AVBMAea DAILT COtOUIA'nON THE far Mm Moatfe o f Mrreuiber, 18tS Vatoeoat af 0. 8. Wao Bartford - N O H E R A LD 5 ,7 8 3 MMObar o f the AadK iEtjfttitig Oahandly M r oai aemawha* TOMORROW Boraao o f OtreolstionB eoMer tonlgM; FrMoy fair. N o issue of The Herald will MANCHESTER — A CITY OP VILLAGE CHARM be published tomorrow. TIk CORK J W .H A L C VOL. L V , NO. 78. (aaaatfled Adrertlalng ea Page $,). Christmas Day. The Her­ MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1935. (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTHi ald hopes all its readers MANCHBSTiR Cohn* ______ ^ win enjoy a very Merry Christmas. We Wish All Our Customers and Friends A Very Green Trading Stamps Given In All Departments. Merry Christmas and A Happy and Another Reason Why It’s the White House Prosperous New Year. PRO-JAP CHINESE i 3 ARMY OFFICERS DIE L. PO LA CO A L C O M P A N Y L T . Wood Co. 62 Hawthorne Street Tel. 4918 Coals and Dresses LEADER IS SLAIN; 51 BisseU St. Tel. 4496 IN VERMONT CCC FIRE AGENT TENSION GROWING CHRISTMAS GAS GIVES OUT Three Bomed to Deaths^ FOR “ROBBER”, THEN “SLECTH” NO Aim-ITALY SO CHILD DIES Martial Law Declared in! THEN A REAL HANGINQ Three Others Critically Father Tries To Get Choking pPPERS Los Angeles, Dec. 26.— (A P )— a r k e d 'd o w n 1935 Shanghai and Nanking — Norman Redecker, 6 , brandished A a BY FRANCE Son To Doctor’s Office But Injored— Lack of Water a toy pistol as a “robber." Fails In Attempt. Tokyo Considers the Sit­ Then he donned a "detective" We Wish You All A Sincere In This After-Christmas Clearance badge and arrested himself. ASSERT LAVAL Hampers Firemen— Caase OKE It is with genuine pleasure Washington, Dec. 26.— (AP) “MERRY XMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR’ Lu t night his mother, Mrs. — Thomas Norris, Jr., 3, re­ 6 uation As Serions. ' Laura Ila Redecker, found his covered from diphtheria in time body hanging from a door, a of Fire Not Determhied-p TONIGHT that we take this opportunity to sit at the Christmas dinner Cash $19-75 leather leash about his neck— the P ron ier Tells Cabinet Only table yesterday with his broth­ Price l £ » = FREE DRAWING ON TWO DRESSED TURKEYS DRESS finale of his game. Ton to express our sincere thanks Shanghai, Dec. 26 — MaJ. Gen. er and sister. Workers Absent Daring One At 10:30 P, M. — The Other At 11:30 P. M. Rensuke laogal, military attache of Overt Deed by Italy Could He snatched a nut from hla the Japanese Embassy, predicted mother's hand and tried to "The Old Reliable” to you for a greater year of swallow It. The nut lodged in Christmas Holiday. tonight that there would be serioua Cause a French Resort to COATS COATS FOES OF NEW DEAL hla throat. Hurriedly, hla father Smart fur'trimmed coats in black, brown business. effects from the assassination yes­ picked up the choking boy and Higfier priced fur trimmed coats made terday o f Tang Yu-Jen, the pro- carried him to an automobile. Waterbury, VL. Dec. 26.— (A P )— OAK ST. TAVERN and green. Regularly selling at $29.75. Japanese vice minister o f Chinese Armed Force. Waller N.Leclerc so Oak Street John Andision, Prop. o f line fabrics in black, brown and wine. railways. But on the way to the fami­ Three Army officers attached to a PREPARE FOR HGHT ly physician’s office, u few Regularly selling at $39.50. Please accept our best The Japanese general indicated (JlviUon conservation Corps here '(t ' Funeral Director that the serious effects would con­ Paris, Dec. 26.—(A P)—Premier blocks away from Norris’ home were burned to death and three oth­ at Kensington, Md., the gaso­ cern relations between China and Pierre Laval told nis Cabinet to­ ers were critically burned in a Are sou No. M»tii St. UancliesteT wishes for a very merry Japan. line gave out. $ 2 1 - 5 0 day, it waa reported In the Cham­ which destroyed the officers’ guar- Other Japanese military sources, RepobHcans Ready to Break Frantically N irris pushed ber o f Deputies lobbies, that France the car to the crest of a hill tern early today. Christmas and a happy and earlier In the day. had declared the $2 1 .5 0 assassination "throws a dark shadow would refrain from making any and rolled down to the doctor's The dead were; Wide Open Again Dispnte .