353.0 7 University of New Hampshire Library MILFORD Town Report New Hampshire 1986 i Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://archive.org/details/annualreportofto1986milf Annual Reports for the Town . .year ending December 31, 1986 Milford^ New Hampshire ABOUT THE COVER The time is three o'clock, and the Paul Revere bell in the tower of the town hall is sounding the hour. In the foreground is the picturesque Pillsbury bandstand. —^Photo by Joan Ferrari Milford Cabinet THE CABINET PRESS, INC — MILFORD, N.H. — 1987 INDEX Ambulance 88 Audit 54 Board of Adjustment 89 Budget 27 Building Inspection 90 Civil Defense 100 Communications Center 91 Conservation Commission 93 Financial Report 35 Fire Department 96 Library 101 Nashua Regional Planning 110 Planning Board 113 Police Department 98 Public Works Index 56 Retirement Study Committee 114 Selectmens Report 7 Street Numbering Committee 112 Synopsis of 1986 Town Meeting 130 Tax Collector 50 Town Clerk 49 Town Officers 3 Treasurer's Report 48 Vital Statistics 116 Volunteer Application Back Cover Warrant 9 Wastewater Treatment Report 85 Welfare 115 SELECTMEN Rosario Ricciardi, Chairman Term Expires 1987 Avery Johnson, Vice Chairman Term Expires 1987 May Gaffney Term Expires 1988 Richard Medlyn Term Expires 1988 Peter Leishman Term Expires 1989 Administrative Assistant Lee F. Mayhew Director of Public Works/Administrative Head of Wastewater Treatment Plant Robert E. Courage Superintendent of Wastewater Treatment Plant Steven C. Dolloff Building Inspector Robert Milliard Planning and Zoning Administrator Bryhan McMahon Moderator Robert D. Philbrick Tax Collector Wilfred A. Leduc Town Clerk Wilfred A. Leduc Librarian Arthur L. Bryan Chief of Police Steven C. Sexton Fire Chief Richard Tortorelli Checklist Supervisors Frances Rivard Term Expires 1988 John C. Farwell Term Expires 1990 Elisabeth Blacklock Term Expires 1992 Town Treasurer Septima L. Gaidmore Water Advisory Board Owen P. Fisk Term Expires 1987 John Sargent Term Expires 1988 Lovell A. Wright Term Expires 1989 Milford Area Communication Center Director Arthur Edgar Fire Wards John Caspar Term Expires 1987 Richard Tortorelli Term Expires 1988 James Wetherbee Term Expires 1989 Trustee of Trust Funds Donald Blanchette Term Expires 1987 Robert J. Kerr Term Expires 1988 Richard P. Fisk Term Expires 1989 Cemetery Advisory Board Antimo Carpentiere Term Expires 1987 James Heald Term Expires 1988 Lester Perham Term Expires 1989 Health Officer Michael Lynch Trustees of Wadleigh Memorial Library Mervin Newton Term Expires 1987 Phillip Savage Term Expires 1987 Deborah Draper Terra Expires 1988 Marilyn Kenison Term Expires 1988 Denise Johnson Term Expires 1989 Ronald Lindquist Term Expires 1989 Parks and Playgrounds Edward Comolli Term Expires 1987 Edward Hutchinson Term Expires 1987 Janice Cook Term Expires 1988 Bruce M. Varney, Chairman Term Expires 1988 Joseph Swiezynski Term Expires 1989 Gabriel S. Marmorstein Term Expires 1989 Rosario Ricciardi, Selectmen's Representative Civil Defense Director Fred R. Luongo Board of Adjustment Patricia Stinson Term Expires 1987 David Bianchi Term Expires 1987 John Ruonala, Chairman Term Expires 1988 Kathleen Maher Term Expires 1988 Margaret McCormack (Alternate) Term Expires 1988 Robert Visniewski (Alternate) Term Expires 1989 Robert McKenny (Alternate) Term Expires 1989 May Gaffney, Selectmen's Representative Planning Board Michelle Barg, Vice Chairman Term Expires 1987 John Maffee Term Expires 1987 John Burke Term Expires 1987 Frank Mistrangelo (Alternate) Term Expires 1988 Herbert Baum Term Expires 1988 Vivian Barry (Alternate) Term Expires 1988 J. Alden Tansey Term Expires 1989 Richard Mace, Chairman Term Expires 1989 Roger Aveni (Alternate) Term Expires 1989 Peter Leishman, Selectman's Representative Conservation Commission Lorraine Carson Term Expires 1987 Hazel Burns Term Expires 1987 Russell N. Monbleau, Chairman Term Expires 1988 Edna Silva Term Expires 1988 Janet Piche Term Expires 1988 Avery Johnson, Selectmen's Representative Nashua Regional Planning Commission Norman Erikson Thomas J. Johnson Frank Mistrangelo Peter Leishman Band Concert Committee Anne Adams, Chairman Arthur Gilman Stephen Flammia Budget Committee Richard Piper, Chairman Loretta Wetherbee, Vice-Chairman Richard Jarvis Michael Deasy Cindy Salisbury Vivian Barry John Ulricson John O'Laughlin Paul Buffum Overseer of Public Welfare Patti Home Library Building Committee William Petraske, Chairman William B. Rotch Linda Miles Michael Deasy Ronald Lindquist Rosario Riccciardi, Selectman's Representative Retirement Study Committee Geoffrey Lynch J. Alden Tansey Vernon Trudo Budget Process Advisory Committee Vivian Barry, Chairman Richard Jarvis Richard Piper Jack Ruonala Attila Farkas Richard Medlyn, Selectmen's Representative - Selectmen's Report for 1986 IL would appear that Milford's voters see the issue of the control of growth to be tied to a limitation on water supply. There is no shortage of water in the ground but our ability to pump