THEVOICE for America’s Libraries ISSN 1084-4694 VOLUME 20, ISSUE 5 October 2019 National Friends of Libraries Week Awards due Dec. 4 Coordinated by United for Librar- ies, National Friends of Libraries Week is an annual celebration of Friends of Libraries groups. The week is an oppor- tunity for Friends to creatively promote IN THIS ISSUE their groups in the community, to raise awareness, and to promote member- President’s Message 2 ship. It also serves an excellent oppor- News & Notes 3 tunity for libraries and Board of Trustee groups to recognize the Friends for their The National Friends of Libraries Around ALA 5 help and support of the library. Week Awards encourage Friends of Li- Framework for Foundations 6 Library Trustees, advocates, braries to celebrate and promote their Tools for Trustees 8 Friends, Foundations, directors, and groups within the community. Each staff are invited to view the record- year, two Friends groups are awarded Focus on Friends 10 ing of a National Friends of Libraries $250 each in honor of their celebra- Friends on Campus 14 Week webinar, with presentations from tions during the week. Application cri- State Friends Spotlight 15 past winners of the National Friends of teria can be viewed at ala.org/united Libraries Week Awards. Judy Bentzen, /grants_awards/friends/friendsweek and Good Ideas from the Network 16 Treasurer of the Friends of the San Juan applications can be submitted follow- Book Club Choices 22 Island Library (Wash.), discussed her ing NFOLW and through Dec. 4. Corporate Sponsors & Board of Directors 23 group’s 2017 NFOLW Award-winning To access the recording of the project, “Our Library is the Heart of the National Friends of Libraries Week Books for Babies 24 Island.” Katie Norris, President of the webinar, visit ala.org/united/nfolw. Friends of the Charleston Public Library For more information about National (S.C.) at the time of their award-winning Friends of Libraries Week, visit http:// Board Reunion Celebration in 2018, www.ala.org/united/events_conferences discussed her Friends Group’s successful /folweek. For a list of other webinars efforts. A highly informative Q&A ses- offered by United for Libraries, visit LIBRARY LEGISLATIVE DAY sion followed both presentations. ala.org/united/training/webinars. Mark your calendar for National Library Legislative Day, May 4-5, 2020. In Memoriam page 5 Rose Mosley Peggy Barber December 25, 1938 – August 26, 1943 – FUNDRAISING September 10, 2019 August 25, 2019 United for Libraries debuts a three- President, United for Li- Co-president, United for part webinar series on “Fundraising braries (then the Associa- Libraries (then the Associa- and Building Support for Your Library.” tion of Library Trustees, Advocates, tion of Library Trustees, Advocates, page 7 Friends and Foundations), 2010-11 Friends and Foundations), 2009-10 Both Rose Mosley and Peggy Barber served not only as United for Libraries CENSUS CHAMPIONS Presidents, but served on multiple United for Libraries committees, generously Learn how library Trustees can play sharing with the division their expertise and experience. They were mentors to a vital role in the 2020 Census. many United for Libraries member-leaders and to their colleagues across the page 8 country. They will be missed. www.ala.org/united 1-800-545-2433, ext. 2161 [email protected] 1 President’s Message A renewed approach to library support No matter some great idea I never would have how long we imagined. After reading the newsletter have been away I am always awestruck by the dedica- The United from an academic tion, hard work and creativity of our institution, it colleagues around the country. This by seems that we all itself makes membership in United so for Libraries continue to oper- worthwhile. ate on a calendar I also want to recognize and thank where fall marks the seven state libraries which have office will be a new beginning, purchased a statewide group member- whether it’s for Peter Pearson, United ship in United for Libraries. This is closed Nov. your Trustees, for Libraries President such a great investment which allows Foundation or even the smallest libraries to take ad- Friends group. We seem to put our vantage of the many resources that 28-29, Dec. lives on hold in June, July, and August United offers to its members. Here’s a to appreciate a slower rhythm and special thanks to the state libraries in to enjoy what is in many parts of the Delaware, Maryland, Michigan, Ne- 24-25, and country a fleeting season. I know that braska, South Carolina, South Dakota, the board of my local library Foun- and Texas. Be sure to contact the Unit- Jan. 1 and dation, of which I am a member in ed staff if you would like additional Sarasota County, Fla., takes a hiatus information about United for Libraries for several months. I have filled my membership for your state. 