BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID ITHACA, NY 14851 Permit No. 746 Deliver to current resident SNOW LION X^> NEWSLETTER & CATALOG SNOW LION PUBLICATIONS PO BOX 6483. ITHACA. NY 14851, (607)-273-8506 FALL 87 NEWSLETTER & CATALOG SNOW BmMmmWMmmm%m m&m&mi TIBETAN LION 'mm CULTURAL STORE CENTER The Tibetan Cultural Center Snow Lion is pleased to an- has been established on a 20-acre nounce the opening of a book- site in Bloomington, Indiana. A store containing Tibetan art and traditional Tibetan chorten was books. We are now offering a dedicated in a ceremony at the number of items that are best site on June 6, 1987. It stands as displayed in a store environment— a monument not only to the thangkas, rugs, statues, and other cause of the Tibetans, but to all practice materials such as malas, people who seek world peace damarus, skull cups, etc. are and justice. The Tibetan Cultural how available. We are open to Center plans to develop the site the public weekdays and Satur- to include a library, visitors days (until the end of the year). center, gardens, a museum and We want to give you the oppor- an assembly hall. tunity to see the many items that The Tibet Society, an organi- we sell, so please stop by if you zation formed to preserve Tibet's are in the area. The store is cultural heritage, will establish located at 110 N. Geneva, Ithaca, its new home at The Tibetan NY 14850. If you would like to Cultural Center. The Tibet Soci- let us know that you are coming ety celebrates its 20th anniversary you may call us for an appoint- in September, 1987. It sponsors ment at 607-273-8506. charitable, cultural and educa- tional activities that are intended Jokhang Cathedral to aid and preserve Tibet's cul- BULLETIN important of all, the personal 2. A liberal arts institution. tural heritage. Special support is CHINESE EXECUTE TIBETANS IN encouragement and"'"1 leadership Undergraduates will receive a given to the study and publi- given by His Holiness the Dalai solid foundation in the arts, cation of works on Tibet and RESPONSE TO DALAI LAMAS' PEACE PLAN Lama will be the greatest asset in humanities and basic sciences. Tibetans. ensuring the success of this The visit of His Holiness the 3. Research and scholarship, Dalai Lama to The Tibetan Three days after His Holiness been killed in Lhasa. endeavor. Tibetan exiles and American Since the early 1960's a select including inter-religious dialogue Cultural Center on September the Dalai Lama presented his 5- and an ongoing exchange be- 24 and 25, 1987 commemorated point plan for peace in Tibet and friends of Tibet are calling on number of Tibetan students have U.S. leaders to act to halt further entered universities in India, tween Western cognitive science the anniversary. His blessings of the region to the Human Rights and the Buddhist sciences of the international understanding and Caucus on Capitol Hill, Chinese executions and arrests, according Europe, Japan, and North Amer- to the U.S. Tibet Committee, a ica. While no Tibetans have been mind. peace bring promise of fulfill- authorities in Lhasa began execu- ment to both The Tibet Society tions of Tibetan nationalists. human rights organization. Direc- denied entry into institutions of tors of the group urge Americans higher education, the prohibitive Since the basic thrust of this and The Tibetan Cultural Center Kelsang Tashi was executed on university is to uplift the Tibetan in their mission to preserve Sept. 24th, Sonam Gyeltsen the to contact their Senators and costs in the West, combined with Representatives in Congress to the lack of resources, have dis- people, there must be a practical Tibetan culture. Your partici- next day and another activist, dimension to our work. Current- pation in achieving this goal is Migmar Tashi, was sentenced to help the people of Tibet in their couraged many others who had time of crisis, for an update or wished to pursue higher edu- ly, our most important needs most sincerely appreciated. death. Scores of Tibetan monks are: One ounce silver coins, with and laymen have been imprisoned information on how you can cation. The Tibet Fund in New help, please contact the U.S. York has been able to assist four snow lion, mountains and river since Sept. 24th during massive 1. Education: Primary and sec- on one side and a chorten on the demonstrations involving thou- Tibet Committee, 107 E. 31st students in the U.S. It urgently ondary school teachers. St., New York, NY 10016, needs funds to continue support- reverse side will be available sands for Tibetan independence, from The Tibetan Cultural (212)-213 5010. ing these students. 