7j?./ + 7// / •Z\T7 • :• . V Pp 7ir finance Age*** H9USlng — ■ Offic# :;p ••••’.. 4 INTERNATIONAL HOUSING AND TOWN PLANNING CONGRESS VIENNA 199.6 / CONGRE3 INTERNATIONAL DE ^HABITATION ET DE L'AM ENAOEMENT DES VILLES VIENNE 19^6 INTERNATIONALER WOHNUNGS- UND STADTEBAUKONGRESS /“ WIEN PART III III®0 PARTIE BAND III REPORT COMPTE RENDU BERSCHT Tenement schema of the Municipality of Vienna. Wohnhausbau der Gemeinde Wien-j&ya^ Maison collective de la municipality de Vjfcfiije. f} Housing and Homs Finance Age*ey Office of the Administrator LIBRARY INTERNATIONAL HOUSING AND TOWN PLANNING CONGRESS VIENNA -192.6 CON GRES INTERNATIONAL DE LHABITATION ET DE L AM ENAGEM ENT DES VILLES VIENNE ^9 0.6 1NTERNATI ONvYLER WOHNUNGS- UND STADTEBAUKONGRESS wien -1926 PART III IIIme PARTIE BAND III REPORT COMPTE RENDU BERICHT 1* Members of the Executive Committee, Vienna 1926 D. Hudig A. Otto H. Kampffmeyer H. Chapman A. Keppler K. Hendrikscn L. S. P. Scheffer O. Ficrlinger C. B. Puidom E, Vinck A. Bruggcman H. Wright « G. M Ha(ris R. Unwin A. Weber R. Schmidt INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION FOR HOUSING AND TOWN PLANNING FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DE L’HABITATION ET DE L’AMENAGEMENT DES VILLES INTERNATIONALER VERBAND FUR WOHNUNGS- WESEN UND STADTEBAU 25, Bedford Row, London, W. C, 1, England. President: Sir EBENEZER HOWARD, 0. B. E. Vice-Presidents: Sir JOHN SULMAN, K. B. E., Australia,; Stadtrat ANTON WEBER, Austria ; Senator VINCK, Belgium ; Dr. F. L. PRO- CHAZKA, Czecho-Slovakia ; KAI HENDRIKSEN, ~Denmark ; Pro- fesso“ ELIEL SAARINEN, Finland; LOUIS BONNIER, France; Dr. R. SCHMIDT, Germany ; Rt. HON. NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN, M. PM Great Britain ; Dr. H. P. BERLAGE, Holland ; Senator E. CREMONESI, Italy; CH. GIERLOFF, Norway; J. CONTINESCU, Roumania ; SALVADOR CRESPO, Spain; Baron PALMST1ERNA, Sweden; Dr. E. KLOTI, Switzerland ; ALEXANDER M. BING, United States. 3 COUNCIL VERBANDSRAT CONSEIL [ Appointed by Affiliated Organisations Nommes par Ies groupements affilies Ernannt durch die angeschlossenen Organisationen Australia re- Sit" JOHN SULMAN, K. B. E., Town Planning Association of New South Wales ; *W. F. GATES, Town Planning Association of Victoria ; G. F. HUSSEY, M. P., Town Planning Association of Western Australia ; C. H. KLEM, Town Planning Association of Western Australia ; S. B. SWINEY, Town Planning Association of Queensland ; Sir MATTHEW NATHAN, P. C., G.C.M.G., Queensland Institute of Surveyors Austria Dr. H. KAMPFFMEYER, Osterreichischer Verband fur Siedlungs- und V Kleingartenwesen, Osterreichische Gartenbaugesellschaft WILHELM L. BAUMGARTEN, Zentralvereinigung der Architekten Osterreichs Belgium Senator E. VINCK, GILLES GERARD, RAYMOND FOUCART, VAN DER STEGEN, LEBON, Union des Villes et Communes Beiges : PAUL de HEEM, Commission d'Etudes pour l'Amenagement de 1'Agglo- meration Anversoise Canada NOLAN CAUCHON, Town Planning Institute of Canada Czechoslovakia 1 ! Dr. 0. FIERLINGER, Stavebnf druzstvo Zahradni MSsto ; Dr. 0. CMUNT, Spolecnost pro Zakladni Zahradnlch Mest; M. URBAN, Spolecnost Architektu . Denmark ■ KAI HENDRIKSEN, A. BJERRE, Danks Byplan Laboratorium ; F DAL- GAARD, J. C. JENSEN, M. P., Faellesorganisationen af