UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION AGENDA AND PROCEEDINGS PART-! NO-179 29™ APRIL 1976 QOtJFLDmTLAL UNIV3RSITY OmiTTS COMMISSICK • MINUTES OF THE 179TH MEETING OP THE UNIVERSITY GRANTS COl'MSSICN HELD ON APKEL 29, 1976. The follomng were present; Professor Satish Chandra - Chairman Shri K.N, Channa ^ - Member Professor R,P. Bambah - Member Professor S.S. Saluja - Member Professor (Hiss) A,J.‘ Dastur - Member Professor J.B* 'Chitambar ; -- Member* Profess.or ^laqbopl. Ahmed ‘ - Member Professor B.M. Udgaonkar - Member Dr. Ghandran ’DevanesQn - Member Shri R*K• -Ghhabra - Secretary Dr. ijit Mpzoomdar and Professor S. Gopal expressed their inabi-lity to attend the meeting. SECRET AKEAT Additional Secretary Dr. D. Shankar Narayan Joint Secretary ^ Dr. J.N. Kaul Deputy Secj?etaries S h ^ S. Viswanath * ' Shri I.K. Sangma Dr. S.C. Goel Shri S.P. Gupta Dr. M.L. Moihta Shri Y.D. Sharma Shri A.B. Gupta Shri M.P. Balakrishnan Director (SRC) Dr, Jagdish Shankar finance Officer Shri R.P. Bhattachg.rjee The Chairman welcomed Professor Maqbool Ahmed who was attending the meeting of the Commission for the first time. p . t • 0 • -i 2 Item No, 1 i To receive the minutes of the meeting of the Commission held on 22nd March, 1976. The minutes of the 178th meeting of the University Grants Cbmmission held on March 22, 1976 were confirmed. Item No, 2 i a) To approve the action taken on certain matters. b) To receive the items of information. c) To receive the statement of proposals.which could not be accepted by the Gom^ssion. (a) The Commission approved the action t^en on items, listed in Appendix !♦. Arising out of this, the. following decisions were taken { (i) Item 2(a)(3) - The Commission, keeping in.view of the special needs of the, Berhampur liiiversity, desirecj, that it may be assisted as recommended by the Visiting Committee for the construction of the workshop building, Herbariu|n (Botany Department), inimal House'(Zoology Department; at an estimated cost of Rs,1,10,000^ (ii) Item 2(a)(l^) - The Commission was of th^Aiew that the Universities be advised that the teachers of the affiliated colleges located at the headquarters of the university and possessing the requisite qualifications as suggeste4 by UGC be encouraged to participate in the postgraduate teaching in the university departments, (iii) Item 2(a)(23) ~ The University may be advised to appoint the staff already agreed to as soon as possible. (iv) Item 2(a) (25) - The English Summer Irsstitute for 1977 to be organised by the C.I.E.F.L,, Shillong for univer­ sities in the region may be organised in collaboration, with the North Eastern Hill University, (b) This was noted, (c) This was noted. Item No, 3 s To approve the statement'of grants released after the last meeting of the Commission held on 22nd March, 1976# The Commission approved the grants released after the last meeting of the Commission held on 22nd March, 1976 (Appendix II*). *Not; enclosed, p,t,o. -J 3 J- Item No* k s To receive the statement of expenditure incurred by the University Grants Commission during 1975-76 upto 31st March, 1976. This was noted., Item No. ^ : To receive the minutes of N.G.C. Committee appointed by the Commission to consider the recommendations made by the Evaluation Committee set up by the Govetnment of India on.the working of N •C•C. The Commission accepted the views of the Con^ttee. on the recommendations made by the Ehraluation Committee set up by the Government- of India on the working of the N»G.C. as given in Appendix III, and de^.ired that the same be communi­ cated to ~the Ministry of Education* In this connection it was pointed out that a Committee was being aj;ppinted sepaititely to prescribe the guidelines for courses in De'fenCe/i'lilitary Studies. Item No. 6- s To consider the/report of the Visiting Committee appointed by the Commission to* assess the Plfth Plan piroposals of the Jadavpur University. The Conimis si oh considered the. Beport of the Plfth Plan Visiting Committee on Jadavpur University and generally accepted the recommendations made by the. Committee subject to the followingj i) The University may set up an Academic and Planning Board which may develop inters action between vailous faculties and formulate new courses on an inter-departmental basis as suggested by the Visiting Committee. ..The--Board may also coordinate and ^continuously evaluate the progress of', the ]?lfth Plan development schemes and projects.; •: . ii) The question of developing studies in linguistics in the university may be examined with the help of an Expert in linguistics and the recommendation of the Visiting Committee for providing teaching staff in linguistics to the departments of Shglish and Sanskrit may be considered in the light of the views of the Expert. iii) The specialization for the post of professor in the department of English may be English language teaching. iv) The post of Reader recommended under 2nd priority for Geology Department may be provided