Inexhaustible Creativity in the Jaenisch by Jan Rooze (Special Contribution by Jozef Boey)

Inexhaustible Creativity in the Jaenisch by Jan Rooze (Special Contribution by Jozef Boey)

Ruy Lopez Jaenisch Gambit RL 6.1-14 (C63) Inexhaustible Creativity in the Jaenisch by Jan Rooze (special contribution by Jozef Boey) 1. e4 e5 Moreover, by devoting one third of 2. ♘f3 ♘c6 his book The Ruy Lopez Revisited 3. ♗b5 f5 (New In Chess, 2009) to the Jae- nisch, Ivan Sokolov no doubt T_LdMlSt greatly boosted its popularity... as jJjJ_.jJ well as its credibility. And finally, mention should be made of Sergey ._S_._._ Tiviakov’s article in Yearbook 104 _B_.jJ_. of 2012 (‘A Great Comeback for the ._._I_._ Jaenisch’), which gives an inspiring _._._N_. overview of recent developments in the variation 4.♘c3 fxe4 5.♘xe4 IiIi.iIi ♘f6 6.♘xf6+ ♕xf6. rNbQk._R This article will attempt to show that there is still no end to the crea- It used to be regarded as a surprise tivity and resilience of the Jaenisch Jozef Boey weapon, but over the last 10 to 15 Gambit as it continues to be played years the attention given to the at all levels, but also that the amount 7th World Championship 1975-78, Jaenisch Gambit at the highest level of ‘theory’ is developing rapidly, behind Estrin. has significantly lifted its status to a thanks to efforts by both black and Although Jef put an end to his tour- weapon of great creativity and resil- white players. nament practice in 2008 for health ience; one that makes Black’s win- A remarkable demonstration of reasons and despite his advanced ning chances quite realistic, even this innovative potential has been age of 81 years, he is fervently con- against well-prepared opponents. It offered by the Belgian Internation- tinuing his lifelong commitment to now is the third most popular vari- al Master Jozef (‘Jef’) Boey, who the Jaenisch Gambit. As a result, he ation of the Ruy Lopez (after 3...a6 is rightly considered one of the boasts what might well be the most and 3...♘f6), with a very respecta- pioneers of the Jaenisch. Jef Boey, complete database on the gambit... ble score of 53 per cent. who played first or second board containing over 100,000 games More than a few top grandmasters for Belgium in seven Olympiads, and analyses. And it goes without (Radjabov, Aronian, Ivanchuk, became an International Master saying that, in the process, he con- Andreikin, and occasionally even in 1966, at a time when the world tinued to develop new and very Carlsen) at some point had or still counted just over 100 active grand- exciting ideas, some of which are have the Jaenisch in their repertoire, masters. Moreover, in 1978 he featured here. and they have done much to ele- acquired the title of grandmaster The Game Selection below starts vate its status, whilst other strong in correspondence chess which, as off with three pioneering games by grandmasters (notably Azarov, a result of professional and fami- Jef Boey – one of which was played Nisipeanu, Zviagintsev, Cmilyte, ly