Jtuiurrstty nf ilinutsnta CAP AND GOWN DAY CONVOCATION Northrop Memorial Auditorium Thursday, May 15, 1930, Eleven-Thirty O'Clock PROGRAM PRESIDENT LoTus DELTA CoFFMAN, Presiding I PROCESSIONAL-"Scenes Pittoresques" ........... Massenet THE uNIVERSITY BAND MICHAEL JALMA, Director II PRESENTATION OF THE CLASS OF 1930 VVINSTON L. MoLANDER President of the AU-University Senior Class III RESPONSE President LoTus DELTA CoFFMAN, Ph.D., LL.D. IV ANNOUNCEMENT OF ELECTIONS TO HONOR SOCIETIES PRESIDENT LoTus DELTA CoFFMAN V HYMN-"Hail, Minnesota!" Minnesota, hail to thee ! Like the stream that bends to sea, Hail to thee, our College dear I Like the pine that seeks the blue ! Thy light shall ever be Minnesota, still for thee, A beacon bright and clear ; Thy sons are strong and true. Thy sons and daughters true From thy woods and waters fair, Will proclaim thee near and far ; From thy prairies waving far, They will guard thy fame At thy call they throng, And adore thy name ; With their shout and song, Thou shalt be their Northern Star. Hailing thee their Northern Star. VI RECESSIONAL-Big Ten Patrol THE uNIVERSITY BAND I The audience will remain until those in academic costume have left the hall.] HONOR SOCIETIES Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi1 Lambda Alpha Psi, Tau Beta Pi, Tau Sigma Delta, Eta Kappa Nu, Pi Tau Sigma, Chi Epsilon, Gamma Sigma Delta, Omicron Nu, Alpha Omega Alpha, Omicron Kappa Upsilon, Rho Chi, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Iota Sigma Pi, Pi Lambda Theta, Beta Gamma Sigma, Gamma Epsilon Pi, Delta Phi Lambda, Delta Sigma Psi, Mu Phi Epsilon. HONORS AND PRIZES The Shevlin Fellowships Four fellowships established by the late Honorable Thomas H. Shevlin Science, Literature, and the Arts GERTRUDE DoxEY Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics OTTo Juuus HILL Medicine MILLARD GuNDERSON Chemistry GRANT WARREN SMITH The Class of z8go Fellowship Awarded to a graduate of the College of Science, Literature, and the Arts, or the College of Engineering and Architecture who has shown distinguished ability and initiative as a student and who desires to make further preparation for public service. DoRIS EvYLINE PETERSON The Caleb Dorr Graduate Research Fellowships Founded by bequest of the late Caleb Dorr. Their purpose is the encourage­ ment of research in any field of agriculture. The holders devote entire time to graduate work. STANLEY M. JACKSON DoNALD WAYNE JoHNSON The du Pont Fellowship in Chemistry Established by E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. The holder devotes his entire time to graduate study. CHARLES RosENBLUM The Albert Howard Scholarship Awarded to a graduate of the College of Science, Literature, and the Arts. GEORGE MARTIN HASLERUD The Clara Ueland Fellowship A warded to a recent woman graduate of any acceptable college or university for graduate study of problems of government and citizenship. VIOLET VICTORIA PRISCILLA JOHNSON Coffman Foundation Scholarship Offered to a graduate of the College of Education in encouragement of gradu­ ate work in education HARRY C. JoHNsoN The Delta Sigma Psi Scholarship Awarded by Delta Sigma Psi, honorary Norwegian culture fraternity, to promote study and interest in the Norwegian language and culture BERNARD A. TALSNESS The Moses Marston Scholarship in English Awarded by the English Department as a recognition of special capacity for literary and linguistic studies RoBF.RTA GRAHAME The Johnson Foundation Scholarships Donated by the trustees of the Edward M. and Effie R. Johnson Foundation. Open preferably to juniors and seniors in any college of the university, who have been in residence at least one year. The purpose is to encourage scholarship and thoroughness of training in students who appear capable of unusual service or leadership. DoROTHY CLAus, junior in the College of Education JoHN THURSTON, junior in the College of Science, Literature, and the Arts The Albert Moorman Memorial Fellowship in Architecture Awarded for excellence in senior architectural design as determined by a competition DUDLEY C. BAYUSS The Alpha Zeta Scholarship Awarded by the active chapter of Alpha Zeta to that male student who has attained the highest average scholastic record while a student in the freshman class in the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics JoHN M. McMILLEN The Caleb Dorr Scholarships and Medals Donated by the late Caleb Dorr of Minneapolis. Awarded to students in the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics on the basis of scholastic record Senior medals TENHO MAKI MAMIE WADDELL J u11ior scholarships JoHN PoRiscH CATHERINE BECKER Sophomore scholarships RoY WAGNER VILLA-MAY ENBLOM The Samuel B. Green Scholarship Donated by Mrs. Samuel B. Green and awarded to the senior in Forestry having the highest scholastic record TENHO E. MAKI The Minnesota State Pharmaceutical Association Scholarship Awarded to that student who is a citizen of the United States, who has resided in Minnesota for the last five years and who has earned the highest average