Programme Information EUROMAT 2007 www.euromat2007.fems.org European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes 10-13 September 2007 Nuremberg, Germany Organising Societies: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde Deutscher Verband für Materialforschung und -prüfung Polskie Towarzystwo Materialoznawcze Euromat Series The Euromat Series Euromat 2007 Euromat meetings held every two Nürnberg, the medieval city in the years are sponsored by the Federa- north of Bavaria was the former tion of European Materials Socie- residence of the German Emperors ties. They have become prime venu- and venue of the early Diet Parlia- es in Europe for a major gathering ments. Euromat will take place in of academics and industrialists with the new congress centre that is part an interest in Materials Science of the Nürnberg fair grounds situa- and Engineering. ted close to the historic centre. The Euromat series is organised by Congress Chairs FEMS and represents a showcase F. Delannay, University of Louvain, of activities within the European Belgium (Chairman) materials community. Previous con- T.W. Clyne, University of Cambrid- ferences were held in the following ge, UK venues: K.J. Kurzydlowski, Warsaw Univer- sity of Technology, Poland 1989: Aachen, D P.D. Portella, Federal Institute for 1991: Cambridge, UK Materials Research and Testing, 1993: Paris, F Berlin, Germany 1995: Padua, I E. Zschech, AMD Saxony, Dresden, 1997: Maastricht, NL Germany 1999: München, D S. van der Zwaag, Delft University 2001: Rimini, I of Technology, The Netherlands 2003: Lausanne, CH 2005: Prague, CZ Congress Manager P.P. Schepp, Deutsche Gesellschaft Exhibition: MSE 2007 für Materialkunde, Frankfurt, Ger- EUROMAT 2007 will be held in many conjunction with the exhibition Materials Scien- FEMS Awards ce and Enginee- At the occasion of Euromat, FEMS MSE ring (MSE) a presents its highest distinctions: new exhibition • The European Materials Medal is 07 concept repre- awarded to an active materials senting the coun- scientist or engineer for distinguish- terpart to the ed contributions to Materials Scien- huge technology oriented fairs ce and Engineering. where materials engineering only • The Materials Science and Tech- figures as a cross sectional disci- nology Prize is awarded to a pline that is split among numerous young European materials scientist product areas. MSE will demonstra- or engineer in recognition of a sig- te the competition of the materials nificant contribution to MST. It con- classes and processes and will sists of a full set of the 20-volume attach great importance to measu- WILEY-VCH book series. ring devices and characterisation tools as used in research labs. Information Posters Publications The newly introduced Oral Poster There will be no publication of a com- presentation allows poster authors plete set of proceedings. However, it to introduce their poster in a is anticipated that a number of jour- 3-minute lecture during the lecture nals may decide to base special issu- sessions. In addition, Oral Posters es on particular Topics or Symposia. will be presented at the evening This is up to the Topic Coordinators or Poster Sessions I or II. Symposium Organisers. The Poster Sessions will form a promi- nent and important part of the Euromat List of committed publications conference. Posters will be displayed (by May 07): in two sets, session I posters being up for Monday/Tues- • Symposium B25 (Highly Porous day and session II Metals and Ceramics): 'Advanced posters for Wed- Engineering Materials' published by nesday/Thursday. Wiley-VCH The focus of the • Symposium C51 (Thin Film Techno- poster system will logy) and Symposium C54 (Industrial be the evenings of Applications): 'Advanced Engineering Monday (session Materials' published by Wiley-VCH I) and Wednesday (session II), when • Symposium C52 (Thick Coating authors are expected to be available Developments and Technology): 'Jour- next to their posters. nal of Thermal Spray Technology' All delegates are encouraged to view published by ASM international the posters and perhaps discuss their • Topic X4 (Biomedical Engineering): contents with the authors. Throughout 'Advances in Applied Ceramics: Struc- these two evenings, free refreshments tural, Functional and Bioceramics', and snacks will be available. There Maney Publishing on behalf of the will be a total of 10 Euromat Poster Pri- Institute of Materials, Minerals and zes awarded - 5 for each session. Mining Short Courses Programme A set of short introductory courses with The preliminary programme is dis- topical themes will be run in conjunc- played on the website and up- tion with the congress, to be held on dated regularly throughout the peri- Sunday 9th September from 10:00 to od prior to the congress. As a spe- 17:00 h. The venue of the Short Cour- cial feature, an individual program- ses is the EUROMAT Conference me with selected papers may be Centre. created online and will be stored Attending a Short Course requires an until the conference. extra fee. The number of participants for each course will be limited to 40. Details of the courses will shortly be published on the