AROUND CHIBA CITY MAP ⓒ ICHIHARA CITY AREA /市原市エリア 1 CAFÉ ZUIKO Kofukuzenji Temple VEG お陽様と風のカフェ 瑞江(曹洞宗延命山 光福禅寺内) Italian food 1097 Saze, Ichihara City Seasonal Information TEL:0436-92-1335 Thu to Sun 10am-3:30pm Closed on Mon,Tue,and Wed in Chiba City March-April Reservation Required Spring Daytime:¥1,200 Chiba Castle Sakura Festival This festival is held at Inohana Park, ◀ Lunch Set the birthplace of Chiba, where Tun- ダミー etane Chiba settled. When almost VEG 2 SAI SAI 100 Somei-Yoshino [Yoshino cherry 中華料理 彩菜 Chinese food tree] begin to bloom, you can enjoy 5612-1 Goi, Ichihara City the cherry blossoms and perfor- TEL:0436-21-5778 mances by traditional artists from late March to early April. At night, 11:30am-2pm / 5pm-10pm Closed on Tue lantern lights illuminate Chiba Castle and the cherry blossoms, offering a Daytime:¥500 Night:¥1,000 whole new prospective. Information of Chiba castle ◀ Chop Suey Ramen 3 India Sri lanka Restaurant Samanara ● インド・スリランカレストラン サマナラ Curry 2536-4 Goi, Ichihara City in Chiba City July-August TEL:0436-21-6121 Summer Tue to Fri 11:30am-2:30pm Makuhari Beach 5:30pm-9:30pm Sat and Sun 11:30am-9:30pm Fireworks Festival Closed on Mon (The following Tue The annual summer tradition is a his- closed insteed, toric display of fireworks, attended by if it's a Public Holiday) more than a quarter million people. Over Daytime:¥1,000 20,000 fireworks are launched in an Night:¥2,000 hour, painting the horizon. People also ◀ Mutton Curry with Plain Naan like wearing Yukata, which is casual type E ICHIHARA MARINE HOTEL of Japanese traditional clothes at the 市原マリンホテル festival. There are a lot of food stands 2-22-8 Goi Chuonishi, in the venue, so you can enjoy not only Ichihara City fireworks but also foods! TEL:0436-21-5119 Autumn in Ichihara City November-December Ⓓ YOTSUKAIDO CITY AREA /四街道市エリア 1 ARIAN VEG O·V ● Autumn Leaves アリアン West asian food in Yoro River Valley 357-1 Dainichi, Located in the center of the Boso Pen- 10 Minutes 5 Minutes Yotsukaido City HALAL insula, the Yoro Valley was formed by SHOPPING TEL:043-421-2020 the flow of the Yoro River, which today 15 Minutes 5 Minutes 11am-3pm / flows through Ichihara City. It has many 5pm-10pm attractions, such as hot spring resorts. Open There is also waterfall tour, which runs (every 10Minutes)15 Minutes 15 Minutes 365 days along promenade with wonderful scen- Daytime:¥1,000 ery. The most recommended season in Night:¥1,200 Yoro Valley is autumn. You can enjoy ◀ Mixed Kebab with Saffron Rice the spectacular view of the vivid leaves surrounding the waterfall. Winter in Chiba City January-April O・V Strawberry Picking Strawberry picking is one of the greatest attractions of Chiba city. Every spring, people enjoy picking fresh strawberries at strawberry gardens. Visitors can eat freshly picked strawberries or bring them home. If you are looking for a strawberry picking experience, you may check out strawberry farms in Chiba. 