10 Useful Program Design & Sample Classes CLASS TAKE-OUT BY FRED HOFFMAN, MED Sample Class: Core Circuit STATION 1: SQUAT WITH in front of thighs. Repeat above, low- OVERHEAD PRESS AND ering torso and weights, 8–12x. HIP ABDUCTION • While holding Body Bar or dumbbells, • Stand with feet hip width apart, knees flex forward, extend and lift R leg slightly bent. behind (maximum height: parallel Combine two popular • Set 1: Holding a dumbbell in each to floor). Return to start and repeat, fitness trends in one hand, flex elbows 90 degrees at shoul- lifting L leg. Perform 8–12x, both sides fun class. der height, abduct and extend arms (alternating R and L). overhead, 8–12x. According to the 2005 IDEA Fitness Pro- • Set 2: Without dumbbells, squat down STATION 4: PLANK grams & Equipment Survey, 56% of to approximately 90 degrees, return to • Lie prone, forearms resting on mat, respondents offer circuit classes, while 63% standing position and abduct one hip, elbows under shoulders, chest and head offer core conditioning. “Core Circuit” lifting leg off floor. Alternate right (R) slightly lifted, legs and toes on floor. provides a great way to reap the benefits of and left (L) 8–12x. • Set 1: Lift torso and knees off floor, both activities in a single session. This class • Set 3: Combine sets 1 and 2. Squat and engage abdominals. Extend knees uses closed-chained, multijoint exercises while holding dumbbells, return to until legs are straight. Maintaining and contains strength, endurance and bal- standing position, and perform over- neutral spine, hold for 3–5 slow, deep ance training components. Core muscle head press while abducting one leg. breaths (approximately 30 seconds). conditioning, trunk stabilization tech- Lower arms as foot returns to begin Variation: Keep knees on floor. niques and postural alignment exercises next squat. Alternate R and L 8–12x. • Set 2: Add: Lift one leg off floor. combine to create a well-rounded routine. • Set 3: Switch sides, and alternate for STATION 2: QUADRUPED a total of 4–6 reps. CORE CIRCUIT DETAILS OPPOSITE ARM AND LEG FORMAT: stationary core-training cir- • Start in quadruped position, hands STATION 5: ALTERNATING cuit for 25–35 participants; 8–10 stations directly beneath shoulders, knees LUNGE WITH CROSS-CHOP TOTAL TIME: 60 minutes (4–5 minutes under hips, spine in neutral. • Stand with feet hip width apart, knees each exercise) • Set 1: Lift and extend R arm and L leg. slightly bent, arms at sides. EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Hold for 3–5 slow, deep breaths (30 • Set 1: Step R leg back into lunge; for each participant: one set of dumb- seconds). Maintain neutral posture. return to start position. Repeat L. bells or a Body Bar® (choose an appro- Repeat with L arm, R leg. Perform 12x each side. priate weight for sufficient muscle • Set 2: Holding one dumbbell in R • Set 2: With Body Bar or dumbbells fatigue and overload); exercise mat hand, extend and lift R arm and L leg. lifted in diagonal position, perform for instructor: whistle and stopwatch to Lift and lower 8–10x. Switch sides. cross-chop (kayaking movement) signal station changes • Set 3: Extend R arm and lift L leg down to R as R leg lunges back. Lift MUSIC: Working on the beat is an (dumbbell is optional). Flex elbow and Body Bar or dumbbells up as foot option, not an obligation. If exercises are knee, moving them toward center of returns to start position. Repeat L. “choreographed,”124–28 beats per minute body. Return to start position. Repeat (When using Body Bar, one hand will allow proper execution. 8–12x, and switch sides. changes grip when alternating R, L.) • Set 3: Start with Body Bar or dumbbells WARM-UP (6–8 MINUTES) STATION 3: STANDING lowered to side of hip. Move cross- Use large motor movements such as HIP FLEXION chop upward while performing lunges. dynamic squatting, alternating lunges, • Stand in neutral posture, knees slightly step-touches and marching in place for bent, feet hip width apart, arms at sides. STATION 6: PUSH-UP the lower body. For the upper body, try • Lower torso toward floor with maxi- INTO T-STAND gentle torso rotations side to side, over- mum of 90 degrees of hip flexion • Start in push-up position. head reaches, shoulder rolls and arm cir- (parallel to floor). Return to start posi- • Set 1: Maintain position with neutral cles. These exercises help prepare the tion. Repeat 8–12x. spine for 3–5 slow, deep breaths joints and muscles. • Hold Body Bar or dumbbells in hands (30 seconds). March 2006 IDEA Fitness Journal toward floor. Return to start position, Pause, and return knees to floor. instructor and switch legs. Repeat 8–12x. Repeat 8–12x. • Set 2: Repeat set 1, but hold leg in low- safety tips ered position for 2–3 slow, deep STATION 10: • Before starting, ensure that all breaths (20 seconds). Return