1 “I a xi o H j» i»'m \m -•.%- 4- ' " ' g f I? WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, IM 7 Average Daily Net Preea Run The Weather p a g e t h ir t y -s i x Manrli^atcr lEurtiittg Ifrralii For The „Week Faded Cloudy With eceftteitod thun- Mksy SO, 1907 deratomui tonOglit, low a’botit 60; pantUel dealing, warmer About Town tomoiTOW, Mgh in 70b. ; 15,210 Mrmcheeter— A City of Village Charm Friendship Lodge of Masons ^ .V , ■ (ClMwified Advertlataig on Page 81) PRICE SEVEN CENTS will have ita final meeting be­ MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1967 fore the sujnmer recess tomor­ VOL. LXXXVl, NO. (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) row iHglVt alt 7:30 at the Ma­ sonic Temple. The Entered Ap­ prentice degree will be confer­ Jt red, with Raymond E. Bogue, master, presiding. Refresh­ France Joins UN Debate Too Many Deer ments will be served. VAN NUYS, CMlf. (AP) « —Frit* Burn* Wonts to give \l away 100 •white reindeer. Peter Pantaluh, son of ' ♦ HA said hla herd haa been and Mrs. Peter "Pantaluk of 40 used in Chiietniae pcmades, Foster St., was named to the HALE Vietnam War T i^ bizt has grown tx>o laige. dean’s list for the second se­ Rep. Ed Relnedce, R- mester at Berklee School of Mu­ Callf., invoaWgated and said sic, Boston, Mass., where he is today there appears to be no Early Defeat majoring in composition, ar­ apiace In a naUonal park for Des ranging and trumpet. To Mideast Peace BO many reindeer. The congreosman said T he Ailjpihia Delta Kappa to save face for all parties co- exist and its rights to use of in­ Burns •wfll give them to any Joins Faculty UNITED NATIONS, N. ternational waterways, and at Gamima Ohaptcir of the honor­ Y. (A'P)—'France declared cemed. zoo or park that •wUl pay the ary teachers’ goroiiilty lecenitly 3 BIG DAYS Their activities centered the same time would reaffirm transportation /costs from Amendm ent (Dr. Willll'lam J. Muraae, eon today t!h'at aa long as the It would support withdrawal Arab territorial Integrity. Los Angeles. h«td its ftoail meeting of „ the of Mir. and Mirs. 'William M. war in Vietnam oonitinues, seaiion at the cottage of Mrs. of troops, but again the wordng In genefal, the bloc would Munsde of 38 AdeOaide Rd., will Cecillia Moore, CodumbSa Lake. l#iere is “ no chance for would be vague, leaving the back the Idea "of a new U.N. To Admonish join the mexiicad faculty at the Now's The Time To Buy Wedding, Thursday, FHday The atitruSlitiilc project of the Ijeace in the Middle East.” lines to which Israel would with- presence in the Middle East to group thiiB year was to donate Uniiversiity of Virgiiirtia HoapVtail .. ^ e n ^ ' Foreign Minister draw subject to future negotla- keepgeep the peace. ' O W M ? ________ __ servUce amid mcneiy to the Ijutz July 1, as an inlaltruo’tor. and Saturday ^ u r ic b Cpuve de MurvUle, tlon. Is Beaten Dr. Munsle aittended 'Man­ Shower and Graduation Gifts and (See Page Twenty-’rhree) Junior Museum. In his nation’s policy statement It would back Israel’s right to chester HOsh school and receiv­ in the General Assembly debate Avco Talks WASHINGTON (AP) — ed a baohellor of science degree, on the Arab-Israell war, said Sen. Thomas J. Dodd, D- The British Amerioan Club ma'gna cum daude, from Tufts SaveFOur Selection Was Never Better! ^ t ending war in Vletnath Under W ay Conn., battled more steep­ will have a buffot and dance Unflversity 'where He was a JUNE 22, 23, 24 would "require a courageous ly uphill against Senate Saturday from 9 pm . to 1 a.m. memibea" of Phi (Beta Kappa. He and fruitful decision on the part censure today after over­ at the clubhouse. Mike Bussel ireoeived a doctor Of medicine of a great state"—moanlsng the In Capital and ibis band wiU play for whelming rejection of a degree at the Uni'versity of Oo- iJnlted States. move to substitute mild ad­ dancing.’dleservations close to­ I'jmibia in New York, and he' j Shoifld the Vietnamese war morrow and may t>e made at WASHINGTON (AP) — monition for one set of the cormpleted dlls itwo-year .reaiW end, he said, "then new hp.rlzons Negotiations between the the club. dency in 'surgery at the New YTould open up.” charges against him. But England Center Hospital in Bos- Neither Soviet Premier Alexei Lycoming Division of the he insisted he was still con­ TriiUty CJovonaitt Church will itcin. Dr. Munsie aOso did a two- N. Kosygin nor Soviet Foreign Avco Oorp., Stratford, fident. have its annual Midsummer yeair tour of duty at a U.S. IMiaUeteir A'ndreS A. G<rcnnyko Conn., and two United The Senate, in Its first vote Peatlval tonight at the church. Army hoapitad