APPENDIX C Biological Sensitive Species List Appendix C Biological Sensitive Species Lists Table C-1 Special Status Plant Species Reported or Potentially Occurring within the General Plan Update Boundary Federal State CNPS Common Name Scientific Name Status(1) Status(2) List(3) MHCP Status Habitat Associations Angiosperms - Monocotyledons Orcutt's Brodiaea 1B.1 Vernal pools, valley and foothill brodiaea orcuttii grassland, closed-cone coniferous forest, cismontane woodland, chaparral, meadows. San Diego Muilla 1B.1 Narrow endemic Chaparral, coastal scrub, valley and goldenstar clevelandii foothill grassland, vernal pools. thread-leaved Brodiaea filifolia FT SE 1B.1 Narrow endemic Cismontane woodland, coastal scrub, brodiaea playas, valley and foothill grassland, vernal pools. Angiosperms - Dicotyledons beach Heterotheca 1B.1 Coastal dunes, coastal scrub, goldenaster sessiliflora ssp. chaparral (coastal). sessiliflora California Adolphia 2.1 Chaparral, coastal sage scrub, valley adolphia californica and foothill grassland. coast woolly Nemacaulis 1B.2 Coastal dunes. heads denudata var. denudata Coulter's Atriplex coulteri 1B.2 Coastal bluff scrub, coastal dunes, saltbush coastal scrub, valley and foothill grassland. decumbent Isocoma 1B.2 Coastal scrub. goldenbush menziesii var. decumbens delicate clarkia Clarkia delicata 1B.2 Cismontane woodland, chaparral. Del Mar Arctostaphylos FE 1B.1 Narrow endemic, Chaparral, closed-cone coniferous manzanita glandulosa ssp. Covered forest. crassifolia Del Mar Mesa Corethrogyne 1B.1 Narrow endemic, Chaparral, coastal scrub. sand aster filaginifolia var. Covered linifolia dwarf burr (San Ambrosia FE 1B.1 Narrow endemic, Chaparral, coastal scrub, valley and Diego) pumila Covered foothill grassland. ambrosia Encinitas Baccharis FT SE 1B.1 Narrow endemic, Chaparral. baccharis vanessae Covered Engelmann oak Quercus 4.2 Covered Chaparral, coast live oak woodland, engelmannii grassland. felt-leaved Monardella 1B.2 Chaparral, cismontane woodland. monardella hypoleuca ssp. lanata Escondido General Plan, Downtown Specific Plan October 2011 and Climate Action Plan EIR Page C-1 APPENDIX C BIOLOGICAL SENSITIVE SPECIES LISTS Federal State CNPS Common Name Scientific Name Status(1) Status(2) List(3) MHCP Status Habitat Associations little mousetail Myosurus 3.1 Wetland community Vernal pools. minimus ssp. obligate, Narrow apus endemic, Covered Moran's Navarretia FT 1B.1 Vernal pools, chenopod scrub, navarretia fossalis marshes and swamps, playas. Nuttall's scrub Quercus 1B.1 Covered Closed-cone coniferous forest, oak dumosa chaparral, coastal scrub. Orcutt's Hazardia FC ST 1B.1 Narrow endemic, Chaparral, coastal scrub. hazardia orcuttii Covered Orcutt's Chorizanthe FE SE 1B.1 Narrow endemic, Coastal scrub, chaparral, closed-cone spineflower orcuttiana Covered coniferous forest. Palmer's Ericameria 1B.1 Coastal scrub, chaparral. goldenbush palmeri ssp. palmeri Palmer’s Harpagonella 4.2 Grasslands, Diegan Sage Scrub. grapplinghook palmeri Parish's Atriplex parishii 1B.1 Alkali meadows, vernal pools, brittlescale chenopod scrub, playas. Parry's Tetracoccus 1B.2 Covered Chaparral, coastal scrub. tetracoccus dioicus purple Stemodia 2.1 Sonoran desert scrub. stemodia durantifolia Rainbow Arctostaphylos 1B.1 Chaparral. manzanita rainbowensis Ramona Horkelia 1B.3 Chaparral, cismontane woodland. horkelia truncata Robinson's Lepidium 1B.2 Chaparral, coastal scrub. pepper-grass virginicum var. robinsonii round-leaved California 1B.1 Cismontane woodland, valley and filaree macrophylla foothill grassland. San Diego Ferocactus 2.1 Covered Chapparal, Diegan coastal scrub, barrel cactus viridescens valley and foothill grassland. San Diego Eryngium FE SE 1B.1 Wetland community Vernal pools, coastal scrub, valley and button-celery aristulatum var. obligate, Narrow foothill grassland. parishii endemic San Diego Iva hayesiana 2.2 Covered Marshes and swamps, playas. marsh-elder San Diego milk- Astragalus 1B.2 Chaparral, cismontane woodland, vetch oocarpus meadows. San Diego Artemisia 4.2 Riparian, wetland, adjacent uplands. sagewort palmeri San Diego Acanthomintha FT SE 1B.1 Narrow endemic, Chaparral, coastal scrub, valley and thorn-mint ilicifolia Covered foothill grassland, vernal pools. sea dahlia Leptosyne 2.2 Coastal scrub, coastal bluff scrub. maritima Escondido General Plan, Downtown Specific Plan October 2011 and Climate Action Plan EIR Page C-2 APPENDIX C BIOLOGICAL SENSITIVE SPECIES LISTS Federal State CNPS Common Name Scientific Name Status(1) Status(2) List(3) MHCP Status Habitat Associations smooth tarplant Centromadia 1B.1 Valley and foothill grassland, pungens ssp. chenopod scrub, meadows, playas, laevis riparian woodland. southern Centromadia 1B.1 Marshes and swamps (margins), tarplant parryi ssp. valley and foothill