-odi [suummiiMMUsnuiumst over the future of Slno-Japanese m military or naval move toward Italy office, but the alight delay Capt. Roland D. Potter oti prosperous New Year. relations." unless Italy gave provocation. proved tragic. The boy was Nortnfleld, former coach and direo- j The police at Nanking forbade all Not satisfied with the man-made decorations put up in the nation's capital for the holiday week. Nature Details of the prem'er's future dead. tor of athletics at Norwich U Orer Present Policies. verslty,. public gatherings and parades In an laid down a blanket of snow to transform the city into a winter beauty spectacle, dramatically silhouetting policy to keep out of war and to KERENS WHERE $16.75 and $19.75 Sport Captath Edwin W. Boothbr” effort to stop student demonstra­ trees and shrubbery against the snow-covered lawn and the mellow lines of the W hite House. settle the Italo-Etbloplan conflict tions against Japan. were not yet decided upon, how­ Watertown',xUasa. a Washington, Dec. 26.— (A P )—Tn Marshal Law On ever, Informed sources said after Lieutenant'Leonard C. Buibap S TRANSOCEAN HOPS Concord, N. H .\ , io /huf Chinese authorities immediately a capital whitened by a Yuletide Laval met his ministers to draft bis declared martial law throughout Those burned were 1 snowstorm. New Dealers and their defense for tomorrow's Chamber of COATS CHILDREN'S Shanghai and the Central govern­ Charles H. Braoks, Us A Merry Christmas Th€ J W .H A L C COUP. opponents concentrated today on BITTER COLD, SNOW Deputies iflterpellstion on foreign ment capital at Nanking. (Jharles Q. Howard a M U s u i MANCHfSTER COHH- PLEAS FOR PEACE MARK policy. ON ATLANTIC NEAR To All Reduced Severe military restrictions also strikingly different plans for the Sylvester M. Parskiey. ' v ' were Imposed at Hankow against new session of Congress opening sun Oppoeed to FIghUng Several other officers in th* < ‘b l u e c o a r anti-Japanese dembnstrations. EMBRACES NATION Laval was reported anxious, story wooden building at O To COATS January 3, eight days hence. nevertheless, to continue his role of Smith, on the Little River dam' i Matthew Wior $ 1 4 - 7 5 The Nankin government ordered CHRISTMAS OBSERVANCE MORE HEAT-LESS WASTE_ a section of Its railway line tom up Roosevelt men were striving for a peacemaker at Geneva. 1936 n Be Bineil h H»- escaped from the structure befd , Jeweler In a drastic measure to check the short and harmonious session and France is still firmly opposed to being overcome by fumes I Blalii St. Haneheotei Regular $13.95 C.€JI0US€^S0N. there were reports that President smoke. Phone 4149 attempt by Shanghai students, pro­ Thirteen Deaths Reported— application of military sanctions, lory Since Wrights Flew Coats, Now INC. testing the movem -t for North Roosevelt might not have much to Hostilities On Ethiopian Front )xj|ltlcal sources said, with Laval Water tacking $ 9 - 9 5 China separation, to reach the capi­ propose In the way of major legisla­ MONGOUA REPORTS considering that only some desper­ Waterbury fire apparatus tal in a commandeered train. tion beyond a new neutrality bill ate Italian acUon such as an attack sponded as did that o f M antpelln3 18 Below m North Dako­ First Airpbne. but lack of water prevented flrem $22.50 and $25.00 Sport The demonstrating students seiz­ and appropriation measures. Virtually Halted Daring on British ships would require open H E W. G. GLENNEY CO. from fighting the blase with any < No. Main Street Manchester ed a locomotive here when authori­ In Republican ranks, however, BORDER CONFLICTS military precautions like mobiliza­ ties refused to grant them free there was strong sentiment for fectlveness. Save Fuel ta, Warm in Alaska. tion of the French fleet or army. transportation to Hanking, and New York, Dec. 28—(A P )— The Tha officers were apparentl breaking the whole fight over the Day— How Day Was Cele­ Edouard Herriot, InfluenUal Regular $10.95 reached Changchow, ah< iit 75 miles New Deal wide open again in an alone In the camp anc without al This Winter minister of state, kept silent at the Santa Marla will take wing next short of Nanking. aggressive attack on administration from the CXX workers, absent i COATiS Cabinet meeting after Laval assur- year. Coats, Now brated Here and Abroad. Chicago, Dec. 26.—(A P )—Bitter the Christmas holidaya. $ 7.95 Serions Situation men and policies. Moreover, the Fresb Outburst Between TransAtlanttc transport aarvloe o m u a f l M C r - Railway police InteusUled their American Liberty League waa cold and heavy snow held most of ’The hand o f one o f the oftlo (Oontimied on Page Six.) Reduced precautions in the capital. The Jap­ fighting for a drastic revision of by airplane will be In the making was (qund clutched on the knob < Guards and Manebonkuo- the Nation in an icy embrace today. the doer, to their quarters, Indio" anese Embassy at Nanking took a past enactments.
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