#I.VDSO« Ptgl|tst06jn HI, An Independent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the People of Hightstown and East Windsor 149th — No. 12 HIGHTSTOWN GAZETTE, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1997 Price; Thirty-Five Cent.s FIRE TRUCK ORDINANCE At Monday’s Hightstown Council meeting, bond ordi­ nance 1997-26 authorizing and appropriating $350,000 for the purpose of a new fire truck will come up for second reading and adoption. The truck is needed to replace a truck that is over 25 years old and needs to be replaced. Hightstown Co. No.1 is made up of volunteers who have dedicated their time and effort to the safety of this town and its inhabitants. This company has won many awards and have an excellent record around the state. There are some members on council who are against the purchase of this fire truck. One member has stated the company should depend upon East Windsor fire compa­ nies more. There is excellent mutual aid between the two commu­ nities. But Hightstown Engine Co. is right here AND CAN REACH LOCAL FIRES MORE EASILY AND FASTER THAN ANY OUTSIDE COMPANY, NO MATER HOW GOOD THEY ARE. If you have a fire, you want aid fast and FAST IS THE WORD FOR Hightstown ENGINE CO. NO. 1 Suppose the town had to pay fire fighters, that would be very costly. The town would have to pay fighters 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and with all benefits. THEY WERE ALL WINNERS The fire company needs this new truck They were all winners as they represented Paul’s Inn, Mercer Street, Hightstown, as part of the COME OUT MONDAY TO SUPPORT YOUR FIRE YMCA basketball league. Shown as they looked in 1950-51, the group went around the state playing bas­ COMPANY. Hightstown Council meets at 7:30 p.m. at the ketball against many teams. Pictured left to right are; William Randolph, Haywood Robinson, Jimmy Municipal Building, 148 North Main Street, second floor. Muse, Phillip Randolph, Lester Owens, Curtis Williams, and Clifford (Chink) Muse. Today’s players do Come early. not wear knee pads and wear longer shorts. Phillip Randolph said the team won some and lost some, but they always had a good time. Those were the days, he said, when people did things for themselves, even the young ones. Soon after this picture was taken several of the group went to war, the Korean War. EAST WINDSOR PRESENTS FREE MERCER COUNTY PUTTING COMMUNITY CONCERT FINISHING TOUCHES ON CELEBRATING BICENTENNIAL HIGHTSTOWN MEMORIAL BRANCH September 29th; The carpeting is in, shelves are being installed, and windows are being cleaned. It looks as though the branch may be open before the end of October, but no one has set a firm date yet. The new entrance on Franklin Street will be handi­ capped accessible, and there is a hose spigot near the War Memorial allowing the flower bed there to be watered more easily. These are only a few of the changes in store for patrons of the brick structure which the County has taken gone to great lengths to expand at this limited site while keeping the build­ ing’s original character. The old children’s section which looked out over the lake has been expanded, with the partition walls at either end removed so that the room now extends all the way to include the old magazine room as well as the old community room. There is a new community room closer to Franklin Street, as well as new staff space. The orig­ Mayor Janice Mironov announced Hast Windsor Township will inal building was construeted with the assumption present a special free community concert celebrating the Town­ that there would only be one librarian, and as the ship’s bicentennial, featuring the widely renowned KINGSTON County has expanded the number of services as well TRIO, Sunday, October 12 at 2 p.m. at the high school. as the number of hours, they have added staff. The King.ston Trio, a symbol of the American folk music cul­ Carpenter Charlie Johnston of New Look Con­ ture, is known for such hits as “Tom Dooley’’, “The M.T.A.”, struction, right, is installing the locksets on the new “Where Have All the Flowers Gone’’, and “Scotch and Soda”. entrance doors that replace the old doors, which The free concert is presented by the Township through the spon­ were in poor condition (and were not glazed with sorship of Comcast Cable, in association with Shi.scido America, Photo and story by Curtis Crowell safety glass). Inc., and Corestates Bank, N.A. Mayor Mironov termed The King.ston Trio “a musical institu­ tion whose timeless music has a broad-based appeal, and will pro­ vide a tremendously exciting vehicle to bring our community MUNICIPAL BUILDING DISPLAYS together in celebration to remember and highlight our past and to INDEX proudly welcome and promote our promising future. We hope the Reservations are now being accepted for individuals or GAZETTE DESK...2 entire community will join us for this glorious Ea,st Windsor cele­ groups interested in displaying art work or other exhibits at QUIZ OF bration”. the East Windsor Municipal Building. Display space can be THE WEEK........ On October 21 the Township of East Windsor will observe the reserved on a monthly basis by completing an Exhibit MORRELL______ .4 200th Anniversary of its incorporation. The Kingston Trio concert Reservation form available from the Recreation MALL REPORT......5 is part of an October climax of a year-long scries of East Windsor Department, 443-4000. LEGALS______ 6&7 Bicentennial events and programs. : i' ; « iJI Page 2 THE HIGHTSTOWN GAZETTE Thursday, October 2,1997 THE GAZETTE DESK QUIZ OF THE WEEK NEWS REPORTS liked to eat .some of the fruit. you and you don’t know him. News reporters for newspa­ And we liked to throw the over­ Another wish is to have the pers and radio and television ly ripe grapes at each other when old time milkman come back, have hit a new low in their pro­ the season was about to end. where he delivered milk door to fession with all the details of the We don’t remember when the door, daily or every other day or Marv Albert incidents and grapes died out and the posts three times a week, in all kinds guilty plea. were removed/ But we still have of weather. This business carry­ In past years none of these to be careful when we walk in ing a gallon of milk from the details would have been given, our back lot where the posts car, up the steps is a pain in the but now everything seems to go. were once put. neck. Hang out one’s dirty linen in We will throw in another public seems to be the usual WORLD WAR II complaint. How come medicine norm. We watched on Sunday a costs so much. Why does on It seems to us what men and three hour presentation on pay .$7.25 for one antibiotic pill. women do in private is their World War II from the time The answer, we are told, is business, not the public’s. But Hitler gathered his forces research. more and more cases of alleged together in the I920’s to con­ And we understand pharma­ sexual misbehavior are being quer the work to the end with the cies make 100 percent on the Two young girls are trying to sell the last garden wares of the sum­ aired in public, either for Nuremberg trials held in the city drugs, and maybe even more. mer. Perhaps you can read the insignia the one on the right is wear­ money, revenge, notoriety or of Bavaria, Germany. ing. Picture looks as if taken in the park. Do you know who they are? hones HELP FOR THEM­ Some of the footage we had APPOINTMENTS SELVES OR FOR OTHERS IN never seen before and whenever It has been announced that THE SAME SITUATION. we .see documentaries of this President Clinton will appoint ENVIRONMENTAL BILLS Clean Water Improvements on November Ballot We know in the past many kind, we wonder where the tele­ Florida state senator Daryl Voters Must Approve Funding women have suffered in silence vision station gets the fdms. Jones, a fighter pilot, to be Sec­ against the great men some men The station usually lists where retary of the Air Force. Two ballot questions this 2 and 3,” said Kyrillos. “Infra­ have committed against them. the films come from. This time If confirmed by the Senate, November will ask New Jersey structure investment in a busy, And it is good some of this has we missed seeing the sources. Jones would be the first black air voters to decide whether or not densely-populated state like been uncovered. This documentary was Force Secretary. Jones, 42, grad­ to fund a state clean water pro­ New Jersey is money well- However, some women send shown on Channel 12, WHYY, uated form the Air force Acade­ posal. spent,” added Kyrillos. “These mixed signals to men and vice and it was very interesting. my and served seven years in the If enough New Jerseyans ballot questions are very impor­ versa. If a woman knows over Documentaries such as this, Air force where he was an F-4 vote “yes” the state gets tant for environmental protec­ the years, or even once what a and this one especially should Phantom pilot. He is now a lieu­ revamped and expanded Envi­ tion, and they create and main­ man will do, why does she stay be shown in every classroom in tenant colonel in the Air force ronmental Infrastructure Trust - tain good new jobs.
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