UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 25 Date 22/05/2006 Time 4:37:28 PM S-0865-0002-06-00001 Expanded Number S-0865-0002-06-00001 Title items-in-Peace-keeping operations - Middle East - envelope Number 1 - the Special Representative of the Secretary-General Ambassador Jarring (including appointment, terms of reference, travel) Date Created 18/04/1969 Record Type Archival Item Container s-0865-0002: Peace-Keeping Operations Files of the Secretary-General: U Thant - Middle East Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit The Secretary-General CONFIDENTIAL IS April 1969 Bear Ambassador Yost came to see U 3?hant late yesterday afternoon, April 17th, to inform him about the two meetings of the Four Powers tfhich were held yesterday morning and afternoon at the US residence. !£&e two meetings consumed four hours, The atmosphere continues friendly. They first turned to items l(i) and (ii) of the Security Council resolution, withdrawal and end of belligerence. 5he OS and the British isished (i) and (ii) to be taken -up together hut the Sussiana were adamant on priority considera- tion for withdrawal. According to Yost, the French indicated a willingness to go along with a US fozm&a of withdrawal to agreed lines which would be subject to necessary adjustments in the old lines. The Russian position, of course, is for unconditional with- draTml to the pre-June 1967 lines, fhere was also discussion as to whether they should complete the consideration of item l(i) and (ii) "before proceeding to item 2(a), (b) and (c), involving international waterways, refugees and guarantees of territorial inviolability and political independence. The Eussians insist on completing item 1 first, the other three are willing to take up item 2j eren before 1 has "been disposed of. The next meeting t*ill be held Jfonday at the French Mission. Sincerely yours, Ealph J. Bunehe Under-Secretary-Genersl Sis Excellency Mr* $unnar Jarring e/o felted Satioas Information Centre Moscow, USSR TO: THE SECRETARY-GENERAL 19 April 1969 n PEBSORAL AND COKFIDEMIAL Sear Gunner, As I indicated to you in a memo Of a couple of days ago, the Four Powers are likely to begin a discussion of the refugee problem very soon. Ihey are already celling upon the Secretariat for information and U Itoent has promised to provide them with such "facts and figures" as we can. Yesterday, Charles Yost suggested to U Thant and me that we might enquire of you whether you would have any thoughts or infor- mation on the subject which in your view might be helpful in their deliberations and which you might be willing to make available to them. They would, of course, warmly welcome anything you might offer to them. things go on as usual here and at Sues, worse than usual for we have had twelve straight days of heavy exchanges of fire, X hope you are enjoying your present sojourn in Moscow and that the weather is good. With best wishes, Sincerely yours, Ralph 4!, Bunche Ambassador GunnaryJarring Embassy of Sweden Hoseow, 8.&.S.8. 21 April 1969 Please transmit the following message to Ambassador Gunnar Jarring in Moscow: MSeeretary*Geseral will be in Geneva at end of month and would be happy to have a talk with you there. Such a meeting would be useful, I am sure, in a aumber of ways* U IThaat could be available to meet with you on afternoon or at dinner on April 30th, or at breakfast or lunch on May 1st* Please advise, Halph Buaehe. " ^se-t-m-ctn&ri>£ i^w,>664e Message for Secretary-General TJ Thant from Ambassador Jarring, Moscow, April 21, 1969* Frimo. I received tonight from the Lebanes ambassador in Moscow the reply to the questions which I submitted to the Government of Lebanon in Beirut March 14« The text of the letter which is signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Youssev Salem follows in secundo. Secundo. En reponse au questionnaire que votre Excellence m'a adresse en date du 14 mars 19^9 j'ai 1'honneur de vous communiquer, au nom du G-ouvernement Libanais, ce qui suit: Dans 1'ensemble du conflit Israelo-Arabe, et par la, dans les suites de la. guerre declenchee par Israel le cinq juin 1967, le Liban se trouve engage essentiellement en raison de sa solidarite fraternelle avec les etats Arabs et des menaces que Israel ne cesse pas de faire peser sur lui. Mais le liban considere, a juste titre, que la convention d*armistice conclue entre lui-me'nie et Israel, le 23 mars 1949? est toujours en vigeur, comme cela resulte de sa deplche du 10 juin 1967 au president de la commission d'armistice mixte et comme le confirme M. Thant, Secretaire- G-eneral des Nations-Unies dans son rapport a 1'Assemblee- Generale le 19 septembge.ol967« Dans ce rapport, 1/1. Thant, se referant au texte m§me de ladite convention, a dit que celle-ci ne pouvait §tre revisee ou suspendue dans son application que par un consentement mutuel. Dans les conditions qui ont ete et qui demeurent celles du Liban, il est naturel que les lignes dec; 1 armistice n'aient jamais - 2 - variees.Elles se correspondent d'ailleurs aux frontieres qui ont toujours ete internationalement reconnues au Liban, aussi bien dans le documents diplomatiques bilateraux ou multilateraux, que par la Societe des Nations et par 1'Orga- nisation des Cations gnies, a la charte de laquelle le Liban a activement particle et au sein de laquelle il a ete admit dans son entite et sa structure actuelle. Ses frontieres n'ont subi aucune modification de fait ni de droit par les decisions du cesse-le-feu prises par le Conseil de Securite, apres le cinq juin 196?