LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, FERRTJARY 1907. 24. 5 DECLARES HOME SAN CARLO OPERA COMPANY WILL OPEN ITS LOS NOTES OF MUSIC ANDMUSICIANS PAPERS ARE BEST ANGELES SEASON MARCH FIFTH IN ANGELUS RINK LOOMIS HAS EXCEL- PRY LENT IDEAS Plane Completed for Big Banquet at the Angelue Will Help Develop. ment Society In Boost of California Plans for th« banquet of the ''nil jfornln. Development society at which Loomls brother* of the Angelus hotel are to be the hosts havo been com- pleted and the affair promises a gath- ering- of distinguished men. Since the society was first -formed the JJoomls brothers have taken an active interest In tho publicity Idea planned by the directors. "Ithink the achemo to advertise ,California Is an excellent one, though Ido not know thr.t I quite approve of the methods proposed," said Harry Loomls, one of the members of the firm. "I hear that It Ib proposed to ad- vertlni In eastern papers, but Ithink it would he ,i hotter plan to spend the money with the California papers and moßnzlnoH and Rend these broad- cast over the entlro country. An enat- erner will pick up his paper or a iiii\k- azlne and probably pans the advertise- ment by without reading It, but If through his mull he receives a Cali- fornia paper lie will rend it, if for no other reason than to try to discover a r«»nnon for its being Bent to him. Naturally his attention is called to California. Any man willrend a paper MORIZ ROSENTHAL from a far-away city, but not every .nun willread an advertisement. Don't be content with sending one but keep ROSENTHAL Is today thn| of thirty-five years, and whoso able on nendlng them and the result is master of the most prodigious direction by Its Into manager, Augustln bound to be what we desire." MORIKpiano world has Daly, made It easily the leading play- technique the houso In "What Printer's Ink Will Do fnr ever known. a America. On the closing night California" is th« title under which Seldom has publicartist there will be gathered In the auditor- boon so searohing;ly analyzed, only trf ium and prominent In Lee C. Gates Is going to tell about draw criticisms must classed mon women so- scheme that be ciety, the arts, literature and the stage. the publicity at the banquet as masterpieces of fair, snne, sound and there are several other well known It la the Intention of thn management judgment. Rosenthal is the sixth event for this occasion to make this closing orators who will,speak on subjects of of the Philharmonic course and a fit- Interest to all good Callfornlans. night on\u25a0:• of the most memorable Inthe ting artist to close this great series. nnals nf New York's theatricals, far WillGive Good Roads a Boost The dates of his coming are Monday, exceeding last performance given March 4, and Friday afternoon, March 8. the in E. Glbon tonstmnater, Booth's theater before it was razed T. will be the many years ago. and It Is expected from Mr. Gibbon's Leroy former triumph:; that he will fill this Painter In Violin Recital The appearanco of Mrs. Leslie Carter place with much credit. The musical event of the week is the at the Hudson theater, scheduled last "Good Roads and What They Mean violin recital by Loroy Painter, which week for February 25, has been indefi- to Us" Is the title <-ndcr which the takes place at Gamut Club auditorium nitely postponed. Whether Edwin Mil- plan for better roads In Southern Cali- Wednesday evening. Mr. Painter is a ton Royle's "Cleo," another author's fornia willbe given a boost, and W. member of the Los Angeles Symphony adaptation of "Article Forty-seven," or L. Green of Pusadcna will be the orchestra. He will be assisted by an entirely new play willbe her vehicle speaker on this subject. Abraham Miller, tenor, and Mrs. Adolph when she does appear has not been di- "Our Seacoast Cities" la the subject Loud, pianist. vulged. given to laabelle Irving is to be sent out on which has been Dr. L. A. tour Perce, Judge Frank will Music next season in "The Girl Who Has and Short Notes Everything." Her season in "Susan in speak on "Our Resources and Oppor- Miss Rey del Vallo is to give a vocal Search of a Husband" has been ex- tunities." recital Thursday, March 7, at Gamut tremely successful. "Southern California as the East- Club auditorium. Miss Del Valle will David Belasco is said to be planning erner Sees It—Our Place and Part" by Adams at to exploit to be assisted Miss Lilliam David Warfield as Shylock in is the subject which John Willis the piano and Natorp Blumfeld, of next Baer, of college, Mr. "The Merchant Venice" season. president Occidental violinist. Tho Shakespearean production will be Is expected to do justice, and as Mr. The world's greatest, whistler