![1898-04-22, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
11.- tor Vervacke, an extensive ex­ porter of ail ''lasses of horses to Iaju- RecoiHiitioH „» R flEKALD-ADVAiNCE. THE NEWS RESUME don, Kng.. from the Chicago market, WORK OF CONGRESS of ^ has shipped a choice consignment ot to -1. as a s^i,vtllUT j turns adopn d ' , > DIGEST OF THE SEWS FROH ALL animals to be exhibited at the Crystal : •'in.. W. DOWNIE, Publisher I'a lace horse show, which will be held Washington, April '<>. The senate sentatives. Twa* • • PARTS CP THE WORM). this month. of the Cnited State- I- *tltl in the All day long mtm MILBANK, • SOUTH 3>AXOTA The horsemen of Topeka are plan throes of discussion of the Hispano- an earnestness, energv, -i,,... ,1 A CamprekemlTe n»rl»w of the niiiK a race meeting to be held at the American crisis. While the senate quenee seldom equaled P. ' Important Happening* of the fair grounds June inclusive, and talks the people itf the eountrv—of the senate of the Fnited Stan* . The nations of the earth are laying an effort will be made to secure as civilized world -await Its verdict. That o'clock in the morning lln. ' i Pmmt Week failed From the Tel­ ment of the final vote the In their Bpring supply of warships. many horses as possible from the verdict will be returned in accordance sv egraph Report* — The Tiotatole grand circuit The Topeka Imposi­ interest did not abate for Bventa at Home and Abroad Tfc«> tion l.i 1 "l! vv 111 have • -[large < t with an agreement reached late last I nder the agreement lh Small favors are always thankfully nijfht. some time during the legislative duration of the speech ' Have Attracted Attention. the afTaii received but often unthanlifuiiy re­ day of to-day. that legislative day specified instances, to iiftw : membered. may extend into ftuiulgy every senator who so <ieSj, Washington Talk. Otherwise. opportunity to express hist ' 'I ii<- Chicago carpeiit-'i - iia\- v. on After the debate had cor'imp-d fur Philosophers take things as they Senator Riley's bill, appr • .ai tit% fore the voting had actual'' their strike. eight hours an effort was made to after 7 o'clock at iiH come, but ragpickers and pickpockets $1,000,000 to pla-* Ohio on a u ;tr foot- reach ar 'greeinent to begin the vote lt take them as tiiey go. ing, is now a law. The Khode Island JHate election in­ speech of the day was mV sulted in a Republican W'aIk-«>vet- on all the [tending resolutions at 7 The house has passed a bill granting White of California, who lup • 1 Ten thousand PennsyHval;ia m n- - o'clock .Saturday evening, and in the sistently and conscientious1-, A reliable magazine says: The a pension of .<•"» a month to Mrs. Ad- confused colloquy among senators idphine Kre/, of Milwaukee, Sh«- is the are to strike. to action of any kind upon • huge guns of modern navies .wii be th"ie was made manifest for the first question. '1 he speech was fired only about seventy-five times. widow of Conrad Kre/. .• .-!!••.•-!!••• '•••"!• r The Chicago election results in a \ '• time a disposition to filibuster. .Mr. 1 of customs at Mihvauk*- tory for the reformers. oratorical effort and attn *'hen they become worn out." Great t'affery of Louisiana, although dis­ found attention from every', guns: Mount Sr. Klias (Wash » «h.^v« .-\. claiming any intention to delay action No less than twenty-live ad­ Criminal. i deuces of eruption. unduly, objected to any agreement to dressed themselves to tlie When eren the New York Sun begins At Hobart, Tasmania. M • - ;owr. ! The Oliver company neyotiat- s for t«» fixing of the time to vote. The de­ question under eoiisiderat to question the perfect patriotism of while insane. cut the throat? f her six ! some bit; mines on the Mesabu range. bate then proceeded, but in a few min­ the day, and, while, untie'- utes Mr. Wellington of .Maryland em •'business interests" it is evident that children and then committed suieide. Western roads positively decline to Klnhoratr Ar»t,imellN f tered a motion to adjourn. ThN was At Brownsville. Tex.. Carlos Julien allow th< Canadian Pacific differeli- were impossible, the s](W, we are upon the eve of a grea*. awak­ defeated by the decisive vote of <»1 to ening. shot Jailor Saiu Cobb, who attempted j tials. characterized by an impa^ , his arrest, wounding him fatally, audi otto Suanpern. a :;ati\c of Finland, 10. The emphatic manner in which and eloquence rarely heard • Tli«* Oct*inton \V#» Itenelied the halls o! the American •• Mrs. Mona Caird pictures th" uni­ then killed Felipe Cobb. A young j was killed in tin Lillie mines at .No brother of Juillen blew uut. Sain gauiiee. Mich., by a fall of ground. indicated a determination on tin* part was not until the first vtv versal woman in a cage, slowly dyir,g, Cobb s brains. Carlos was 1 ata 11\ j Xhe new I'tiea academy at I'ticn, of those senators who desired immedi­ the amendment of Mr. Tu • •while the brute, man, stands outside wounded, but this did not prevent a \ y was almost entirely destroyed ate action to endeavor to force the sen­ diana providing for reenum- . ate to remain in continuous session and jeers at her sufferings. Why not meb getting hold of him and killing by lire. Loss, .