NAGARA BOOKS ----------------------------------------- 152 -------------------------------------------------------------- -- 1770 Abiz, Alireza Censorship of Literature in Post-Revolutionary Iran: II. IRANIAN STUDIES politics and culture since 1979 . 256p London 2019 9781784538071 14,256 イラン研究 Abiz offers an in-depth, interdisciplinary analysis of how censorship and the political order of Iran have influenced contemporary Persian literature, both in 1764 terms of content and tone, from 1979 until the current 'Abbâsî, 'Abd al-Latîf bn 'Abdollâh date. Latâyef al-Ma'navî men Haqâyeq al-Mathnavî . 1771 ed. by Behzâd Borhân 555p Tehran 1396 Âbkanâr, Hosayn Mortazâ'îyân 9786005942613 3,960 'Aqrab, rû-ye pelleh-hâ-ye râh-e âhan-e andîmeshk Jalâl al-Dîn Rûmî,1207-1273 -- Masnavî -- Criticism yâb az în qatâr khûn mîchekeh qorbân . (novel) 83p and interpretation Tehran 1385 9643128326 1,340 1765 1772 'Abd al-Ghanî Tabîb Gîlânî, 'Abd al-Karîm Abrahamian, Ervand Taryâq-e A'zam, dar advîyeh-ye sammîyeh va A History of Modern iran . 2nd edition 288p ills. 'avâred va 'alâj-e ân-hâ . ed. by Mîr Hâshem Cambridge 2018(08) 9781316648148 pap. 4,075 Mohaddeth 290p Tehran 1394(2015) This second edition brings the narrative up to date, 9786003132795 1,560 with the Green uprisings of 2009, the second Toxicology -- Poisoning -- Early works to 1800 Ahmadinejad administration, the election of Rouhani, 1766 and the Iran nuclear deal. 'Abd Allâh Afandî Isfahânî (1066-1130 h.q.) 1773 Riyâd al-'Ulamâ' va Hiyâd al-Fudalâ' . tr. by Mohd. Abrîshamî, Farshâd Bâqer Sâ'edî 2nd edition 7 vols. Mashhad 1394(86) Godharî bar Tehrân-e Qadîm: an overview on olden 9789649713496 8,600 Tehran . photos. by Gh. Malek 'Eraqî 173p photos. Shiism -- Muslim -- Biography Tehran 1390 9786005696448 14,020 Persian translation [photos from Tehran during Qajar dynasty and late 1767 Pahlavi dynasty] 'Abd al-Rahîmî, Homayûn 1774 Kûcheh Pas Kûcheh-hâ-ye Tehrân . 432p photos. Abû al-Fath Hamd ibn Hussayn Bâdî Tehran 1396 9789643320867 2,950 A Medieval Arabic-Persian Dictionary . ed. by G. Tehran -- History Dadkhah & A. Goodarznia iii(eng),312p Costa Mesa 1768 2014 9781568593036 8,305 Abdoh, Salar (ed. & tr.) 1775 Tehran Noir 329p N.Y. 2014 9781617753008 Abû al-Qâsim Sultânî pap 2,408 Dâ'irat al-Ma'ârif Tibb Sunnatî, Vâzheh-nâmeh-ye There is something of both the absolutely spectacular gîyâhî: Encyclopedia of Traditional Medicine, dictionary and positively disgraceful about Tehran. But most writers of medical plants . 3 vols. ills. photos Tehran 1383 around the world are inclined to think that their own 964585587X 11,500 sprawling metropolis is the capital of every imaginable Botany, Medical -- Dictionaries -- Polyglot vice and crime, of impossible love and tenderness and 1776 cruelty and malice in measures that seldom exist Abû Ebrâhîm bn Mohammad MostamlÎ Bokhârî anywhere else. Sharh al-Ta'arrof li-Madhhab al-Tasavvof . ed. by 1769 Mohammad Roushan 5 vols. Tehran 1389(63) 'Âbedînî, Hasan Mîr 9789643314323 24,200 Morûrî bar Târîkh-negârî-ye Adabîyât-e Mo'âser , Sufism -- Early works to 1800 daftar 1 (1303-1325), 2 (1302-1340), 3 (1340-1350), 4. 