2021-2022 Let’s go to with this Chiba City Muslim friendly website https://omotenashi-chiba.net/ Chiba City Official Facebook Chiba City Promotional Video A multilingual information site on gourmet, shopping and services, designed for welcome to chiba city Dragon farm:English and chiba city japan Thai available tourists visiting Chiba City. Muslim Friendly Version Ver 6, issued in Mar. 2021 MAKUHARI AREA /幕張エリア CHIBA CITY CENTRAL AREA /千葉市中央エリア 10 1 Shokujin Kanda University of International Studies H 7 1 Kappo Suruga H VEG O·V ● 食神 神田外語大学 Asian food 割烹駿河 Japanese food 1-4-1 Wakaba, Mihama-ku, Chiba City 1-12 Shin-machi,Chuo-ku, Chiba City TEL:043-273-1318 TEL:043-241-6166 Sat 11am-2pm / 5pm-8pm Mon to Fri 11:30am-2pm / 5pm-10:30pm Sun 11am-2pm Sat 5pm-10pm Closed on Weekdays Closed on Sun and Holidays Reservation required Daytime:¥2,000 Daytime:¥800 Night:¥5,000 Night:¥2,000 ◀ Asian Meal ◀ Japanese Course 2 Mawaranai Kaiten Sushi-Ichijyu H VEG ● 2 BENGAL TIGER VEG O·V ● 廻らない回転寿司 いちじゅう Sushi ベンガルタイガー Indian/South East Asia food 6-27-13 Makuharihongo, Hanamigawa-ku, 1-14-11 Matsunami, Chuo-ku, Chiba City Chiba City TEL:043-255-4410 TEL:043-305-5867 Tue to Sun 11am-3pm / 5pm-9:30pm 11am-10pm Closed on Mon( The following Tue closed instead, (Lunch 11am-3pm) if it's a Public Holiday) Open 365 days Daytime:¥1,000 Daytime:¥1,200 Night:¥1,500 Night:¥3,000 ◀ Sushi Set ◀ White Tiger Course 3 LA VERANDA APA HOTEL & RESORT TOKYO BAY MAKUHARI VEG 3 SHIRA ビュッフェレストラン ラ・ベランダ アパホテル&リゾート〈東京ベイ幕張〉 Buffet 新羅 Yakiniku(Korean BBQ) 2-3 Hibino, Mihama-ku, Chiba-City 3-8-13 Chuo,Chuo-ku, Chiba City TEL:043-296-1326 TEL:043-226-8078 Weekdays 11:30am-2:30pm/5:30pm-9:30pm Mon to Fri 5pm-11pm Weekend and Holidays 11:30am-3:30pm/5:30pm-9:30pm Sat 5pm-10pm Open 365 days Reservation required Closed on Sun and New Year’s day Daytime:¥2,400 ~ ¥3,280 Night:Full course dinner¥5,400 Night:¥3,680 ~ ¥4,980 North exit ◀ Buffet ◀ Wagyu beef 4 Indian Cuisine MANTRA VEG O·V ● 4 TAKOTAKO インド料理 マントラ Curry 蛸 TAKO Takoyaki(Octopus balls) WBG Marive Dining 3F, 2-6-1 Nakase, 37-6 Sakaecho, Chuo-ku, Chiba City Mihama-ku, Chiba City CVS TEL:043-222-0818 TEL:043-306-5885 10am-8pm 11am-10pm Closed on Thu Open 365 days Daytime:¥500 Daytime:¥1,000 Night:¥700 Night:¥1,800 ◀ Indian Curry ◀Takoyaki 5 Thai Cuisine LEMON GRASS VEG 5 Est! bambino タイ料理 レモングラス Thai & Asian food エスト!バンビーノ Italian food WBG Marive Dining 2F, 2-6-1 JUNNU CHIBA SOGO 1F , 1001 Nakase,Mihama-ku, Chiba City 8 Shinmachi, Chuo-ku, Chiba City Qiball TEL:043-307-4226 きぼーる TEL:043-307-3650 11am-10pm 10am-10:30pm(Subjected to change) Closed on New years days Open 365 days Daytime:¥1,000 Daytime:¥1,500 Night:¥2,000 蘇我駅周辺 Night:¥4,000 9am-6pm Beauty Salon Ariel /TEL:043-271-7112 ◀ ◀ Thai & Asian Meal 1-4061-1 Makuharicho,Hamamigawa-ku,Chiba City Closed on Tue and Wed Italian Pasta 10am-7pm VEG O·V ● Unix/TEL:043-304-6348 蘇我駅 6 Jay NEPAL 3rd Floor,AEON MALL,1-1 Toyosuna,Mihama-ku,Chiba City Open 365 days 6 Karadeniz61 ジャイネパール Curry カラデニズ 61 Kebab Show/TEL:043-247-1677 10:30am-5pm 2-12 Utase, Mihama-ku, Chiba city 2nd Floor,Terrace Tsubaki 2-1-9 