COPYWGBT, 188*, BV THETHE SPORTING LIFE PUBLISHING Co. SPORTING LIFEENTERED AT PHILA. POST OFFICE AS SECOND CLASS MATTML VOLUME 13, NO. 2. PHILADELPHIA, PA., APRIL 17, 1889. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. Rozere, of the Philadelphia Club. Next him sat John There la no question bnt that Btirnham and the MurHgomery Ward, the captnln of the Ail-America \Vorre*t?r directors, whilfl knowing full well lhat team. Then came President William M. Smith, of Wheelocfc honestly belonged to Detro:t, slill con- C.mimnn Council; Col. A. K. McClnre. of the Philadel­ ipired to rob our club of that player. Burnbam and LAT_E_NEWS. phia l^mes, and A. J. Beach, president of the Philadel the Worcester directors have nothing: to Le proud of, phia Club. and neither have certain Boston writers who con­ stantly endeavored to create the impression that TABLE NO. 1. 'Worcester was in the right and was BUM to grt tbe More Leagues Admitted Here sat H. C. Pennypacker, president of the Atlletlc player. I observe that this has hud its effect on Club; R. E. A. Dorr, of ihe Prew; C. H. Hemtis, of the AVheeJock, who has been indiscreet enough to play Enquirer; J. W. Curtfe. Mr. Spaldiog's New York maua with Worcester. Wheeloclt will have to make up his to Protection. Honors Showered Upon ger; J.I1. McCoiuiick ( the fcptrting writer, whoee letter mind to come to Defroit and settle down, wheu all »igoed "Macou"* are well known; Frank N. White will be forgiven. He will find Detroit a pleasant Le«ter C. Ilaitir.an, of tho Uoiie.l Pre^s; Harry Wrizht place In which to play, and can set it down for a fact mauagcr of the Pbiladeiphia Club; E. P.SiinptoD, o that the gentlemen who control the Detroit Club The Coming Sullivan-Kilrain tho Walnut Street Theatre; E. Choloaely Jones, of the never etoop to dishonorable tricka. the SpaldiMi " Tourists. Grand Opera House; W. W. Kelly, Harry Brown Prteiilsnt Stephen Farrelljr, of the Catholic Club; A DETROIT'S TEAV. Bailie Umpires Appointed M. Gillam, of Waunmakcr'a; Kirk Brown, cycling The Detroit team is down South gettine Into ahap*, editor of THE SPOUTING LIFT; Harry Palmer, TH and all reports of their play leid to favorable imiiroa- SPORTING' LIFE'S tpecial c^nimisaicner, who wen eioDS. \\e are Koing to have a lively toani and there General Sporting News. THE SPORTING LIFE'S ar»und the world with the t»uriota; Albert Mott, TUB ii a very general de:ermina(i.<n here to turn out and SPORTING Lire's Uaitiiiiore corre»pouJfciit; W.I. Harris give the club routing 8iip;oit. The 25-cent tariff is of the New York l>,ess; S. Goodfriend, of the New York goinx to make a wonderful charge iu Detroit, and I AT THE CAPITA!,. BANQUET A HUGE "Reining HM, a member cf Ihe tourist's party; Hen confidently exoect au increase in tho attendance. De- Mulford, Jr., of the Cincinnati Tintes-Sittr aud THE tioit isn^t a50-ceut ball town, and I hold that waa Manager ItlorriU Reports, and i Inter­ SPORTING LIFE'S Cdrresjiondent; H. H. Hushton, Henrj the sole cause of the nou-aupport of Stearns' sluggers. viewed on Ihe Situation. SUCCESS. W. Brown, J. Clifford D*n4o, of THE SPORTING LirE As a matter ol fact, Ch icago, Boston a«d New York are Special to SPORTING Lin. Wil'OQ Shibe, K. Hoff, Chailes J. Ran ear and Ti tbe only 5<)-cent ball towns in the United States. All u:er WhittaUor, of tlm A hit tic Club. tborost are 25-ceut towns. Indianapolis, Washington, WASHINGTON, April 13. John Morrill is now TABLE \0. 2 Vittsburg aud the other tail-end League towns kr.ow a Senator. He arrived here late last night, hav­ Full Description of was occupied by Dr. Neff, Waldo M. Claflin, Jamea Fo- that baso ball at 50 cents is a hulloiv mockery. They ing been delayed en route from Boston to New garty, oi the P.iiladelphia Clnh; Frauk C. Anderson, hang ou from season to season by tha skin of their Philadelphia to' leelli. It waa the sani) with Detroit. It tWa city is York by fog and stopping uff at of KHW Turk; Qrorxo Wood, of the Philadel­ witness the Chicago-All-America gnme. JIo Remarkably Bril­ phia C'lubj W. B. Leater, of the Record; J. K. Teoer, not successful with 25-cent ball I shall emigrate to of the Chicago Club; W. H. Voltz, of Iho Press; T the far West aud start a religious weekly, alttr the was expected here yesterday on the noon train, Daly, of the Chicago Club; li. II. Pidalebcck, of Ihe manner of brother Caylor. WAT. but he promptly notified Mr. Hewitt that he liant