lssN 0378-3693 Bulletln OF THE EUROPEAN @MMUNITIES commission 6gffiy No 9 1979 Volume 12 The Bulletin of the European Communities reports on the activities of the Commission and the other Community institutions. lt is edited by the Secretariat-General of the Commission (rue de la Loi 200, B-1049 Brussels) and published eleven times a year (one lssue covers July and August) in the offrcial Community languages and Spanish. Reproduction is authorized provided the source is acknowledged The following reference system is used' the first digit indicates the part number, the second digit the chapter number and the subsequent drgit or digits the point number Citations should therefore read as follows: Bull EC 1-1979, point 1 1 3 or 2.2.36. Supplements to the Bulletin are published in a separate serles at irregular intervals. They contain official Commission material (e.9. communications to the Council, programmes, reporls and proposals) The Supplements do not appear in Spanish Printed in Belgium \ BULLETIN OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES European Coal and Steel Community European Economic Community European Atomic Energy Community Commission of the European Communities Secretariat-General Brussels \_ No9 197 I Sent to press in Ociober 1979. Volume 12 contents PART ONE PETfIfl',, 1. Renewal of the Lom6 Convention: A new contract for ACP-EEC cooperation 2. The shipbuilding crisis Commission report and communica- tions - 13 Proposals for the reform of the Commission Report by the lndependent Review Body - 16 PAHT TWO fi,"JLTIffBER leze 1. Building the Community 26 - Economic and monetary policy 26 - lnternal market and industrial affairs 29 - Customs union 32 - Competition 32 - Financial institutions and taxation 36 - Employment and social policy 36 - Regional policy 38 - Environment and consumer protection 39 - Agriculture 41 - Fisheries . 45 - Transport 47 - Energy 48 - Research and development, science and education 50 2. Enlargement and axternal relations 53 - Enlargement and bilateral relations with applicant countries 53 - Commercial policy 54 - Development 56 - lnternational organizations 60 - Relations with certain countries and regions 63 - Political cooperation 67 lnstitutional and political matters 70 - lnstitutional developments - European policy 70 - lnstitutions and organs of the Communities 72 o Parliament 72 t Council T7 t Commission 80 ' Court of Justice a2 ' Court of Auditors 86 ' E@nomic and Social Committee 86 ' ECSC Consultative Commiftee 88 t European lnvestmsnt Bank 90 - Financing Community activities 96 PART TH R EE DocuMENrAroN 1. Units of account 102 2. Additional references in the Official Journal 10s 3. lnf ringement procedures 107 4. The Community atthe United Nations 107 Publications of the European Communities Supplements 1979 1179 European Union - Annual r€poris for 1978 2179 Accession of the Communities to the European Convention on Human Rights - Commission memorandum 3n9 Forestry policy in the European Community 4ng Second Community programme for consumers sng Air Transport: A Community approach Memorandum of the Commission - \ PART ONE SPECIAL FEATURES \ Standardized abbreviations for the dosignation of cerlain monotary units in the diflerent languages of the Community: BFR : Belgische frank/Frarrc belge LFR : Franc luxombourgeois DKR : Dansk krone FF : Franc frangais OM : Dsutsche Mark LIT : Lira italiana HFL : Ned€dands€ gulden (Hollandso floriin) UKL : Pound steding IRL : lrish pound USD : United States dollar 1. Renewal of the Lom6 Convention ACP-EEC A new contract for ACP-EEC number of fields. Continuity is thus linked progress. cooperation with The basic principles 1.1.1. On 15 September, following negotia- of the Lom6 policy tions that had been officially opened at ministerial level on 24 July 1978' and had 1.1.3. The policy embodied in the first often proved difficult, the ACP gave their ACP-EEC Convention' signed in 7975 rep- agreement to the text of a new ACP-EEC resented an original model for a new type of Convention, subject to a few points to be relations between Europe and the developing settled between the ACP and EEC Presidents countries with four basic tenets: (these have now been settled). This will take based over from the Lom6 Convention, which since (i) Securiry of cooperation relations, 7976 has governed relations between the on a de iure system resulting from a contract Community and some fifty African, Carib- freely negotiated between equal partners. bean and Pacific States. (ii) The establishment between rwo regional groups of a single contract, excluding any The main issues had been settled at a minis- manipulation or discrimination that might be terial conference held in Brussels from 25 to caused by unilateral assessments of the part- 27 but the agreement reached still had June,2 ners' sovereign choices of economic systems, be submitted for consideration by all the to policies or modes of development. This governments involved; indeed, even after the means placing cooperation in the context of texts were finalized by the two Secretariats non-alignment and respect for national and (EEC ACP), ACP countries had and the