Kasuga,Chuo-ku,Chiba City closed on Mon and Sun 3-18-8 Chuo, Chuo-ku, Chiba city Sachi Biyokan/TEL:043-225-6674 10am-7pm TEL:043-213-1192 2-11-12-103 Yuko,Chuo-ku,Chiba City Closed on Tue TEL:043-441-6110 11am-11pm private hairsalon nina/TEL:043-305-4741 10am-6pm 11:30am-3am Irregular day off 1st Floor,1-24-24,Nobuto,Chuo-ku,chibacity Irregular day off Closed on Tue Beauty Salon TRINT/TEL:043-488-4889 10am-9pm Daytime:¥1,000 2nd Floor,Active Bldg,3-1-22 Minamicho,Chuo-ku,Chiba City Irregular day off Daytime & Night:¥600 Night:¥2,000 Shopping Shopping ◀ Nepalese food ◀ Kebab S1 Patisserie Tarbes Western sweets/パティスリータルブ S1 Kimuraya Japanese sweets/木村屋 7 Buffet Restaurant Carmel Hotel Springs Makuhari Miramar1 101-1, 3-6, Utase, Mihama-ku, Chiba city TEL:043-351-7551 2-13-11, Innai, Chuo-ku, Chiba city TEL:043-222-2297 More Restaurant バイキングレストランカーメル/ホテルスプリングス幕張 Buffet 業 務 ス ー パ ー 幕 張 本 郷 店 田子作煎餅 S2 Gyomu Super Makuharihongo HALAL products/ S2 Tagosakusenbei Rice cracker/ Gajalu Curry /ガザル ● 1-11 Hibino, Mihama-ku,Chiba City 2-9-1, Makuharihongo, Hanamigawa-ku, Chiba city TEL:043-213-7036 1-20-5, Shinjuku, Chuo-ku, Chiba city TEL:043-241-4638 7 4-1, Yayoi-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba city TEL:043-251-3137 TEL:043-296-0069 S3 AEON MALL Makuhari New City HALAL products/イオンモール幕張新都心 S3 Gyomu Super Chiba Chuo HALAL products/業務スーパー千葉中央店 Taj Palace Curry/タージパレス ● 1-1, Toyosuna, Mihama-ku, Chiba city TEL:043-351-7500 3-18-3, Chuo, Chuo-ku, Chiba city TEL:043-223-6555 8 11:30am-3pm/ 5pm-10pm 3-14-6, Chuo, Chuo-ku, Chiba city TEL:043-225-8337 Open 365 days イオン幕張店 農家の家 せんのや S4 AEON Makuhari HALAL products/ S4 SENNOYA HALAL sweets & breads/ 9 Chiba University Food Court School cafeteria/千葉大学 フードコート 1-3, Hibino, Mihama-ku, Chiba city TEL:043-350-5511 B1 Floor, Perie Chiba main bldg, 1-1-1, Shin Chiba, Chuo-ku, Chiba city TEL:043-239-7676 1-33, Yayoi-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba city TEL:043-287-5595 Daytime & Night:¥2,300 オランダ家 ペリエ海浜幕張店 S5 Orandaya PERIE Kaihim-makuhari Chiba sweets/ 10 Shiba Curry/シバ ● Kaihin Makuhari Station Bldg.(Perie), 2-110, Hibino, Mihama-ku, Chiba city TEL:043-350-5020 ★ There are 7other Gyomu Super in the city. 3-19-15, Inage Higashi, Inage-ku, Chiba city TEL:043-246-2060 ◀ Interior MAPLE INN MAKUHARI Hotel Springs Makuhari HOTEL PORT PLAZA CHIBA OKURA CHIBA HOTEL S5 Salam 117 H VEG O·V ● C メイプルイン幕張 D ホテルスプリングス幕張 A ホテルポートプラザちば B オークラ千葉ホテル サラーム 117 Halal products Original Sambal Prayer Space 1-12-1 VEG H 8-5 VEG O·V 1-13-3 VEG O·V 2-6-2 Matsunami, Chuo-ku, Chiba City Makuharihongo, 1-11 Hibino, Chibaminato, Chuoko, TEL:070-8322-0250 There are restaurants where Chiba City provides comfortable multipur- Hanamigawa-ku, Mihama-ku, Chuo-ku, Chiba City Chuo-ku, Chiba City Chiba City 9am-Chiba6pm City 12pm-7pm(Subjected to change) you can taste pungent sea- pose prayer rooms which are very suitable TEL:043-247-7211 TEL:043-248-1111 Open 365 days for worship.
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