Aberdeen, who registered "Cliff" affair would WHY NOT? five touchdowns through the aid of for- Shinn kicked goal. engage would be fixed In advance, and ward passes. During the last two periods, the vis- says that for the protection of the YOU CAN BE WELL WORLD'S FAIR 6ANIE itors were represented by only 10 men public his appearance in the ring here DRESSED AT OUR PRICE. HOGAX but again science overcame "beef" and should not be allowed. WOULD SHIFT WOLVES seven more tallies in the third quarter Supervisors Hilmer and Hocks, of the Pete Muldoon Preparing Port- gave the Brooklyn team vic- Sporting Writer Complains of tory decisive committee, today expressed their dis- Changes to Come if Venetian Be- land Team for Battle. over the Oswego eleven. Scrutiny satisfaction with recent local bouts, - St. Helens. averring they comes at that looked like fakes. One of Two Contests in Cali- Manager, He Says. WOMEN- WILL BOWL AT CLUB Hap Hogan, of Venice, is credited in BULLEN PUTS UP GOOD FIGHT a recent interview In Los Angeles fornia, to Take Place at saying with Party Being Arranged to Take Ad- Ollie that he intended to make sev- ON Hill Nearly Meets Match at eral changes in the Sacramento-Missio- n FAST WORK ICE NOTED vantage of New Privilege. CHURCH FRETS AT PRANK . Stadium on Grounds. team if he takes the leadership of Hawthorne Club Smoker. the club. He previously had attended The women's auxiliary of the Mult- a monster nomah Club has been granted the privi- In Arthur Bullen, a clever youngster mass meeting given in his lege appearing In the ring for the first honor by business men in Sacramento. of bowling on the alleys Saturday time, Ollie Hill nearly met his match It Is being said In Los Angeles Other Members of Hippodrome Out-- - nights from 7:30 to 10:30. No women Battle on if Hap wants job managerthat took advantage of the new ruling Announcement Pasted last night at the Hawthorne Club Changes. DATES FOR BATTLES SET the as of Saturday last smoker. Bullen gives much promise. Always the Sacramento team he will a. fit Expected Today and Moose but a party has been organ- Door Causes Trouble Fights left-hande- d, eet it at ized tonight He boxes extending his RAINPROOF RAT.TVTAf'A ATSJQ salary of J5000 a year and will receive for and a large number of slap-ban- g 01 per Johnson, Due Sunday, Will women expect Called Impossible Under right foot. Seven bouts of the cent of the club's stock. to enjoy the sport. order were carded by the club. ENGLISH AND BOXBACK Hogan will not have a thing to do Complete Aggregation. The junior entrance on the east side The SUITS; with the Wolves of the building will be used. Rule of Officer. results: ALL THE NEW FAB O. A. C. Team and Its Opponents to unless they are 90 pounds S. Gordon won decision RICS AND COLORS. financed by one or two individuals, it from Cohen: three rounds. Be Only Ones to Use American is said. He learned a lesson in taking McVey to Fight wflls. 120 pounds A. Murphy won decision the old Fresno club. When the Fresno from MONEY REFUNDED NOT fans got the Coast League Many of those who NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 27 Sam Mc- EDWARD HILL. Stockdale: three rounds. IF Style of Playing at Panama fever they have been under Vey and Harry Wills, negro heavy- BY 135 pounds Fredericks won decision AS REPRESENTED. canvassed the town and every one put the impression that ice hockey was a A card announcing boxing bouts lp from Pacific Exposition. in from J20 up. The town could not "gentleman's" game weights, have been matched for a Rocksteln; stopped in third. support have received a bout here on December 20, was the City Hall, placed on the front door 135 pounds Kreiger won decision the club, however, and the surprising shock, it cut-up- dispelling all former announced today. of a church by the "village ,' from Syveson; three rounds. franchise was taken up by the league. tneories, during the past two days at 108 pounds Not long ago Hogan was paying a the Ice Hippodrome. nearly caused the calling off of the D. Murphy won decision visit to Fresno. He entered a cigar Pete Drummer Boys to Skate. bouts at St. Helens on Thanksgiving, irom bmlth; three rounds. r ' BY ROSCOE FAWCETT. store deposited Muldoon. veteran trainer and 120 pounds Taylor won decision one of and a $20 note, picked coach, has been busv whiooin Into The United Spanish - American War according to Bud Anderson, who won from Owens; three World's Fair visitors will see handily Bobby rounds. crack teams of Northwestern foot- from Evans in six 120 pounds Hill won decision from the rounds. Bullen; three rounds, t ball In action next Fall. Dr. E. J. Yost Schmeer Oregon Ag- FIKST ACTION PHOTOGRAPH "Before the fight the Sheriff went to refereed. Stewart, head coach at the OF PORTLAND'S PROFESSIONAL HOCKEY TEAM IN PACIFIC they would ricultural College, yesterday announced COAST LEAGUE. the boxers and told them mmUalOUaiaHaMai games Califor- be arrested if there were any knock the signing of two in outs," said the Vancouver boy yester nia for 1915. One or them will be day. He gave this as his reason for DERELICTS' HOME ASKED WALKED LOCK OFF played on the Exposition grounds at letting Evans go the full six rounds San Francisco. when it was evident to the small gath The first of these Inter-sectlon- al ering of fans that the clashes will be with the Pomona col- newsboy was "MOTHER" LAWREXCE PRESENTS No- all but out. legians at Los Angeles Wednesday, St. Helena PLAN TO COMMISSION. vember 24. The second will be the Bonta Called Poor. another that claims attention. Mrs. game with the University of It would not take that great dls Victor return coverer of "cheesy" affairs Ad Wol Johnson's womanly grace and Southern California at San Francisco gast Council Look With Favor on Pro distinction are beautifully expressed in Saturday, November 27. '. - ; N to tell what kind of bouts have her likeness. The poise of young Washingt- If been perpetrated St. of late. Buy the Thi3 means that the proposed '.. ,v at Helens posal to Land Cheaply for matron has decided charm. on-Oregon Aggie battle for next ..:.r?.?.l. ;..?' Portland fans refused to patronize the John Walker, son of Mr. off. l nanksgiving show. Besides the dozen Inmates to Improve. and Mrs. Thanksgiving day at Seattle Is It or so managers Victor Johnson. Mrs. Robert Lewis and will have to be disposed of earlier in of and two dozen several others well known in Portland the season. trainers and seconds, all of whom went A detention home men may society are among those who have in on paper." there were few fight for be Mrs. ORyan. sat Teams to Be Only Ones of Kind. from estaDiisnea Dy tne city if a proposal for Her collection of fans Portland who took the boat Hat-ti- miniatures many "As I understand It now," explained for the scene of the battles Thursday. made by the Council yesterday to e includes dainty, life- night, and our B. Lawrence, superintendent of Pis-ga- h like and beautiful subjects exquisitely rr. Stewart last "we If St. Helens wants to get the Port handled.-- among opponents will be the only college land crowds and the fans Home, an establishment for dere- Notable these is Mrs. American game to from the licts, is adopted. Frances Upham, who was formerly teams playing the other nearby towns, to turn out to its Miss Armstrong, of Kentucky, appear in the Exposition stadium next boxing shows there will have to be a "Mother" Lawrence, which is her a South- This may not be the case, but I change most familiar name, proposes to .pur- ern belle of lovely coloring and dignity. Fall. by radical in the running order of chase 640 acres of land near Scappoose, Elizabeth Ann Warner is a charming am given to understand as much V-fiJ things. The preliminaries between where a farm can be little miss whom the painter de- Manager Bovard, of the University of 'J ouds' mat never Derore have had a established for picted has California. He did the sched- on derelicts who frequent the Municipal in girlish frock and with im- Southern mitt will have to be chucked Into mense Men-ef- ee uling me." Court and the City Jail, provided the pink hairbow. Mrs. Oscar for the discard. In their stead they will city will assist her in financing the has been carefully and skillfully Dr. Stewart and his team were in have to get boys who are able at least proposition. painted with her daughter Fortland yesterday en route home to to make a showing In their fistic en Flora and Tacoma, where the Ag- It is the plan to buy the land at $6.25 the portrait is a gem.
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