still cultural individualiry. ceftain reservations. By recording their agree- ment to the draft Convention in mid- (iii) An overall approach defining and September, following the elucidation of cer- bringing together all the instruments of coop- tain points and subject to the few points men- eration so that, through their diversity, a tioned above the ACP States-now number- balanced response can be made to needs ing 57 compared with the 46 that signed the which vary according to the different Lom6 Convention in February 19753-gave economic structures and levels of develop- the green light for the signing of this new ment and are defined on the basis of contract for North-South cooperation, which priorities set by the ACP countries them- is scheduled to take place in Lom6 on 31 selves. October. 'Lom6 II' will cover a period of five (iv) Cooperation based on a permanent years expiring in March 1985. dialogue made possible by the institutional structure-which is much the same as under Consolidatlon of a policy 1.1.2. The agreement reached on the con- ' Bull. EC 718-1978, points 1.3.1 to 1.3.5. point tent of the new Convention consolidates the ' Bull. EC 6-1979, 2.2.45. ' Bull. EC 1-1975, points 1101 to 1105 and2-1975, 'Lom6 policy' by maintaining what has been point 2324. achieved and by introducing innovations in a ' OJ L 25 ot 30.1.1976. Bull. EC 9-7979 ACP.EEC ACP-EEC the Lom6 Convention-but has now been social activity: launching of a genuine policy given greater scope in that consultations will of cooperation in the mining sector, establish- become more intensive. ment of machinery for industrial consulta- tions, operations .planned in the fields of Improving on past achievements energy cooperation, fisheries and labour (problem of migrant workers). 1.1.4. The basic principles that gave the Lom6 policy its originality therefore remain and the new Convention fits into this estab- The content ol the new Convention lished framework. Over and above the adjustments, progress and innovations 1.1.5. With the strengthening of certain brought by the new provisions, the essential provisions in the present Convention and the point is the confirmation of a political choice improvements or innovations now intro- and of a rype of inter-regional relationship in duced, the broad outlines of the new ACP- the North-South context. EEC Convention are as follows. Maintaining what exists involves pursuing a poliry of opening up the Communiry market Trade cooperation to our partners' products and providing financing which increases in real terms while 1.1.6. The provisions of Lom6 II confirm remaining within Europe's present the opening up of the Communiry market. the scope and capabilities. It means enlarging Since 99.5 % of ACP exports were already making effectiveness of the Stabex system, guaranteed free access the possible improve- suited the methods and instruments better to ments could only be marginal. the requirements of agricultural or industrial development, improving the administration New concessions have been made for some of financial cooperation and so on. agricultural products, which are exported in limited quantities but are of particular in the new Con- The innovations introduced importance to certain ACP countries: this extension of the scope of vention involve an applies, for example, to tomatoes from cooperation. The policies already initiated Senegal and onions from Cape Verde. Special Convention will be taken still under the first attention has been paid to two products applies, for example, to Stabex, further: this which are traditionally exported to certain mobilization of funds to trade promotion, the countries the Community and are of official aid which the Third of supplement the undoubted economic importance to several (particularly for its industrial World requires ACP countries. The first is beef, produced the strengthening of contacts development), mainly by Botswana and accountinglor 56oh firms, increased financing of rural between of that country's exports. In spite of the dif- and improvement the dis- microprojects, of ficulties on the Community's meat market, knowhow and technology in semination of the preferential treatment accorded under the agricultural sector. Lom6 (no customs duties-90 7o reduction in In addition new fields are being broached, import dues) has been improved upon and which means that the dialogue between the consolidated. An effort has also been made to Community and its partners is gradually help the producers of rum, an important being extended to all areas of economic and export for several Caribbean countries. 8 Bull. EC 9-L979 ACP.EEC ACP.EEC However, despite the possibilities offered by its scope was extended during the life of the the Lom6 Convention, much still had to be first Convention and the list has now been done to boost trade promotion. further extended from 34 to 44 products or subproducts covering the bulk of the agricul- Besides giving each country the oppomunity turil commodities that play any significant of proposing trade promotion schemes for part in the economies of the ACP countries.
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