1777 4 vols. Tehran 1388-1394 2,020 Abû Tâleb Khân (1752-1806? ) Masîr-e Tâlebî, yâ, Safarnâmeh-ye Mîrzâ Abû Tâleb Khân (1219 H.Q.) . ed. by Hosayn Khadîvjam NAGARA BOOKS ----------------------------------------- 153 -------------------------------------------------------------- -- (Sources and Historical Documents of the Qajar Period ; Mohsen Ashtiani, Vol. III: Commentary, Bibliography 2) 521p ills. Tehran 1363 3,800 and Index . (Ilex Foundation Series, 6) 472p Boston 古書 Masir-e Tâlebi: the travels of Mirzâ Abu-Tâleb 2011 9780674062399 pap. 4,522 Khân A.H. 1213-1218 (A.D. 1798-1803) 1784 1778 Abu'l-Qasem Firdausi Abû Torâbeyân Schahname: das buch der könige . hrsg. von N. Godhar-e Îlchî: qatl-gâh-e gerîbâyedûf dar Tehrân-e Rastegar, über. von Robert A. Pollak 1362p. in 4 vols. 'atîq . (Nashr-e Târîkh-e Iran, Qesseh-ye Tehrân, 1) Berlin 2018 9783879974610 25,900 358p photos. Tehran 1393 9789646082953 Bear-beitet und und heraus-ge-geben von Nosra- 2,220 tollah Rastegar Tehran -- Qajar dynasty -- History 1785 1779 Adamova, Adel T. & Manijeh Bayani Abû Torâbeyân, Behnâm Persian Painting: the arts of the book and Qesseh-hâ-ye Mas'ûdîyeh: Tehran dar âyîneh-ye yek portraiture . 552p ills. photos. London 2016 'amârat . (Nashr-e Târîkh-e Îrân) 256p photos. 9780500970683 7,550 Tehran 1395(2016) 9789646082137 4,260 Written by two eminent scholars specializing in ‘Amârat-i Mas’ûdîyah (Tehran) ; Architecture -- Qajar Persian painting and epigraphy, respectively, Persian dynasty -- Iran - History Painting catalogs more than forty masterpieces of 1780 Persian miniature painting, manuscript illustration, and Abul Hasnat, A.B. bookbinding in The al-Sabah Collection, Kuwait. Thames Meets Euphrates: study of development of 1: The Early period, 2: The Mongol period, 3: The Timurid England's relation with Perso-Arabic literature (from the period, 4: The Safavid period and painting after the middle ages to the eighteenth century) . x,302p afavids. Kolkata 2016 9789382623595 2,800 Adamova and Bayani place the works in an artistic and 1781 historical context and demonstrate their significance in Abu'l-Fazl Beyhaqi the development of Persian painting. From a historical The History of Beyhaqi: the history of Sultan Mas'ud perspective, they document the movement of of Ghazna, 1030-1041 . tr. by C.E. Bosworth & rev. by manuscripts through their owners' seal impressions and Mohsen Ashtiani, Vol. I: 421-423 A.H.(1030-1032 A.D.) . librarians' notes, and identify various works by scribes (Ilex Foundation Series, 6) lxx,476p Boston 2011 and illustrators involved in the production of these 9780674062344 pap. 4,522 manuscripts and miniatures. Abu'l-Fazl Beyhaqi, a secretary at the court of a 1786 number of Ghaznavid rulers in eastern Iran and Adang, Camilla & Sabine Schmidtke (ed.) Afghanistan in the early Middle Ages, is a most Contacts and Controversies between Muslims, Jews perceptive, as well as intriguing, commentator on the and Christians in the Ottoman Empire and Pre-Modern history of the Islamic Near East. The surviving volumes of Iran . (Istanbuler Texte und Studien, 21) 421p his massive project, dealing in depth with the years 1030- Würzburg 2010 9783899137385 13,125 1041, combine astute criticism and wry humor with an The relations between the Muslim majority and unobtrusive display of mastery of the learned literature members of the Jewish and Christian minorities in the of the time, both in Arabic and Persian. Ottoman Empire as well as in pre-modern Iran received a 1782 series of new impulses from the 15th and 16th centuries Abu'l-Fazl Beyhaqi onwards, which were reflected in intensified encounters The History of Beyhaqi: the history of Sultan Mas'ud in the intellectual and literary, as well as the social and of Ghazna, 1030-1041 . tr. by C.E. Bosworth & rev. by political spheres. Mohsen Ashtiani, Vol. II: 424-432 A.H.