*75,(100. island republic- bad been • call the police? him. It was an election riot. either until the question was finally tw> senate was brouitlit f? • The American Fire Chiefs' associa­ disposed of or until an agreement had to the tremem1'—- import- Two iij'-ii were killed aud another tion date of next meeting u.i*. m •: The cost of beer in Honolulu is 25 been reached for a vote to be taken action. lynched at an election riot held at ] for St. Louis Oct. 18. at some specific time in the future to cents a glass, and yet the Hawaiian Brownsville. Texas. Charles Jullien j 'The scene in • . chamlx- * shot Sam Cobb while attempting his J The Chicago Brewers' UsSocial ion be measured by hours. At .H o'clock historic debates was nn<» • government recently let 200 kegs of it another effort was made to reach an arrest, wounding him fatally, and then j has adopted a resolution to contribute parable solemnity and impi.. run into the sea. The ignorance which agreement to adjourn, but it. too, was ; killed Felijie Cobb, A young brother j $1,«hmj for the benefit of the Chicago The galleries which had dictated the watering of this beverage ship's crew of naval reserves. unavailing. The scene in the senate as apparently to their ntmn<. in that way is so remarkable that the of Jullien then blew out Sain Cobb's j brains. Carlos was fatally wounded, j Iloeeivers have been appointed for the war of wards was being waged throughout the day. \\iren Hawaiian treaty ought to be greatly but this did not prevent a mob getting I Joshua Baker & Co. of Boston. Mass.. was a memorable one. This will pass brilliantly attired women a) into history as one of the great days of endangered. hold of him and kilii&|; him. l'U>- 1 •• •> attachments for S12<U*n> having been tinguished iu till walks of escaped. issued against Joshua Baker. the senate. Thronged gaileries looked private life. On the floer Since the memorable days of 1861 the down upon the half-^ ii' tihir chamber member elected to the M'tia The provision in the civil bill appi»- below where were assembled se.u-..^ of country has not been convulsed as it is People Talked About. priating MoOjHtO for the constructi<m Mr. Wiilthall of Mi-^Nsipy men who had written pages of Ameri­ aiaiti detained from his- at this moment. Then it was divided. T:.»• wife of Justice Brew r - f t-.e of a deep water harbor at San I'edro, can history. With one except ion . very Now it i3 united. Then two angry sec­ Cal., was agreed to by the senate. Oils iilttess, So deep wan )i - ( nited Suites supreme court, is dead. iim mber of 1 he senate was then', ami interest iti the tions stood at arms. Now those sec­ .t!-' > jUi • Congressman Ceorge Faris, of the The steamer Miewera has arrived at the excepted «Mr. Walthall of .Missis­ ever, that he d Mr. v tions—more homogeneous than ever Fifth Indiana district was renom­ Victoria, B. C.. from Honolulu and sippi! was eon ti lied to his bed, ill. Wisconsin, wit •m he they were before—stand shoulder to inated on the JTl'tl ballot. Australia, bringing VJf) passenger- i< Among the disHnumshed audience that he could : ei'l it ! m the Klondike. shoulder and heart to heart, as one Julius SchulhotT. for alnuit : :'ty years were a hundred or mure of the metn- him to the pai woulil man. under the flag of *h'-ir fathers, noted as a piano vlr:u"«o or t;.,- bril­ Kx-<iov. l'cck of Wisconsin lwi's of the house of representatives, release Jiioi ; then as now, and ever, i!.- symbol of liant school a'ul com;': >•: -alon Washington. lie is oil his way home justices of the supreme court, mem­ V0t> from a lecturing tour, and will remain bers of the president's cabinet and oth­ human freedom. music. is just dead. Mac* I III III Men in Washington for two or three day?-. ers eminent in the life of the country.
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