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To be h'ave hJ.ct u - cae ar rn• Ina• nevita e ----------------------------~------------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------------------~-------- ---------------------- 14 Je'ws Killed CIO, NAM Clash Bevin, in Speech to Commons, Auto Workers Refuse AMERICAN OFFICERS DECORATED Communists On Wage Ouest ion 'Living Wage' Boost IAs Arabs Riot Philip Murray Favors Hints Britain Suspects Russia General Moton Offers Capture Two Settlement by Labor, 8 to 10% Increase; LONDON (AP)-Foreign Secre­ throat of the British common­ nTripolitania Management Confab tary Ernesi Bevin, hinting that wealth." Rejects CIO Demand Army Generals Britain was suspicious of Russia'S He apparently was referring to WASHINGTON (AP) - Top territorial demands. appealed last reported Soviet demands lor sole DETROIT (AP)-Ce.leral Mo­ ~ritilh Stifle Revolt spokesmen for the CIO and the night to the great powers to "really trusteeship of Tripolitania, (ormer tors corporation yesterday offered Government Claims National Association of Manu­ put the cards on the table face up­ Italian colony on the Mediterran­ a cost of living wage Increase to With Strict Curfew, wards." Its workers, and the CIO United Success in Clash facturers clashed publicly last ean's southern shore, and a base Shoot-to-Kill Order Bevin spoke in a lull-dress de­ in Eritrea - two steps whiclt Auto Workers union promptly re­ At Honan, Hopeh night on whether President Tru­ bate in commons on foreign af­ wouJd leave Russia straddling jected the proposal. man's labor-management confer­ fairs after Winston Churchill had CAIRO (AP) - Seventy - four British communications to the The corporation had formally CHUNGKING. Thursday (AP) ence should consider the question urged that Britain support the UnJ­ middle and Far East. and tlotJy scorned the union's de­ lews Dnd one Arab were killed in of nationaJ wage levels. -Chinese Communists have cap­ ted States in refusing Russia the Churchill and BeVin bolh en­ mand tor a 30 percent wage rate tured two central government ~y anti-Jewish rioting the past A few hours after CIO Presi­ secret ot atomic bomb production. dorsed President Truman's 12- boost, termini the demand "ex­ army commanders-one reportedly !bite days in Tripolitania, but a dent Philip Murray succeeded In Russia. Churchill argued, would point foreign policy proeram lind cessive." Instead the corporation committed suicide-in Southern CIIrlew and stern shoot-to-kill or­ getting a wage resolution before not share the secret if she alone said if this plan had existed in offered Increases in classifications possessed it. Hopeh province and forced the ders to troops last night had sup­ the conference's powerful exec­ 1914 or in 1939 neither World war where. since 1941. wages have government armies to retreat. a utive committee-which would While Bevin did not name Rus­ J"SSed disorders in most of the would have occurred. not been raised in proportion to military spokesman acknowledged have to clear it before it reached sia. he said: ChurchilJ urged the labor gov­ the cost of living. yesterday. lIediterranean colony. the conference floor-NAM Presi­ "You cannot help our being a ernment not to put "pressure" on H. W. Anderson, GM vice pres­ The scene of this reversal in Arab mobs looted and gutted dent Ira Mosher declared his op­ little bil suspicious if a great the United States, in Prime Minis­ ident, Said the cost of living wage China's undeclared Civil War is Jewish quarters and · assaulted position. power wants to go right across the ter AttJee's forthcoming Washinll­ Jews in Tripoli, Souk el Juma. and increase would amount to an av­ the same one where the Commun­ "The labor-management confer­ ton talks, to make the secrets of erage of eiabt to ten percent for ists claim they have routed 70.000 f.giura "in a serious outbreak of ence is not itsel! a collective bar­ atomic bomb production available rioting. violence and arson" started the corporation's 180,000 hourly­ government troops. gaining conference," Mosher said 61's in U. S. With 50 to Moscow. rated employes. The spokesman said one or the Sunday night, British headquarters in a public statement. He said the Russians would have declared. In computing the amount which captured generals was Ma Fah Mosher said it would be putting to be taken into American arsenals Wu , commander of the 41st army. Tripoli itself was under heavy "the cart before the horse" to Be in order to understand how the each worker is entitled. he said, Points to Released the corporation woutd accept a He is understood to have com­ lUard yesterday