1922. CONQ-R.ESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 12247 PRIVA.TE BILLS .A.ND RESOLUTIONS. Senate. I promised the Senator from Alabama [Mr. HEFLIN] last night th.at at this morning's session I would ask that it· Under clause, 1 of Rule XXII, J)rivate bills and resolutions be referred to that committee. were introdu~ed ·and severally referred as follows: The PRESIDENT _pro tempoTe. Without objection, it will be By l\fr. BIRD: A bill (H. R. 12569) granting a pension to so referred. Thomas G. Redd ; to the Committee on Pensions. THE <COTroN INDUSTRY. By l\fr. FITZGERALD: A bill (H. R. 12570) granting a pen­ gion to Clara E. Smith~ to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Mr. Sl\IITH. Mi'. President, I uk unanimous eonsent that By Mr. FULLER: A bill (H. R. 12571) granting an increase the resolution (S. Res. 336) submitted by me on August 10, of pension to Sarah Lighthart; to the Committee on Invalid 1922, relative to the cotton industry be ta.ken up and disposeq. Pensions. ot It has been unanimously reporred from the Committee on By llr. KELLEY of Michigan: A bill (H. R. 12572) granting Agriculture and Forestry and simply gives that committee power a pension to Luther L. Haight; to the Committee <011 Pensions. to investigate conditions 1n r~ference to the marketing and By Mr. SNELL: A bill (H. R. 12.573) granting an increase handling of cotton. of pension to Mary Garno; to the Committee on Invalid Mr. BRANDEGEE. Does not the resolution have to go to tho Pensions. Committee to Audit and Control the Contingent Expenses of the Also, a bill (H. R. 12574) granting a pension to Delia Garno; Senate? to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Mr. SMITH. N.o; it does not. By Mr. THOU.AS: A bill (H. R. 12575) granting a pension to Mr. BR.A.NDEGEE. It does not involve the expenditm·e of Martha Flener ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. any money? By Mr. CANNON: Resolution (H. Res. 424) to pay Arthur Mr. SMITH. No. Lucas for special janitor services; to the Committee on Ac­ The Senate, by unanimous consent, pr.oceeded to consider counts. the resolution which had been reported from the Commlttee on Agriculture and Forestry with an amendment on page 2, line 9, to strike out the word ·u methods " and insert " agencies," so PETITIONS, ETC. as to make the resolution read: Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid Whereas the carry-over or present stoek o! American cotton as given on the Clerk's desk and referred as foHow A by official statistics is less than the normal carry-over· and 6281. By Mr. KISSEL: Petition of Frank L. Young Co., Bos­ Whereas the present condition of the growing crop indicates a yield far below the world's demand fo.r American cotton ; and ton, Mass.., regarding tariff on soya-bean oil; to the Com­ Whereas the entire carry-over plus the indicated yield would not mittee on Ways and Means. meet the world's demand ; and 6282. Also, petition of Francis W. Stulz, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Whereas the ravages of the boll weevil are more extensive and severe than ever before in the history -0f the ravages -0f this pest, making the i·ega.rding increase of pay for policemen at supply depot ; t-0 the yield entirely problematical ; and Committee on Naval Affairs. Whereas the cost of producing cotton under these adverse conditions has been enormously increased; and Whereas the price of cotton in the lllal'kets has failed utterly to re­ s,pond to these conditiQnS; and Whereas the consumption of .American cotton, both at home and SENATE. abroad, has shown a progressive increase: Therefore be it Resolved., That the Agricultural Committee of the Senate 'be author· io:ed and empowered to investigate all matters pertaining to the subject FRIDAY, Bepte?nber 8, 192~. of supply and demand and marketing of cotton, with a view of deter· mining whether any undue methods or practioos a.re being ~mployed by Rev. Wallace Radcliffe, D. D., of the <'lty of Washington, the trade in restraining the natural operation of the law of supply and offered the following prayer : demand. Re.rn h:ed fut·ther~ That the committee be empowered to use such Almighty God, may the grace of Our Lord Jesu Christ, agencies as in its judgment are necessary t-0 obtain tbe information the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost be desired. with the United States Senate in their per onal life and official The amendment was agreed to. service, with all executives of the Nation, and with the land, The resolution as amended was agreed to. for the sake of Him who hath taught us to pray and say: The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. 