commitments, had by then be- only last year! They set the scene Nybäck, Ivanisevic, Salem and come his main chess discipline. For for the powerful strategic ideas Pruijssers) have repeatedly shown several decades, Jef belonged to the which characterize the Jaenisch, what a formidable weapon the gam- world top of postal chess, as shown, and which are often based on an bit can be. for example, by his 2nd place in the early initiative and ample space for 81 Black. The pawn sacrifice, which him strong compensation in terms in finding an adequate response to is typical for several important var- of open lines and diagonals. In this an early 5.exf5, as opposed to the iations in the Jaenisch, definitely Survey, we will mainly consider more ‘cooperative’ 5.♗a4. remains a powerful lever. new games and ideas since Tiviak- In the theory section, we will focus ov’s article in Yearbook 104. The Increasingly Popular: 4.d3 on four main variations. emphasis, though, after 6.♘xf6+ (RL 6.2) ♕xf6 7.♕e2 ♗e7 8.♗xc6, remains The final section focuses on White’s The Former Main Line on 8...bxc6, as opposed to the ‘old’ other main way of treating the (RL 6.7-14) line 8...dxc6. Jaenisch, starting with 4.d3 instead 5...d5 used to be the main way of of 4.♘c3. Initially, the popularity of treating the Jaenisch, and it has been T_L_M_.t this variation may have been linked analysed pretty exhaustively. After j.jJl.jJ to White’s reluctance to enter into 4.♘c3 fxe4 5.♘xe4 d5 6.♘xe5 dxe4 extreme variations, often well pre- 7.♘xc6 ♕g5 (or 7...♕d5, which ._J_.d._ pared by Black, after 4.♘c3. The is rarely played nowadays and may _._.j._. general character of the line with well have been refuted), well-pre- ._._._._ 4.d3 is a little less sharp, though pared black players continue to do _._._N_. active enough. However, this line well. However, White is fighting has now become very popular back. This is clearly shown in, for IiIiQiIi even at the highest level, and as the example, the game Maze-Inkiov, r.b.k._R games in this section show, White since 8.♕e2 ♘f6 9.♘xa7+ has so seems to be making real progress. far been a minor line compared to 9.f4. New Ideas (RL 6.3-5) Conclusion In this third section Black avoids The Jaenisch has established itself T_L_Ml.t taking on e4 and instead goes for ei- as a credible ‘defence’ for Black, nJj._.jJ ther 4...♘f6 or 4...♘d4. These lines but now white players are starting may be less popular, but the games to take it very seriously as well, and ._._.s._ and analyses shown here, typically they have definitely began to play _B_._.d. based on Black’s space advantage their part in the process of innova- ._._J_._ versus White’s lag in development, tion. At club level, the gambit will _._._._. suggest that they still harbour po- continue to provide fun and crea- tential for new ideas. Some of Jef tivity for many more years or even IiIiQiIi Boey’s analyses shown in this decades to come, but at IM and GM r.b.k._R section are really exciting: his baf- level, it is clear that careful prepa- fling new idea in the famous game ration rather than improvisation is Kupreichik-Bellon Lopez of 1984 now called for. The Current Main Line (RL 6.6) must be taken particularly seriously, Finally, it is interesting to note that 5...