• II est opportun d'evoquer ces evidences: a toutes fins utiles et notamment afin d'expliquer la nature et la ca-Eactere de la settle reponse que nous puissons faire a l^ensemble du questionnaire qui nous a ete adresse par Votre Excellence en date du 14 mars 1969* Cette reponse, qui reflecte d'ailleurs la position que le Liban a prise dans le conferences interarabes, consiste a proclamer qu'ils soutiennent la position des etats arabes dont le territoire a e"te occupe par Israel et qui ont accepte la decision du Conseil de Securite du 22 novembre 1967* En Vous communiquant cette note, qui d'ailleurs correspond a l"esprit des entretiens que Vous avez deja eus avec les differents responsable libanais, je prie Yontre Ezcellence d'agreerl'assurance de ma tres haute consideration*.a Translation from French JG/wke Message for Secretary-General U Thant from Ambassador Jarring Moscow. 21 April 1969 Secundo. In reply to the questionnaire which Your Excellency addressed to me on 14 March 1969, I have the honour, on behalf of the Lebanese Government, to inform you of the following: Lebanon is essentially involved in the general context of the Israeli- Arab conflict - and, therefore, in the consequences of the war launched by Israel on 5 June 1967 - on account of its brotherly solidarity with the Arab States and of the threats which are constantly addressed to it by Israel. Lebanon considers, however, with justification that the armistice agreement it concluded with Israel on 23 March 19^9 remains valid, as indicated in its message of 10 June 1967 to the Chairman of the Mixed Armistice Commission and as confirmed by U Thant, Secretary-General of the United Nations, in his report to the General Assembly dated 19 September 1967. In that report, U Thant, referring to the very text of that agreement, said that its application could be revised or suspended only by mutual consent. In view of the conditions which were and remain those of Lebanon, it is natural that the armistice lines have never been changed. These lines incidentally correspond to the frontiers of Lebanon which have always been internationally recognized in bilateral and multilateral diplomatic instruments, as well as by the League of Nations and the United Nations. Lebanon participated actively in the drafting of the United Nations Charter and was admitted in its present form and structure to membership in the Organization. Its frontiers have not undergone any de facto or de jure modification as a result of the cease-fire decisions taken by the Security Council after 5 June 1967. It may be appropriate to state the above-mentioned facts, in particular to explain the nature and character of the only reply which we are in a position to give to the questionnaire addressed by Your Excellency on lit. March 1969. - 2 - That reply, which reflects the position taken by Lebanon at inter-Arab conferences, is to proclaim its support of the position of the Arab States whose territory has been occupied by Israel and which have accepted the Security Council's decision of 22 November 1967. The present note is consistent with the spirit of the talks you have already held with various Lebanese officials. Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration. Moscow, April 25, 1969. 1 encl. Dear Ralph, I enclose a photo-copy, for your files, of the »/. Lebanese reply to my questions of March 14? 1969* the text of which I forwarded to you, through other channels, on April 21. Sincerely Yours J- .-/_a J^^. i •* - « Gunnar Jarring Dr. Ralph J. Bunche United Nations HEW YORK, H.T. 10017 R£PUBLIQUE LIBANAISE MINISTERE OES AFFAIRES ETRANGERES Beyrouth, le 18 Avril 1969 LE MINISTRE N° 1933/4/21/147 Monsieur 1'Ambassadeur, En reponse au questionnaire que Votre Excellence m'a adresse en date du 14 Mars 1969, j'ai 1'honneur de vous communiquer, au nom du Gou- vernement libanais, ce qui suit: Dans 1*ensemble du conflit israelo-arabe et, par la, dans les suites de la guerre declenchee par Israel le 5 Juin 1967, le Liban se trouve enga- ge essentiellement en raison de sa solidarite fra- ternelle avec les Etats Arabes et des menaces qu1Israel ne cesse de faire peser sur lui.
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