DIRECTORY.] ESSEX. BRENTWOOD. 55 [,22,000, and is a structure of flint with stone d-ressings, for public meetings, lectures, balls and concerts, and in the Early English style, from designs by Mr. Ernest holding soo persons; there are also other rooms, and in Lee, architect, consisting of chancel, nave with cleres­ front is an illuminated clock. tory, aisles, and a tower on the north side with spire, The 1st Volunteer Battalion of the Essex Regiment.. added in 1886, and containing a clock and 8 bells, given has its head quarters at the Drill Hall, Ongar road, a as a memorial to the lat-e Rev. Charles Alm_eric Belli M.A. commodious and substantial edifice of brick, erected in vicar of South Weald 1823-77: the lower stage of the 1886, at a cost of [,2,ooo; the F Company of the Bat~ tower forms a porch; there are 1,o5o sittings. The talion is also stationed here. register for ma:rriages and baptisms dates from 1695 ; The Congregational Church Young Men's Institute has burials, 1741. The living is a vicarage, average tithe premises in the New road. rent-charge £70, net yearly value £216, including 17 Brickmaking and brewing are carried on here. Fairs acres of glebe, with residence, in tile gift of Christopher are held here on October 16th and 17th. .J. H. Tower esq. of Weald Hall, and held since 1876 by At the top of the High street there is a monument, the Rev. Charles Grinstead :l\I.A. of St. Catharine's Col­ erected by public subscription in 1861 to William Hunter, lege, Cambridge, and Rural Dean of Barstable, A vicar­ a Protestant martyr and a native of Brentwood, who at age house, in the Ingrave road, was erected in the year the early age of 19 was burned near this spot by order of 1878. Bishop Bonner, in tb.e reign of Queen Mary, March 26th, The Catholic Church, dedicated to the Sacred Heart 1555. and St. Helen, is an edifice in the Gothic style, erected in Gittan's charity of [,1, left in 1711, is derived from 186o and 1861, at a cost of £2,500, raised by subscrip­ land situated at Pilgrim's Hatch, and supplies IS. each to 'tion; it has a lofty spire and several stained windows; 20 poor people yearly. Massa's charity of £150, left in the baptistery' has recently ( 1894) been elabOTately deco­ 1771, produces £4 16s. and is for coals. Martin's charity rated. There are also schools and a convent in connection of £I,ooo Consols produces £30 yearly, and is for coals or with this church and a small orphanage for boys, en­ wood. Newman's charities of £so, £II5 and £121, pro­ dowed by Helen Ann, Countess Tasker, of Middleton Hall, duce £8 12s. 2d. yearly, which is distributed in various Shenfield, who died in 1887. An orphanage for guls was ways to the poor. Mr. Robert Cross left in 1879 £5oo, added in 1889: now £2£ per Cents. the interest of which is divided The Congregational chapel, in :Xew road, was built in yearly amongst six poor people (families or widows) z847 and enlarged and rebenched in 1872, at a cost of residing in Brentwood or the immediate vicinity. £1,ooo; a fine organ has been since added, at a cost of The Rosslyn Toilers' Rest, Rose Valley, formerly a large> about £5oo, and in 1873 a school was built at a cost of private house, has (1894) been adapted and established over [,1,ooo. The "lVesleyan chapel in "\Varley road was by the Countess of Rosslyn, in memory of her husband, built in 1892, at a cost of about £1,IOO, and affords 392 for the benefit of the East end poor. sittings; the old chapel is now used as a school, and there Five acres of land has been taken by the Brentwood is a Baptist chapel in King's road, and a meeting room Rural Sanitary Committee, and is let out in allotments. for The Brethren on Primrose hill. The Dissenting The area is 354 acres, 21 poles; r·ateable value, Mission Hall, in Back street, will hold about 250 persons, £21,022; the population in 1881 was 4,653, and in 1891, and is also used for temperance meetings. 4,949, including 540 in the Ha.ckney Union Training The Cemetery of 6 acres, at Brook Street hill, was School. ()pened in 1893, and is under the control of a Burial Board Verger and Sexton, Henry Thomps<m, Alfred road. The Town Hall, in High street, built in 1864, contains a large hall, 74 feet long by 37 feet wide, well adapted OFFICIAL ESTABLISHME:XTS, LOC.AL I:XSTITLTIONS &c. Post, 1\I. