All Uiu Neiva of HEI) BANK mid Surroi !»<1I»K Towns Toll! l''euFl(^8ly mid'Without Bias. Weakly, Entered as iiEw Mutlur at the i'o Yc-nr tit Itcd Bank, ti. J., ATL uf Mmcli IS, 18 VOLUME LVI, NO. 33. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1934. io Co PACES i . hers of tho board, and the present HUM D.wcr;. {ideas of the independent-Fusion tick- Sunday Liquoic 'Wants Forum On • et Mtund for three vital principle;) by Ked Bunk Club Ut Hold Affair on which can- sehooln nhould bo nian- February lit. age.d: J'lcononiy, justice and eHlclcn- Selling To Start ey, JOconomy for the taxpayers; ef- The Ked Bimlt Quadra:;:: I.- club Leo J. Green Proprietor of Mod-Meeting for the "New Board" ih:iency in the management of (fthe Atlentlance of 400 Persons Ex- has made final nrran^cnn n'.j for I'.uuls both academically and finaii- ' President of School Board Re- their flr.it dance of I hi; nr.v y a' in Resolution Passed by the Mayor Dr. A. B. Randall Advocates ttk ern Drug Store to Open This Candidates Held at Middlc- < i.ifly; justice- to the puptlu, who dc- pected at Annual Banquet to iterates Promise That Full In- J and Council lo Permit Such Week at 3 Broad Street—Al- thu bull roum of i. 11<• Mullv J i!:-lier : Public Medina at -Which Mi town Village Thursday Night . t'rve eillclent instruction and jjupei be Given by Red Bank Repub- vestigation Will be Made of hotel Saturday evtiiin,:, Kebni.uv 10. Sales—Mayor English and Seven of tlie Red Bank School, terations Completed. —Cu&'ti& Walling the Speaker. • ii.ion; (.(j tho tencherti, whose bur licans at EHcs Club. Donald Gramann and )ii:s' s^vfii-i-icce 'i'DH .'diouid bo distributed necordin;; j Charges Against F. H. Lloyd. orchestra will farm h _ inn::'1, for Councilniiiii Bcii;e Against It., Board Candidates Speak* 1 Ij'iio J. Green, who for many yoaru A public meeting In the Internet of fo tho princijileu of tho graduated 1 Kviii-ything if* In readineaa for the I The following in a .statement by dancing between 'J:0u I . ,\r, to 11:00 Hum]:iy i^nlf. :- nf li'juoi' will liotf- > Dr. A. ]?. Kandull, nno of the mon^ wiu Hiiiiuciatea with Benmvd Kutsiu tho election at Curttu J. Walling m i•;Ly reduction plan; to the taxpayers, 1 .:li annual Lincoln day dinner to .r.'Miir.'B c. Hnidrielcion, president of A. M. afti'r he. prlmil I'••! :it Ilci] I'.ank ho- bor;i of Uit.' Itcd. Bnnk board of t*<lw> in i lie operation of tho Katkiii Now Monmoutli, Chtii'lCH Fricdlunder wiio Hhoidd have un Immediate ex- ; ..<• given by tho Young Men's Re- tho board of education of Middle- Over 300 invitations invc beon clls- twf.n (,r..,>, '/(inch in the iifti'i nnuii ' r.i! inn, li.i.'i i.-:iH(Hi tho fnllowinj? fiUite* -^ Onum pharmacy on Krond utrcct of Leonardo hnd John Sponeer 01 planation of the management and 1 publican club of Red Hank next town township, referring to an ar- •| ti ibuted tlirouglutut (hi: <,ii>; i ict, nml tv.f'lvi. O'I-IUIM:, Diirlni)4tit. A r':> I iui.- nt: opposite WliiLo .street, will open the liJuot Keunnburff wan held Thursday spending of their money. 1 Monday night at eight o'clock in tho ticle in the Long Branch Record dat- 'and reservations can b- in:n.!p li.y rail- Olutiou l'.;;'ili:--iil;: :i!i t! .'ul.'i v.aH (-*n:tjn pharmacy at ii Broad street on nlpht at KIlert'H hull at Mlddletown : "t would like to corrool; nomo er* Klkfi homo on Broad .street. More ed ' February 1st, 103-1, under the jing Harry Ttcclmr^l. or Jtayinund ji:i:. .:»•'! hv tho mijfjv find council J-'tUkiy, Tho «tore, which ia owned village. It wns yponnored by the; ' ujii'tiu;) iinprc:i:doiiH that havo bepii than two hundred reservations, it heading "Accuser Charges School • lloric. Tickets are to \ui purchased Mimil.-iy i:i:;iii. All thi' nllidaln wore l>y Kutsln & Green, hay boon com- Civic, afifloelation of Mtdletown vil- Olllclnl Blocking Probe11: ; j'.ivca to tho I'mblin concerning tho : v/a:> reported by tho committee In at the door. pri'-i'iit. .M-iynr Clmli-i 11. i:n:;li:ii 11'imijuiiij;1!! Un' tlie annual school clce* I'letcly remodelled. A new front hua lage. Mr. Walling \vn:i (he chief f ! charge, have already . been received, Tho committee con.-i.-'t:* of Ilnrry ;nlfi Onnii:lim;tn 'tili.'Mirm ]-'.>:[;;n 1 ti-.n, i»mi installed and alturatlona lmvo {speaker. Other ri:m;irUn were m;ide Quote: Open charges that James i An attendance of 400 is expected. C. Hendrickson, president of the Ticehurst, general clmiiinaii, hid ward •Wl-re til': "Illy IlirlMllM'.