to the Department of Chemistry i.dth specialisation in Photo-Chemistry. p.t.o. v) The reGommendations of the Visiting Goinmittea. ahcxit providing additional teaching staff to the departments of Mathematics and Physics may be considered after the views of the University on the various suggestions made by the Visiting Committee with regard to the development of new areas in these departments are available. vi) Teaching staff as recommended by the Visiting Coramittee under first priority in respect of other departments may be provided to the university. The question of providi'ng teaching staff recommended under second priority may be considered after ‘joint courses as suggested by the Visiting Committee have been formulated by the university and examined. vii) Posts of two technical assistants may be provided to the department of Geology. viii) A grant of Bs.2.5 laJ^hs as UGC share may be provided to the university on ^0:50 sharing basis for campus development and improvement of water supply facilities'. ‘ ix) A grant of Rs.2 lakhs as UGC share may be provided on 50:50 basis for improvement of facilities in the existing hostels. x) A-grant of Rs*5 lakhs' fof* eqliipihehf and posts* of'one instrumentation engineer and one technical assistant may be provided for establishment of central instrumentation labo­ ratory. ' ■ ■ t • The question of providing staff for central instrumen­ tation laboratory in the universities may be examined with the help of an Expert Committee. xi) The financial implications of the scheme accepte.d by the Commission are indicated in the Appendix IV. Item No. 7 t To consider the report of the Visiting Committee appointed by the. Commission to assess the V Plan p2?oposals of the Calcutta University. The Commission Considered the report of the ’^ifth Plan tiiversi-ty Visiting Committee on CalcuttaAand fully agreed with the views expressed by the Visiting Committee on the suggestion made by the Ghani Co-npittee with regard to declaring Calcutta diversity as an Institution of National Importance by the Central Govern­ ment* The Commission noted the recommendation of the Visiting-" Committee regarding the de-centralisation to be implemented simultaneously for administrative and academic purposes and agreed that it would be desirable that this de-centralisation be- brought up by setting up different campuses of the''C^alcutta p • t • o ♦ -I 5 i- University. If this is acceptable to tlie Calcutta'University, the Commission agreed to provide an allocation troto Rs* one crore, as its share, for this purpose and desired^that the University be requested to submit i^s proposals for the consideration of the Commission. The Coimiission further noted that the Calcutta Uni­ versity had been informed that an amoun" Rs# 2 crores,. as its share, would be available to the University during the Fifth Plan for the colleges within zhe metropolitan limits ■ of Calcutta for providing inter-institu-ional facilities at different places and also for establishnent of academic cent;res for i;nprovement of standards of undergraduate education in' colleges. It was noted that the University had already been requested to set up a Group for formula^ng this proposal. The Commission desired that the Calcutta University be requested to take immediate steps in this regard keeping in view the suggestion made above,for setting.up multi-rcampuaes of. Calcat,ta; University. The Commission generally accepted the other recommendations made by the Visiting Committee subject to the following: (1) The Commission could not agree with the suggestion for separating Honours courses from M.A./l-l.Sc. courses in the departments of Psychology, Anthropology and Physiology and for transfer of Honours courses to the colleges. (2) The Commission was not in favour of starting postgraduate classes in the colleges affiliated to Calcutta University. The question of strengthening teaching and research programmes in the Presidency College, Calcutta and developing it as an autonomous college may be considered separately. (3) The University and the'-State Government may take immediate steps to either merge the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences with the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research or provide adequate hospital facilities to the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences. The question of providing assistance to^ the existing departments in the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences as -rdcommehded'by the Visiting Committee.may be considered only after a decision-.is taken^.on •tois.r, C^) A specific amount be provided every year in the Revenue Budget of the university for the maintenance of the, .university • buildings, ’ ' ' ■ ' ■ (?) A certain percentage of seats in the university hostels be earmarked for research scholars enrolled with the university specially for those who come from outside the Btate, ■’ , P • t c O .
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