to start GLUTEAL BRIDGE participants understand “neutral position, and switch legs. Repeat 8x. • Start supine, head and shoulders on posture” and are able to establish • Repeat set 1, adding arm movements: floor, arms along sides, feet hip width correct body alignment. Extend shoulder, bring arm toward apart, knees bent. • Review the proper use of the descending leg, and lift as leg returns • Set 1: Extend hips, lifting buttocks selected equipment. to start position. (avoid excessive spinal hyperexten- • Emphasize proper body sion). Hold for 3–5 slow, deep breaths, mechanics and technique STATION 8: and lower buttocks to floor without through verbal and visual cuing. SIDE-LYING BRIDGE completely releasing. • Encourage students to work at (MODIFIED T-STAND) • Set 2: Extend hips, and lift one leg to their own pace and to compete • Lie on R side, forearm resting on mat, height of other (pelvis doesn’t dip to only with themselves. palm down (facing forward), elbow one side). Hold for 3–5 slow, deep • Remind students to slow down directly beneath shoulder, knees bent breaths. Replace foot and leg to start or rest if they are tired or feel 90 degrees. position, and lower buttocks to floor. excessive discomfort. • Set 1: Lift torso, buttocks and R thigh Switch sides. • Have fun! off floor, bearing weight on forearm. • Set 3: Repeat set 2, but abduct lifted Extend L leg, keeping foot on floor. leg, maintaining core stability. Hold Hold for 3–5 slow, deep breaths (30 for 3–5 slow, deep breaths. Return foot • Set 2: Perform 1 set of 8–12 push-ups seconds), maintaining alignment. and leg to start position, and lower (from knees or toes). Switch sides. buttocks to floor. Switch sides. • Set 3: Lower, then push up and rotate • Set 2: Lift and lower torso, buttocks entire body outward to R, legs and thigh. Repeat 8–12x each side. STRETCH AND RELAX extended, feet resting on outside and • Set 3: Repeat set 2 with both legs (5–7 MINUTES) inside edges, L arm lifted to ceiling (if extended, bearing weight on forearm Run through a few sequences of the sun starting on knees, top leg extends). and side edges of feet. salutation, and include some simple yoga Pause, rotate back to L, place L hand stretches that will help “lengthen” the core on floor and begin another push-up. STATION 9: ABDOMINALS muscles. Conclude with a guided relax- Repeat L. Alternate for a total of 2–3 WITH KNEE FLEXION ation, using positive verbal cues to help sequences (4–6 push-ups). AND EXTENSION students unwind and let go of stress. • Start in push-up position (on knees). STATION 7: ABDOMINAL • Set 1: Engage core, and hold. Extend Fred Hoffman, Med, is an international fit- STABILIZING STRENGTH R knee, flex back to floor, and repeat ness consultant based in Paris, and the fitness AND ENDURANCE with L knee. Perform 8–12x (alternate and lifestyle director for Buddha Bar Spa. • Start in supine position on mat, hips legs for a total of 16–24 movements; During his 20-plus years in the industry, he and knees flexed at 90 degrees, head do not lift and lower buttocks). has introduced fitness- and health-related on floor, arms flexed, elbows above • Set 2: Repeat above, starting with L knee. programs to more than 45 countries on head on floor, core engaged. • Set 3: Extend both knees simultane- six continents. Reach Fred at www.Fred • Set 1: Slowly extend R leg, and lower it ously, maintaining neutral posture. Hoffman.com. © 2006 by IDEA Health & Fitness Inc. All rights reserved. Repro- duction without permission is strictly prohibited. March 2006 IDEA Fitness Journal CORE BY LINDA L. FREEMAN Resisted Core Training Partner students up and RESISTED flexion. Arms are slightly above, and teach them new ways to V-SIT ROTATION parallel to, floor. challenge themselves. • Partners sit back-to-back in V-sit for- • Students inhale again and extend mation on separate mats, exercise spine (lifting away from floor). Arms Students often want to do the same tubes linked in X configuration. Han- are kept in lat pull-down position. On supine abdominal crunches and oblique dles are securely held in each hand exhalation, partners return to start. bicycle exercises because these make them near bottom ribs, with elbows at sides. Repeat 10–15 times. feel comfortable and confident. The fol- • Both students have neutral spine Note: Be cognizant of participants with lowing partner-based core-strengthening and engaged abdominals with knees low-back problems. exercises are familiar, but they also offer bent (easier) or legs out in front new challenges. Teach students how to (more difficult). Linda Freeman is a master trainer for several stabilize the core and move the spine in • Students adjust positions to ensure fitness companies and is also an IDEA pre- flexion, rotation and extension.
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