EUROMAT website. Side Events Venue Accomodation The Nuremberg Congress Center Blocks of rooms available at special (CCN) offers rates have been set aside in several excellent facilities hotels. Details are available on the for both congres- website. When reserving these rooms, sing and exhibit- the booking code ‘Euromat 2007’ ing. The four levels should be used. accommodate 20 lecture halls and Registration ample poster dis- Particpants should register online at play areas. The exhibition area is loca- www.euromat2007.fems.org ted on the first level. The congress fees are as follows: Industry / 4 days: 740 EUR Opening Industry / 2 days: 580 EUR The Opening Ceremony will take place University / 4 days: 520 EUR at 18:00 h on Sunday night including University / 2 days: 380 EUR the presentation of the FEMS awards. Student / 4 days: 250 EUR The ceremony will be highlighted by a Plenary Lecture on ‘Technologies for Short Courses (additional): 250 EUR Secure and Sustainable Energy’ presen- ted by Steve Konin, British Petroleum, From 31 July 2007, there will be a UK surcharge of 50 EUR for late regi- stration. Members of FEMS member Conference Dinner societies are eligible for a 10% dis- The ‘European Night’ will take place on count. Tuesday from 19:30 h. There will be two options in parallel: A traditional Ilschner Memorial Banquet in a large hall, and a Get- Bernhard Ilschner, Professor at the Uni- Together in the Biergarten of a brewery. versities of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Ger- Both events require an additional fee: many, and Lausanne, Switzerland, died Banquet: 70 EUR in early 2006. On Monday 10 Sept, a Get-Together: 40 EUR special session will The venue of the events will be given on be held on selected the website. lectures given by his former students, col- Lunch leagues and com- Several food stations in the CCN offer panions. The special snacks and beverages for sale. Lunches session will be follo- can also be taken in on-site restaurants. wed by a comme- As an alternative, the two-hour break is moration dinner in the ‘National Muse- long enough to allow lunch to be taken um’ in Nuremberg. The attendance of in the centre of Nuremberg. the special session and the dinner re- quire registration on the website, but registration for Euromat is not presup- posed. Topics and Symposia Topics and Symposia Topic Area A: A42 Semiconducting Nanowires: Functional Materials Catalysis, Growth and Integration (J.D. Holmes, University College A1: Electronic and Photonic Cork, IRE) Materials A43 Materials for Nanotubes and N. Koch, Humboldt University Nanowires (P. Vereecken, IMEC, Leu- Berlin, D ven, B; S.E. Schulz, Chemnitz Univer- A11 Fundamental Properties of sity of Technology, D) Organic Semiconductors and Materi- als for Solid State Memories (E. A5: Advanced Polymers Zojer, Graz University of Technology, G. Wegner, Max Planck Institute A; T. Mikolajick, Technical University for Polymer Research, D of Freiberg, D A51 Polymer-Nanoparticle-Blends A12 Organic Electronic Devices and their Applications (S. Förster, (N. Koch, Humboldt University University of Hamburg, D) Berlin, D) A52 Polymers as Functional Electro- A13 Molecule-based Electronics nic, Dielectric and Energy related (B. de Boer, University of Groningen Materials (J.K. Kallitsis, University of Netherlands; S.J. van der Molen, Patras, GR; J. Ulanski, Technical University of Basel, CH) University of Lodz, PL) A2: Magnetic Materials A6 Functional Ceramic L. Schultz, Leibniz Institute for Solid Materials and Devices State and Materials Research, Dres- M.J. Hoffmann, University of Karls- den, D ruhe, D A21 Hard and Soft Magnetic Mate- A61 Dielectric and Piezoelectric rials (I.R. Harris, The University of Bir- Ceramics and Devices (W. Wolny, mingham, UK) Ferroperm Piezoceramics A/S, Kvist- A22 Magnetic Nanoparticles and gaard, DK; M. Kosec, Institute Josef Nanowires (B. Rellinghaus, Leibniz Stefan, Ljubljana, SLO) Institute for Solid State and Materials A62 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (E. Ivers- Research, Dresden, D) Tiffée, University of Karlsruhe, D; A23 Magnetic Thin Films M. Mogensen, RISO National Labo- (H.H. Gatzen, Leibniz University Han- ratory, Roskilde, DK) nover, Garbsen, D) A4: Materials for Nanotubes Topic Area B: and Nanowires Structural Materials C.M. Whelan, Interuniversity Micro- electronics Center, Leuven, B; B1: Advanced Structural R. Spolenak, ETH Zurich, CH Ceramics A41 Carbon Nanotubes: Catalysis, G. Schneider, Robert Bosch Corp., Growth and Integration (W.I. Milne, Palo Alto, USA University of Cambridge, UK) B11 Advanced Nanostructures (W.J. Clegg, University of Cambridge, UK; P. Sajgalik, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, SK) B12 Ceramic Composite Concepts B32 Concrete and Reinforced Con- (J.S. Moya, CSIC, Madrid, E; crete (H. Budelmann, Braunschweig A. Bellosi, IRTEC Research Institute University of Technology, D) for Ceramics Technology, Faenza, I) B13 Modelling and Reliability of B4: Materials for the Ceramic Materials and Components Extreme Environment (G.A. Schneider, Hamburg University H.-H.
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