Public Board of Directors Meeting Seminar Room 6 and via Microsoft Teams 24 June 2020 09:30 - 24 June 2020 11:30 Overall Page 1 of 158 Overall Page 2 of 158 AGENDA # Description Owner Time 1 Board Corporate Objectives Information Board Corporate Objectives.pdf 7 2 PART A: Matters for Discussion/Decision 2.1 Apologies for Absence- Professor Chris Balch, Ch Non-Executive Director Note 2.2 Declaration of Interests Ch Note 2.3 Minutes of the Board Meeting held on the 27th May 2020 Ch and Outstanding Actions Approve 20.05.27 - Board of Directors Minutes Public.pdf 9 2.4 Report of the Chairman Ch Note 2.5 Report of the Chief Executive CE Receive and Note Report of the Chief Executive.pdf 29 2.6 Integrated Performance Report - Month 2 DTP Receive and Note Integrated Performance Report - Month 2.pdf 41 2.7 Covid-19 Infection Prevention and Control Public Health CN England BAF Receive and Note Covid-19 Infection Prevention and Control Public H... 103 Overall Page 3 of 158 # Description Owner Time 2.8 Volunteering and Covid-19 CN Receive and Note Volunteering and Covid 19.pdf 115 2.9 Children and Family Health Devon Update CN Receive and Note Children and Family Health Devon - Update.pdf 119 3 PART B: Matters for Approval/Noting Without Discussion 3.1 Reports from Board Committees 3.1.1 Finance, Performance and Digital Committee - 22nd May C Balch and 22nd June 2020 Receive and Note May20_FPD_Cttee_Report_to_Board.pdf 135 3.1.2 People Committee - 22nd June 2020 V Matthews Receive and Note 3.1.3 Charitable Funds Committee - 17th June 2020 J Lyttle Receive and Note 3.1.4 Quality Assurance Committee - 22nd May 2020 J Lyttle Receive and Note Quality Assurance Committee May 20 Chair's Repo... 137 3.2 Reports from Executive Directors 3.2.1 Safe Staffing and Nursing Work Programme Update CN Receive and Note Safe Staffing and Nursing Work Programme Updat... 139 3.2.2 Report of the Chief Operating Officer IDO Receive and Note Report of the Chief Operating Officer.pdf 155 4 Compliance Issues 5 Any Other Business Notified in Advance Ch Overall Page 4 of 158 # Description Owner Time 6 Date of Next Meeting - 9.30 am, Wednesday 29th July Ch 2020 7 Exclusion of the Public Ch Overall Page 5 of 158 INDEX Board Corporate Objectives.pdf.....................................................................................................7 20.05.27 - Board of Directors Minutes Public.pdf...........................................................................9 Report of the Chief Executive.pdf...................................................................................................29 Integrated Performance Report - Month 2.pdf................................................................................41 Covid-19 Infection Prevention and Control Public Health England BAF.pdf..................................103 Volunteering and Covid 19.pdf.......................................................................................................115 Children and Family Health Devon - Update.pdf............................................................................119 May20_FPD_Cttee_Report_to_Board.pdf......................................................................................135 Quality Assurance Committee May 20 Chair's Report.pdf............................................................137 Safe Staffing and Nursing Work Programme Update.pdf................................................................139 Report of the Chief Operating Officer.pdf.......................................................................................155 Overall Page 6 of 158 BOARD CORPORATE OBJECTIVES Corporate Objective: 1. Safe, quality care and best experience 2. Improved wellbeing through partnership 3. Valuing our workforce 4. Well led Corporate Risk / Theme 1. Available capital resources are insufficient to fund high risk / high priority infrastructure / equipment requirements / IT Infrastructure and IT systems. 2. Failure to achieve key performance / quality standards. 3. Inability to recruit / retain staff in sufficient number / quality to maintain service provision. 4. Lack of available Care Home / Domiciliary Care capacity of the right specification / quality. 