in Neubrucke, l^as present to hear the French Auto Workers union locals after seven days of debate, re­ The progfram will include group Germany and 'was Comm'issioti- statement. resumed here today before jected 92 to 2 Wednesday a singing and colored slides taken eid a captain at Ft. Sana Hous­ Have A Cool Comfortable, Carefree Summer They were at the Soviet mis­ federal mediators. propoeal dropping charges of by members of the church. ton in San Arttonio, Tex. sion, preparing to be hosts at a The threat of a strike July financial misconduct in connec­ There w5iU be a coffee hour and luncheon to U.N. Secretary- 6 hangs over production of en­ tion with campaign and testi­ social. Group 2 is in charge of WITH PERMANENT PRESS, NEVER NEED IRONING • General U Thant, and perhaps monial funds, and substituting The Sodality of the Blessed gines for helicopters and other arrangements. The event is waiting for a break on the possl- an admonishment not to do any­ Sacrament of St. John’s Polish aircraft used by U.S. forces In open to the public. ^ Ity of a Kosygin meeting with thing wrong in the future. l^ational Catholic Church will Vietnam. President Jbhnson. Robert H. Moore, deputy di­ Dodd, excused from voting at 'Marine Pfc. Argyle W. Rob­ sponsor a bake sale of Polish ITse Frenoh fbreignmiCniilSteit's rector of the U.S. Mediation and What rnce Higher isaueatwnf his own request, said the lopsid­ erts Jr., son of Mir. and Mrs. food in the parish hall Sunday men's sport and dress shirts statement was mild in tone. He ed vote didn’t discourage him. after the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Conciliation Service, -and the Argyle W. Roberts of 26 El- gvoided the direct condemna- Rev. Leo Brown are heading Three five-year-olds display varying reactions as they graduate Ports­ The white-haired, two-term dridge iSt. recently completed Unn of Israel tSut hnd tdgh.- mouth, R. I., Community Kindergarten. Children (1. to r.) are 'T^d Harp, senator told newsmen later he Members of- the Ladies Aux­ the mediation panel which in­ a Kaiwk Oantimuous 'VViaive Ra- / lighted a statement Wednesday cludes also John J. Morton, a James Dallow and Paul Derby. The boys seem sober, perhaps by thought of has "complete confidence” in diar Repair course at the U.S. iliary of the Italian Ameri'oan by President Charlqs de Gaiflle. Society Willi meet tonight at the federal mediator, and Joseph endless years of sChodling ahead. (AP Pho’tofax) the final outcome because;. ‘T Army MliaiaiJo and Munitions jbnd he appealed tor a negotiat­ Peraro of the Connecticut State - have been guUty of no conscious Sohool at Redstcne Areseinal, W. P. Qiulsh Funeral Home, 225 ed settlement of the Middle Mai)i St., bo pay respects to the Mediation Service. wrongdoing." AJS'. &ast crisis, which he repeatedly Father Brown Is a member Expected today are the show­ late Mrs. Louis Mirogli, a mem­ called grave and dangerous to ber. of the Taft-Hartley board of in­ down votes on the two counts In Equipnunt Operator Con- world peace. quiry set up In the dispute. the censure resolution recom­ atructioninain WiU'Haim R. Swan- "The Middle East and the en­ U.S. Air Attacks Renewed IP'vL Wayne C. Huot, son of Members of UAW locals 1010 mended by the Senate ethics ^cn, son of iMr. and Mrs. Carl tire world must face a crisis Mr. and Mrs. Andiraw P. Huot, and 376 rejected earlier this committee following a 14-month R. Swansan of 198 Vernon St. Which Is very deep and which Judy Smith, who calls herself a ‘Summer Flower recently ’completed a course in week the latest settlement offer probe of Dodd's financial af­ is serving with the U.S. Naval may crop up once ag;aln," Child’ enjoys the first day of summer in San Fran­ made by the company. The vote fairs. Firr-, Direction Control and Is Couve de MurvUle said. Against Hanoi Rail Lines Mobile Construction Battalion cisco’s Golden Gate Park. Large crowds of hippies was conducted by the National One count charges Dodd with aittendinig an Ofifloer’s Candidate • "Only a freely negotiated set­ Bight based near Ohu Lai, Viet­ gathered to observe the year’s longest day. Labor Relations Board, as re­ converting $116,083 raised at. School of ArtlHery at Ft. Sill, tlement accepted by all con­ fore — and Included 953 nam. quired under the emergency SAIGON (AP) — U. S. forces The attacks on the rail net- poUtlcal testimonials and Okla. cerned could setUe the problems _ wounded and 16 missing. - provision of the Taft-Haxtley reported killing 143 Communist work were a continuation of a simUar events to his own use.
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