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A Naval Airman ope n to an officer /rat ing" in the R oyal (ground duties) or Air Mechanic. A I Na vy. *Delete whichever' is not applicable. I Writer, Cook or Stores Accountant. I NAME I Or as a sailor/soldier in the Royal I AODRESS!SCI{OOL I Marines, I I Can you qualify for a commission? If you are aiming for a degree, 'A' levels, or expect to get at least five '0' levels, you could well qualify for a permanent or short service conunis- IiIIIM GOVERNORS Rev. D. G. Thomas, Rh oscrowther (Chairma n) Mr s. M . Mathias, Pembroke (Vice-Chairman) Mrs. C. D. L. Argent, T enby J. R. Ben nion, Esq., Bosherston Alderm an W. Ca rr, Pembroke D ock PERCY REES Ltd. Alder man J . Meyrick Ow en , Pembroke Dock E. G. G riffith s, Esq., Milton *: Alderm an W. J. Gwilliam , M .B .E., J .P ., Pembroke T . V. Hay, Esq., Pembroke Dock B. G. H owells, Esq., Pembroke Dock LADIES' & CHILDREN'S OUTWEAR G. Cou rte nay Pr ice, Esq., Bangeston Mrs. Sarah Thoma s, Pemb roke Dock J. R . Wili ams, Esq., Femb roke Dock and UNDERWEAR SPECIALISTS Mrs. V. A. Wisbey, Angle *: STAFF H eadmaster : T . C. Robert s, B.Sc. (Wales) School Outfitters Deput y Headm aster: A. W . W. Devere ux,B.A. (Wales) Senior M istress: M iss H . H ughes, B.A. (Wales) *: H ead of A gri cult u ral D ept. : B. .T . D avies, B.Se. (Wales) 1. G. Cleaver, F.CoII.H . K. A. Coo per, AT.D. QUALITY AT KEEN, COMPETITIVE PRICES D . E. Lloyd, B.A. (Wa les) S. Griffith, M.Sc. (Wales), A.lnst.P. Telephone : Pembroke 2340 G. S. Sh aw, B.A. (Leeds) D . M . El is-W illiam s, M.A. (Wales) Miss M. J. Jones, B.Sc. (Wales) M iss M. J. Cleevely, B.A.(Wales) M iss C. M . Lewis, B.A. (Wa les) W. H . Whitehall, B.Mu s. (Ma ne.), F.R .C.O . D . H . Lloyd, D.C .L. (P.E. ) Mrs. M . Bowskill, Dip. D.Se. and R.D.E.(Wo rcester) H . V. J ones, B.Se. (Wales) J. J. Smith, Di p. Handi craft (Shoreditch) K. J. Bowskill, B.Se. (Not tingham) FRED ROGERS W. H. Mackenzie, N.D.A., N.D., Agri c.E , Miss P. W. M . Willi ams, B.A. (Wales) V. R. T . Hu ghes, M. A. (Cantab.) M rs. J. M . Ea rle , B.Se. (Wa les) Water Street. Pembroke Dock E. W. Powell, B.Sc. (Wa les) R . E. Sabido, B.Sc. (Wa les) H . G. B. Davies, B.Sc. (Bristol) Mrs . B. V. Hughes, B.A. (Wa les) HYGrENIC STEAM BAKERY Mrs. M. O. Lewis, B.A. (Wales) M rs. M. M. Lewis, D.D .S. (Staffo rd) M rs. A. Tapley, D .P.E. (Norrington) J. H. Harris , B.A. (Wales) Mrs. B. Harris, B.Sc. (Wales) M . Thoma s, B.Sc. (Exeter) D . M . F. Kuster, B.A.(Manchester) M iss D . M . Lewis, B.Sc. (Wales) FOR BESTBR'EAD Mlle. F. Boisanfray Fraul ein U. Vollmer Matron: M iss N. M. E. Brown, S.E.A.N . PHONE: PEMBROKE 3231 Secreta ries: M iss J. E. Colley, Mrs. J . Payne , Mrs. E. K avana gh Can teen Organizer: Mrs. G. H itchin gs Schoolwear of Distinction GRE 'ENS MOTORS LTD FOR BOYS & GIRLS ROVER DISTRIBUTORS A. PHILLIPS & SON Vauxha ll-Bedford Main Distributors 22 - 23 Commercial Row, Pembroke Dock Haverfordwest Pembroke PHONE 2456 PHO NE 3168/9 TE L.: PEMBROKE 2613 Comprehensive range of Used Vans a nd Landrovers always in stock Drysdale HfRE PURCH ASE FACILITIES AVAILABLE FOR JUNIOR MISS or SOPHISTICATED SENIOR INSURANCE ARRANGED Fash ion-wise, we 're with it! GREENS MOTORS LTD. THE SHOE SHOP PEMBROKE AFTER SALES SERVICE TEL.: 2682 D. C. DAVIES Provisions of Quality HIGH·CLASS GROCERY & PROVISIONS * MEYRICK STREET, PE:MBROKE DOCK THE BOROUGH STORES DeHveries to all parts PEMBROKE DOCK TEL.: PEMBROKE 2652 TEL.: PEMBROKE 2822 MOORE & CO. TELEPHONE: PEMBROKE 2512 DISPENSING CHEMISTS Margaret Drugs , Photographic & Toilet Preparations (Pro prietress: M. M. Mathias) WINES, ALES, SPIRITS CHINA & GLASS SPECIALIST, EXCLUSIVE GIFTS 