Two local kids Happy Easter win Pistons Look for this icon online, it means the there Join our weekly See hometownlife starting is an audio slideshow featuring photos and contest for free on Page CI for a story on Tiger tickets LOCAL NEWS-A6 recorded audio of a local event Easter traditions ssiaK[«J^"J2Mi*~^s.M>&-affitss»edii5iK^i&£^^ Easter Lilies '••;:•• .v -';•; 'x:."l •"^V-V'-^fe'-fc-SpOfe.-. )?spaper classified sect? ^ available at the Reference Desk 75 cents WINNERS OF OVER 100 STATE AND NATIONAL AWARDS SINCE 2001 www.hometownlife.com storm major BV DARRELL CLEM ' STAFF WRITER BY DAVE VARGA Despite worsening economic STAFF WRITER . , problems; Westiand Mayor William Wild has proposed a Livonia police nabbed four men and three women balanced budget that maintains a this week in a major home invasion ring that operat­ $2 million surplus, avoids layoffs ed across at least a half-dozen western Wayne County and protects city services. towns. "We're still holding our own," Police-say the crew was responsible for 20-30 he said. "I feel like we're still in house break-ins m Canton, Westiand, Redford, good shape — better shape than Garden City, Dearborn Heights and Livonia. They some surrounding communities." mainly stole jewelry and other valuables such as cell Cost-cutting measures and an phones, cameras, computer equipment and guns. increase in investment revenues On Friday, four of the suspects were facing possible have helped offset rising expens­ weekend arraignments in Westiand, police Sgt. Thad es for fuel, utilities, employee Nelson confirmed. health care and repairs to aging One or more suspects have been linked to seven city buildings. Even so, city offi­ home invasions from January to early April in cials expect deepening losses in Westiand, including five in the Merriman-Ann Arbor state-shared dollars, road funds, PHOTOS BY TOM HAWLEY STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Trail area and two in the city's south end, Nelson said. cable franchise fees and new Westiand Mayor Wiitiam Wild (left) and Finance Director Steven Smith discuss the city's proposed budget, which is balanced Those on the south side occurred in an area bound­ building revenues. despite economic problems. :- ed by Wildwood, Wayne, Palmer and Avondale, he "Michigan's worsening econo­ said. my has made balancing the trim revenues they shar;e.\yith; meaning that police, fire and Their method of operation was viewed firsthand in budget a very challenging local communities.-During tjie . other services would be main-. Livonia Wednesday at a home on Harrison Street "" ordeal," city Finance.Director last six years, thfit has xneant 's* tamed. near Joy thanks to a Livonia police surveillance Steven Smith wrote in a two- about $8 million less than what - Although some businesses team, according to Livonia Sgt. Cory Williams. page budget summary to Wild. was once projected for Westiand. have closed their doors, new Those officers had followed the crew for two days Wild, Smith and Deputy During the budget year that companies, also have located in after tracking them down due in large part to a Mayor Courtney Brown respond­ starts July 1, city officials are Westiand. Brown viewed that as woman who described a man with a crew cut and a ed Wednesday to questions about bracing for potential further cuts an indication that the city is the proposed $60.8 million gen­ in state-shared revenue, possibly weathering the economic storm PLEASE SEE ARRESTS, A4 eral fund budget during a meet­ as much as $275,000. as much as possible. ing, requested by the Observer, in "We could absorb it," Wild said, - Water-sewer rates would the mayor's office. but the $2 million surplus would inch up just 2.7 percent, com­ / Wild has submitted his budget suffer. pared to substantially larger proposal to the seven-member Despite a bleak economy, the increases in some communities. Westiand City Council, which new spending plan isn't all gloom A typical household that uses" will start a series of public dis­ and doom for residents, who 22,000 gallons every two months cussions at 5:30 p.m. Monday at themselves are struggling to sur­ would see costs increase $20 a City Hall. The first round of talks vive amid job losses, increasing year, Smith said. Water-sewer will include a budget overview expenses and rising foreclosures. rate hikes would reflect only and then focus on 18th District Consider why: those increases passed to the city Court and three city departments © Wild has proposed reducing from Detroit and Wayne County. — fire, police and public service. the garbage-disposal and drain-, - Dorsey Street, between The council will consider any project taxes, saving the owner of • Venoy and Merriman in the changes before voting on a a $100,000 home about $15 a mostly low-income Norwayne £*. spending plan in early June. year unless the council decides neighborhood, would