H1990 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 19, 2012 McCarthy (CA) Posey Smith (NE) The result of the vote was announced ‘‘(C) DIRECT OWNER.—The term ‘direct owner’ McCarthy (NY) Price (GA) Smith (NJ) as above recorded. means, with respect to any qualified small busi- McCaul Price (NC) Smith (TX) ness, any person who owns (or is considered as McClintock Quigley Stated against: Smith (WA) owning under the applicable non-family attribu- McCollum Rehberg Southerland Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, I was away from tion rules) any stock of such business (or, if McGovern Reyes Speier the Capitol due to prior commitments to my McHenry Richardson such business is other than a corporation, any Stearns constituents. Had I been present, I would have McIntyre Rivera Stutzman capital or profits interest of such business). McKeon Roby Sullivan voted ‘‘no.’’ ‘‘(D) 10-PERCENT-OR-LESS DIRECT OWNERS.— McKinley Roe (TN) Sutton f The term ‘10-percent-or-less direct owner’ McMorris Rogers (AL) Thompson (PA) means, with respect to any qualified small busi- Rodgers Rogers (KY) Thornberry SMALL BUSINESS TAX CUT ACT ness, any direct owner of such business who Mica Rogers (MI) Tiberi Michaud Rohrabacher Mr. CAMP. Mr. Speaker, pursuant to owns (or is considered as owning under the ap- Tierney plicable non-family attribution rules)— Miller (MI) Rokita Tipton House Resolution 620, I call up the bill Miller (NC) Roskam ‘‘(i) in the case of a qualified small business Tonko (H.R. 9) to amend the Internal Revenue Miller, Gary Ross (AR) Towns which is a corporation, not more than 10 per- Moore Ross (FL) Code of 1986 to provide a deduction for Tsongas cent of the outstanding stock of the corporation Moran Rothman (NJ) domestic business income of qualified Turner (NY) or stock possessing more than 10 percent of the Mulvaney Roybal-Allard Turner (OH) small businesses, and ask for its imme- total combined voting power of all stock of the Murphy (CT) Royce Murphy (PA) Runyan Upton diate consideration. corporation, or Myrick Ruppersberger Van Hollen The Clerk read the title of the bill. ‘‘(ii) in the case of a qualified small business Nadler Ryan (WI) Walden The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. which is not a corporation, not more than 10 Walz (MN) Neugebauer Scalise LATOURETTE). Pursuant to House Reso- percent of the capital or profits interest of such Noem Schiff Wasserman business. Schultz lution 620, the amendment in the na- Nunes Schmidt ‘‘(E) APPLICABLE NON-FAMILY ATTRIBUTION Watt Nunnelee Schwartz ture of a substitute recommended by RULES.—The term ‘applicable non-family attri- Olson Schweikert Waxman the Committee on Ways and Means, Webster bution rules’ means the attribution rules of sub- Palazzo Scott (SC) printed in the bill, is adopted. The bill, Pascrell Scott (VA) Welch section (c) or (e)(3) of section 267, as the case Pearce Scott, Austin West as amended, is considered read. may be, but in each case applied without regard Pelosi Scott, David Westmoreland The text of the bill, as amended, is as to section 267(c)(2). Pence Sensenbrenner Whitfield follows: ‘‘(3) W–2 WAGES.—For purposes of this sec- Perlmutter Serrano Wilson (FL) tion— H.R. 9 Petri Sessions Wilson (SC) ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘W–2 wages’ Pingree (ME) Sewell Wolf Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- means, with respect to any person for any tax- Womack Pitts Sherman resentatives of the United States of America in able year of such person, the sum of the Platts Shimkus Woolsey Congress assembled, Polis Shuster Yarmuth amounts described in paragraphs (3) and (8) of Pompeo Simpson Young (IN) SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. section 6051(a) paid by such person with respect This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Small Business to employment of employees by such person dur- NAYS—118 Tax Cut Act’’. ing the calendar year ending during such tax- Adams Gerlach Olver SEC. 2. DEDUCTION FOR DOMESTIC BUSINESS IN- able year. Altmire Gibson Pallone COME OF QUALIFIED SMALL BUSI- ‘‘(B) LIMITATION TO WAGES ATTRIBUTABLE TO Andrews Graves (MO) Pastor (AZ) NESSES. QUALIFIED DOMESTIC BUSINESS INCOME.—Such Baldwin Green, Gene Paulsen (a) IN GENERAL.—Part VI of subchapter B of term shall not include any amount which is not Bass (CA) Griffin (AR) Peters chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 Benishek Grijalva Peterson properly allocable to domestic business gross re- Biggert Gutierrez Poe (TX) is amended by adding at the end the following ceipts for purposes of subsection (c)(1). Bishop (NY) Hanna Quayle new section: ‘‘(C) OTHER REQUIREMENTS.—Except in the Boswell Hartzler Rahall ‘‘SEC. 200. DOMESTIC BUSINESS INCOME OF case of amounts treated as W–2 wages under Brady (PA) Heck Reed QUALIFIED SMALL BUSINESSES. paragraph (4)— Burgess Herrera Beutler Reichert ‘‘(a) ALLOWANCE OF DEDUCTION.