stu ent m ·murder-suicide arrival at 12:55 p.m. at inside the Zayre Department Route 273 and pulled the car History of Industrial Christiana Hospital, a hospital Store in Chestnut Hill Plaza, over while Gillum was stopped the internationally rec""'"'~"' ..... ' spokesperson said. Chestnut Hill Road. at a traffic light two miles from graduate program co-spOnsored Police gave the following He then walked outside to the the crime scene. by the Hagley Museum account parking lot and waited for her The officer left the patrol car Library and the university's Bryant's ex-boyfriend, Aaron with a rifle. and as he approached the vehi­ tory department Haruna-Symar Gillum, 22, was a There, he allegedly shot cle, Gillum shot himself in the A memorial service will be graduate student at Yale Bryant twice in the upper torso head while seated in the car at held for Bryant at noon on University and resident of New and fled in his car. 12:31 p.m. Friday, Feb. 17 in Room 204, Haven, Conn. A state trooper observed Bryant was a first-year Fellow Kirkbride Hall. He first confronted Bryant Gillum's car heading east on in the Hagley Program in the -Karen T<lday's weather: Our second cenJury of Cloudy and milder excellence with 60 percent chance of showers. Highs in the mid 50s. Student Center, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19716 Thesday, February 1~. 1989 Union workers ch;trge wage discrimination by Jim Music~ agement meeting. ' Assistant News Editor . Plant Operations has not yet scheduled the meeting. Employees from Plant Logan said, "The women Operations claimed Friday that were not demoted. Their job they have been discriminated classification was changed." against after a recent wage However, he said the situa­ increase. tion should change after the Plant Operations employees union receives an answer from Ginny Woods, Donna Rieg cftld Plant Operations management. Joy Hoover said they were Logan added that manage­ demoted and given unfair wage ment is doing a study of the increases under a new contract. problem and should send an Rieg, a university employee ·answer to the union within a The Review/Dan Della Piazza for 12 years, said she and sev­ week. A back-up in the city sewer system caused a clog in the pipes in the Gilbert complex. An unknown eral ,others have rec~ived only He said he is optimistic and 01ount or damage was caused, as two inches or raw sewage flooded the noor or Gilbert F. a 2 percent increase in pay, said he hopes the women will while others with the same be brought back to the level qualifications and less seniori­ and wage they want. Raw sewage back-up ty have received 17 to 22 per­ Rieg said the women went cent raises. with the skilled tradesmen Rieg said she and Woods when they broke with local 439 have been demoted from because the new union leaders floods ·Gilbert dorm Heating Ventilation Air said the women would get bet­ Conditioning (HVAC) skilled Ler wages. by Sue-Byrne caused by grease and soap froin first floor Gilbert F bathroom at tradesmen to filter changers. continiU!d to page 14 Copy Editor Russell Dining Hall, said about 10 a.m., and noticed the Reig and Woods were Roland Brown, mechanic for the water was not draining properly. among three other women and Inside: A blocked sewer pipe just off Water and Sewer Department A short time later, Burns one man in the group discrimi­ university property caused raw for the City of Newark. noticed the bathroom was flood- • nated against. ... • Jones scheduled to sewage to back up and flood the As of Sunday evening, no ed, and sewage water was Larry Logan, president of move out of presi· fJrSt floor of Gilbert F, forcing estimates of damage had been streaming from the shower drain university local 3472 for officials to shut off all water to made and members of the into the hallway. skilled tradesmen and dent's house•••• -.....p..J the entire Gilbert Complex administration were unavailable Bums was unable to reach tradeswomen, said the group's • Going to the Swulay. for comment university maintenance by situation was left unresolved at chapel .................. p.21 The back-up, located on The problem was first detect­ phone. She then notified a first the Plant Operations manage­ Haines Street between East Park ed by Adrienne Burns (AS 91) floor. resident assistant who ment's last meeting and would • Football announces Place and Courtney Street, -was when she took a shower in the be discussed at the next man- conJinued to page 12 :1989 recruits.. .... ~P.3! . Page 2 • The Review • February 14,1989 -------------------------------:----;=::::::::;::=::;===::::; Ed Bradley, noted journalist, to speak at commencement Comatose woman has by Heather McMurtrie theme of his