2C — MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Mar. 20. 1989 I CARS CARS I CARS I CARS I FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE Merger ‘ATTENTION - Govern­ Alive 78 MONTE CARLO. Runs G l'ite h fA Spgcioli#D^t! | SCHALLER good $750. or best offer. ment seized vehicles ACURA QUALITY CLYDE 644-2042 offer 6._______ from $100. Fords, M er­ i cedes, Corvettes, PRE-OWNED AUTOS CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. 77 ASPEN, slant 6 engine. Eighth postpones Free throws by Tate George A heavenly deal Chews. Surplus Buy­ 80 Toyota Corolla * 1995 R O U TE 83, V E R N O N $600 or best offer. 646- CARPENTRY/ HEATING/ I MISCELLANEOUS 6-8pd, Starao ers Guide. 1-600-838- B4 Caprice 4 Door *6 9 9 5 0160 offer 6:30 pm. give UConn win in NiT play /II for Emhart, B&D /9 REMODELING PLUMBING I SERVICES 64 Buick Skyhawk *3995 8885 Ext.A775." vote on garage /5 lAW NCARE ( Auto. A/C. Radio S4 Bonneville 4 Door *5 9 9 5 PLYMOUTH 1981 Reliant 84 Chryalar Labaron *3995 84 Camaro Coupe *5995 station wagon. Many GSL Building Molnte- Auto. A/C. Loadad CAMPERS/ 10% SpriafUm Mscoaat 84 Century LTD 4 Door *6 9 9 5 new ports. $1,100. Coll M&M OIL nance Co. Commercl- 64 Subaru QL Sadan *3995 SPRING Clean Up QuaHtyworT!, fully Insured, 6-tpd, A/C. Starao 85 Cavalier CJ 4 Door *4 4 9 5 643-7724.______________ TRAILERS Dethatching. Bush reasonable rates, free esti­ ol/ResIdentlol building PLURABINQ « HEATING repairs and home Im­ 85 Subaru QL Hatchback *3995 85 Spectrum 4 Door *5 1 9 5 PONTIAC Firebird 1981. Trinoming. Edginj. mate, no )ob loo small. Re­ HONEY '88. 27 Foot mo­ pairs, Decks, Basements. • Oil Burner Service & Sales provements. Interior 4- ipd, 4 wd, A/C 85 Camaro Coupe *7495 Very well kept. 90K. Mowing. Commercial 64 Toyota Camary *5500 tor home. Ultra clean. Any carpentry work you • Automatic Oil Delivery and exterior pointing, 85 Elactra 4 Door *10995 $2,700.. 643-9996. equipped. Consclent- ne^...w e do. Trim, framing, 6-apd. A/C, Starao 7k. $26,900 or best offer. light carpentry. Com­ 85 Century 4 Door *8 9 9 5 ous and dependable. siding, garages, roofing, etc. • Well Pumpa Salea A Service 87 Hyundai QLS *5495 BUICK 1977 Skylark, two plete lonltorlol ser­ 8-8pd. Eltc Sunroof Ray Hardy. 646-7973 COLTARTCARKRTRY S3S-1R35 85 Century Wagon *8595 door, 79K, runs good, A a Water Heatera (Etaetitc a Oasi vice. Experienced, rel­ as Honda CRX *5995 86 Olds 98 4 Door *9 9 9 5 body good, grandpa's I AUTOS FO^ iable, free estimates. 5- apd, A/C. Sunroof Hubland lawn mainte­ a Bathroom A Kitchen as vw QTi *6495 86 Olda Clara *8 9 9 5 cor. $495. or best offer. IRENT/LEASE Remodeling 643-0304.______________ nance, spring clean up, l u J PAINTING/ a-ipd. A/C 86 Spectrum 4 Door *4 9 9 5 742-7817.______________ a Senior Citizen DIscounta FREE Mileage on low mowing, fertilizing, 1 0 6 1 PAPERING 3 4 5 C E N T E R ST. 66 Bonneville 4 Door *7 9 9 5 FORD 1987 Tourus/L parking lot cleaning, a Electric work by Spring is coming wagon. 26K. Many ex­ cost auto rental. Vil­ Precision Electric MANCHESTER lage Auto Rental, 643- gutter cleaning. For all your cleanup tras. Executive cor. FREE ESTIMATES 6 4 7 - 7 0 7 7 872-9111 2979 or 646-7044. GCF PAINTING chores call Rudy, 646-2260. iianrlipatpr Mpralb 649-7593 Painting, Staining, Home Phone: 6 4 9 - 2 8 7 1 647-9925. Repair. Large Jobs, Small Reasonable, reliable, Jobs, Done with Care. and references. BOOKKEEPING/ Call 645-6559 for a free lA i J MISCELLANEOUS INCOME TAX estimate. Tuesday, March 21,1989 Manchester, Conn. — A. City of Village Charm 30 Cents Leave Message 1611 SERVICES I LANDSCAPING All Of These Quality Used Cars LLL MANABEMENT SERVICES i n ROOFING/ PHIL’S LAWN CARE Tax Return E J SIDING__________ DISTRIBUTION Spring Cleanup. Preparatlon/Payrolls Have One Thing In Common... Bookkeeping LABELS Weekly services. Mark P. Morneiult LEAKY ROOF? Tired of menualty addressing Call for free estimates distribution mall — we can Stop-work Mott roofs can bo topalrod. automate this process providing 28B-4573 In plies of total rsroaSng axponaal 742-7476 quality service for a reasonable Complols rorooflno of all typoa. INCOME TAX price. Call 644-6191. DON’S UWN SERVICE AND F«EE ESr/MSTES 6ARDENM9 PREPARATION Manchester Roofing Call now for: In Your Home 6 4 5 -8 8 3 0 HAWKES TREE SERVICE Yard clean-up Iltricuding: Rentsi and Sola Shrub A hedge trimming Bucket, truck A chipper. Stump order lifted Propriatorthip. Call Jim Whaelar Rototllling and mowing Price! removal. Free eatimates. 