and "the prov- take up the wage question without bomb is produced. mitted suicide. The other was Kao mce! remained generally quiet ex- first having found agreement on "I am sure." he asserted, "if the government finding t hat living Shu Hsun, commander of the cept for the eastern provinces the collective borgainjng prin­ New Plan Benefits circumstances were reversed and costs have gone up 30 percent since eighth army. Jan. 1, 1941. wher e disturbances were re- ciples by which wage and other Soldiers Who Returned we or the Americans asked for The spokesman accused the ported from Cussabat and 2liten," questions are to be seltled by similar access to the Russian Waller P. Reuther, vice presi­ Communists of circulating un­ I communique said. I unions and management. After Jap Surrender arsenals It would not be granted.'· dent 01 the U AW -CIO, declared founded rumors about the generals Many Injured His stand, understood to repre- "During the war we Imparted that the union "llatJy rejects the "in an effort to throw dust in the The rioting, blamed by the Brit- sent the opinion of the manage­ WASHINGTON (AP) - The many secrets to Ihe Russians. es­ corporation's bribe olter because eyes of the public." Ish on "irresponsible elements who ment delegates generally. was be­ WIlJ' department lost night an­ pecially in connection with radar. we will not be a party to sandbag­ Troops SlUTender nounced that enlisted men who ID· a large majority of cases came Iieved to have virtually removed but we were not conscious of any ging the American consumer." The Communists had claimed a from the Arab section of the popu- any chance that the wage question have 50 or more dJscharge points adequate reciprocity." Reuther, who heads the UAW­ GEN. PIERRE KOENIG, left. commancllng general ot the French occu­ number ot generals and the bulk , t.tion." hospitalized 183 Jews, 36 would reach the conference, since and al'e now on furlough in this At the some time Churchill CIO delegation at union-corpora­ pation forces in Germany, salutes during the review of combined ot their troops had surrendered. Arabs, and two Italians. the AFL also opposed its con- country will be released as they praised Generalissimo Stalin and tion wage meetings, asserted at a guards of honor, 100 American soldiers and 100 French soldiers, that The spokesman's version was report back to the army t his warned against any "state of press conference: marked the decoration of aboui 40 high-ranking American officers at that the eighth and 41st armies The new Arab-Jewish clashes sideration. month. mind" which might lead to a rup­ "The General Motors corpora­ United States headquarters In FrankIort. The AmerIcan ollicers were were attacked north of Tzehsien followed rioting last week in Murray's resolution, mildly tion, which has been on strike EiYpt, in protest of a national phrased but calling attention to The new ruling also applies to ture of Brltlsh-Russlan associa­ given the French Legion of Honor. Standing beside General Koenig in Hopeh by several tens of . enlisted men now on temporary tions. He said the world outlook since V-J day against labor. gov­ Is General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower . thousands of Communists, were '. bome in Palestine for Jews, in President T rum a n's broadcast ernment and the American con­ whicb 10 persons were reported statement last week that wage duly in the United States. They in many respects was darker than "taken unawares and were un- will be classed as surplus and in 1918 and 1919. sumer, yesterday put in writini its killed and 520 injured. I incl"I~ases are "imperative", has able to conccntrate in time to discharged upon their return to Bevin disagreed with Churchill previous oral offers to the union ward oU the assault." Palestine police yesterd a ~' an- not been acted upon by the 16- a I'ectption center. on the future outlook, expr~ that We conspire with the corporQ­ SUI Clalses Recess nounced one Arab was knlted 11) a membel' executive commJttee. The dispatcll said Communists Chief benificiaries of the action. hope that the United Natlons or­ tion to sandbag the car-hungry On Thanksgiving Day, attaCking Tangho, Sinyeh, Siang­ minor clash between Jews and Mosher's statement-which an the war department said, are men ganization would be able to main­ public with inexcusable price in­ Yamashita Has Arabs in the northern part of the NAM spokesman said was in- yang and Fangcheng. all in Honan who returned from Europe with tain peace. creases." 15 Days at Christmas northwest of Hankow, were driven Holy land.
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