it and deliver it is running near to capacity. Town Meeting said No to selling the Savage Well to WELLCO, No to a new well and to an intermunicipal connec- tion but filso No at a Special Town Meeting ballot in June when a growth- c^ontroJ ordinance was offered, contingent upon the availability of water. There is no argument with our need for a backup supply "just in case". Hov^ can we achieve that safety without its being a newly openned door? The issue uf ,sewer extensions took on the same "growth -control" aspect although by year's end a policy had been adopted v-zhereby sewer ejvtensions could be put in place but not connected m until Sludge Composting is operational. The Selectmen, after much prudent postpone- iiicnt. voted tc;' promote the issue of a backup intermunicipal water con- nootion dt tho next Town Meeting. A '.XimpIetH municipal coinputer package was purchased and by year's end most oT the dat^i and programs wert-> installed and in use by all departments vi.nd a large .spreadsheet had fnade possible a uniform bud- 'jetma pt^">cedure. The Police Department I'o operating on its own oi'input.er' system. An m depth i;.tud,, of ttie Town Hall showed what might be possible for the r''.'.-i^:siqnfrK>nl of if^no ated spaces able to house almost all town '::ri~ice;, includinvT the Superintendent of Schools and the District Court. All indications .ire that although the project appears to be large-scale if lowed in the short term, the alternatives are unattractive and e- critiiali.. mure expe/isive. Success of the project will hinge upon findjii'i enonqhi additional parking spa^.^e near the Oval and upon the town iiiikmo a '.'ornmitment to carr\y it to coinpletion., once started. The rmntial e/ent cjf the Propert.y Tax Sale took on a new and ominou; .isi ?'.. 1. a.t pri.^ile bidders fercoi'/ed this, as a new and lucrative source of ur. '..stment interest and foes. -'..iter,/ disast.er struck in sever'al Porms. An ice jam on the river n<'ar the Milford Dri e Iri flooded wide o.reas in January. A Jul.y water le.ik .Jiider t.iio pavement oT the Stone EJridye threatened one of our only fi. er -r.^ssarKis ..irid required extensile repairs. A water release of • lLL;put.'d orK-Un flooded Kmerson Road and washed out dri vev/a./s and back ; .n ds A fr^ ak storm »..n Jiily 29 durnped up to 5 inches of rain in 8 h'.jur.s. rausmo oiil ert and bridge w.tshouts, drowning gardens and flood ifig o.il.irs A q.isol ino tank leak- probably of long standing and brouaht a p by Ihr^ raised water table to 'where it could enter the storm S-^vvors. 'Heated a dariqerous. situation on Nashua .Street in August. A11iiou!4h Toviii M'.^etmq decided not to sell an.y of the "Hitchiner I.rmd' t<j the To^n !<, C'ountry Mobilehome Park residtmts. b.y 'c)\c ver-y end ../f the V'-ar \he purcliase of the land that the Park now occupies had been ai-r j;tqeJ. aided b.. Fedei al "ilc;ok Grant Funds. Ttris Dr^.ird was at last able to complete the final negot.iat ions in th.e lof.q s.aqa iF \.he Wastev^ater Treatment Plant. Semi-annual property taxation started with a 1st issue billing in June, based on the 1985 rate. The effect has been the reduction of Milford's short-term cash borrowing needs to about half of what they have been and it will cut them even further henceforth. However, the 2nd issue, printed from our own computer records, shattered the one-year lull as the tax rate climbed 25%. Even without buying a new water supply or police facility or school buildings the new spending at School Disrict Meeting and at Town Meeting, added to the bond payments that had already been authorized, had managed to increase our spending a lot faster this time than the increases in property valuations. Our "growth spiral" has been getting out of hand and the 1987 Meetings are likely to look at every penny. The Selectmen found themselves occasionally wanting to reverse an earlier decision as new facts and considerations came to light: sewer extension policy, the reclassification of Mile Slip Road, the granting of after-the-fact permits and the adoption of our own restaurant inspec- tion Health Ordinance. Time must be allowed for sufficient hearings and deliberations to avoid any need to rush to a decision. As 1986 ended. Sludge Composting was just about to enter its startup phase, the Wadleigh Library extension was in full operation. But most of our traditional problems are still with us. And the Red Sox blew it. TOWN MEETING 1987 WARRANT The polls will be open from 12:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. To the Inhabitants of the Town of Milford in the County of Hillsborough in said State, qualified to vote in Town Affairs: You are hereby notified to meet at the Milford High School Gymnasium in said Milford on Tuesday, the tenth day of March, next at twelve of the clock in the forenoon to act upon the following subjects, it being noted that the deliberative session of the Town meeting is to commence at six thirty in the evening: .
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