SSppeenncceerr,, MMaassssaacchhuusseettttss CCoommmmuunniittyy MMaasstteerr PPllaann 1753 - - 2003 June 2003 Prepared for the Spencer Planning Board by the Spencer Master Plan Committee Technical Assistance Provided by: The Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission Dr. John Mullin, UMass Center for Economic Development Haley & Ward Inc., Engineers COMMUNITY MASTER PLAN For the Town of SPENCER, MASSACHUSETTS Prepared for the Spencer Planning Board By the Spencer Master Plan Committee Michael Engel, Chairman William Bowles, Vice Chairman Hal Campbell, Planning Board Kenneth Wheeler Joan Allen Marilyn Sharry Linda Mandella Former Committee Members: Wendy Beauvais, James Laney, Donna Flannery, Rick Gonzalez, David Beer, and Charlene Kaiser – Spencer Housing Authority. Planning Board support provided by Timothy Smith, Planning Board Assistant. April 2003 Technical Assistance Provided by the Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (Stephen J. Wallace, Project Manager), Dr. John Mullin, UMass Center for Economic Development, and Haley & Ward Inc., Engineers Partial funding for this project was provided under Executive Order-418, through a scope of work approved by the State’s Interagency Working Group. SPENCER MASSACHUSETTS, 2003 COMMUNITY MASTER PLAN Table of Contents Chapter Page Introduction..........................................................................................................................1 Goals & Policies...................................................................................................................3 Brief Town History..............................................................................................................6 Town Government: Facilities & Services............................................................................8 Transportation Network .....................................................................................................34 Housing..............................................................................................................................52 Economic Development .....................................................................................................70 Land Use & Zoning............................................................................................................88 Implementation Plan........................................................................................................112 Maps Following Page Water System Service Area Map.......................................................................................11 Sewer System Service Area Map.......................................................................................12 Daily Traffic Volume Map ................................................................................................39 Existing Land Use Map......................................................................................................88 Town Zoning Map .............................................................................................................90 Land Use Analysis Map.....................................................................................................94 Future Land Use Map ......................................................................................................100 Appendices Appendix A – Spencer Open Space & Recreation Plan (serves as the Master Plan’s chapters on natural features and open space/recreation) Appendix B – Report of the Traffic & Parking Advisory Committee Appendix C – Fire Department Capital Equipment Needs Assessment Appendix D – Reuse Proposal for the David Prouty Intermediate School Appendix E – Water & Sewer System Analysis Report by Haley & Ward Inc. Appendix F – Master Plan Citizen Survey Results Appendix G – DHCD Downtown Resource Guide Appendix H – Master Plan Public Forums TOWN OF SPENCER MASTER PLAN AN INTRODUCTION As with every entity, from the largest governmental and private organizations, to the individual family unit, the need to plan for the effective use of available resources is paramount. Without planning and structure, the chances of optimizing the best and highest value of human, natural and capital resources is diminished. In the case of community planning, small towns such as Spencer need a plan for managing its future growth. It is a fact of life that communities grow, whether through an increase in population, housing, and/or economic development activity. Managing growth has always been a considerable challenge for local governments. Towards this end, Spencer’s town planners have recognized the need for a community Master Plan in order to help local officials act in concert on a common agenda for the long-range good of the Town. Chapter 41, Section 81-D of Massachusetts General law states that a community Master Plan shall be “…a basis for decision making regarding the long-term physical development of the municipality.” It further states that such a plan “…identifies the goals and policies of the municipality for its future growth and development.” In a practical sense, community Master Plans have always been intended to serve as a land use and future development policy guide for local decision makers. Typically, a community Master Plan does five things: ¨ Articulates the goals and objectives of the community (i.e., what the community wants for its future, what type of community it wants to be); ¨ Outlines the existing resources and conditions of a community (this is usually done through a review of existing data sources, collection of new data, and updates of inventory information); ¨ Evaluates and assesses the existing resources and conditions with an eye towards identifying shortfalls and deficiencies; ¨ Projects the current trends and conditions into the future in an effort to identify shortcomings that can be corrected through advanced planning, as well as the future needs of the community; ¨ Sets forth a strategy for addressing the needs of the community and helping the community become what it wants to be. Although a community Master Plan has the latitude to deal with a variety of issues and concerns, there are several subjects that such a plan must address by law. Chapter 41, Section 81-D states that community Master Plans must contain the following elements: a goals and policies statement; a land use plan; chapters that deal with economic development, traffic circulation, natural and cultural resources, open space and recreation, community services and facilities; and an implementation plan. This community Master Plan for the Town of Spencer sets forth the community’s goals and provides the background data and analysis necessary for developing strategies to employ when guiding Spencer as it continues to grow and develop over the coming decades. 1 The Master Planning Process in Spencer: The Spencer Community Master Plan was prepared by the Spencer Master Plan Committee, which was appointed by the Town Administrator. The Committee reported to the Spencer Planning Board throughout the process. The Master Plan Committee was composed entirely of Spencer residents, some with experience on local boards, and some with no previous municipal experience. The Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) provided technical assistance throughout the entirety of this project and Dr. John Mullin of UMass- Amherst provided assistance with the public workshops and guidance on the overall direction of the Plan. The Master Plan Committee met on a monthly basis (often twice a month) and all meetings were open to the public. Several joint meetings were held with some of Spencer’s municipal boards and committees including the Board of Selectmen, Planning Board, Conservation Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, Water and Sewer Department Superintendents, and other municipal department heads. Interested citizens also stopped by on a regular basis to provide their input. During the initial stages of the Master Plan’s preparation, interviews were conducted with all key municipal committees, boards, commissions and personnel. Everyone contacted was very helpful in terms of assisting with the update of inventory information, identifying upcoming needs, and providing candid assessments of the challenges they face. The Master Plan Committee reviewed this input in detail and is very grateful for the assistance rendered. To further increase the public’s involvement in the Master Plan update process, the Committee prepared a citizen survey to solicit the opinions and desires of the people and businesses residing in Spencer. The survey was sent to every household and business in Spencer in early 2002. The survey results were tabulated during the spring of 2002 and presented to the Spencer Board of Selectmen at their evening meeting on June 10, 2002. All told, the Spencer Master Plan Committee held 35 evening meetings (all open to the public), eleven meetings with other municipal entities, and three well-attended public forums. All Master Plan Committee meeting agendas and minutes are available for public review at the Planning Board’s office in the Town Hall. 2 SPENCER MASTER PLAN GOALS & POLICIES Spencer Master Plan - Vision Statement - In the year 2013, we envision Spencer to be a cohesive and vibrant community in which people can enjoy living and working together throughout all the stages of their lives. Spencer will achieve this vision by providing quality educational and municipal services, and by creating an environment that encourages participation
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