http://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf1489n4nr No online items Register of the Poland. Ambasada (United States) records Finding aid prepared by Ron Bulatoff Hoover Institution Library and Archives © 1998 434 Galvez Mall Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-6003 [email protected] URL: http://www.hoover.org/library-and-archives Register of the Poland. Ambasada 45015 1 (United States) records Title: Poland. Ambasada (United States) records Date (inclusive): 1918-1956 Collection Number: 45015 Contributing Institution: Hoover Institution Library and Archives Language of Material: Polish Physical Description: 111 manuscript boxes(46.2 Linear Feet) Abstract: Reports, correspondence, bulletins, communiques, memoranda, dispatches, and instructions, speeches and writings, and printed matter, relating to the establishment of the Republic of Poland; the Polish-Soviet War of 1920; Polish politics and foreign relations; national minorities in Poland; the territorial question of Danzig, Memel, the Polish Corridor, and Galicia; the Polish emigration abroad; Poland during World War II; and the Polish Government-in-Exile in London. A digital copy of this entire collection is available at http://szukajwarchiwach.pl/800/36/0/-/ . Access The collection is open for research; materials must be requested at least two business days in advance of intended use. Publication Rights For copyright status, please contact the Hoover Institution Library & Archives Preferred Citation [Identification of item], Poland. Ambasada (United States) Records, [Box no., Folder no. or title], Hoover Institution Library & Archives. Alternative Form Available Also available on microfilm (139 reels). Digital copy in Poland's National Digital Archive at http://szukajwarchiwach.pl/800/36/0/-/ . It was digitized from microfilm by the Polish State Archives. Introductory Note The United States and Poland established formal diplomatic relations in January 1919, a month ahead of the other Allied powers. During the next eleven years Poland was represented in Washington by an envoy in the rank of minister and, since January 1930, by an ambassador. The following diplomats were the Second Polish Republic's chief representatives in the United States: The archives of the Polish embassy in the United States fared better than those of other Polish diplomatic posts. Most of the embassy's files were tranferred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Archives during the 1930's. There about 38 linear meters survived World War II. This collection is now held in the Contemporary Records Archives (Archiwum Akt Nowych) in Warsaw. The rest of the embassy's records, as well as those generated during the war, remained in Washington until July 1945. When the United States withdrew its recognition from the London-based Polish government in exile, the Second Republic's Ambassador to the United States, Jan Ciechanowski, decided to protect all of the archival collections held in Washington from falling into the hands of the Soviet-sponsored government in Warsaw by transferring them to the Hoover Institution. The Hoover collection of the Polish embassy in Washington, supplemented by some related later emigre files and printed matter, occupies 111 manuscript boxes or about 14 linear meters. Ambassador Jan Ciechanowski's personal collection is held in the Archives of the Polish Institute and the Sikorski Museum in London. Maciej Siekierski June 1998 Subjects and Indexing Terms United States -- Foreign relations -- Poland Poland -- Foreign relations -- United States Poland -- Politics and government -- 1918-1945 Poland -- Emigration and immigration Poland -- History -- Occupation, 1939-1945 Poland -- History -- Wars of 1918-1921 World War, 1939-1945 -- Diplomatic history World War, 1939-1945 -- Poland World War, 1939-1945 -- Governments in exile Poland -- Foreign relations -- 1918-1945 Register of the Poland. Ambasada 45015 2 (United States) records Minorities -- Poland Galicia (Poland and Ukraine) Gdańsk (Poland) Klaipėda (Lithuania) Poland -- Boundaries CORRESPONDENCE 1939-1951 Scope and Contents Correspondence of Ambassador Jan Ciechanowski and his office, arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent. box 1, folder 1 Byrnes, James F. July 5, 1945 box 1, folder 2 Celler, Emanuel 1944 box 1, folder 3 Cicognani, Amleto Giovanni, Archbishop 1944 box 1, folder 4 Cross, Samuel H. 1942 box 1, folder 5 Dulles, John Foster 1945 box 1, folder 6 Dunn, James C. 1943 box 1, folder 7 Gwiazdoski, Tadeusz 1947-1949 box 1, folder 8 Hull, Cordell 1944-1945 box 1, folder 9 Jachimowicz Jan, 1950 box 1, folder 10 Jedrzejewski, Stefan 1951 box 1, folder 11 Jelenski, Konstanty 1948-1949 box 1, folder 12 Kukiel, Marian, General 1947-1949 box 1, folder 13 Masaryk Jan, 1942 box 1, folder 14 Powell, E. H. 1942 box 1, folder 15 Roosevelt, Franklin D. 1943 box 