' A-'5*': A V S E 4 ^ OAILS ClBOOLAnON. f n tke Month of Jnly> IMS SVnoenct of D. & Weather H a rtfird M' 5,159 Caondtjr, probaUj, ebo^en tonight Member of tiw Andit Bnrean and Saturday; alowl^ rleiBg temper* of carenlntfoni. atore, Sator^y. VOL. Ln.. NO. 267. (CaaaaUled Advertlalns on Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY, AUGUST 11,1983. SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS «»- Cuba In Grip Of Politieal Strife CONSUMERS PROTEST ■4’ LEADERS AGREE STATE MILK PRICES Join Restaurant Owners and NATION CONTINUES hdependent Dealers in BUSINESS UPTURN Indict Hartford Man His Own Political Organiza­ tion Sobmits Plan That Hartford — Suggest Con­ For New York Murder sumers’ Strike. Mercantile Review Says President Step Down m That Extension of Retail New York, Aug. 11 — (AP) —& It was understood that Tersao- Favor of General Alberto Hartford, Aiig. 11.—(AP)— A Lawrence J. Kelly, 26 of 100 Buck­ wich and Kenefic bad appeared ^ committee of codsumerE. today join­ ingham street, . Hartford, Conn., ana witnesses before the Grand Jury Trade Is Growing Wider. that returned toe indictment. j Herrera, Present Secre­ ed with restaurant owners and inde­ Eldward F. Moran. 22, of 694 Main Dr. Sylla, who was 60 years old, j pendent milk dealers in protesting street, Stamtord, Conn., were m- was found strangled in his fashion­ tary of War— Violence agfainst the increcuie in milk prices dieted today on charges ot first de­ able Elast 90tb street apartment j New York, Aug. 11.—(AP)— The gree murder in the death ot Dr. to the State Milk Control Board. July 24. His pockets and toe apart­ business upswing which continued E. Warren Sylla, wealthy dentist. ment had been rifled. Flares Anew as Car Car­ The price increase was effective for 16 weeks has been resumed aft-1 Magistrate Renaud liberated The indictment was disclosed yesterday and represented a jump Joseph Terasowich, 30, ot 15 Wood­ when toe men were arraigned in of two cents a quart to 14 cents to er a brief pause caused by uncer­ tainties surrounding the new indus­ land Place, Stamford, and Stanley Homicide (3ourt on charges of rying Pofice Is Bombed. consum ers. trial codes and a restricted seasonal Kenefic, 22, ot 63 Washington suspicion of homicide, on which The committee, named iast night recession in some lines. Dun and avenue, Stamford, who also had they bad been tentatively held. at a meeting here of 200 consumers, Bradstreet, Inc., said today in its been held in connection with toe Magistrate H. Stanley Renaud Havana, Aug. 11.—(AP)—Mem-, dentist’s slaying. Detectives at most of them housewives, appeared weekly traide review. dismissed toe tentative charges bers of toe executive committee of before the board in person today to Elxtension of retaU and wholesale Grim evidence of wholesale killing—crimson pools to a side street of Havana give mute testimony to once took them in custody to bold Eigainst the two men and turned lodg^e their protest. distribution has been wider than the sanguinary massacre that occurred near the Presidential Palace when guards fired on demonstrators them as material witnesses against them over to detectives to face toe President (^rardo Machado’s own wat commonly reported, the review celebrating a report that President Machado had resigned. Here natives stand to awe-stricken silence at the Kelly and Moran. indictment. Libera] Party said today that toe Denouncements of both the milk spot where several of their countrymen fell. board and dealers were heard at said, and rested c h i a real need for gove^-ument had submitted to Unit­ the meeting while some of the merchandise rather than a specula­ ed States Ambassador Sumner tive desire to seeh advantage of any speakers urged an immediate con­ Welles a counter-proposal by which sumers strike in protest against the probable, fluctuations in price trends. the President would surrender his increase. STOLE A MILLION PRESIDENT PLANNING Looking ahead, the agency en­ office to Genera] Alberto Herrera, Some SuggestionB SEES ECONOMIC DEATH visaged the straightening of the up­ toe present secretary of war. Among the suggestions for com­ ward sales curve in the opening fall The Popular and toe Conservative bating the milk price jump were months as more than counterbalanc­ parties already have demanded that pleas that every housewife leave a FROM POOR FOLKS NEW DEAL FOR CUBANS ing any slackening that may appear toe President step down, and now note to her milicTT»i.n discontinuing FOR CODE VIOLATORS in the next few weeks. his own political organization has milk until the price is reduced, a Retail Trade come forward with a plan accom­ plan for picketing milk plants, and “Retail trade” tsserted the re­ plishing toe same object. a direct appeal to Governor Wilbur view,” has continued to' hold the New York Real Estate Brok­ Program Provides for Sugar General Johnson Warns