Vol. VI, No. 5 RIDDLE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL May, 1964 Special Notice Women's Executive Board Meeting, May FIRST ANNUAL RIDDLE DERB 3, 10:00 a .m., Riddle Memorial Hospital DAY PRONOUNCED SUCCESS Medical Library. Women's Board Meeting, May lt, 1964, The Associated Auxiliaries first ann ~ " l 0:00 a. m., Media Federa I Savings and Derby" at the new Strawbridge & CJ·oth ier Depart­ Loan Association (Community Room). ment store in Spri ngfie Id was a pronounced success. The exciting day brought a total of $1,089.00 to our group. ASSOCIATED AUXILIARIES Mrs. Francis M. Feaster, Chairman of the Derby, CHARITY BALL-MAY 15 opened the day officially at 10:30 a .m. on Thursday The main social event of the Associated Auxil- April 23, in the store auditorium. Mrs. Jeanette iaries to the Riddle tv'.emorial Hospital will be held New Pappas, rendered "God Bless America" on the evening of Friday, Moy 15. The Charity Ball accompanied by Mrs. Aubrey Vernon. is scheduled to take place at the Overbrook Country Mr. Francis Strawbridge, substituting for his Club with dancing from 9:00 p .m. unti I l :00 o .m. brother, Mr. Stockton Strawbridge, Strowbridge & Lester Lonnin and his orchestra will provide the Clothier President, then gave a brief speech of music. The cost of $15.00 per couple includes o welcome. The response was mode by Mr. Donald hunt breakfast and, of course, refreshments will be Loughlin, Hospital Administrator. Both speakers available at the club. Proceeds of the boll benefit stressed the importance of the community spirit the Riddle Memorial Hospital. embodied in "Riddle Derby Doy." Through purchase~ Invitations have been received and many on aux- on this day, the general public aids Strowbridge & ilion is pondering the eternal, feminine question, Clothier's aim -- to help Riddle Memorial Hospital. "What shall I wear?" Talented seamstresses are busy Mr. Finley Hoimon, Manager of the Springfield sewing and the recent S & C fashion shows on Derby S & C, was also introduced and wished the women Day, with their beautiful display of ballroom gowns, o most successful day. gave the onlooker many ideas. We know that the Mrs. Ella Waters, Public Relations Director for question will be resolved by all far before the all S&C stores, was presented and expressed her eagerly-anticipated evening of May 15.. wish for a happy association with RMH. Mrs. June Mrs. W. Stanley Warwick is Genera! Chairman of Trotter, Public Relations Representative at the the Charity Ball this year. Mrs. Fielder Coffin, Jr., Springfield S & C, was presented with Mrs. Charles is chairman of decorations. Mrs. J. Bernard Boyle F. Mallon, President of Associated Auxiliaries, Mrs. took care of the invitations while Mrs. Joseph M. Francis M. Feaster, Mrs. William H. Baird, and Brower is in charge of the Receiving line. Mrs. Mrs. Samuel W. Haberle in their "lucky pink" Samuel W. Haberle is the publicity chairman. Riddle dresses. Other Charity Ball committee members ore: There were three fashion shows -- "Fashion Mrs. A. J. Karpinski, Mrs. Nat Fuselli, Mrs. Winners" -- presented at 10:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m., Morris W. Marshall, Jr., Mrs. Jack Wright, Mrs. and 7:30 p.m. A "Teen-Age Fashion Show" was Taft Woodland, Mrs. Richard H. Landis, Mrs. presented at 4:30 p .m. Miss Patricia Moore, Joseph G. Shryock, Mrs. Raymond Shetzline, vivacious Special Events Manager for S & C, was Mrs. William H. Baird, and Mrs. Kenneth F. Welch. the talented commentator at all shows. Cont'd on page 5 N.B. NEWS DEADLINE DATE - June '64 "RIDDLEGRAM" - Moy 20 2 2nd "CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT" AWARDS CEREMONY FOR GRADUA Tl NG CLASS Country Fair Jottings .•••.• The first meeting of the "Country Fair" Treasure Trove Committee ~as held on April 6 at 1 :00 p .m. with Donnie Watson and Mary Shryock, co-chairmen presiding. Information sheets were distributed and discussed with all in attendance. It is important to put the name of the auxiliary on all coupon books so the auxiliary can get credit. No coupon books should be placed in mailboxes and ·none should be mailed. Mary Shryock and Deborah Wick, Country Fair Treasurer, would like to have the amount of chances • sold turned in each week. The individual selling the winning ticket will Certificates of accomplishment for completion of receive $25.00; the seller of the second winning a course in basic Nurse Aide procedures have been ticket$ 10.00 and the seller of the third winning awarded at Riddle Memorial Hospital, Media, by ticket $5. 