grassland. australis sticky dudleya Dudleya viscida 1B.2 Coastal scrub, coastal bluff scrub, chaparral. summer holly Comarostaphyli 1B.2 Covered Chaparral. s diversifolia ssp. diversifolia variegated Dudleya 1B.2 Narrow endemic Chaparral, coastal scrub, cismontane dudleya variegata woodland, valley and foothill grassland. wart-stemmed Ceanothus 2.2 Covered Chaparral. ceanothus verrucosus (1) Federal Status – FE = Federally Endangered; FT = Federally Threatened; FC = Candidate for federal listing; FD = Delisted (2) State Status – SE = State Endangered; ST = State Threatened (3) CNPS – 1A = Plants presumed extinct in California; 1B = Plants rare, threatened, or endangered in California and elsewhere; 2 = Plants rare, threatened, or endangered in California, but more common elsewhere; 3 = Plants in need of more information; 4 = Plants of limited distribution. x.1 = Seriously endangered in California (>80% of occurrences threatened or high degree and immediacy of threat). x.2 = Fairly endangered in California (20-80% of occurrences threatened). x.3 = Not very endangered in California (<20% of occurrences threatened or no current threats known) Source: CNDDB 2011, SANDAG 2003; USFWS 2011; CDFG 2011; City of Escondido 2001 Escondido General Plan, Downtown Specific Plan October 2011 and Climate Action Plan EIR Page C-3 APPENDIX C BIOLOGICAL SENSITIVE SPECIES LISTS Table C-2 Special Status Wildlife Species Reported or Potentially Occurring within the General Plan Update Boundary Federal State MHCP Status Common Name Scientific Name Status(1) Status(2) Habitat INVERTEBRATES Crustaceans San Diego fairy Branchinecta FE Wetland Vernal pools. shrimp sandiegonensis community obligate, Narrow endemic Insects Hermes copper Lycaena hermes Found in southern mixed butterfly chaparral and coastal sage scrub at western edge of Laguna mountains. Harbison’s dun Euphyes vestries Narrow endemic, Riparian woodland, riparian skipper harbisoni Covered scrub, oak woodland. Monarch butterfly Danaus plexippus Roosts located in wind-protected tree groves, such as eucalyptus, Monterey pine, and cypress trees where nectar and water sources are available. Quino Checkerspot Euphydryas editha FE Coastal sage scrub, vernal pools, quino native grassland Mollusks Mimic tryonia Tryonia imitator Inhabits coastal lagoons, (=California estuaries, and salt marshes. brackishwater snail) AMPHIBIANS Arroyo toad Anaxyrus californicus FE SCC Semi-arid regions near washes, rivers, or intermittent streams, including valley-foothill and desert riparian areas and desert washes. California red-legged Rana draytonii FT SCC Aquatic, riparian frog Western spadefoot Spea hammondii BLMS SSC Covered Occurs primarily in ponds located toad in grassland habitats, but can be found in valley-foothill hardwood woodlands. REPTILES Coast (San Diego) Phrynosoma BLMS, FS SCC Inhabits coastal sage scrub and horned lizard coronatum (blainvillii chaparral in arid and semi-arid population) climate conditions. Coast patch-nosed Salvadora hexalepis SSC Brushy or shrubby vegetation in snake virgultea coastal southern California. Coastal western Aspidoscelis tigris Found in deserts and semiarid whiptail stejnegeri areas with sparse vegetation and open areas and in woodland and riparian areas. Escondido General Plan, Downtown Specific Plan October 2011 and Climate Action Plan EIR Page C-4 APPENDIX C BIOLOGICAL SENSITIVE SPECIES LISTS Federal State MHCP Status Common Name Scientific Name Status(1) Status(2) Habitat Coronado island skink Pleistiodon skiltonianus BLMS SSC Found in grassland, chaparral, interparietalis pinyon-juniper and juniper sage woodland, and pine-oak and pine forests. Northern red- Crotalus ruber ruber SSC Found in chaparral, woodland, diamond rattlesnake grassland, and desert areas from coastal San Diego County to the eastern slopes of the mountains. Orange-throated Aspidoscelis hyperythra SSC Covered Inhabits low-elevation coastal whiptail scrub, chaparral, and valley- foothill hardwood habitats. Rosy boa Charina trivirgata FS Found in desert and chaparral habitats from the coast to the Mojave. Prefers moderate to dense vegetation and rocky cover. San Diego horned Phrynosoma FC SSC Coastal sage scrub, chaparral lizard coronatum blainvillei Southwestern pond Actinemys marmorata SSC Wetland Inhabits permanent or nearly turtle pallida community permanent bodies of water in obligate, Covered many habitat types below 6,000 feet. Two-striped garter Thamnophis BLMS, FS SSC Found in or near permanent snake hammondii fresh water and often along streams with rocky beds and riparian growth. Western pond turtle Emys marmorato BLMS, FS SSC Found in or near permanent or intermittent fresh water BIRDS Belding's savannah Passerculus SE Wetland Inhabits coastal
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