benefit Westiand Deputy Mayor Courtney Brown Michigan's woeful economy against it. says the city continues to draw new Bill SRESLER ! STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER has prodded Lansing officials to - Layoffs would be avoided, PLEASE SEE BUDGET, A4 businesses, despite a gloomy economy. Jewelry and cell phones were among the recovered items. Library week promises activities, fun for a With the search for a new direc­ library at (734) 326-6123 or visit its Library employees welcome tor over, the Westiand public Web site at patrons for a game of Pictibnary or library is gearing up for some www.westland.lib. mi.us. some chocolate chip cookies, and National Library Week activities On Sunday, April 15, the library patrons are urged to bring their Luke and that employees promise will offer will kick off a week of special pro­ friends and family. Katheryn, 2, fun for visitors of all ages. grams with a visit from characters On the afternoon of Wednesday, pull along their "We're really excited," said from the Rainforest Cafe. April 18, children are invited to an mother Theresa Marilyn Kwik, head of Patrons are welcome to spend a interactive story time and puzzle Tumavitch to reference/adult services and acting lazy Sunday afternoon with Matt craft program. gather the co-director, until new Director Watroba from the Detroit public Then, National Library Week will mars lima! lows Cheryl Napsha takes over May 1. radio program Folks Like Us as he come to a close with Family Movie ' that were Library employees hope that new performs an all-ages show of folk Night on Saturday, April 21, with a dropped Friday and longtime patrons, alike, will music and singing, illustrating this showing of the film Eragon, adapt­ at the 23rd buy into this year's theme, Come year's theme of Come Together at ed from the hit young adult novel. annual Wayne Together at Your Library. Your Library. In addition to the many pro­ County National Library Week will be On the evening of Monday, April grams at the library, there will be a Marshmallow April 15-21. 16; library employees say it's time to continuous stream of raffles, activi­ Dropat Nankin "We're really promoting all these step up the pace a notch and learn ties and contests, providing ample , Mills Park off programs to people of all ages.... some' smooth moves in salsa or hip- opportunity to win some great Hines Drive in We're always interested in bringing hop classes taught by dance prizes. Westiand. for more people into the library,'' Kwik instructor and freelance choreogra­ The activities were planned by a more on the said. pher Lisa Davis-English. committee that included Kwik, event, please For more information and specif­ On the evening of Tuesday, April Amber Browne, Bernadette see page A3. TOM HAWLEY STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER ic dates and times about the follow­ 17, coffee and food will be available Dewyer, Mary Beth Fixler, Anne ing programs, call the Westiand at Coffee House & Game Night. Prokopchak and Bridget Sturdgy. '..•% © The Observer Coming Thursday & Eccentric INDEX in Filter For Home Newspapers APARTMENTS E2 Delivery call: AUTOMOTIVE E5 (866) 887-2737 Volume 42 HOMETOWNLIFE C1 Classy glass Number 91 [313] 538-1500 CROSSWORD E4 Celel CLASSIFIEDS D1-F4 Michigan C bruceeampbelldodge.com JOBS D2 Month ttiis i NEW HOMES El by atten OBITUARIES C4 one of the ii PERSPECTIVES A7 ev REAL ESTATE D4 schedule SERVICE GUIDE E3 are; SPORTS 81 ceMe A2 (W) Observer S Eccentric | Sunday, April 8,2007 LOCAL NEWS www.hometowniffe.com One of the hot topics these days is the use of alternative fuels, especially in the automo­ *-*\ \ tive industry. Alternative fuels, as defined by the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct), include ethanol, natural gas, propane, hydrogen, biodiesel, electricity, methanol, and p-series fuels. Using these alternative fuels > . in vehicles can generally reduce If electric and hybrid cars are harmful pollutants and exhaust of interest to you, check these %-* emissions. In addition, most of out: Who Killed the Electric Car? these fuels can be domestically (DVD); Curtis D.Anderson's produced and derived from Electric and Hybrid Cars: A renewable sources. History; Joe Sherman's Charging I In his 2007 State of the Union Ahead and Daniel Sperling's Address, President George W. Future Drive: Electric Vehicles Bush championed energy alter­ and Sustainable Transportation. •J natives. Among his emphases Two Web sites to check out was the potential of biomass - for specific information on plant materials - to fulfill a alternative fuels and the gov­ greater share of our nation's ernment's energy initiatives are transportation fuel needs. www.eere.energy.gov/afdc/alt- One of Bush's latest initia­ fuel/altfuels.html and tives is his 20-m-lO plan, which www.nrel.gov/.
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