00 Donald L.'Laughlin, Administrator, of Media. (L/R) Dolores Dodd, Hospital Chairman, with Bea Mrs. Wi 11iam McClain, Broome 11, Director of O'Donnell as her assistant, is in charge of selling Volunteers at Riddle; Mrs. Herbert Rosenstern, the coupons to employees and medical staff within Wallingford; and staff member Mrs. James J. Kearney the hospita I . R. N., of Vil loge Green. A chart of "locations"will be made and each Those receiving Certificates of Achievement auxiliary is asked to report where their members are: Miss Cathy Jarratt, Swarthmore; Mrs. Clarence desire to sell on specific dates. Johnson, Mrs. H. H. Belden, Mrs. Malcolm 11 Beb 11 Thomson hopes to have Country Fair posters Whitlock, Mrs. Gordon Swineford, Ceil Lutz, all to aid auxilians when selling coupons at locations. of Media; Mrs. Herbert Rosenstern, Wallingford; It was hoped auxilians could wear their Riddle Mrs. A.H. Ralston, Brookhaven and Mrs. Riley R. Dresses when selling. Reiner, Wilmington, Del. Also, the following Candy Stripers received Al I books should be checked before distribution their certificates attesting to their ability to perform and please keep track of numbers, advises Mary certain duties at Riddle Memorial Hospital: Shryock. Dee Wood, Adele Ledley, Peggy Turner, Karen Lutz I 0 THE TIME TO START SELLING IS NOW!!! and Given Shelton, all of Media. Also, Peggy Deadline for all returns is one week before Fair date. Smediey, Linda Ezzie, Springfield; Sue Lathbury, Jane Dudley, Li 11ion Fairbanks, Swarthmore; Rosemary Townsend, Susan Case, Chadds Ford; Pat Wingate and Mary Weatherill, West Chester. Immediately fol lowing the ceremony, coffee National Hospital Week was served with Mrs. William McClain, Director of Volunteers, presiding. MAY 10-16, 1964 STILL SPRING CLEANING National Hospital week, celebrated each year during the week of Florence Nightin­ "Keep the ATTIC SHOP of the Country Fair in gale's birthday (May 12), furnishes an mind as you're house cleaning this spring" requests opportunity to direct the interest of the chairman Fannie Green. Don't throw any nice community to your hospital. It is an excell­ white elephants away I ent time to .show off your accomplishments We need: Colored glass - lamps - china - jewelry and tel I your hopes for the future. By taking books - toys - small furniture - or this annual opportunity to place hospitals in anything useful, in good condition. the spot I ight, you can realize long lasting Items to be hand led by other Shops at the dividends in terms of public interest, under­ Country Fair will be passed on to them. standing and support. The Pick-Up Committee will call for contri­ butions at your convenience. Call: Ruth Metzler, LO 6-2864 or Fannie Green, LO 6-0787. 3 Lines To The Ladies and May 2--al I the clothes you could stuff in a brown paper bag from, the Basement Sweepstakes Did you know that Beatty Hills celebrated for 50¢ ! ! ! ! ... Kathryn Leake of the Li ma Pro vi dent their fifth anniversary at their March meeting and Bank (Mrs. Santa Claus to the Pediatrics children luncheon. complete with a lush birthdoy cake? .•. in December) is now a "pink lady" working on the Pat Monn won second prize in a sewing contest second floor and so very happy about it ... Mary sponsored by the Women's Club of Springfield ... Ma I Ion, our associated Aux. prexy, is an origina I her costume was o black and white suit with cape She is having her Riddle Dress monogrammed RMH and she outfitted her darling toy poodle "Wimpy" (to advertise the hospital?) ... "Yes" and because with a coat and tam-o-shanter to match! ... her initials are MAM!!! If we ever have a Shirley Holland proved herself a salesgal par "Dedicated Woman" award, I'll nominate Rosemary excellence on Riddle Derby Day--sold scads of McClatchy. Know why? She made three meetings handbags I ... Rosemary and Bud Arters just got back in one ~--April 20--Strawbridge's, Program Ad from a Caribbean cruise ... Marion and Dick Cotton and Country Fair. She ate I unch at 3 p. m .... took a trip to Bermuda during our col<;l spell ... Heard that Comptroller Doerrman threatened to Hospital Administrator Donald Laughlin's interest­ send a bil I for $250 .00 to thenurses for the rental ing, informative talk during April Women's Board of the hospital lobby during the bake sale and the Meeting very well received by all ..• Ethel Bogel "bill" was received with gales of laughter since has replaced Miriam McCafferty as Nominating the gals made $292.45 ... Allen Putt,of Media Committee Chairman (Miriam is the busy program Aux., wants it known that their Luau in July wil I Ad Chairman--watching for the mailman each day be the greatest this side of our Fiftieth State and to deliver od checks) ... Dr. Jones and Dr. Schulz all of us should look for details of it in the near seen buying many, many cakes at the Nurses' future.· .. will do, Allen! ... There will be no Open Bake Sale and sending them to the gals in white Meeting until.the one in October at which Associ­ for consumption (no calories counted?) ..
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