—In the case ‘‘(i) such term shall not include any amount Capuano Honda Renacci of a qualified small business, there shall be al- which is not allowed as a deduction under sec- Cardoza Hoyer Ribble lowed as a deduction an amount equal to 20 per- tion 162 for the taxable year, and Castor (FL) Huelskamp Richmond Chandler Israel Rigell cent of the lesser of— ‘‘(ii) such term shall not include any amount Chu Jackson (IL) Rooney ‘‘(1) the qualified domestic business income of which is not properly included in a return filed Clarke (NY) Jackson Lee Ros-Lehtinen the taxpayer for the taxable year, or with the Social Security Administration on or Cleaver (TX) Rush ‘‘(2) taxable income (determined without re- before the 60th day after the due date (including Clyburn Johnson (OH) Ryan (OH) gard to this section) for the taxable year. extensions) for such return. Coffman (CO) Keating Sa´ nchez, Linda ‘‘(b) DEDUCTION LIMITED BASED ON WAGES ‘‘(4) CERTAIN PARTNERSHIP DISTRIBUTIONS Cohen Kind T. PAID.— TREATED AS W–2 WAGES.— Conaway Kucinich Sanchez, Loretta ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The amount of the deduc- ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—In the case of a qualified Costa Langevin Sarbanes Costello Latham Schakowsky tion allowable under subsection (a) for any tax- small business which is a partnership and elects Courtney Lee (CA) Schilling able year shall not exceed 50 percent of the the application of this paragraph for the taxable Cravaack Lewis (GA) Schock greater of— year— Critz LoBiondo Shuler ‘‘(A) the W–2 wages of the taxpayer paid to ‘‘(i) the qualified domestic business taxable in- DeFazio Luetkemeyer Sires non-owners, or come of such partnership for such taxable year Dent Lynch Stark ‘‘(B) the sum of— (determined after the application of clause (ii)) DesJarlais Markey Stivers ‘‘(i) the W–2 wages of the taxpayer paid to in- which is allocable under rules similar to the Dold Matheson Terry Donnelly (IN) McCotter Thompson (CA) dividuals who are non-owner family members of rules of section 199(d)(1)(A)(ii) to each qualified Duffy McDermott Thompson (MS) direct owners, plus service-providing partner shall be treated for Fattah McNerney Vela´ zquez ‘‘(ii) any W–2 wages of the taxpayer paid to purposes of this section as W–2 wages paid dur- Fitzpatrick Meehan Visclosky 10-percent-or-less direct owners. ing such taxable year to such partner as an em- Forbes Meeks Walberg ‘‘(2) DEFINITIONS RELATED TO OWNERSHIP.— ployee, and Foxx Miller (FL) Waters For purposes of this section— ‘‘(ii) the domestic business gross receipts of Fudge Miller, George Wittman ‘‘(A) NON-OWNER.—The term ‘non-owner’ such partnership for such taxable year shall be Gardner Neal Woodall means, with respect to any qualified small busi- reduced by the amount so treated. Garrett Nugent Yoder ness, any person who does not own (and is not ‘‘(B) QUALIFIED SERVICE-PROVIDING PART- ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’—3 considered as owning within the meaning of NER.—For purposes of this paragraph, the term Amash Gohmert Owens subsection (c) or (e)(3) of section 267, as the case ‘qualified service-providing partner’ means, may be) any stock of such business (or, if such with respect to any qualified domestic business NOT VOTING—20 business is other than a corporation, any cap- taxable income, any partner who is a 10-per- Bass (NH) Flake Rangel ital or profits interest of such business). cent-or-less direct owner and who materially Bishop (UT) Gosar Schrader ‘‘(B) NON-OWNER FAMILY MEMBERS.—An indi- participates in the trade or business to which Braley (IA) Guinta Slaughter vidual is a non-owner family member of a direct such income relates. Burton (IN) Manzullo Walsh (IL) owner if— ‘‘(5) ACQUISITIONS AND DISPOSITIONS.—The Cummings Marino Young (AK) ‘‘(i) such individual is family (within the Secretary shall provide for the application of Davis (KY) Napolitano Young (FL) Filner Paul meaning of section 267(c)(4)) of a direct owner, this subsection in cases where the taxpayer ac- and quires, or disposes of, the major portion of a b 1057 ‘‘(ii) such individual would be a non-owner if trade or business or the major portion of a sepa- subsections (c) and (e)(3) of section 267 were ap- rate unit of a trade or business during the tax- So the Journal was approved. plied without regard to section 267(c)(2). able year. VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:25 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A19AP7.007 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1991 ‘‘(c) QUALIFIED DOMESTIC BUSINESS INCOME.— subsection (m) or (o) of section 414 shall be ‘‘(C) any deduction allowable under section For purposes of this section— treated as a single employer for purposes of this 200,’’. ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘qualified domes- subsection. (9) Section 1402(a) of such Code is amended by tic business income’ for any taxable year means ‘‘(B) PREDECESSORS.—Any reference in this striking ‘‘and’’ at the end of paragraph (16), by an amount equal to the excess (if any) of— subsection to an employer shall include a ref- redesignating paragraph (17) as paragraph (18), ‘‘(A) the taxpayer’s domestic business gross re- erence to any predecessor of such employer.
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