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Parcel Post & Annuity & & of which notice will be given by the clerk, & ever'j Insurance Office, High street. Ellis Robert Symond>l, alternate thursday for general business through the postmaster year Dispatches for London & all parts at g.IO, 10 & 10.45 The following places are included in the divil!lion :­ - a. m. 3, 4.30, 8.30 & 10 p.m. :for Chelmsford, Ingatestone, Bassildon, Benfl.eet (~orth), Bowers Gifford, Brentwood, Witham, Braintree, Maldon & Ipswich, at 1.35 p.m. ; Burstead (Great), Burstead (Little), Childerditch, for Bishops Stortford, Cambridge, Peterboro', through­ Doddinghurst, Downham, Dunton, Cranham, Horndon out" Lincoln & East Riding of York, 7·45 p.m.; for (East), Horndon ("\Vest), Button, Ingrave, Laindon, lngatestone, Chelmsford, Colchester, Maldon, Ipswich Lee ,Chapel, Mountnessing, N evendon, Pit sea, Ramsden .& Norwich, 8.30 p.m. & for Romford, at w p.m. for Bellhouse, Ramsden Grays, Shenfield, Vange, Warley Billericay, 5.30 p.m. Sundays for London at 8.30 & (Great), Warley (Little), Weald (South), Wickford 10 p.m.; Romford, 10 p.m.; Ingatestone, Chelmsford, Public Establishments. Colchester, Ipswich & Norwich at 8.30 p.m Deliveries. From London & all parts, 7 & II a.m. & 3 The County Lunatic Asylum, standing on an eminence, & 6 p.m.: from Ingatestone, Chelmsford, Colchester, about half a mile from the Brentwood station, on the ~Ialdon, Ieswich, Romford & Norwich. 7 a. m. & 5.30 p.m Cres~ent road, is a building in the Elizabethan style, ~Ioney Order & Savings Bank business (including annuity opened in 1853: in 1864 it was enlarged by the erection & insurance), from 8 a.m. till 9 p.m. daily of three additional blocks, in 1871 another block was Town, Sub-Post & M. 0. 0., s. B. & Annuitv & In- added for 25~ female patients, and in 1888 a further surance Office, 1Varley road, Charles Frederick Lloyd. extension was made for 450 male patients, the whole sub-postmaster; post & money order office, savings is now (1894) available for 1,400 patients; the wards bank &i annuity business, 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. ; sat. till are !'pacious and airy, many commanding an extensive 8 p.m. Box cleared for dispatch at 8.45, 9.30 & 10.20 prospect: upwards of 130 acres of land, including the ~.m. & 2.40, 4.20 (local letters only), 7.20 & 9.20 p.m. ; Brentwood Hall estate, purchased in 1873, are attached sunday, 12.20 p.Itl to the asylum and comprise a farm, kitchen-gardens County Magistrates for the Brentwood Petty Sessional and pleasure grounds ; the farm and garden being Division. cultivated by the patients under the superintendence of attendatJ.ts. Visiting d:~ys to pat~ents a:re on any week day For Billericay Sub-Division, see Billericay. but not more frequently than once in fourteen days- J>etre Hon. Frederick Charles Edmund Bay. cottage, There are branch a.;ylums at Brunswick House, Mistley, Brentwood, chairman for 5 female patients; Harold Court, Harold ·wood, for 'Cook James Williams esq. Hampden house, Warley road, 65 male patients; and The Chestnuts, Hoe Street, Wait~ Brentwood hamstow, for 70 female patients. George Amsden M.B., Horton John Hy. esq. ~Iascalls, South 1Yeald, Brentwood C.~I. medical superintendent; John Turner M.B., C.M.. Ind Edward esq. D.L. Coombe lodge, 1Yarley, Brentwood senior; Frank Hod<:on Bromhead B.A., M.B., B. C. Lescher Joseph Francis esq. D.L. Boyles court, South second; Thomas Lawrence Pawlett L.R.C.P.Lond.. Weald, Brentwood third assistant mwiical officers; Rev. Henry Stephens Lescher Edmund Charles esq. Boyles court, South Weald, ~LA. chaplain; Walter Payne Gepp, Chelmsford, Brmtwood clerk to the visitors; William Michael Tufnell, ~!organ David John esq. Cecil house, Bentley, Brentwood Chelmsford, tieasurer, & treasurer of benevolent fund; Sperling Henry R. esq. Weald Side house, Brentwood William Herbert Roscoe, clerk to the asylum; Joseph 'Tabrum Burnett esq. The Grange, Brentwood Tomlinson, di'>penser &, clerk to the medical superin- Tower Christopher John Hume esq. D.L. Weald hall, tendent; G. Schilling, store keeper; W. Brown, clerk ' South Weald, Brentwood of the works and engineer; Miss Elizabeth Rogers, Clerk to the ~Iagistrates, Charles Carne Lewis, ~ ew rd ' matron. 'Petty Sessions every thursday at the Court House at 10 ICemetery, Warley road; Frank London, High street, a.m. under the Summary Jurisdiction Act if necessary, clerk to the Burial Board; Kehemiah Bacon, se::s:ton. .
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