♘f6 may now be the main line even though engines are really slow engines, particularly in the case of for Black, and it is clearly enjoying to do so! a pawn sacrifice, tend to underes- the preference of the grandmas- However, as Ivan Sokolov has al- timate Black’s compensation. This ters. It leads to a straightforward ready made clear, the main chal- may be a strong incentive for fur- pawn sacrifice by Black, giving lenge for Black (after 4...♘d4) lies ther innovation in itself! 82 Three Games by Jozef Boey T_._M_._ 22.♗xe5 ♖xg3+ 23.hxg3 ♗f3 3...f5 jJ_Ll.j. 24.♗xf3 exf3 25.♗xg7+ ½-½ Jerzy Kostro .dJ_._._ Jozef Boey _._Ii.j. The Former Main Line cr 1969 ._._._I_ 4.♘c3 fxe4 5.♘xe4 d5 1.e4 e5 2.♘f3 ♘c6 3.♗b5 f5 4.♘c3 fxe4 5.♘xe4 ♘f6 6.♘xf6+ ♕xf6 _.n._._. Magnus Carlsen 7.♕e2 ♗e7 8.♗xc6 bxc6 9.♕xe5 IiI_._Ik Liviu Dieter Nisipeanu ♕f7 10.0‑0 d6 11.♕e4 0‑0 12.♖e1 r.b._Q_. Medias/Bazna 2010 (9) ♗f6 13.d4 ♖b8 14.♖e3 ♗d7 15.b3 1.e4 e5 2.♘f3 ♘c6 3.♗b5 f5 ♖b5 16.♗b2 ♖f5 17.♖f1 4.♘c3 fxe4 5.♘xe4 d5 6.♘xe5 19...0‑0‑0 20.d6 ♖h8+ 21.♔g3 dxe4 7.♘xc6 ♕g5 8.♕e2 ♘f6 9.f4 ._._.tM_ ♗d8⩲ 22.♕e1 [22.♕f2 ♕a5⩲] [9.♘xa7+ see Maze-Inkiov] 9...♕xf4 22...♕d4 23.♕e4 ♕g1 24.♗e3 [24. [9...♕h4+ ‘?’ (Sokolov) 10.g3 ♕h3 j.jL_DjJ e6 ♕h2+ 25.♔f3 ♖f8+ 26.♔e2 ♖e8 27.e7 11.♘e5+ c6 12.♗c4 ♗c5 13.d3 ♘g4 ._Jj.l._ ♕xd6] 24...♕xa1 25.♗xa7 ♕f1 14.♘f7 ♗f2+ 15.♔d1 e3 16.♕f3 ♘f6 _._._T_. 26.♗f2 ♖f8 27.♕e3 ♕h1 0-1 (16...♘h6 17.♕e4+ ♔f8 18.♗xe3 ♗xe3 19.♕xe3 ♘xf7 20.♕c5+ ♔g8 ._.iQ_._ Tanguy Ringoir 21.♖e1) 17.f5] 10.♘e5+ [10.♘xa7+!? _I_.rN_. Jozef Boey ♗d7 11.♗xd7+ ♔xd7 12.♕b5+ ♔e6 IbI_.iIi internet training game 2014 13.♕xb7 ♗d6 14.♕b3+ ♔d7 15.♕f7+ _._._Rk. 1.e4 e5 2.♘f3 ♘c6 3.♗b5 f5 ♗e7 (15...♔d8 16.♘c6+ ♔c8 17.♘e7+ 4.♘c3 fxe4 5.♘xe4 ♘f6 6.♕e2 ♗xe7 18.♕xe7 ♖e8 (18...♖a6) 19.♕c5 ♗e7 7.♘xf6+ ♗xf6 8.d4 [8.♗xc6 ♖a6 20.♕e3 ♕f5 21.♖f1 ♕d5!?) 17...g5 18.c3 [18.♘d2 ♗g7 19.♖f3 dxc6 9.d4 0-0 10.dxe5 ♗e7 11.0-0 ♔h8 16.♘c6 ♔xc6 17.♕xe7 ♖he8 18.♕b4 ♖xf3 20.♕xf3 ♕xf3 21.♘xf3 g4 22.♘d2 12.h3 ♕e8 13.♗g5 ♖xf3 14.♗xe7 ♖f5 ♖e5∞; 10.d4 ♕d6 (10...♕h4+ 11.g3 ♖e8 23.♖d1 c5 24.c3 cxd4 25.cxd4 ♖e2⩲] 15.g4 ♕xe7 16.gxf5 ♗xf5 Ringoir-Boey, ♕h3 12.♗g5!? (12.♘e5+ c6 13.♗c4 18...♖a5 19.♕b1 g4 20.♘e1 Internet 2014] 8...♘xd4!?N 9.♘xd4 ♗e6) 12...a6 13.♗a4 ♗d7 14.♗xf6 [20.♘d2 ♗g5 21.♖e2 ♗f5 22.♘e4 ♗f4 0‑0! 10.♘f3 e4 11.♘d2 c6 12.♗a4 gxf6 15.♕xe4+ ♔f7 16.♘e5+ fxe5 23.♕d1 (23.♕a1? ♗xh2+ 24.♔xh2 ♗xe4 d5 13.0‑0 ♗e5 17.♖f1+ (17.♗b3+ ♗e6 18.♖f1+ ♔g8 25.♖xe4 g3+) 23...♖xa2 24.♘g3 ♗g6 (18...♔e7 19.d5) 19.d5 ♕g4 20.♕e3 25.c4 h5↑] 20...♗g5 21.♖e2 ♕h5 T_Ld.tM_ ♗b4+ 21.c3 ♗f7 22.cxb4 ♕xb4+ 22.b4 g3! [22...g3 23.hxg3 ♕xe2 24.bxa5 jJ_._.jJ 23.♔e2⩱) 17...♔e7 18.♗xd7 ♔xd7 ♖b8 25.♘d3 ♗f5] 0-1 19.♖f7+ ♔e8 (19...♗e7!⩲) 20.♖xc7 ._J_._._ Fischer- Matulovic, Herceg Novi blitz 1970) _._Jl._.

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