Almenyttige ■ Danske Boligselskaber; F. C. BOLDSEN, Kobenhavn's Almmcktige Boligselskab Finland Hon. Dr. EINAR BOOK, Finnish Housing Association ; YRJO HARYIA, Union of Finnish Towns France Professor A. BRUGGEMAN, Association fran^aise pour l'Etude dc l'Amenagement et de l’Extension des Villes ; F, SENTENAC, Ecolc des Hautes Etudes Urbaines ; MARCEL POfiTE, Institut d'Histoire ; HENRI SELLIER, Office Public des Habitations a bon marche du Departement de la Seine; D'HERBERCOURT, Office Public des Habitation a bon marche de la ville de Paris ; LUCIEN FERRAND, Association fran<;aise des Habitations a bon marche ; Professeur Ch. GIDE, Association fran- <?aise des Cites-Jardins ; Mile. T. PAGE, La Renaissance des Cites de France Germany B. KAMPFFMEYER, A. OTTO, Deutsche Gartenstadt-Gesellschaft; Professor Dr. J. BRIX, Freie Deutsche Akademie fur Stadtebau ; 4 Geheimer Rat Professor Dr. Ingenieur CORNELIUS GURLITT ; Pro­ fessor Dr. Ingenieur JANSEN ; Geheimer Regierungsrat Professor Dr. Ingenieur MUTHESIUS ; Architekt B. D. A. CLEMENS MANGNER ; Geheimer Baurat Professor Dr, phil. FISCHER, Bund Deutscher Archi- tekten; FRANZ WETZLAR, Hessen-Nassauischer Verein fur Klein- wohnungswesen ; E. NIEMEYER, Reichsverband der Wohnungsfursorge- gesellschaften e. V. ; Dr. J. STOBBEN, Verband Deutscher Architekten und Ingenieurverein ; Geheimer Oberbaurat Dr. Ingenieur HOEPFNER, Kassel, Vereinigung der Technischen Oberbeamten deutscher Stadte; Dr. R, SCHMIDT, Siedlungsverband Ruhrkohlenbezirk; G. LANGEN, Deutsches Archiv fiir Siedlungswesen ; Biirgermeister a. D. BRUNO SCHWAN, Deutscher Verein fiir Wohnungsreform; Stadtbaudirektor Dr.-Ing. A. GUT, Komm. Vereinigung fiir Wohnungswesen . Great Britain G. L. PEPLER, Town Planning Institute ; Capt. R. L. REISS, British Garden Cities and Town Planning Association ; Sir REGINALD BLOMFIELD, R. A., Professor S. D. ADSHEAD, H. T. BUCKLAND, W. ALEXANDER HARVEY, W. HARDING THOMPSON, Royal Institute of British Architects ; FRANK M. ELGOOD, W. H. GAUNT, Major C. P. LOVELOCK, JOHN G. MARTIN, T. BARRON, National Housing and Town Planning Council Holland Dr. D. HUDIG, M. J. GRANPRfi MOLIfiRE, Nederlandsch Instituut voor .1 Volkshuisvesting en Stedebow Italy Ing. CESARE ALBERTINI, Associazione Nazionale dell' Abitazione e dei Piani Regolatori Japan HJKOJI KAWAGUCHI, Town Planning Committee of Aichi Prefecture Lithuania J. JONAS, Lithuanian Towns Association Norway CH. GIERLOFF, Norsk Forening for Boligreformer Palestine Dr. JOSEPH ETTINGER, Agricultural and Colonisation Department, Zionist Commission Poland Prof. T. TOLWINSKI, Towarzystwo Urbanistow Polskich w Warszawie Spain F. L, VALENCIA, Ministerio de Trabajo (Seccion des Casas Baratas) ; G. F. BALBUENA, Sociedad Central de Arquitectos 5 i United States of America F. L. OLMSTED and GEORGE B. FORD, National Conference on City Planning; LAWRENCE VEILLER, R. W. DE FOREST, National Housing Association; F. L. ACKERMAN, Regional Planning Association of America Appointed’ by the Annual General Meeting Nommes par l'Assemblee generate annuelle Ernannt durch die Jahresversammlung Professor PATRICK ABERCROMBIE, Professor H. BERNOULLI, FREDERICK BIGGER, Sir THEODORE CHAMBERS, K. B. E., CARLOS CONTRERAS, Senator F. CREMONESI, G. M. HARRIS, Dr. R. HEILIGENTHAL, ARIE