2. Health: Doctors, nurses, and and at least six Tibetans have Center for $50 each. Proceeds go Additional stories on pages 8-12 A Tibetan university will natur- health-workers. ally encourage and assist young toward the development of the ing world now demands a new Tibetans to continue their higher 3. Economics: Business gradu- Center. All coins are numbered dimension to their endeavors. eduction. It is also likely that ates, managers. and the first ( 1) was presented A TIBETAN They must be more than just a this university will cater to the to His Holiness during his visit successful refugee group limited For further information, contact entire Himalayan region, which in September. to the preservation of its culture. the Office of Tibet, 107 E. 31st, UNIVERSITY has much in common with For further information please Tibetans feel the need to be NY, NY 10016.(212)213-5010. Tibetan culture, and whose contact: The Tibetan Cultural A New Role for Tibetans full participants in the global students and scholars already Center, P.O. Box 2581, Bloom- community, at home in the Tibet's literary, religious, phil- attend many of the Tibetan edu- ington, IN 47402. modern world. They wish not osophical, medical and artistic cational, cultural and religious only to benefit from develop- legacy spans 2,100 years of our institutions in India. ments in economics, science, and recorded history. While efforts It is also likely that the univer- politics, but, in their own way, to A FANTASTIC NIGHT to develop her people's rich contribute towards a better sity will attract scholars and heritage will continue, the chang- students from around the world, world. In this context, they be- particularly from "Buddhist" and IN OLD LHASA lieve that their capabilities must Central Asian countries that have Among the most popular star- be brought to their fullest po- buffet, champagne and deserts, ancient ties with Tibet. studded events offered by the Tibetan folk music and dance, tential. Education must play the ORDER BY Newark Museum! Andre Greg- divinations, video presentations principal role in their transfor- The University's Features ory, Susan Sarandon, Brooke and previews of the new instal- mation. Thus, they feel the PHONE Shields, Richard Avedon, Phillip lation of the Tibetan qollection. urgency to organize a modern The Tibetan University will If you would like to speed up Glass, Princess Yangchen of Sik- Sunday evening, November 1 at university. have at least three main aspects the time it takes to receive books kim, George Plimpton along with The Newark Museum from 5:30 Their network of schools, cul- to its character: from us, please give us your Honorary Chairpersons of the to 9:00. The event benefits both tural institutions and religions order over the phone. There is event—Richard Gere, Rinchen Tibet House in NYC and for the centers will provide many of the 1. A center for Tibetan studies someone here to take your order Dharlo and Millicent Fenwick— Museum. Fee is $100 per person. resources required for the develop- including language, history, liter- from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM EST. will be mingling with the guests. Call 201-596-6550 for details. ment of the new university. Most ature, and the Tibetan arts and Please call 607-273-8506. sciences. Come and enjoy the Tibetan NEWS & PROFILES KTD NEWS DHARMA FRIENDSHIP KTD is sponsoring the following events: FOUNDATION October 30-November 1: Anni- The Dharma Friendship Foun- among Tibetans for his deep versary of H.H. XVIth Karmapa. dation is a non-profit educational experience of the "stages of the and religious foundation. Its pur- path" or Lamrim practices, hence November 13-15: Meditation pose has been to provide educa- his nickname Gen Lamrimpa. A Weekend by Ven. Khenpo Kar- tional opportunities through pub- close disciple of H.H., the Dalai thar Rinpoche lic lectures, seminars, etc. on Lama, he has also become ac- Buddhist philosophy, psychol- complished in the practice of November 26-29: H.E. Tai Situ Samadhi (mental stabilization) Rinpoche visits KTD, Nov 26- ogy, ethics, logic, and cognitive sciences, and for that purpose to and "Tumo" (psychic heat), as White Tara Empowerment bring highly qualified teachers to well as other tantric meditations. Nov 28: Karma Pakshi Empower- Seattle. The religious purpose is In January 1986, H.H, the Dalai ment the preservation of the written, Lama chose Gen Lamrimpa to oral and meditative traditions of lead a Kalachakra retreat for Nov 27-29: Four Sessions of Mahayana Buddhism. Member- Western students; and since then Guru Yoga ship in D.F.F. is open to anyone he has begun teaching Westerners December 4-6: NYUNG-NE, Full moon fasting ritual December 26-January 3: H.E. Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche visits KTD; Dec 26-Gampopa Em- powerment; Dec 26-Jan 3: Show- ing the Essence. KARMA TRIYANA DHAR- MACHAKRA is located at 352 Meads Mountain Road, Wood- stock, New York 12498, (914) 679-5906.
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