PERSUASIVE STRATEGIES USED IN CAR INDUSTRIES’ ADVERTISEMENT THESIS By: KAMILIATUN NAJIBAH 13320173 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LITERATURE FACULTY OF HUMANITIES UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI MAULANA MALIK IBRAHIM MALANG 2018 PERSUASIVE STRATEGIES USED IN CAR INDUSTRIES ADVERTISEMENT THESIS Presented to: Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra (S.S.) By: Kamiliatun Najibah 13320173 Advisor: Deny Efita Nur Rakhmawati, M. Pd. NIP 198505302009122006 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LITERATURE FACULTY OF HUMANITIES UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI MAULANA MALIK IBRAHIM MALANG 2018 i STATEMENT OF ACADEMIC INTEGRITY I Kamiliatun Najibah state that the thesis entitled “Persuasive Strategies Used in Car Industries’ Advertisement” does not include any works which have been previously submitted at any institutions of higher education, and to the best of my knowledge. This thesis does not include any works or opinion that have been previously written or published by any authors, except for those which are referenced in the text and listed in the bibliography. Due to this fact, I am the only person who is responsible for my thesis. Malang, 15 February 2018 Kamiliatun Najibah NIM. 133201773 ii APPROVAL SHEET This is to certify that Kamiliatun Najibah’s thesis entitled “Persuasive Strategies Used in Car Industries’ Advertisement” has been approved by the thesis advisor for further approval by the Board of Examiners as one of requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra (S.S) in Department of English Literature. Approved by Acknowledged by The Advisor, Head of Department of English Literature, Rina Sari, M.Pd Deny Efita Nur Rakhmawati, M.Pd NIP 197506102006042002 NIP 198505302009122006 iii LEGITIMATION SHEET This is to certify that Kamiliatun Najibah’s thesis entitled “Persuasive Strategies Used in Car Industries’ Advertisement” has been approved by the Board of Examiners as the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Sastra (S.S) in Department of English Literature. The Board of Examiners Signatures 1. Nur Latifah, M.A NIP: 19770625 20180201 2 178 2. Agus Eko Cahyono, M.Pd NIP: 19820811 201101 1 008 3. Deny Efita Nur Rakhmawati, M.Pd NIP: 19850530 200912 2 006 iv MOTTO Everything will come in the right time v DEDICATION I dedicate this thesis to my beloved parent Drs.Moch Maksum and Djamila Ningsih, S.E, also my young sisters Noor Avivah, Rufaida and Robiatul Adawiyah, and my friends who always support me endlessly. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS All praises are to Allah who always blesses me in everything I do, so I can finish this thesis under the title “Persuasive Strategies Used in Car Industries’ Advertisement” as the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Sastra (S.S) in English Letters Department. Peace and salutation to Prophet Muhammad SAW who has guide us from the barbarian to the modern civilization. This thesis will not complete without some contributions, motivation and support from many people. Firstly, from my deepest heart I thank to my parents Moch Maksum and Djamila Ningsih,S.E also my younger sisters Noor Avivah, Rufaidah, Rubiatul Adawiyah who always give me motivation and support to finish this study. Secondly, I thank to Mrs Deny Efita Nur Rakhmawati, M.Pd who always gives the contribution, motivation, advices, support, also suggestion during finishing this thesis. I really want to say sorry for the mistakes that I made during finishing this thesis too. And I pray for her bright future. Thirdly, I am not remember to forget who always hold and help me to finish this thesis, I thank to my beloved friends who always support, advice, remind me Amy Fayla Sufa, Nuzzulul Rohmania, Muthiah, Wahyu Hidayati, Zulvy Alivia, and others Permada’s group that I cannot mention one by one. Fourthly, for the most patient person and my partner of life Wahyudi Hidayat, S.E who always helps, waits, and brings me to the right way during finishing this study. May Allah give the best for you and your family and for us. vii The last, the researcher realizes that this thesis is far from perfect. However, the researcher has a big expectation that this thesis will useful for the next researcher who interest in this field study. Advices and suggestions from the readers are welcome to improve this thesis. Malang, 15 February 2017 Kamiliatun Najibah NIM.13320173 viii ABSTRACT Najibah,Kamiliatun,2018. Persuasive strategies used in Car Industries’ advertisement. Thesis. English Letters Department. Faculty of Humanities. UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Advisor: Deny Efita Nur Rakhmawati, M. Pd. Keywords: persuasive strategy, advertisement, car industry. This study investigates persuasive strategy used in car industries’ advertisement. The researcher focuses on the kind of persuasive strategy in headline advertisement. This research provides six brands of car from three different country and represent three biggest continent. Those