Event. Inquirer; F. Carroll. of lha Pittaburp Club; Leslie Rob­ would not reach Washington in time to play ia ins .n, F. Pfeffer, of the Chica-o Ciub: Comedian Frnn SALT CITY SAYIXGS. the first Cuban (Hants' game. I had the pleasure cis WiUon, N. Ii. Young1, of the Amateur Uase Bal .Details of the Reception by the Phila­ League; Umpires George \V. I'arnum and J- C. Mc- To Report at Roll-call The Impression of greeting Morrill alone after he fteppecl from a Quade, of the League; H. L. Tugeart, of Tagyarts1 Made by tlie La<U News Notes. train that rolled into the Sixth Street Station, delphia Club, thoXew Yerk Ban­ Tittus; E. V. Knne, ot tho Bulletin; John IIo^an^Mark SYRACUSE, N. Y. f April 10. Editor SPORTING shortly before midnight. John looked more Dealey, Inquirer, Baldwin, of the Chicago Club; Frank LIFE; Battin, Aldrich. Connor?, Wright and like a wealthy Boston merchant or politician quet and Other Festivities. R. 0. Moreh-juee, George H. MMOD, of tho Dispatch, coming to Washington to assist President Ilar- J. J. Daily, A. R. Cox, Jr.. Charles E. Mason and T. H. Walker, of the Syracuse "champ0/* leave tho Muruane, of the licaton llerald, and H. E. Cherrill, of city to-night, bound for Earle's Hotel, New rison in distributing official patronage at the As3uciatiuu." Hub. Ho retains his quiet gentlemanly man­ Honors have been showered upon the Spnld- the "1'ress News York, where they will nnswer Manager Chap­ TABLE NO. 3 man's roll-call. Dennis Connors arrived yester­ ners, and does not appear the least displeased at' ; Tourists since their arrival in tho country a the Idea of making tbe Capital City his horai during was graced by James llyan, of tho Chicago Club; Dao- day from London, Oct., and went out to the week a»o Saturday. In New York they were tel Jiillt, c-f the Timci; W. Earle, of the All-America the preeent eeason. Ilia family will join him hero in » ireceivetl with enthusiasm nnd entertained a1 Club; Phil Naah, of (he AVi«; Kjbert Pettit, of the park with the boys to-day for a little limbering few dwys. lie H very much gratified at the cordial CuicajtoClub; E-J Cole, of the Cu'/; Jan. Mannln^.of tho JACOB BECKLEY, up. The new left fielder appears to be in fine and friendly way ID which his engagement by Mr. !a grand banquet at Delmonico'e. But even this Ilewitt haa been received here, and ho pays ho sincerely ferand reception was eclipsed by the demonstra­ All-America Ciub; Association Umpire J. F. Gaffney; The Excellent First Baseman and Fine Batsman of the condition, and is anxious to "get a crack at that Thomas Burns, of the Chicago Club; City Editor" J. A. ball." The members of the team at present in hopes the people of this city will havo the same confi­ tion in Philadelphia tho home of base ball Campbell, of the A>u-s; John Ruth, John Mundell, Jr.; Pittsburg Club. dence In him next fall that they so generously express !XHE SPORTING LIFE banquet, the reception by the city havo been at the park daily for the now. lie ap^eircd interedttd in learning eumeibing; Juhu Camphel!, the veteran base ball writer of the but is aa frisky ' the Philadelphia Club, the courtesies extendet Hem; G. F. Lee, the vocalist; J. C. Dayton, John Jonee, past week. Wrlpht is somewhat beavy, about theplaj-ingabihtyof the new material in tha »s at the clo.se of last sc-asim. Opposing pitchers are home team, but I suggested that he cml-1 get by tho "" " A??ocs??.i"?!, and the efficia J. C, Daudo and Dr. Howe, of THE SPOBTING LIFE; WHISPERS. KANSAS CITY BRIEFS. has hU "oye on W. H. C. Harereave aud S. H. Jonei, of the ASBO- WASHINGTON hereby notified that the great hitter a IK-tier idea of them after he has looked tbem over recognition accorded by the city government, al the ball" alrtady, and is cracking o,it linersani "parh personally on his way down from Boston. At the ro- clated Press; Frank Hough, of the Xorth American; of the Exhibition Campaign now lett-hatdetj combined to make the visit of the Round-the^ Jwbn Uealy, of the All-America team; Charles W. The Results of Practice The New Hen'i The Results fiudtri'' as of yore. A id rich, our que-t of Mr. Hewitt he procured from Spalding & Bro. Work The Morrill-Wise l>enl The Club Suicide of Catcher Frank Ringo News twirler, went down with tho boys yi sterday and aid a and also from Al IJench sainphs of uniforms i'ur tha World tourists the most remarkable of the many ("Hmphell.
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