(1032-1041 A.D.) . 1787 (Ilex Foundation Series, 6) vi,400p Boston 2011 Âdharmî-Dakht Safavî (ed.) 9780674062368 pap. 4,522 Majmû'eh-ye Maqâlât-e Konferâns-e Beyn al-Melalî: 1783 Zabân va Adabeyât-e Fârsî dar Zamân-e Akbar Shâh Abu'l-Fazl Beyhaqi Gûrkânî va Salâtîn-e Safavîyeh: markaz-e tahqîqât-e The History of Beyhaqi: the history of Sultan Mas'ud fârsî, dâneshgâh-ye eslâmî-e 'Alîgareh - Hend, 14-16 of Ghazna, 1030-1041 . tr. by C.E. Bosworth & rev. by bahman 1394 khûrshîdî barâbar bâ 3-5 fûrîyeh-ye 2016 . 34p(eng)+748p Tehran 1395(2016) NAGARA BOOKS ----------------------------------------- 154 -------------------------------------------------------------- -- 9786008273196 5,120 1795 [Dimensions of Persian Language and Literature Afshâr, Îraj available during Akbar's Reign, Institute of Persian Nâm-e Khalîj-e Fârs: bar payâm-e asnâd-e târîkhî va Research, Algarh Muslim University, Aligarh (India), 3-5 naqsheh-hâ-ye joghrâfeyâyî . 211p maps Tehran February 2016] 1386 9789643613877 1,200 1788 [The Title of the Persian Gulf: according to historical Âdharnûsh, Âdhartâsh documents & maps] Dar Bâb-e Adâb-e Tâzî: majmû'eh-ye maqâlât-e 1796 Doktor Â. Âdharnûsh . ed. by Redvân Massâh 3 vols. Afshâr, Îraj (ed.) Tehran 1395 9786006326245 14,920 Eskandar-nâmeh: revâyat-e fârsî az Kalîstenes-e [Reflections on Arabic Literature (collected papers of Dorûghîn pardâkhteh meyân-e qorûn-e sheshom va Azartash Azarnoosh)] hashtom . 691p Tehran 1389(87) 1789 9789643624163 4,410 Âdharpî, Saîd [Pseudo-Callisthenes: Iskandar-Namih: the Gests of Farhang-e Nâmeh-ye Loghat va Estelâhât: feqhî, Alexander of Macedon, Persian text from VI-VIII century qânûnî va hoqûqî-ye vaqf . 619p Tehran 1396 A.H.] 9786009484737 3,420 1797 Waqf (Islamic law) -- Iran -- History Afshâr, Hamîd 1790 Ganjîneh-ye Asnâd-e Bonyâd-e Îrânshenâsî . 318p Adib-Moghaddam, Arshin facs. Tehran 1394(2015) 9789648776904 3,090 Iran in World Politics: the question of the Islamic [Document Treasury of Iranology Foundation] Republic . xi,272p N.Y. 2010(08) 9780231700474 1798 pap 3,012 Afshâr, I. & M. Afshâr (ed.) He guides the reader through the country's complex Qesseh-ye Hosayn-e Kord-e Shabestarî: bar asâs-e identity and actions, from the nuclear issue to Iran's revâyet-e nâshenâljteh-ye mausûm beh Hosayn-nâmeh . perpetual political standoff with the United States, from 516p Tehran 1386 9789643622954 4,410 the future of Iranian democracy to Iranian-Arab relations, Heroes -- Iran -- Folklore from American neoconservatism to Islamic utopian- 1799 romanticism, and from Avicenna to Ayatollah Khomeini. Afshâr, Parvîz 1791 Nokhost-e Vazîrân-e Selseleh-ye Qâjârîyeh: Prime Adib-Moghaddam, Arshin Ministers of Qajar Dynasty . 408p facs. photos. Psycho-nationalism: global thought, Iranian Tehran 1395 (2016) 9789643617561 2,600 imaginations . (The Global Middle East) 176p 1800 Cambridge 2017 9781108435703 pap 3,773 Afshâr, Parvîz 1792 Sadre-a'zam-hâ-ye Selseleh-ye Qâjârîyeh: Afshânî, Bahman (Âqâjarî) Chancellors of Qajar Dynasty . 240p photos. Tehran Farhang-e Vâzhgân-e Shâhnâmeh . 501p Tehran 1395(2016) 9789643617551 2,120 1396 9786007617458 3,080 1801 1793 Afshârî, Mehrân (ed.) Afshâr, Îraj Fotovvat-nâmeh-hâ va Rasâ'el-e Khâksârîyeh (sî Fehrestnâmeh-ye Ketâbshenâsî-hâ-ye Îrân .
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