of theIssaquah AIps Trails Club 'EALPINERNewsletter October0 November0 December2009 ALPSN EWS N OT ALL BAD "As "All By Doug Simpson always," we are extremely that adds up to a much grateful for our team of park more pleasant year-round hiking Without question, budget woes are ambassadors,"McBride stated. experience on Squak Mountain," taking their toll on the IssaquahAlps. "They have been especially helpful Hansenstated. "The one downside Still, thereis positive news from the this year identifying maintenance is the indefinite closure on the CougarMountain RegionalWildland needsin the park." east side of the May Valley Loop." Park, Squak Mountain State Park, January mudslides made the trail and the Washington Department of SQUAKMOUNTAIN unsafe, and no funding is currently (DNR) Natural Resources on Tiger available to repair it. Mountain. Heather Hansen, Squak Mountain on page 4 State Park ranger, also has a great continued "Nearly ) COUGARMOUNTAIN deal of good newsto report. I every junction within the park now Vr.i McBride, manger of the has nice new routed signsletting you SQUAKRATES Cougar Mountain Park, reports that know what trail you're on, where the ,DESTINATION' updated maps are now available next one can take you, and how far at all trailhead kiosks. Volunteers that will be," Hansenpointed out. from REI, the Washington Trails The American Hiking Society-has designated Squak Mountain as a Association (WTA) and the LDS The Eastside Trail has several "destinationo'hike. The organization Church have done over 350 hours new bridges, three along sections of trail maintenance and Red Town specifically cited the 6.8 mile previously afflicted with clogging "Double thistle-pulling. Peak Loop" (Central meadow culverts and one over Crystal Creek "moderately and West peaks) as a nearThrush Gap. New turnpikesand Using a donation from a park difficult trail, a real gen, with lush thorough brushing have also been patron, park staff have installed a vegetation and greatviews." done in theseareas. newbenchatop Wilderness Peaknear Ken the register. King County's Back The Phil's Creek Trail also has new IATC Vice-President Country Trail Crew completed Konigsmark stated about Squak: turnpikes and brushing, and the "Washington drainage repairs on the Shangri-la, Phil's ConnectorTrail (now part of State Parks and have worked No Name and SurpriseCreek trails, the renamed May Valley Loop) has King County Parks improve and they arein the processof rebuild- beenbrushed and reroutedbelow its continually to expand and park on Squak ing the Coal Creek Falls bridge. former hairpin accesspoint. public lands Mountain. Squak's trails wind up f,Lr Seattle Running Company has B oth the Central Peak and and through lush, older forests and \-atred its four eventsfor 2009,ffid Bullitt Fireplace trails have offer greater solitude than other its members are now committed to improved drainage and turnpikes local trails." performng 120 hours of volunteer that should improve muddy spots. work in the park. continaed on page 4 e Apparatus .4 Cr,un Fouxnnn Wheneverpossible, please Harvey Manning usee-mail to contactany Pnnsrnnxr memberlisted below. SteveWilliams . 453-8997 . [email protected] Vrcn Pnnsronxrs Ken Konigsmark . 228-4839 . [email protected] Doug Simpson . 392-6660 . [email protected] Tnn^q,sunnn f CorneliaRemy ' 425-255-6999'[email protected] The Alpiner is publishedin I Sncnnrrnv January,April, July, and October. I KathleenPetty. [email protected] I Bo.qnnon DrnncroRs lssaquahAlps Trails Club I RichardAmidei.425-313-9901 . [email protected] PO Box 351, lssaquah,WA 98027 I Website: www.issaquahalps.o rg SallyDavies . 641-0676. [email protected] I Larry Hanson. 392-2458. [email protected] I IATCsubsists on memberdonations JackieHughes .641-3815 . [email protected] I only. Pleasesend your tax-deductible RichJohnson.392-0288. [email protected] I contributionsto the addressabove to RichardMann .281-8465. [email protected] I help sustainour effortsto preserve, 'protect,gnd promotethe lssaquahAlps *:'"'ffi:lili;lii'-'Jffffi3-*n::::"-| and localenvironment. JoeToynb ee . [email protected] I -1" Hrxns CoonorxATroN I Articlesare welcome,preferably Melinda Livingstone . 392-7455. [email protected] via e-mailto: [email protected] I . [email protected] Send disketteor hard copy to post Jackie Hughes 641-3815 I Joe Toynbee . 228-6118. [email protected] officebox numberabove. I Boox Sar,ns/DrsrRrBUTroN I lssue| deadlines:November 21 for Scott Semans.369-1725 . [email protected] | January;February 21 ior April;May 21 Wanvlqsrnn | for; July;August 21 for October. Richard Amidei . 425-313-9901. damideil @comcast.net I Curnr CnnrocnAPHER Harry Morgan . 432-3249 . [email protected] Tns ALpTNER Doug Simpson.392-6660 . [email protected] Anvoc.lrns Cougar Mountain: SteveWilliams . 453-8997. [email protected] Issaquah:Connie Marsh . 392-4908. [email protected] Tiger Mountain : Ed Vervoort . 2A6-523-646I . evervoort@ comcast.net' Raging River/Preston: Maryanne TagneyJones .222-7615 . [email protected] RattlesnakeMountain/Taylor Mountain: Ralph Owen' 746-1070 Squak Mountain: Doug Simpson ' 392-6660 ' [email protected] (Note: All telephone numbersare area and Cathy Brandt . 