PERSPECTIVES on Science and Christian Faith JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC AFFILIATION In This Issue … The Fine Tuning of the Universe: Evidence for the Existence of God? God’s Agape/Probability Design for the Universe New Historical and Geological Constraints on the Date of Noah’s Flood Divine Action in the Twenty-First-Century Universe “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom.” Psalm 111:10 VOLUME 70, NUMBER 3 SEPTEMBER 2018 (US ISSN 0892-2675) (CPM #40927506) Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith Manuscript Guidelines © 2018 by the American Scientifi c Affi liation The pages of Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith (PSCF) are open Editor-in-Chief to original, unpublished contributions that interact with science and Christian J C. P (Roanoke College and faith in a manner consistent with scientifi c and theological integrity. A brief Virginia Tech) description of standards for publication in PSCF can be found in the lead 221 College Lane editorial of the December 2013 issue. This is available at www.asa3.org Salem, VA 24153 PUBLICATIONS PSCF Academic Journal. Published papers do not refl ect [email protected] any offi cial position of the American Scientifi c Affi liation. 1. Submit all manuscripts to: James C. Peterson, Editor, Roanoke College, Book Reviews 221 College Lane, Salem, VA 24153. E-mail: [email protected]. P F (Tyndale Seminary) Submissions are typically acknowledged within 10 days of their receipt. Book Review Editor 2. Authors must submit an electronic copy of the manuscript formatted 3377 Bayview Avenue in Word as an email attachment. Typically 2–3 anonymous reviewers Toronto, ON M2M 3S4 critique each manuscript considered for publication. [email protected] 3. Use endnotes for all references. Each note must have a unique number. Subject Area Editors Follow The Chicago Manual of Style (16th ed., sections 14.1 to 14.317). A L (Calvin College) 4. While fi gures and diagrams may be embedded within the Word text fi le 1726 Knollcrest Circle SE of the manuscript, authors are required to also send them as individual Grand Rapids, MI 49546 electronic fi les (JPEG or PDF format). Figure captions should be provided [email protected] as a list at the end of the manuscript text. S S T (Northwestern College) ARTICLES are major treatments of a particular subject relating science to a 101 7th St SW Christian position. Such papers should be at least 2,000 words but not more Orange City, IA 51041 than 8,000 words in length, excluding endnotes. An abstract of 50–150 [email protected] words is required and should be in both the text of the email submission and D C. S (Calvin College) at the beginning of the attached essay. Publication for such papers normally 3201 Burton St SE takes 9–12 months from the time of acceptance. Grand Rapids, MI 49546 COMMUNICATIONS are brief treatments of a wide range of subjects of [email protected] interest to PSCF readers. Communications must not be longer than 2700 C H Y (A P U) words, excluding endnotes. Communications are normally published 6–9 901 E Alosta Avenue months from the time of acceptance. Azusa, CA 91702 [email protected] BOOK REVIEWS serve both to alert readers to new books that appear signifi cant and to engage these books in critical interaction. When a subject Editorial Board area editor selects a book for review, the book is then off ered to a scholar R B, Wheaton College with the best match in expertise. ASA/CSCA members who would like to be D B, Gordon College considered as potential reviewers are welcome to express interest to the book E B. D, Messiah College review coordinating editor for inclusion in the reviewer database. Publishers O G, Harvard-Smithsonian Center may also contact the book review coordinating editor if they are not sure for Astrophysics which subject area reviewer would best consider a particular book. S G. H, North Carolina State University • Patrick Franklin ([email protected]): book review editor; subject R D. I, American Scientifi c Affi liation areas: ethics, philosophy, and theology. D. G J, University of Otago • Arie Leegwater ([email protected]): cosmology, history of science, R K, Princeton University mathematics, and physical sciences. D A. L, Massachusetts • Sara Sybesma Tolsma ([email protected]): biology, environment, Institute of Technology genetics, and origins. T L III, Westmont College K MF, The King’s University • Derek Schuurman ([email protected]): computers, engineering, K B. M, Kansas State University and technology. A G. P, Luther Seminary • Chong Ho Yu ([email protected]): education, psychology, sociology, and R P, Massachusetts Institute of statistics. Technology The viewpoints expressed in the books reviewed, and in the reviews A S, Bethel University themselves, are those of the authors and reviewers