5. Failure to achieve financial plan. 6. Care Quality Commission’s rating of ‘good’ and the ability to maintain sufficient progress to retain ‘good’ and achieve ‘outstanding’. Board Corporate Objectives.pdf Page 1 of 1 Overall Page 7 of 158 Overall Page 8 of 158 MINUTES OF THE TORBAY AND SOUTH DEVON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST PUBLIC BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING HELD IN THE ANNA DART LECTURE THEATRE, HORIZON CENTRE, TORBAY HOSPITAL AND VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS ON WEDNESDAY 27TH MAY 2020 PUBLIC Present: Sir Richard Ibbotson Chairman * Professor C Balch Non-Executive Director * Mrs J Lyttle Non-Executive Director * Mrs V Matthews Non-Executive Director * Mr R Sutton Non-Executive Director * Mr P Richards Non-Executive Director * Mrs S Taylor Non-Executive Director * Mr J Welch Non-Executive Director Mrs L Davenport Chief Executive * Mrs L Darke Director of Estates and Commercial Development * Dr R Dyer Executive Medical Director * Mrs J Falcao Director of Workforce and Organisational Development (part) * Ms A Jones Director of Transformation and Partnerships * Mr D Stacey Chief Finance Officer * Mrs J Viner Chief Nurse In attendance: * Mrs S Burns Freedom to Speak Up Guardian (for item 95/05/20) * Mrs J Carroll Interim Director of Operations * Mr I Currie Acting Medical Director (part) * Mrs J Downes Company Secretary * Mrs S Fox PA to Chief Executive * Mrs J Gratton Head of Communications * Ms T Hipkin-Wale Care Quality Commission * Mrs J Stockman Torbay Council Representative * via video-conference ACTION 84/05/20 Board Corporate Objectives The Board noted the Corporate Objectives. Page 1 of 19 Public 20.05.27 - Board of Directors Minutes Public.pdf Page 1 of 19 Overall Page 9 of 158 PART A: Matters for Discussion/Decision 85/05/20 Apologies for Absence Apologies were received from Mr J Harrison, Chief Operating Officer. 86/05/20 Declaration of Interests There were no declarations of interest. 87/05/20 Minutes of the Board Meeting held on the 29th April 2020 and Outstanding Actions The minutes of the meeting held on the 29th April 2020 were confirmed as an accurate record. 88/05/20 Report of the Chairman The Chairman briefed the Board as follows: • Communication with the Trust’s Governors has continued, despite Covid-19, with weekly updates being published and some Governor meetings being held virtually. Work was taking place to ascertain how the next Council of Governors meeting could be held as a virtual meeting. • System meetings with Chairs and Council Leaders continued to be held with Chief Executives invited to join some meetings. These meetings, having been focused on Covid-19 issues, were now turning attention to recovery. • Torbay Council has approved a planning application for a mental health ward to be built on the acute hospital site. The development was being progressed by Devon Partnership Trust and would provide facilities for the local population. The Chairman wished to place on record his thanks to Torbay Council for their support of the new ward. 89/05/20 Report of the Chief Executive The Chief Executive briefed the Board as follows: • The Trust had received the draft CQC report for factual accuracy checking, following their recent inspection. Due to Covid-19 the CQC have given the Trust longer than normal to undertake the review of the report. The Board noted that the Trust’s Senior Leadership Teams were undertaking the factual accuracy checking of the report and were also starting to populate the improvement plan. The Chief Executive reminded the Board that due to Covid-19, the CQC had not been able to undertake a full inspection and that this would be reflected in the overall outcome. She said it was disappointing, as the inspection had not been able to review the Trust’s total offer as an Integrated Care Organisation, however the reasons for this were fully understood. Page 2 of 19 Public 20.05.27 - Board of Directors Minutes Public.pdf Page 2 of 19 Overall Page 10 of 158 The Chief Executive wished to place on record her thanks to the Chief Nurse and her team for their support and leadership during the review. • The Chief Executive also wished to place on record her thanks to the Trust’s partners in the healthcare sector who have been working collaboratively with the Trust during the Covid-19 outbreak to support the population served by the Trust. • As the Trust moved to Phase 2 and the start of the recovery plan, work was taking place to ascertain how services could be safely stood back up. This work would need to take account of the need to provide Covid and non-Covid pathways and to provide services in ways other than traditional face to face consultations. This work was taking place on a Devon-wide basis to ensure capacity was optimised across the system. • The Chief Executive wished to highlight the work that had taken place through the Workforce Cell to support the Trust’s response to the outbreak in supporting staff to redeploy to different roles; health and wellbeing, and innovative ways of working. The Board noted that there has been a lot of positive feedback from staff about the support they have received from the Hub. Mrs Matthews echoed the Chief Executive’s statement and added that a lot of the work that had taken place to manage the workforce during the outbreak could be applied when the Trust moved back to ‘business as usual’. • A significant amount
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