430-9877 code425 unless Vo r-unrnn n Th.l,rr- M.l,rxrnxlNcn Co o RDTNAToR otherwisenoted.) Scott Semans.369-1725 . [email protected] .J Mouxra,rxs To Souxo Gnnnxwav Ken Konigsmark . 222-4839 . [email protected] PRESIDENT'SREPORT By SteveWilliams Mark your calendars! First and foremost, I need to 4) "Work to strictly limit the use of motorized express a huge THANK YOU to Doug Simpson for vehicles for recreational use in the area." Done all his work on the Harvey Manning statue. Indeed, exceptfor occasional problems on Tiger and Doug did the lion's shareof the work in publicizing, Taylor by illegal scffiaws. fund-raising, finding a greatsculptor, bringing the city and media onboard,and putting it all togetherin less s) "Work to establish walk-in campgroundsand than three years. That's a huge personal effort that other parks which compliment the use of the trail most us wouldn't even considerattempting! system." Severalnew trailheads and linking trails done. Camping seen as creating problems and Perhapsthe best way we could thank Doug now would being overwhelmed-a new taskagencies couldn't be to sharethe statuewith everyonewe know, and talk manaSe. about hiking and land preservationand Harvey every time we seeit. The bestreward would be if thirty years 6) "Promote the development andlor establishment "Who from now a grade-schoolerasks, is that?" and of parks, viewing points, and trails which meet "That's his parent says, the man who savedall these the needs of all ages and for those with physical hills and trails around here that we walk on every handicaps."Always needsmore work, but look at weekend. We love thoseplaces. Now it's our job to Tradition Lake Plateau trails, the paved Preston take cateof thoseparks and trails too." Trail or Cougar's' Million-Dollar Viewpoint.' "Promote *** *** 7) recreation uses which will be compatible with the development and recovery I have spent some time lately looking at Harvey's of renewableand nonrenewableresources." Lots colnrnentsin our firstAlpiners from 30 yearsago. It's of tree plantings, invasive weed removals, and impressivehow profound his vision was then, and how bridges and boarh,valks to protect streams. closely the club has followed the guidelinesthey laid "Promote out in their first 1979 newsletter: 8) the maintenanceand signing of trails." Done and done! "Work 1) to establisha public trail systemto, on and "Promote around Cougar, Squak and Tiger mountains (the 9) adequatelaw enforcement along trails IssaquahAlps) Done, done and done.! and in parks." Most areas are now covered by regulations and signs, but the financial crisis "Promote 2) the IssaquahAlps as a recreation is taking a toll in staff cuts. Public reporting- area of regional significance." Now nationally especially plate numbers & photos by cell phone recognized,and touted by local governmentsand will be needed. businessesas well as hiking clubs, trail runners 'nature "Encourage and nuts. 10) local park departmentsto establish regular programs that make use of the Issaquah "Promote 3) trail establishment and use that Alps." Multiplying rapidly, but again affected by will protect the rights of present and future budget cuts. ".property , ownercl' Ints of help here via government "Encourage Vorquisitions of critical areas, trail re-routing, and 11) the developmentof trails appropriate for walkers, joggers, hikers, bicyclists and even donated easementsfrom friendly property owners. continued on page I Alps News NotAll Bad continuedfrompageI Squak Rates Destinaiton continuedfrompageI Issaquah City Councilman Dave Kappler ** "There recommended Squak trails. are so many good trails. It's an undiscoveredjewel for most "But trekkers," he said. for serious hikers, it's a great experience. And the view in all directions can TIGERMOUNTAIN be beautiful." "It The club's Doug Simpson added, may not be is facing a serious funding crisis. Statewide, DNR an easy mountain for beginners, but there are some Snoqualmie (Tiger Mountain) Sam Jarrett of the very rewarding trails. It's a great hiking experience. the State Legislature has authorized Unit reports that And the WashingtonTrails Associationhas recently 40 recreationsites. Tiger Mountain State closing up to worked hard to improve many of the trails." Forest, as a day use area without camping facilities, some trails might be and site will not be closed, but The goal of the American Hiking Society is to or shut down. servicesmay be minimized promote and protect America's foot trails and the overall hiking experience. Snoqualmie DNR is left with $200,000 a year to maintain 33 recreation sites and L67 miles of trails. And at the end of the year, enforcement officer Sean HIKER'SCORNER Callaghanwill no longer be funded. So it's a do-less- with-less-helpsituation. "Not everything is gloom and doom, howevetl' Jarrett Some of you may recall that last reports. The DNRAvlountains to Sound Greenway April we had a Teddy Bear hike, trail crews are still funded through 2012.
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