respectively, and do not R S, Calvin College refl ect an offi cial position of the ASA. J A. T, Trinity Western University D A. V, Harvey Mudd College of LETTERS to the Editor concerning PSCF content may be published unless The Claremont Colleges marked not for publication. Letters submitted for publication must not be D L. W, Eastern University longer than 700 words and will be subject to editorial review. Letters are to be submitted as electronic copies. Letters accepted for publication will be Managing Editor published within 6 months. L B (American Scientifi c Affi liation) 218 Boston Street, Suite 208 ADVERTISING is accepted in PSCF, subject to editorial approval. Please Topsfi eld, MA 01983 address inquiries for rates or further information to the Managing Editor. [email protected] The ASA cannot take responsibility for any orders placed with advertisers in PSCF and does not imply endorsement by carrying the ad. Manuscript Editor E M AUTHORIZATION TO PHOTOCOPY MATERIAL for internal, personal, or educational classroom use, or the internal or personal use of specifi c clients, Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith is granted by ASA, ISSN: 0892-2675, provided that the appropriate fee is (USPS 28-3740, ISSN 0892-2675) is published paid directly to Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), 222 Rosewood Drive, quarterly by American Scientifi c Affi liation, 218 Boston Danvers, MA 01923 USA for conventional use, or check CCC online at the Street Suite 208, Topsfi eld, MA 01983. Periodicals following address: www.copyright.com/. No registration with CCC is needed: postage paid at Topsfi eld, MA, and additional mailing simply identify the article being copied, the number of copies, and the journal offi ce. POSTMASTER: Send address changes title (Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith). For those who wish to to: Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, request permission for other kinds of copying or reprinting, kindly write to 218 Boston Street Suite 208, Topsfi eld, MA 01983. the Managing Editor. Editorial The Power to Give Power James C. Peterson t the ASA annual meeting this last July, two Ms. Taubert used her considerable power over her of the fi rst three plenary speakers featured fi rst-grade students, to teach me to read. That opened A the same quote from C. S. Lewis in his essay up new worlds for me, giving me freedom to explore The Abolition of Man. wherever I wished. She used her shaping power to What we call Man's power over Nature turns out to give me power. Dr. Olson gave me, I am told, a DTP be a power exercised by some men over other men vaccination that altered my body to increase my with Nature as its instrument.1 health, and hence my choices. These are both expres- sions of power of one person over another, to serve, Here are further quotes in the case Lewis builds. not to control. The purpose and accomplishment of In reality, of course, if any one age really attains, their decisions was to increase mine. It was not pre- by eugenics and scientifi c education, the power to destination, but rather empowerment. make its descendants what it pleases, all men who live after it are the patients of that power. They are We make decisions that deeply affect others. The weaker, not stronger: for while we may have put question is whether we will be conscious and consci- wonderful machines in their hands we have pre- entious in doing so. We can disperse such formative ordained how they are to use them … decisions for children to their parents lest any one group use such power against another, and we can There neither is nor can be any simple increase of agree, even require, that choices on behalf of oth- power on Man’s side. Each new power won by ers should increase their choices, not decrease them. man is a power over man as well. Each advance That would not mean a few individual men dictat- leaves him weaker as well as stronger. In every vic- ing life to anyone, let alone all who follow. Power to tory, besides being the general who triumphs, he is also the prisoner who follows the triumphal car … shape others can be used to give power. At the moment, then, of Man’s victory over Nature, In the fi rst article of this reader-empowering issue, we fi nd the whole human race subjected to some Walter Bradley increases our knowledge and won- individual men …2 der at how astoundingly fi ne tuned our physical Lewis is eloquently stating here an important cau- world is. That is evidence that we are not the only tion. At the risk of tampering with Saint Clive, to conscious power in this world. The second article by whom I am forever grateful, I want to note that this Chris Barrigar describes God, the involved Creator, caution is not necessarily a prohibition.
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