KEPPLER, Dr. F. KLOTI, A. LILIEN- BERG, Dr. F. LILLJEKVIST, JOHN NOLEN, Professor SVERRE PEDERSEN, C. B. PURDOM, L. S. P. SCHEFFER, Dr. F. SCHU­ MACHER, Professor C. SFINTESCU, Dr. ERIK SJOSTRAND, CLARENCE S. STEIN, RAYMOND UNWIN, R. VERWILGHEN, Stadtrat ANTON WEBER, Stadtrat WUTZKY Executive Committee Comite Executif Arbeitsausschuft Dr. EINAR BoGK, Professor A. BRUGGEMAN, Dr. OTAKAR FIERLINGER, CH. G1ERLOFF, G. M. HARRIS, KAI HENDRIKSEN, Dr. D. HUDIG, Dr. R. HEILIGENTHAL, Dr. H. KAMPFFMEYER, A. KEPPLER, Dr. F. LILLJEKVIST, G. L. PEPLER, JOHN NOLEN, ADOLF OTTO, C. B. PURDOM, L. S. P. SCHEFFER, Dr. R. SCHMIDT, HENRI SELLIER, Dr. ERIK SJOSTRAND, CLARENCE S. STEIN, RAYMOND UNWIN, F. LOPEZ VALENCIA, R. VERWILGHEN, Senator VINCK Chairman of Council : President du Corse:! : Vorsitzender des Verbandsrates : ANTON WEBER Chairman of Executive Committee : President du Comite Execuiif : Vorsitzender des Arbeitsausschusses : HENRI SELLIER Deputy Chairman of Executive President Adjoint du Connie Committee : Executif : Stellvertretender Vorsitzender des ' Arbeitsausschusses : A. BRUGGEMAN Hon, Treasurer : Ehrenamtlicher Schatzmeister : Tresorier : R. UNWIN Hon. Secretary : Ehrenamtlicher Sekretar : Secretaire : C. B. PURDOM Organising Secretary : Organisationssekretar : Secretaire-Organisateur : H. CHAPMAN 6 Reception of the Delegates at Karlsruhe Garden Suburb. Over the booth was the following inscription in English, French and German: The future of mankind depends on international co-operation in works of peace. Vive la collaboration internationale dans les oeuvres de Paix. Es lebe die internationale Zusammenarbeit in Werken des Friedens. THE INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION FOR HOUSING AND TOWN PLANNING VIENNA CONGRESS, SEPTEMBER 1926. The Congress meetings were held in the Neuer Saal of the Neue Burgf except for the fifth session, which was held in the Mittlerer Konzerthaus- saal. About 1,000 delegates, representing government departments, muni­ cipalities and other public authorities, technical bodies and housing and town planning associations, were present from 34 countries. Official. I c“ presentatives were sent by 24 governments and the International Labour Office. An International Housing and Town Planning Exhibition was held in *he Kiinstlcrhaus. Plans, photographs, models and drawings were ex­ hibited from 18 countries, the arrangements being under the direction of Or. H. Kampffmeyer. The delegates were entertained by the Burgomaster, Herr Seitz, on the evening of the 14th at the town hall, when about 1,300 persons were present. On the afternoon of the next day the President of the Austrian Republic, Dr. Hainisch, attended by the members of the diplomatic corps, received the delegates at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. There were no­ speeches on either of these occasions. CHANGE OF NAME OF THE FEDERATION The Congress meetings were preceded by the business meetings of the Federation. At the Council meeting held on September 14th it was„ decided to change the name of the Federation from " International Federation for Town and Country Planning and Garden Cities" to 7 '* International Federation for Housing and
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