Is the used as the opening attraction. Baer Is one of the more recent comers manner in which the European critics Walker Whiteside was forced to dis- from the east he should be qualified speak Mc- miss large at every of Carroll McComas. Miss a audience Meridian, to look at side of the question. Comas will be heard in recital in this Miss., and close his season temporarily Rev. Baker P. Lee willspeak of the city at Simpson auditorium Tuesday owing to nervous exhaustion following Development society, its needs and evening, April 2. a severe attack of la grippe. Mr.White- work. With the ending of the current sea- side's tour in his new play, "The Magic The doors of the banquet room will son at Daly's theater, New city, been o'clock, York Melody," has the most successful be opened at 7:45 and the ban- which will more than likelyoccur on In his career, and willbe resumed Im- quet will begin at 8 o'clock. The Saturday night, April 27, the famous mediately upon his recovery. Mr. speaking will begin at 9:30 o'clock and and historical playhouse will pass out "Whiteside has taken his entire com- the speakers are limited to fifteen min- of the hands of the Daly estate, who pany to New York city, himself going utes each. LEADING PRINCIPALS OF THE SAN CARLO OPERA COMPANY have controlled its destinies for a period to his home. Hastings-on-the-Hudson. Prominent Patadena men who will ME. LILLIANNORDICA TARQUINIA TARQUINI come from Pasa lena as the guests of MLLE. W. L. Green on his private car in- SIGNOR CAMPANARI MLLE. FELY OEREYNE SENOR OE SEGUROLA clude Walter Raymond, C. W. Gates, BENOR CONSTANTINO MISS ALICE NIELSEN SENOR CONTI Ernest H. May, James A. Culbertson, CHARCOALSTOPS GAS Prof. C. C. Bragdon, Seward Simons, Bralnard, Tuesday evening, merous parts at the opera houses of trained vocalist. The younger Rus- many performances of BOY TELLS OF Gen. M. C. Wentworth. J. C. a of the first the Dr. Rudolph Schiffmnn; Thomas Ear- March 5, at the Angelus rink, Budapest and Nice. Her singing of the sell l.s also a vocalist' who has trained works of the modern Italian school in ON YOUR STOMACH Alexander, M. Los Angeles is to have a season role of Carmen and of Needa in "Pag- a number of well-known singers. Late- their country. ley, Gen. W. L. D. Lln- BEGINNING liacci" native The ballet and nard, A. J. Bertoneau, Lon F. Chapin, of two weeks of grand opera, and ev- Is especially well spoken of. ly he has given his attention to direct- stage direction is in charge of Sig. Lambert, Among the men in the company ing opera companies. He managed a years John J. H. Holmes, J. R. ery possible is made by Alberetl, for the past eight in Bragdon, E. Wood, Prisk, effort being Giuseppe Campanari, the baritone who opera at opera in SEVERE FLOGGING Wonderful Absorbing Power of Charcoal M. C. H. season of the Covent Garden the Metropolitan house New Coolldge, Baer, the local manager and the managers of has sung here many times with the in London in 1904, and a later season York, scenery costumes When D. W. Dr. John Willin Metropolitan opera theater, while the and Taken In tbe Form of Stuart's Tracy Drake. the opera company to place the rink in company, Is the at the Waldorf London. Caruso are all said to be new and magnificent, first-class condition regardless of ex- best known. He was with the Metro- was withhim for two seasons. so that the mounting of each work Charcoal Lozenges pense. politan for twelve consecutive sea- The company has already had a sea- may be relied upon as being artistical- MILITARYACADEMY TEACHERS Mme. Nordica, who is at the head of sons. His abilities are too well known son of eleven weeks in New Orleans, ly correct. the western to render any special local introduction by Louis, for singers, Is a favorite with necessary. followed a week each In St. The repertoire the first week Is as INCOURT TRIAL PACKAGE SENT FREE audiences, although they have never Cincinnati, Chicago and Kansas City, follows: Tuesday evening, "La Glacon- POLICE BOARD had an opportunity to hear her In sev- But the member of the company in during which time nineteen operas have da" with Mme. Nordica, Mme. Monti- Charcoal, pure, simple charcoal, ab- eral of the roles she is to attempt here. whom the representatives of the or- been presented, and by the time the Baldinl, Slgnors Constantino Segurola sorbs 100 times its own volume of par- She is unsurpassed in some of the ganization place their chief reliance is organization reaches the coast over one and others; Wednesday evening, Leon Gibson Testifies to Whipping Where does the gas go to? It 1 Wagnerlan works, but Constantino, Spanish tenor, performances have "Rlgoletto," by .
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