28 COMMERCIAL ROW. PEMBROKE DOCK 28 MAIN STREET, PEMBROKE, PEMBS. TEL.: PEMBROKE 2072 SALON LAIN High-Class Ladies' Hair Styling in Luxurious Surroundings II MAIN STREET PEMBROKE Telephone: 2760 ELSDON'S SERVICE GARAGE STANDARD AND TRIUMPH CAR SALES AND SERVICE THE PENVRO Part Exchange and Insurances arranged 40" 41 BUSH STREET, PEMBROKE DOCK TEL.: PEMBROKE 2024 No. 139 SPRING 1966 WEST 'END MOTORS EDITORIAL BOARD (H. J. HALL) Sa ra h Monico, Caroline Hu ghes, Ph ilip Carrad ice, J ohn Davies FORD RETAILERS, SIMCA CARS, SINGER StaD Editor: M iss C. M . Lewis Bu sin ess M anager : S. Gri ffith ALBION SQUARE. PEMBROKE DOCK TEL.: PEMBROKE 2688 Bra w n High Bakers & Confectioners *: P RINTED BY H. G. W ALT ERS (PuIl LI S HERS) L TD . 59 BUSH STREET, PEMBROKE DOCK :tvfARKE.T SQUARE , N ARB ERTH P E MBROKE SHlRF. 2 THE PENVRO 7'HE PEN VRO 3 EDITORIAL PREFECTS 1965-66 Penvro time again is he re Inevitable -twice a year H ead Boy : Kenneth Deveson H ead Girl : Margaret Barton We have to pay our 1/9'5 T o rea d innume rab le lin es Deput y H ead Boy : David Campbell Deputy H ead Girl: H elen Butters Which say just what the school has done, John Armitage Pa tricia Anfi eld What match we lost an d what we won. Mi ch ael Brace Sall y Bak er D in ner sitt ings now ar e three Paul Driscoll C hris tine Bellamy Which proves th eir popularity; D avid Ea stick W endy D onovan And also shows how many mor e Hugh Emment Fran ces Edward s H ave come to join th ose there before. Kenneth Goddard Susan Evans When R oger T raff ord came to speak, Keith Griffiths Janice G amman We though t th a t he wa s q uite un ique Ronald Henson J oan Green H e wa s so good. His Di ckens' lines Roland H um ber Su san Haggar Enthralled us. But he spoke no rh ym es, M alc olm Le wis Helen Hanschell U nlike we trivia l-minded four J ohn Math ia s Su san Huxtable Wh o po ur thi s tras h ou t mor e and more . Bru ce Penfold Eira Jenkins Thus ends this piece of doggerel verse. Ro ger Powell Rosemary Lewi s H we wrote more it would get worse! J ohn R eyn olds Ruth M organ To conti nue -at th e beginning of this term there was mu ch dismay Howard R obin son Kathryn Phillips when it was thought that the International Club would be for ced to close Gareth Saunders Ma rgaret Ri chards down. Howeve r, we a re grateful to Mr. Sabido for takin g on this arduous M ichael Silb urn Ver oni ca Sandell task. Mr. Islwyn Griffith s had built up a fine thriving clu b and we wer e all Brian Smith M arib elle T ho mas extremely sorry wh en he left us. We hop e that he will be as happy in Harvey Thoma s Cae rleo n as he was her e. We were for tu nate to welcom e Mr. Ku ster in Ri ch ard Wragg place of Mrs. K . Howells who ha s join ed her husband on the staff of Barry M organs Lampeter U nivers ity College. It is ou r regr et th at his stay with us was so brief. Mi ss Dorothy Lewis retu rned to us this term, this time in the capac ity of teac he r, not pupil. Mlle. Serv e and H err Asmus have now lon g since GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF EDUCAT ION - 1965 ret urned to the ir respecti ve coun tries and we wish them well. In th eir place we welcome Mlle. Boisan frny a nd Fraul ein Vo llme r and we hope th at th eir stay will be an enj oyable one . AD VA NCED LEVEL R ESULTS Finally we should lik e to raise three che ers for the fac t tha t exam­ in ation s will be in Februa ry instead of a t C hristma s time-althou gh we might be feeling rather differe ntly wh en Februar y comes ! Lynette Aitken -Scripture Knowledge (o) T o end, we wish you a ll goodbye Ann Cole - English Till th e next edition, in July.
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