Vol. 1000 Wednesday, No. 5 11 November 2020 DÍOSPÓIREACHTAÍ PARLAIMINTE PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES DÁIL ÉIREANN TUAIRISC OIFIGIÚIL—Neamhcheartaithe (OFFICIAL REPORT—Unrevised) Regional Airports: Motion [Private Members] 565 11/11/2020N00500Gnó na Dála - Business of Dáil 594 11/11/2020N01000Ceisteanna ó Cheannairí - Leaders’ Questions 594 11/11/2020R01200Ceisteanna ar Reachtaíocht a Gealladh - Questions on Promised Legislation 604 11/11/2020V00300Planning and Development (Protect Social Housing) Bill 2020: First Stage 612 11/11/2020V01100Estimates for Public Services 2020: Motion 613 11/11/2020V01400Estimates for Public Services 2020: Leave to Introduce 614 11/11/2020V01700Estimates for Public Services 2020: Referral to Select Committee 614 11/11/2020V02000Finance Bill 2020: Financial Resolution 615 11/11/2020V02600Bille na dTeangacha Oifigiúla (Leasú) 2019: Tarchur chuig Roghchoiste 617 11/11/2020V02700Official Languages (Amendment) Bill 2019: Referral to Select Committee ��������������������������������������������������������617 11/11/2020V03100Ceisteanna - Questions 618 11/11/2020V03200Taoiseach’s Meetings and Engagements 618 11/11/2020X00350Covid-19 Pandemic 621 11/11/2020Z00400Taoiseach’s Communications 625 11/11/2020AA00300Ábhair Shaincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Matters 628 11/11/2020GG00050Estimates for Public Services 2020: Message from Select Committee 629 11/11/2020GG00300Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate 629 11/11/2020GG00400Middle East 629 11/11/2020HH00500Nursing Staff 632 11/11/2020KK00250Vaccination Programme 636 11/11/2020LL00350Driver Test 638 11/11/2020MM00400Withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2020: Order for Second Stage 641 11/11/2020MM00800Withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2020: Second Stage 642 11/11/2020UUU00400Finance Bill 2020: Second Stage (Resumed) 710 11/11/2020VVV00100Finance Bill 2020: Referral to Select Committee 713 11/11/2020VVV00400Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2020: Second Stage (Resumed) [Private Members] 713 11/11/2020WWW00100Regional Airports: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members] 716 Finance Bill 2020: Financial Resolutions 721 DÁIL ÉIREANN Dé Céadaoin, 11 Samhain 2020 Wednesday, 11 November 2020 Chuaigh an Cathaoirleach Gníomhach (Deputy John Lahart) i gceannas ar 10 am Paidir. Prayer. 20A00100Regional Airports: Motion [Private Members] 11/11/2020A00200Deputy Michael McNamara: I move: “That Dáil Éireann: recognises the vital strategic role occupied by the aviation sector in the development of the national economy and the importance of maintaining connectivity to the regions; is deeply concerned at the imminent crisis facing Irish airports, in particular, Shan- non, Knock,Kerry, Donegal and Cork airports; and recognises that transatlantic flights to and from Shannon can be operated with a re- duced carbon footprint per passenger compared to those operated from Dublin Airport, and also recognises the unsustainability of an ever-increasing proportion of tourists fly- ing into Dublin Airport whence they are being bussed to other regions of the State; acknowledges the link between attracting foreign direct investment into regions and their aviation connectivity; and calls on the Government to: — implement in full, the recommendations of the Aviation Recovery Taskforce; — prepare a new national aviation policy that recognises the importance of re- gional connectivity to balanced and more sustainable regional development; — revise Fáilte Ireland’s objectives to include attracting tourists to fly directly into the State’s regional airports; — develop a testing regime for passengers to and from both orange and red listed destinations in the European Union (EU) in order to fully implement the spirit of the recent European Council Recommendation on a co-ordinated approach to the restric- 565 Dáil Éireann tion of free movement in response to the Covid-19 pandemic; — include Shannon and Cork airports in financial assistance currently provided by the State for capital works and the development of routes (as allowed under EU state aid rules) by increasing said financial assistance in recognition of the precarious financial position of airports outside Dublin; and — acknowledge Shannon Airport’s traditional role as Ireland’s transit airport and the reduced carbon emissions of intercontinental flights from the airport due to its longer runway and, in acknowledgement thereof, limit fifth freedom rights to airlines using Shannon Airport for intercontinental transit flights.” I thank my colleagues in the Independent Group and the other Independent groups for their support. As an island nation, the aviation sector affects each and every part of this island and this State It is clear that the downturn in tourism and aviation, which is a direct result of Co- vid-19 but has also been contributed to by the Government’s response to Covid-19, has affected every part of this State but has disproportionately affected the western seaboard. That much is clear from a report published by the Central Bank less than a month ago It pointed to far greater job losses in counties on the western seaboard, which are dependent on seasonal indus- tries, especially tourism which has, unfortunately, been decimated by Covid-19 I note the Government’s countermotion states that we need to examine aviation policy and that it had planned to examine it but that, because of Covid-19, it will concentrate on the short term I have no problem with concentrating on the short term but I have a problem when doing that is to the detriment of looking at the long term I do not believe the two are mutually exclu- sive and I do not see why both cannot be done together I urge the Government, notwithstand- ing its countermotion, to look at the short term and long term in tandem Speaking of the short term, I welcome yesterday’s announcements by the Government I welcome the support of all of my colleagues in the Independent Group and the other Indepen- dent groups It concentrated minds in the Government on this issue, which we have been talk- ing about for a long time There have been announcements for Shannon Airport in particular, which I have welcomed Yesterday, as a result of that concentration of minds, we had an an- nouncement that affects most of the airports in the country and certainly the airports that are the subject matter of this motion The Government’s announcement does not go far enough, however One can never go far enough in supporting something that is so vital to the State We have put almost all of our eggs in the aviation basket Uniquely for an island nation, we do not have a large shipping industry However, we have a large aviation sector, one which is very important for the future of this country I will briefly mention the Sinn Féin countermotion. I have discussed it with some of my colleagues I, for one, have no problem with including Waterford Airport in the motion The reason it was not included is that it faces a requirement for capital funding to bring its runway up to the required standard to operate scheduled flights, whereas the airports mentioned in the motion all had scheduled flights until very recently. To return to the issue of a national aviation policy, aviation policy is effectively a free-for-all at the moment We say that is free market economics but, unfortunately, that does not always work I share with both the Green Party and the Labour Party – I see Deputy Duncan Smith is present – the view that we need competition The central planning of sectors by the State does 566 11 November 2020 not necessarily work We need a degree of competition but, equally, we need the State to set the parameters of the market and outline the ambit in which competition would take place At the moment, what we have is Dublin Airport undercutting all of the other airports because of econ- omies of scale It does so to the detriment of other airports but also to the detriment of people who live near Dublin Airport because it does not necessarily make sense to have all flights in the country flying in and out of Dublin. I will move on to fifth freedom flights in a moment. There are flights out of Dublin Airport which do not even benefit the greater Dublin area or the people around
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