are Mitsubishi and Honda from Japan represent Asia, Ford and Tesla from United States represent America, and the last Lamborghini and Ferrari from Italy represent Europe. By the different country, the researcher found different strategy that they used for promoting and persuading the reader to buy their product. This research is descriptive qualitative research that uses discourse analysis approach. The data of this research are taken from the official website of Mitsubishi, Honda, Ford, Tesla, Lamborghini and also Ferari, and analyze the headline advertisement in car industries’ advertisement which is contain the persuasive strategy. The researcher uses Gorys Keraf theory to analyze the data collection that has seven strategies to discover persuasive strategy, they are rationalization, identification, hypnotic, conformity, conpensation, projection, and displacement, also provide the comment review to strengthen the data result. The researcher found there are three strategies that is use in the whole data, those are rationalization, identification, and compensation. the most dominant used is identification strategy, there are four brands that use this strategy to get reader’s attention they are Mitsubishi, Honda, Lamborghini, and Ferrari. The second is compensation, Ford and Tesla use this strategy to convince the readers. The last is rationalization, Mitsubishi and Ford use this strategy to persuade the readers. In the comment review also found the same three strategies Identification, compensation, and rationalization. For Mitsubishi and Honda their commentators use identification that shows their developing technology, Mitsibishi also use rationalization that tells the low price of Mitsubishi Miraga. On the other hand,Tesla and Ford commentators use compensation which is choose to use superlative degree words that seems no other brands above it. Lamborghini and Ferrari use identification in their comments, mostly explain about the performance and speed. Finally, the researcher hopes that this research will give contribution in linguistic study especially in persuasion field, also for the next researcher who interested to persuasive strategy. ix مستخلص البحث كامليتون جنيبة، 2018، اسرتاتيجية مقنعة املستخدم ىف صناعة السيارات اﻹعﻻن. حبث العلمي قسم اﻷدب اﻹجنليزي، كلية العلوم اﻹنسانية، جبامعة موﻻن مالك إبراهيم اﻹسﻻمية احلكومية مالنج.املشرف على أفيتا نور رمخاوايت، املاجس تري. الكلمات الرئيس ية :اسرتاتيجيات مقنعه ، اﻹعﻻ ن ، صناعه السيارا ت وح ققت الدراسة ف اسرتاتيجي ة مقنع ه تستخد م ف اﻹعﻻن عن صناعه السيار ات .وير كز الباحثون علي نوع اﻻسرتاتيجية املقنعة ف اﻹعﻻانت الرئيسي ة .وقدمت الدراسة سته ماركات للسيار ات من ثﻻثه بلدان خمتلف ه ومثلت أكب ثﻻث قار ات . فهي ميتسوبي شي وهوندا من اليا ابن مت ثل اسيا ، فور د وتسﻻ من الوﻻ ايت املتحدة مت ثل أمريكا ، و اخر ﻻمبورغ ين وفريار ي من إيطال يا متثل أورواب .و بسبب البلدان املختلف ة ، وجد الباحثو ن اسرتاتيجي ات .خمتلفه استخدمواها للرتويج للقراء وإقناعهم بشراء منتجاهت م هذا الب حث هو ال بحث الو صفي النو عي الذي يستخد م هنج حتل يل اخلطاب .و قد أخذ ت البيا انت من ال بحث من املواقع الرمسي ة من ميتسوبيشي ، هوندا ، فور د ، ت سﻻ ، ﻻمبورغين وأيضا فريار ي ، وحتليل اﻹعﻻ انت Gorys الرئيسي ة ف صناع ه السيارات اﻹعﻻان ت ال ت حتتو ي علي اسرتاتيجية مقنعه .يستخد م الباحثو ن نظرية لحتليل مجع البيا انت الت لديها سبع اسرتاتيج يات للعثور علي اسرتاتيج يات مقنع ه ، والرتشيد ، وحتدي د Keraf اهلوي ة ، واملنوم ة ، واملطابق ة ، والتعوي ض ، واﻹسقا ط ، والنزو ح ، وكذ لك ت قدي تعلي قات املر اجع ة لتعزي ز نتا ئج .البيا انت وجد الباحثو ن ان هناك ثﻻث اسرتاتيج يات املستخدمة ف مجيع البياانت ، فهي ا لرتشيد ، وحتديد اهلوي ة والتعوي ض .اﻷكثر هيمنة هو حتديد اﻻسرتاتيجي ة ، وهناك أربع ه العﻻمات التجارية الت تستخدم هذه اﻻسرتاتيجي ة ، للحصول علي اهتمام قرائهم هي ميتسوبيشي ، هوندا ، ﻻمبورغين ، وفرياري .والثاين هو التعويض ، فورد وتس ﻻ استخدام ه ذه اﻻسرتاتيجية ﻹقناع القر اء .وهذا اﻷخري هو الرتشيد ، واستخدمت ميتسوبي شي وفور د ه ذه اﻻسرتاتيجية ﻹقنا ع القراء .وف تعليقات اﻻستعراض جتد أيضا ثﻻث اسرتاتيجيات لتحديد اهلوية والتعويض والرت شيد علي قد م املساو اة .النسب ة لشركه ميتسوبي شي وشركه هون دا ، استخد م املعلقو ن فيها الت عر يف الذي ا ثبت تكنولوجي ا التطوير اخلاص ة هبم ، كما استخدمت ميتسوبيشي الرتشيد الذي قال اخنفاض سعر ميتسوبيشي مريا ج .من انحي ة أخرى ، فان املع لقي تسﻻ وور د استخدا م التعو يض الذي خيتار استخدام كلمه العنو ان الفائق ة الت ﻻ يبدو ان ه ناك .عﻻم ة جتاريه أخرى علي ذ لك .ﻻمبورغين وفرياري استخدام التعريف ف تعليقاهتم ، ومعظمها يفسر اﻷداء والسرع ة ، وأخريا ، اي مل الباحثون ان تسهم هذه الدراس ة ف الدر اسات اللغوي ة ف املقا م اﻷو ل ف اﻹقناع امليداين .فض ﻻ عن الباحثي ال ﻻحقي املهتمي ابﻻسرتاتيج يات املقنع ة x ABSTRAK Najibah, Kamiliatun, 2018. Strategi persuasif yang digunakan dalam iklan Industri Mobil. Skripsi. Sastra Inggris. Fakultas humaniora. UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Pembimbing: Deny Efita Nur rakhmawati, M.Pd. Kata kunci: persuasif strategi, iklan, industri mobil. Studi ini menyelidiki strategi persuasif yang digunakan dalam iklan industri mobil. Peneliti berfokus pada jenis strategi persuasif dalam iklan judul.
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