1, folder 16 Stanczyk Jan, 1941 box 1, folder 17 Tarnowski, Adam 1945-1947 box 1, folder 18 Various Polish consular and diplomatic posts 1941-1947 Diplomatic notes to and from various foreign diplomatic offices box 1, folder 19 1939 box 1, folder 20 1939-1940 SPEECHES AND WRITINGS OF JAN CIECHANOWSKI 1933-1956 Scope and Contents Arranged chronologically for untitled items and alphabetically by title for titled items. box 2 Untitled box 2, folder 1 1940-1956 box 2, folder 2-3 1945-1951 Titled box 2, folder 4 "German-Polish Relations," article reprinted from International Affairs May-June 1933 box 2, folder 5 Speech given in honor of Dorothy Thompson May 6, 1941 box 2, folder 6 Speech (untitled) 1941 or 1942 box 2, folder 7 Speech given at the Cooperative Forum September 23, 1942 box 2, folder 8 Speech (untitled) 1942 (?) box 2, folder 9 Speech (untitled) March 3, 1947 (?) box 2, folder 10 Speech given at Americans of Polish Descent rally, Cleveland, Ohio October 30, 1950 box 2, folder 11 Statements July 1945 Register of the Poland. Ambasada 45015 3 (United States) records DESPATCHES AND INSTRUCTIONS 1919-1944 DESPATCHES AND INSTRUCTIONS 1919-1944 Scope and Contents Despatches sent by the Polish Ambassador and his office to the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and instructions sent by the Ministry to the Ambassador and his office, arranged as listed. box 2 General box 2, (cablegrams) 1919-1921 folder 12-15 box 3, folder 1 (cablegrams) 1919-1921 box 3, folder 2 1920 box 3, folder 3 1921-1922 box 3, folder 4-7 1922 box 4, folder 1 1926 (December 25, 1925 -December 31, 1926) box 4, folder 2 1927 (January 4 -December 31) box 4, folder 3 1928 (January 3 -November 26) box 4, folder 4 1929 (December 31, 1928 -December 27, 1929) Instructions from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the various diplomatic and consular posts 1939 box 4, folder 5 October 10 box 4, folder 6 November 28 box 4, folder 7 1944 box 4, folder 8 Miscellaneous despatches and instructions 1942 REPORTS 1920-1947 Scope and Contents Reports sent by the Embassy to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as reports received by the Embassy from the Ministry, other Polish consular and diplomatic posts, Polish government offices, and various other governmental bodies. Arranged in two subseries, one arranged alphabetically by office and the other arranged alphabetically by subject. box 4 Reports by office Commission of Financial Advisers 1926 box 4, folder 9 Accounting and fiscal control box 4, folder 10 Bank of Poland - Revision of articles of association box 4, folder 11 Banking fund, Proposed box 4, folder 12 Budget law box 4, folder 13 Customs administration box 4, folder 14 Danzig - Customs administration box 4, folder 15 Public debts policy box 4, folder 16 Remarks on recommendations of Commission box 5, folder 1 Revenue system, Polish box 5, folder 2 Salt industry box 5, folder 3 Tobacco monopoly box 5, folder 4 Zloty, Stabilization of box 5, folder 5-6 General Staff - Department II (Sztab Glowny - Oddzial II). Analyses of German military budget for 1930/1931 and for 1931/1932 (July 1930) (June 1931) box 5, folder 7 Inter-Allied Research Committee. Potulicki, M., Dr., "Some Aspects of the Organization of German Thinking," October 1944 Ministerial Committee of Enquiry into the Question of the Polish Prisoners of War from the Campaign, Missing in the USSR 1939 box 5, folder 8 "Facts and Documents Concerning Polish Prisoners of War Captured by the USSR during the 1939 Campaign," February 1946 box 6, folder 1 "The Mass Murder of Polish Prisoners of War in Katyn," March 1946 box 6, folder 2 "Supplementary Report on Facts and Documents Concerning the Katyn Massacre," October 1947 Register of the Poland. Ambasada 45015 4 (United States) records REPORTS 1920-1947 box 6, folder 3 Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnetrznych (Ministry of Internal Affairs). Wydzial Narodowosciowy (Nationalities Section). "Geneza i rozwoj ukrainskiego ruchu nacjionalistycznego /UWO i OUN" (Genesis and Development of the Ukrainian Nationalist Movement - UVO and OUN) 1933 Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych /MSZ (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) General box 6, folder 4 from Department of Information - "Report on Ukrainian Cruelties Committed on the Polish Population of Eastern Galicia" 1919, box 6, folder 5-7 1919-1921 box 6, folder 8-9 from Sekretarjat Spraw Politycznych (Secretariat of Political Affairs) 1919-1921, box 6, folder 10 from Ministry - by W. Lednicki 1920, box 6, folder 11 to and from Ministry and Washington, D.C. Embassy 1920-1924, box 6, folder 12 from Dyrekcja Spraw Politycznych (Directorate of Political Affairs) 1921, box 6, folder 13 from Dyrekcja Spraw Politycznych. Wydzial Wschodni (Eastern Division). "Sprawa Galicji
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