rating at the completion of the first two years of technical pharmaceutical work AGNES CASPAR! The Minneapolis Advertising Club Scholarship Awarded to a senior in the School of Business Administration for high scholarship and proven ability for research in advertising DANIEL N. RICE The Forensic Medal Awarded to members of the senior class who have participated in intercol- legiate debate and have a scholastic average of B K. VALDIMAR BJORNSON VERNON CHRISTIANSON ROBERT L. N ETHERLEY HELEN T. THORVILSON The Alumni Weekly Gold Medal Awarded to that member of the graduating class who has made the best record in public speaking during his college course HELEN T. THORVILSON The American Institute of Architects Medal Awarded to the senior in each of the leading architectural colleges of the United States who has the highest scholastic standing throughout his course BRUCE V. WALLACE The Scarab Medal in Architecture Awarded to the student winning first place in a designated design competition in the regular work of the junior year in the course in Architecture KENNETH H. NEWTON Southern Minnesota Medical Association Medal Awarded to the senior medical student who has shown the highest degree of efficiency during his junior and senior years in the clinical fields of medicine and surgery RAGNAR T. WESTMAN The Lehn and Fink Gold Medal Awarded to that student in the College of Pharmacy who graduates with the highest general average rating in the technical content of the four-year course KARL GOLDNER The Conference Medal Awarded by the Intercollegiate Conference Athletic Association to the man, graduating in the senior class of each Conference university, who through a course of four scholastic years' residence in the same university, has the highest degree of achievement in his athletic, as well as in his scholastic work RoBERT E. TANNER The Class of 1889 Memorial Prize in History Offered biennially for the best thesis in history written from the sources ALBERTA LoUCKS The John S. Pillsbury Prizes ContestAwarded to the winners of the first three places in the Pillsbury Oratorical First Place GUITA F. BEARMAN Second Place HELEN .T. THORVILSON Third place R. \VALTON ONSLOW The Frank H. Peavey Prizes debateAwarded to the members of the team winning the annual freshman-sophomore ROBERT c. BEATTIE LEONARD EvANs LAWRENCE VANCE Ludden Real Estate Prizes OratoricalAwarded Contest to the winners of the first three places in the Freshman-Sophomore First place MAx ScHwARTz Second place JUNE MILLER Third place LEE LoEVINGER Zeta Alpha Psi Prizes Awarded to the winners of the Annual Extemporaneous Speaking Contest First prize R. WALTON ONSLOW Second prize S. BURNELL KoousH Kappa Rho Award speechAwarded to that woman member of the graduating class who has excelled in GurTA BEARMAN The Lambda Alpha Psi Prize Awarded by Lambda Alpha Psi, the honorary language society, for the best essays in the field of language and literature First prize MARCHETTE G. CHUTE Second prize "ADRIAN SHEf-WYN" Sigma Delta Chi Scholarship Awards JournalismAwards made by national chapter to highest ten per cent of graduates in KATHRYN GoRMAN LEONE KEHOE RAYMOND MITHUN The Minnesota Quarterly Awards .Two prizes, awarded, one for the best prose article published in the magazine during the year and the other for the best poem For Prose JusTus J. ScHIFFEREs For poetry STANLEY D. KANE The Helen Dwan Prize Awarded for outstanding progress and attainment in music DONNA BLAKE MARIE N. v. PEARSON The Chi Omega Prize Awarded to the senior woman student who has excelled in social work in the Department of Sociology MYRTLE LESLIE Minnesota Chapter, American Institute of Architects' Prizes Awarded to the two students attaining the highest general averages in the work of the junior year in the course in Architecture First prize BRUCE V. WALLACE Second prize GERHARD c. PETERSON School of Architecture Faculty Prizes Awarded to the two students who have maintained the highest standing in the sophomore year of the course in Architecture First prize MILTON L. HOGLUND Second prize LENWOOD }. BRIGHTBILL The Magney and Tusler Prizes in Architecture Awarded to the authors of the designs placed first and second in a sketch competition, the subject of which pertains to civic beautification First prize HAROLD w. FRIDLUND Second prize ERWIN W. BINGHAM The Alpha Alpha Gamma Prize in Architecture Awarded to the author of the design placed first in a designated competition in the sophomore course in design ROBERT G. CERNY The William A. French Prizes in Interior Decoration Awarded to the winners of a design competition open to seniors in the course Awarded I929 First prize EUGENE A. UNDINE Second prize RuTH CARTER Awarded I930 First prize NoRMA E. EDWARDS Second prize MARJORIE J. MAILAND Northwestern Section, American Society of Civil Engineers Prizes Prizes awarded to upperclass students in the course in civil engineering on the basis of competition or scholarship, or both First Prize RAYMOND E. HERTEL Second prize LYELL R.
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