speech will be. tions in the student poll. Davis abortion in New York Copy Editor Speakers generally present said. an advanced copy of what they Two speakers chosen by uni­ A New York woman. in a Ed Bradley. co-editor of will speak about two weeks versity students above Ed coma for two months, was given CBS's 60 Minutes, will deliver before an event, according to Bradley were Oprah Winfrey. an abortion Saturday to improve the commencement address at Robert R. Davis. director of who could not give the univer­ her chances of recovery. The the university's graduation on University Relations. sity a positive answer until Ed Bradley New York Tunes reported. May 28 at the Delaware Bradley officially signed a April, and Neil Simon. who Nancy Klein. who was 18 Stadium. contract to speak at the univer­ said he does not give speeches, seven years. His work on this weeks pregnant at the time of the "This is a very important sity's graduation three weeks said Davis. program has brought him three operaHon. h$lS been comatose time for us as a country and ohr ago. according to Davis. Of his position on 6 0 Emmy Awards. since Dec. 13, when she suffered future leaders. and I thought I Approximately 400 juniors Minutes, Bradley said. "I just Bradley said the most chal· brain damage in an auto acci­ had something I wanted to say were polled last spring on their don't know of a better job. I get lenging aspect of his job is dent this year." Bradley said in a preferences among 30 possible to choose the stories that I want "trying to come up with good U.S. Supreme Court Justice telephone interview Friday speakers for this year's gradua­ to do and I go out and do them. stories. because all of the Thurgood Marshall denied an afternoon. tion ceremonies. "There's no one who says, pressure is on [the 6D_ Minutes appeal Friday by abortion oppo­ Bradley has not yet indicated Bradley. an Emmy Award­ Ed go do this or Ed go do that." team] to come up with the sto­ nents to hold the operation. to the- university what the winning television journalist. Bradley has been a co:.roitor ries." was among the top ftve selec- of 60 Minutes for more than conli~d to page 17 First woman ordained EpisCopalian bishop Science building deemed 'top priority' Rev. Barbara C. Harris of Philadelphia became the first Board seeks space to expand Marine Studies program woman ordained a bishop in the by Susan Byrne "The laboratory facilities in with one stone by designing this project in January." said Episcopalian Church in Boston and Sue Coffey • Brown Lab and Robinson Hall one building that would serve Brook. Saturday. The Philadelphia Staff Reporters ·are inadequate, out of date and both chemistry's and Marine Andrew B. Kirkpatrick, Inquirer reported. need to be replaced," Brook Studies' needs." Brook said. chairman of the board of More than 8.000 A new building to benefit said. A location for the building trustees, said it is now the leg­ the. College of Marine Studies Episcopalians attended the ordi­ About 70.000 square-feet has not yet been decided. but islature's decision to accept or and the chemistry and bio­ nation ceremony. will be used by chemistry and the comer of Academy Street deny the governor's recommen­ chemistry department has been Harris is the ftrst woman to biochemistry. Brook said. The and Lovett },\venue has been dation. become a bishop in any church approved. but the location and space will contain research considered. Brook said. Brook said. in addition to cost of the project have not yet that contends their bishops exer­ labs. seminar rooms. chemical. Dr. Robert W. Mayer. asso­ state funding. university offi· cise an authority based from one been determined. university mechanical. electrical and ciate vice president for facili­ cials are "exploring the possi· generation of bishops to the next officials said. glass blowing shops. offices ties and management services. bilities of raising money since the time of Jesus' apostles. ·Officials said the newly­ for faculty and support staff said the board of trustees through the private sector." proposed 100.000 gross­ and a copying center. requested that the state provide "The university has accepted Thornburgh requests batt square-foot Chemistry/Bio The College of Marine capital funding for the project. the services of a consulting in Oliver North trial Chemistry and Marine Studies Studies will use 30,000 square­ Brook estimated that the firm to appraise how much Laboratory Project is the board feet for offices and lab work on building would cost $20 mil­ funding we can generate from Attorney General Richard of trustees' top priority. campus. lion. but that price is not ftnal.
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