-i HI' 111 n lnvil'll been nuulr; to tho interior, by MrH. Ororgo Itenbold of .River ] "'J'ltcri.' arc tho lio-cnllert 'Olit j Congressman Charles A. Eaton, Township Hoard of Education, is \vtiu 11;.i;n:;f-f 1 t\u\ un tsuro. 'I'llr veto Dodd, Edward vonKal ton gull, Jr., ' (jn'-njj* nnd .'•-o-callod 'New Oriuip', Mr. iiieon Una been a rerflntored Vlsiza, Mr. Spencer and Rev. Ernest i-.iio is a member of the foreign nf- blocking investigation of charges Alex Curchin, Boyniond RIKIO and WA-: :i \,'i 1, tin Ill;i\nr llni lirilii; ;]^ji-h i,-; litniggling to acoompifsh R ]ihaniiaul»t for twenty yeara and will W. Mundeville, i.irn committee of the Houiic, will preferred against Supevvi.sing Princi- 1 Harry Kruuc. ]iol!i:il iK^riirH hu canii'iL vnti: p::rt'iil ;<:i:M;iin ideal. Erich l:s trylnjj to ruJX IMTHonally iako chargo <o£ tho pro- Mr. Walling':! speech wan n;» fo'. Body of Eighteen-Year-Old Col- '•>• the principal speaker. United pal F. Howard Lloyd by two mem- i bers of the board, were mad,G yester- in .:.i:,: i.f ;i lie. MIio ;-y;.'triii a;t iie would liiti tiwn bUE*- scription department. Ho was a«BO- ;'t.ifcH Remitora W-..Wnrrcn Barbonr | Tin: ri-:',iillli,.|l ,-IIM JOWH : ored Boy Found in Ruins of day by MIM. Adeline ?,T. Moffat, one 'Illy lo hn. inc •:. Thij-i: ijn.'ii uro giving" thcli' rltiled with Mr. Kulnln until three . :;ad Hamilton F, Kean have Kigni- of tiic pair, At a rngular meeting of •fl'ls. bfi r J4; s I • t fll.' ; r in I n'lWT Jilai1'.1:. "In coming bofoie you thin evenin , House—Two Others Escape 1 limn and onnrgy Hfatl^, gflnnrally \-oar.-i i,;;o, wlif-'U the partnei'Hhip WIIH :iud their intention of being present the I-ioiird of Kducation held on, the jSeabright Issue^ •.vh'-il' li'jtli>r i:- .'-:"lit to \u riiri.'nincil r : and afikin/T your support foj- ihe.Jn . with a ljj;, l>':.f in tlieir businoH3 and ill^ulved. With Burns. unlfiHH duties at Washington pro night of January lith. last, as a duly ™ • ]7 • i<>n or of)ti' f ihi)thn pin v !ili.:ini.-ii 1,:,:. ThTilee Iji-crvi dependent-FiiHion tieltet. in tin; com- I't j «::Ti(.i--b IJIH to nccoinplish nunio civio Tiic improvement.) to the iitoro I vent them from doing no. Other elected member of the board, Oliver ing election, I WIRU to :itnte clearly Ohnrle.-! (irimm, colored, of Central JVKMI ;iiid tn ancuHd any one group of WIM'O much: by lounl contractors. Wil- i guest :i of honor will be .Stale Kena- Williams introduced certain pream- 6 that the candulalnn of tim ticket. avenue, wai; burned to death and bles and resolution^ and I supported Lsqiior Licenses:^ '•»• •*••<••* ••••"^ n— .^= ™> »<•h1 siiii;.; (Uiwn Llio .';y:itcm i« vory nar- liam Scott liLiU uhiirgu of the ear- {tor Frank Durand, former .State Sen- H Htand firmly behind Uiu pioK'es^ivi.! two others won: HOverely burned in them a;; a duly elected member of T~. , r, ,. , r~, 'iyoir!:iS''J . oiAll KlllHlnl i\i!.'.vi .'illnf - iilrohollMill Iirnllililr l,,.vil erd IM'.V ;md ])i:t,ly vindictlvonoH-j, ua Hod pentry work. Tho plumbing work ' ator K. Donald Sterner, Freeholder principles and activities that have a. lire which early Sunday morning the board. The^c preambles and res- :Five for Consumption and One..lt ,]ni.r ,;,,„.,,.. ;i'n,i ,,,!„., ...,,;,.,,. ^.i,,.,.,, ]'.•!nk h.i;;.Lnn nuj'-h conimiinily fipiiit, was done by tho Anthony plumbing Raymond L. Wyckoff, Edgar I. Van- olutions which were published in full "wot «')cnlii" nil! :ol<l lint In l.n C been carried on during the pa:;t year destroyed u two Htory frame dwell- to i)(;rinit :ntch an occuri'dicc to hap'* and heating company. Ifemlrlckson dm-veer and Mr.s. Emma VanSchoick. in the Long Branch Kecord and i for Distribution Granted— Hiuiicil un tin! |ir''ini:;i' ••. ]c/ii-li ii by .tho three independent membrr:: ing near- tho corner of Maplo avenuo it ApplufiaU;,installed tho floor cov- Mayor Van K. Ilalsey of Rumaon will widely circulated in the district, re- | Salaries of Assessor and Over- pl.'H'l1 i:i 1 r'lHlli.'ii In Ji;iy .1 liClill-l: of the board of education. and Wikoff place. The house was ferred to ginve charges against 1<\ I "As stated aliove, ench i;roup haa i'1-iiiK "nd CliVr]i\4 K.
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