S p - LOAN FLOTATION The action of toe Liberals in part Lb Cross. gains made dmring tiie last several DOUBLE-CROSSED, Morris Gla^ei-man of Hartford, weeks, .having been bolstered Production Quota and reversed their decision yesterday who called the metting, urged that sturdily by the generous response to ers They Most Obey Rules er Is Held Under Bad of when they held that Ambassador the consumers strike be extended the August Clearance sales which TO FINANCE ROAD Welles was guilty of “intermed­ SAYS DALRY.MPLE dling” and that his mediation activi­ for a two weeks period and that have been general throughout the $ 100,000. Complete Reorganization housewives use condensed milk as a country.” or Bine Eagle Will Be ties were prejudicial to toe sover­ substitute for the products of “Increasing buying power has eignty o f Chiba. dairies. served to check the usual midsum­ of the Debts of the Island. Fairfield County Would Issue Ramon de Leon and number of Max Maron of Hartford who pre­ mer dedine to evidence at t.hta Tiiken Away. Ex-Director of Dry Bureau New York, Aug. 11.—(AP) — members of toe Liberal executive sided, pointed out that milk prices period and d^tartipent stores are Ctoarwomen’s cheers echoed in toe committee gave confirmation that /■ holding volume to an increasingly had increased four cents to consum-; ears of Lorenz Strack, a real estate 12 Million Bonds to Speed the counter-proposal had been sub­ greater extent at a level above that Hyde Park, Aug. 11.—(AP)— ers since March and asserted that Washington, Aug 11.—(AP)— A Says He Did Not Send mitted. for the comparative period last broker, as be sat in a cell today but Outlines of toe State Department’s 12 cents a quart for milk was an flat prediction that a case of revo­ they brought him no comfort for By this plan toe present secretary yqar. program for a new order in (^ba Up Highway. of state, Orestes Ferrara, would re­ ample price. ' “Restored public confidence, the cation, of the “Blue Eagle” emblem­ Out Telegrams. they were not for him. Another speaker, Samuel Stein­ 'i^ey were for a magistrate, who became known today as President sign and General Heri'era would be ^Approaching termination of the va­ atic of compliance with the Na­ appointed by President Machado to berg asserted that the two cent in' cation hdidays and early prepara­ on hearing him denounced as “a Roosevelt silently waited for an tional Recovery Administration will Bridgeport, Aug. 11.— (AP)—Flo­ his p o s t crease would **meau taking tions for fall requirements are Ponzi” held aim In $100,000 qail on early response to his declaration Washington, Aug. 11.—(AP)—A. tation by Fairfield county of a bond from the mouths of babies.” among the encouraging_ _features_______ arise and'that .. will mean “eco- grand larceny charges. for an end to political warfare on Leave of Absence The speakers also protes; whiclTshould result in further^retatt, ;Oomic death," to the offeii(j^ was V. Datoymple <6t the second me Strack, a corpulent man who toe island. issue of $12,000,000 to $15,000,000 Thereafter General against recent increases in the p:‘ expansion duitog the next made today by ;^ugh 3. Johnaon, the today had 'eft a job in ,«hlrb he looked straight ahead and.said ; It waa leordbd a_£rog^am provid­ to finance speedy construction of would' aAT^Cbngress for a leave of abseaxie, thus opening the way for ^i^.,hrend.and we.ks,” ' NRA admfnlftttRbr.- helped the Federj^ government_____ en­ nothing was \mtU'recently a pillar ing for a sugar production quota, toe Merritt highway linking I^ r- increase was due in S^teiAer. At his press copfeoenpe, Johnson of YorkvlUe, New Ydrit’s “Litt]» a Complete .-eorganization of ,the QMeral Herrera to succeed to toe The review noted tlu^ ‘‘whDie$ale force toe pr^hition laws. fleld and Westchester counties is Suggestions also were made for the bU5dng has been resumed' wlth'all promised that violators of modified Germ any.” external and internal debt o< toe presideocy in conformity with toe picketing of bakeries by houae- it former vigor and wholesale dry- presidential reemploirment agree­ His last retirement— yesterdi y, House servants, scrub women, country on a lower basis, a ~ new recommended today in a report filed provisions of toe Cuban Constitu­ w lves. goods sales have spurted sensation­ ments would be disciplined if it because the Prohibition Bureau storekeepers brought h«-n their deal for land develooracnl and re- by toe Merritt highway committee tion. While consumers planned to car­ ally.” were found that they were not com- was reorganizedr—was accompa*-- savings for investment, toe magis­ of toe Fairfield County Association General Heirera’s occupancy of ry their protest to the board, anoth­ pl)ung with, their pledge to raise ied by a public statement that as trate was told yesterday.
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