10% Sinlir CHIzin dlKOunf Special consideration tor 84 Ford Tempo GL 4 Dr. ** 742-1009 I FLOORING 646-7011 elderly and handicapped. $4495 Complete accounting services 647-7553 AUTO 85 Chevy Caprice $7150 Including A/R. A/P. P/R. G/U. FLOOR SA N d I n G SERVICES P»L Statement and auarlerly 79 AMC Spirit $1295 at mall site tax returns Can design e New and Old floors VINYL SIDINgI 87 Chevy Cavalier Wagon additional applications e Natural & Stained TIERINNI’S tailored for your business REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Specialty Cars $7195 floors Automollvi Englnssrlng. Inc. By Alex GIrelll complete and that most of the needs. Call 644-6191. Expertly installed. lines have been video-tested. In John VartNIle - 846S750 276 Hartford Rd., Mancheater 87 Toyota Supra 85 Chevy Celebrity Manchester Herald Please call Paul Ryder the video test, a camera is pulled CARPENTRY/ 649-5823 $15,195 Eurosport Wagon at 742-0018._____ $5595 Homart Development Co. will through the lines. REMODELING Care. Truck*. Vena, 4x4'a 86 Chevy 3/4 ton be permitted to make corrections Both the district and the town do tOo unu$u»l to tho ordinory" 84 Chevy Chevette ELECTRICAL Screened loam, gravel, Sub.4X4 $11,995 of flaws found in sanitary sewer had ordered Homart to stop work FARRAND REMODEUNG processed gravel, $2695 lines it built within the Pavilions on sewers when problems were Room additions, decks, roof­ 89 Chevy K-20 at Buckland Hills without permis­ found in lines under the jurisdic­ ing, siding, windows and gutt­ DUMAS ELECTRIC sand, stone, and fill for DRYW Aa 86 Chevy Nova $5795 Service changes, addi­ sion of the Eighth Utilities tion of both governments. ers. All types of remodeling and delivery call George Pickup 4 X 4 w/ plow 85 Chevy S-10 Blazer repairs. Call Bob Farrand, Jr. tional wiring and repairs on District. In another sanitary sewer existing homos. Quality Griffing 742-7886. FARADAY DRYWALL $18,995 The district directors voted at a matter, the directors voted to work at affordble prices. 4X 4 $8795 Bus. 647-8509 Interior Construction meeting Monday night to lift the proceed with a developers’ agree­ Res. 645-6849 Entirely owner operated. 27 86 Dodge D150 Pickup Patrick Flynn/Manchaatar Herald years exp. Call Joseph Fully Insured/Free Estimates stop work order they had placed ment with Gerald Rothman for a Dumas 648-5253. Wllllim Firidiy $7195 HOW WIDE IS IT? — Carol Wytas, a data collector for properties have been assessed under the new on Homart after the illegal work sewer on Tolland Turnpike to CARPENTRY WORK 1203)1 All P b u M FLOORING 87 Ford Aerostar the firm doing a tax revaluation for Manchester, revaluation. was discovered. The vote also serve the Sandstone Estates Qualitylitv Guaranteed At called for working out a develop­ development on Tolland Tum- Framing, Roofs, Siding, Trim. laniHEATINO/ Affordable Prices Pssger. Van $11,695 measures a house at 16 N. Elm St. More than 4,000 ers’ agreement with Homart to pike, a 46-townhouse Registered A Fully Insured PLUMBING v r y Reatortabfe Pricn 83 Chevy S-10 Blazer construct other sewers in the development. Outllty Work / Free Eiltmates Simon Simon $6895 mail. And the directors rejected an P J 'i Plum'dlng, Hotting 8 Homart will be required to offer by Richard Hayes, a devel­ 742-1579 TILEMASTERS 84 Chevy CIO Pickup Air Conditioning □ ■ ■ ■ I Friendly knock heralds revaluation make the corrections before it oper, to accept a $7,500 district Boilers, pumps, hot water $4995 proceeds with new sewer payment for a sewer Hayes RENOVATIONS □ □ ■ ■ I Tile Sales and Installation tanks, new and construction. extended at the request of the replacements. □ □ □ ■ I MANCHESTER PLUS In a letter to the directors, district for future district use. FREE ESTIMATES ( □ □ □ □ I 85 GMC 1500 Pickup Over 4,000 homes Complete Home $6695 Richard Lombardi, consulting Hayes had asked $10,000 and Maintenance 643-9649/228-9616 1!TILEMASTERS, INC 86 GMC Conversion Van engineer for the district, listed 10 the district had offered $5,000. Repair / Renew have been assessed instances in which he found flaws The directors voted to stick with We are bath remodel and ceramic tile specialista. $12,995 Ceilings, Walls, Painting, GIVE YOUR budget o in mall sewers over which the the $5,000 offer. Director Samuel Let us win your confidence! Call ua today for a Papering, Carpentry break ... shop the classi­ By Alex GIrelll district has jurisdiction. Longest, public works commis­ In tu n d ■ Sdnior DI$eount fied columns for borgoin free estimate, commercial or residential. Hours: Mon-Thurs 9-8 • Fri 9-6 • Sat 9-5 Manchester Herald They include a break in a pipe, sioner, has said Hayes did not 6 4 6 < 2 2 5 3 buys! Msmbar Chamber of Commarca a leaking pipe, a leaking pipe consult with the district over the When Carol Wytas approached a house at joint, deformation of one pipe, a cost of the sewer extension before 16 N.
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