0DDIE in the chair). Morn­ Our Father which art in heaven. hallowed be Thy name. ing business is closed. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in ADDITIONAL DISTRICT JUDGES-CONFERENCE REPORT. heaven. Girn us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into Mr. CUl\fMINS. I .ask unanimous consent that the Seti.ate temptation, but deliver us from evil; for Thine is the kingdom, proceed to the consideration of the conference report on House. and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. bill 9103, ·known as the additional judges bill The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection? The reading clerk proceeded to read the J onrnal of yester­ Mr. HEFLIN. I do not see the Senator from Tennessee [Mr. day's proceedings, when, on request of Mr. OuRTis and by SHIELDS] here. I shall have to object for the present. I do unanimous consent, the further reading was dispensed with, not know that the Senator· from Tennessee would object to and the Journal was approved. taking up the conference report, but I would like to have him MERGER OF STEEL COM.PA.NIES (B. DOC. NO. 208, PT. 2). here when it is called up. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a The PRESIDING OFFICER. There is objection to the re.. coruruunica.tion from the acting chairman of the Feder.al Trade quest of the Senator from Iowa. Commission, transmitting, in response to Senate resolution l\fr. CUMMINS. I move that the Senate proceed to the con· 286, agreed to .May 12, 1922, further information relative to sideration of the conference report. the proposed merger of certain steel companies and steps taken 1\lr. WATSON of Georgia. Mr. President, I suggest the ab· by the commission, etc., which was ordered to lie on the table sence of a quorum. and to be printed. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Secretary wilJ call the BII;LS INTRODUCED. roll. Bills were introduced, read the fu'st time, and, by unani­ The reading clerk called the roll, and the following Senators mous con ·ent, the second time, and referred a.s follows: answered to their names: Bv Mr. BURSUl\.I : Borah Ernst Nelson .Smoot Brandegee Fletcher New Stanley A. bill ( S. 3981) granting a pension to Malcolm D. Lincoln; Broussard Gooding Nicholson Sterling to tbe Committee on Pensions-. Bursum Harreld -Oddie Sutherland By Mr. CALDER (for Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN) : Calder Heflin Phipps Swanson Capper Jones, Wash. Ran dell Trammell A bill (S. 3988) for the relief of the estate of Thomas N. Colt Kellogg Rawson Walsh, Mass. Avery; to the Committee on Claims. Culberson Lenroot Reed, Pa. Warren FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD INVESTIGATION. Cummins McCumber Sheppard Watson.Ga.. Curtis McLean Shields Watson, Ind. The PRESIDENT pro temp-0re. The Chair lays before the Dillingham McNary Simmons Williams Senate a resolution coming over from the previous day, which du Pont Myers Smith will be stated. The PRESIDING OFFIOER. Forty-seven Senators have The READING CLERK. A resolution (8. Res. 344) providing ,answered to their names. A quorum is not present. The Sec· for the appointment of a committee to investigate charges retary will call the names of the absent Senators. against the Federal Reserve Board, the resolution submitted The reading c1erk called the names of the absent Senato.rs. yesterday by the Senator from .Alabama (Mr. HEFLIN]. The following Senators .entered the Chamber and answered Mr. OURTIS. Mr. President, the resolution has to go to the to thelr names: Committee to Audit and Control the Contingent Expenses of the _ Ashurst. Shortridge. .~12248 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE.. SEPTElIBER 8 H 1 - The PRESIDING OFFICER. Forty-nine Senators have an­ Mr. FLETCHER (when his name was called). I have a gen­ swered to their names. A quorum is present. The question is eral pair with the Senator from Delaware [Mr. BALL] who is on the motion of the Senator from Iowa. absent, but I am advised that he would vote as I shall vote on Mr. HEFLIN. Mr. President, I withdraw the objection which this matter. I vote "yea." I made, if the Senate will permit me to do so. The Senator Mr. '.HARRISON (when his name was called). I transfer my from Tennessee [Mr. SHIELDS] has entered the Chamber, and I pair with the junior Senator from West Virginia [Mr. ELKINS] understand he has no objection to the consideration of the con­ to the junior Senator from Rhode Island [Mr. GERRY] and will ference report I simply desired that he should be present when vote. I vote" nay." the matter was taken up. I withdraw the objection. Mr. McCUMBER (when his name was called). I transfer CONSIDERATION OF THE CALENDAR ON SATUIIDAY.
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