20. extra free time this summer with some As we think about the beginning incredible new books from some of my of our new year at United, we look for- favorite authors. But I also start to get ward to a virtual board meeting in Oc- a bit restless as summer winds down to tober and planning our programming get back into the routine of the organi- for the upcoming Midwinter Meeting zations we love to support. and Public Library Association Con- As a fundraising and planning con- ference. We also welcome several new sultant, I continue to be made aware members to the United for Librar- of the growing needs of Trustees, ies Board of Directors. New Board Foundations, and Friends. So much members this fall include Veronda of the work that each of these groups Pitchford, Amandeep Kochar, and Luis does, happens in isolation. We get so Herrera. The Voice for America’s Libraries is enmeshed in our local needs that we Another important event in the fall published by United for Libraries: don’t have time to find out what others is National Friends of Libraries Week. The Association of Library Trustees, in our field are doing and what are the This is a great time to honor the efforts Advocates, Friends and Foundations, best practices out there. We all need to of our hard-working Friends and to a division of the American Library be lifelong learners so we can get bet- bring the Friends into the limelight. As Association (ALA). ter at what we do: supporting our local always, United will have many ideas libraries. This is why United for Librar- and resources for libraries and their For membership information, call ies is so important. It connects us to Friends groups to recognize this im- (800) 545-2433, ext. 2161, email the entire world of library support. The portant group of volunteers for your [email protected], or visit www.ala.org/ programs, webinars and newsletters are library. united. jam-packed with helpful and innova- I hope this fall brings you renewed tive ideas we can all implement in our energy for the great work that each Send editorial contributions, articles, communities. After being in the library of you does in support of your local newsletters and news releases Foundation field for almost 30 years, library. Let us at United (united@ala. attention The Voice to [email protected]. sometimes I feel like I’ve heard every org) know how we can help you to possible innovative idea for library fun- do even more effective work. We love The Voice is a copyrighted publication draising. Then I pick up the latest issue partnering with you and we love to and cannot be photocopied and of United’s newsletter and I read about hear from you. distributed. 2 www.ala.org/united 1-800-545-2433, ext. 2161 [email protected] News & Notes United for Libraries premieres Monthly Member Forums United for Libraries members are information studies from Florida State ala.org/libraryofthe invited to a monthly member forum on University. He worked as a census- future), an initiative the second Wednesday of each month taker in the 2010 Census. from the American at 2 pm eastern. All sessions will be Library Association. recorded and posted in the members’ OCTOBER 2019 He has previously held only area of the United for Libraries Annual Giving Campaigns positions at the Ameri- website. Each month we’ll feature a hot can Theological Library topic of interest to Trustees, Friends, 2019-2020 United for Libraries Association; ALA’s Of- Miguel Figueroa and/or Foundations. A guest speaker President Peter Pearson, Founder/ fice for Diversity and will share highlights and information Senior Consultant of Library Strategies Office for Literacy and Outreach Ser- about the month’s topic, followed by Consulting Group, discusses end-of- vices; NYU’s Ehrman Medical Library; a Q&A with the speaker. At the half- year giving campaigns for Friends of and Neal-Schuman Publishers. He is a hour mark, the format will switch to the Library groups and library Founda- graduate of the University of Arizona’s an open discussion among webinar tions. Hear tips and advice, and share Knowledge River Program, an initia- participants. Sessions are open to all your ideas with other United for Li- tive that examines library issues from personal and group members of United braries members. Hispanic and Native American per- for Libraries. Peter Pearson is the spectives. 2019-2020 President of Now available—recordings of September United for Libraries. He DECEMBER 2019 and October Monthly Member Forums: is lead consultant and “Intellectual Freedom: What Library SEPTEMBER 2019 co-founder of Library Friends, Trustees, and Foundations 2020 Census: What Trustees, Friends Strategies Consulting Need to Know” and Foundations Need to Know Group.
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