FRFRONTONT PAGE A1 www.tooeletranscript.com TUESDAY TOOELE Monument RANSCRIPT dedicated to T the unborn See A2 BULLETIN MayM 25,25, 2010 SERVING TOOELE COUNTY SINCE 1894 VOL. 116 NO. 103 50¢ Schools’ budget cut down by $9.2 million instructional materials, adminis- tration and utilities. Overall, sala- Less money will result in fewer teachers ries make up 86 percent of the total district budget, according and larger class sizes in some grades to Richard Reese, Tooele County School District business adminis- by Tim Gillie school year by $7.1 million at its trator. STAFF WRITER meeting on May 18. That 8.7 per- “Reducing expenses this year cent cut was necessitated by a $2.1 will mean a reduction in expenses The Tooele County School million reduction in funding from for salaries,” Reese said. District has cut its 2010-11 budget the state and the loss of $4.8 mil- The district will look to make by 8.4 percent to $101 million — a lion in one-time federal stimulus up the shortfall by reducing its concession to decreased funding money the district received last roster of 740 full and part-time at a time when enrollment is once year. teaching positions by 18.5 posi- again expected to rise. The maintenance and opera- tions. The reduction will take place The Tooele County School tions budget comprises 74 percent through natural attrition — teach- District Board of Directors bal- of the district’s total budget for the ers retiring or leaving the district’s anced the new budget by chopping upcoming year. It pays for the day- employment on their own accord. Maegan Burr the district’s maintenance and to-day operations of the school Tooele High School English teacher Ray Brazier talks to a class Tuesday morning at the school. The Tooele County operations fund for the upcoming district including some salaries, SEE BUDGET PAGE A5 ➤ School District’s budget will be cut by 8.4 percent, which will result in larger class sizes for some grades. THS Triumph Tooele gas pump prices outpace national average Drivers say they’re limiting trips again as summer travel season approaches by Missy Thompson summer vacations and is likely STAFF WRITER to stick close to home, ventur- ing to parks or to watch her Tooele County commut- sons play baseball rather than ers are paying nearly a quarter taking long car trips. more than the national average Jenna Worthington, of Erda, for a gallon of gas, and many said she’s probably going to say they’re feeling the pinch. cancel a road trip to San Diego According to UtahGasPrices. with her husband this summer com, the statewide average because of how high gas prices on Tuesday was $3.04 per gal- have climbed. Her husband is lon, up 26 percent from the also now carpooling to work. same time a year ago when gas “We just try not to go Maegan Burr was $2.25 a gallon. The rest of other places besides work,” the nation is paying an aver- Worthington said. Tooele High age price of $2.80, compared to School softball However, not everyone in players Brooke $2.41 a year ago. Utah will be sticking close to Slade, Hadli Tooele resident Julie Nichols home this holiday weekend. Sorenson and said her family has cut back According to a AAA travel sur- Kirsten Zander on the amount of traveling vey, more than 2.5 million (l-r) celebrate they do everyday and for vaca- residents from the Mountain after Slade tions. They were racking up the West region will be traveling 50 made a diving gas bills before her husband, miles or more this Memorial catch of a pop who works in Ogden, joined a Day weekend, up 7.6 percent fly for the last carpool. The family sold their from last year. out in the 4A Chevy Suburban SUV to help Closer to home, however, state champi- cut costs as well. commuters say its their daily onship game “We used to take drives up drive, rather than just vacation against Spanish the mountains to look for elk, trips, that’s hurting their wal- Fork Thursday. but we can’t do that anymore,” lets. See story on Nichols said while pumping gas It costs Grantsville resident A10. at Tooele’s Maverick gas sta- Mike Street about $70 a week tion. “We don’t go into Salt Lake to fill up at the pump and he to see my parents. We don’t go drives to and from his job at anywhere.” Nichols has also eliminated SEE PUMP PAGE A7 ➤ SUN AND MOON SEVEN-DAY FORECAST FOR TOOELE UV INDEX The Sun Rise Set WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY Wednesday 6:04 a.m. 8:49 p.m. 9 9 9 Thursday 6:03 a.m. 8:49 p.m. 7 8 7 7 Friday 6:03 a.m. 8:50 p.m. Saturday 6:02 a.m. 8:51 p.m. Sunday 6:02 a.m. 8:52 p.m. State school board candidates whittled Monday 6:01 a.m. 8:53 p.m. Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Tuesday 6:01 a.m. 8:53 p.m. The higher the AccuWeather.com UV Index™ The Moon Rise Set number, the greater the need for eye and skin Wednesday 8:02 p.m. 4:47 a.m. protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Thursday 9:06 p.m. 5:30 a.m. down by controversialVery High; 11+ Extreme selection process Friday 10:03 p.m. 6:20 a.m. Saturday 10:52 p.m. 7:15 a.m. ALMANAC Sunday 11:33 p.m. 8:15 a.m. Statistics for the week ending May 24. Republican Party, co-chaired Intervals of clouds and Windy; t-storms Some sun with a Sloan saysPartly sunnynominating and committee he co-chaired was not swayed by politics Monday none 9:17 a.m. Breezy with some sun Mostly sunny Mostly cloudy Temperatures Tuesday 12:07 a.m. 10:19 a.m. sunshine possible in the p.m. thunderstorm possible warmer this year’s State School Board by Tim Gillie vote at High/Lowthe general past week election in 68/30County resi- Nominating and Recruiting com- Full Last New First Normal high/low past week 73/47 68 48 70 49 66 42 59 42 65 48 STAFF75 WRITER51 79 55November,Average however, temp past week there will 50.7dent in the eye mittee. The 12-member group, be only twoNormal names average temp on pastthe week ballot. 60.0of the storm. which was appointed by Gov. Gary TOOELE COUNTY WEATHER Daily Temperatures High Low May 27 June 4 June 12 June 18 Five people filed by the third Without any sort of convention Chris Sloan, Herbert, was charged with forward- Maegan Burr Shown is Wednesday’s Friday in March to run for the or primary, three of those five a Tooele real ing three names on to the governor Forecasts and graphics provided by weather. Temperatures are 68 Wednesday night’s lows and state school board seat repre- names will be64 eliminated.64 estate broker for each seat on the school board. Tooele resident Julie Nichols talks about adjustments her family has made AccuWeather, Inc. ©2010 60 54 55 54 Wednesday’s highs. senting District 3, which includes It’s a controversial process and chairman due to higher gas prices Monday afternoon at the Maverick gas station in Tooele County. By the time you that, this year, features a Tooele of the county SEE CANDIDATES PAGE A5 ➤ Tooele. Gas prices in Utah are nearly a quarter higher than the national 50 48 48 45 Chris Sloan average. UTAH WEATHER 36 30 34 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Logan BULLETIN BOARD A8 Grouse 64/44 Wendover Precipitation (in inches) INSIDE Creek 62/51 Knolls Clive WEATHER Lake Point CLASSIFIEDS B5 61/38 68/50 68/49 68/56 9.09 9.72 HOMETOWN B1 Ogden Stansbury Park 64/49 Erda 68/56 3.15 Therapeutic Students learn OBITUARIES A6 Grantsville 2.05 1.84 Vernal 70/50 Pine Canyon 0.49 OPEN FORUM A4 Salt Lake City 77/44 68/56 62/42 recreation about Civil War Tooele 68/56 Bauer 68/48 Last Normal Month Normal Year Normal SPORTS A10 68/47 Tooele Week for week to date M-T-D to date Y-T-D specialist retires See A7 Provo Roosevelt 68/48 76/43 See 71/51 Stockton See B1 Price Complete 68/47 75/47 High Nephi Forecast Rush Valley 70/44 67/46 Ophir Moderate on A9 62/42 Low Delta Manti Absent 73/47 71/44 Green River Tu W Th F Sa Su M 83/52 Dugway Source: Intermountain Allergy & Asthma Richfield Gold Hill 68/47 72/45 Moab 65/41 RIVERS AND LAKES Hanksville 86/55 Beaver 85/54 Vernon In feet as of 7 a.m. Monday 72/44 Ibapah 66/45 24-hour 66/40 Stage Change Vernon Creek at Vernon 1.00 none Cedar City Blanding South Willow Creek St. George 73/54 82/47 at Grantsville 1.51 +0.03 84/61 Kanab 76/48 Eureka 65/43 Great Salt Lake Elevation at Saltair Boat Harbor 4194.84 A2 A2 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETIN TUESDAY May 25, 2010 Bishop dedicates monument to unborn in Tooele cemetery by Sarah Miley the project began in February said. “One of the great ten- STAFF WRITER 2009, and the monument was ants of so many of our faiths received last December and set — in the LDS faith, the Catholic The Most Reverend John in February.
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